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Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Oct 1954, p. 6

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fe PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1th, 1084 Seagrave 3. Dowson. and 'Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Fairbrother and son Wayne of Whitby were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Keen of To- ronto were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Keen. Mrs. C.. Billingham spent Sun- day "visiting friends in West Hill Miss Carrie Gamble of Toronto Stone. daughters of Manchester visited on Sunday with: Mr, and Mrs. Milton A number of Seagrave ladies at- tended a meeting of the Sonya La- dies Aid at the home of Mrs. J. S. MacFarlane on Friday evening, Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. Gorrill on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wallace and family of Port Perry and Mr. and Mrs. N. McAvoy and family of Layton. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Miller and visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Tobin, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm MacMillan of Lindsay are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R.. Reynolds. On Sunday afternoon 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. MacMillan called on' Mrs, Wm. Thornbury at Cambray. Don't forget the turkey supper Wednesday evening, Nov. 8, 'in Seagrave Church. Note. it.is Nov, 8, instead of Nov. 2 as reported last week, : M¢, and Mrs. G. Fishley enter- tained their family on Sunday, in .. £ Ea 'Blackstock ~ W. A, of the United Church had an interesting méeting at the home of Mrs, Gordon Strong on Tuesday. The President Mrs, Hector Short- ridge presided. Devotional -was given by Mrs..C; Hill. ; The twenty- two ladies present handed in: their talent money and, told, how they made -it. Mrs. Ernest S8wain's group had charge of .the. program and lunch, Mrs. Harold McLaughlin read "It isn't the church it's you", - 'Mr .and Mrs. M. Luke and Paul, of Hamilton, visited! Mrs. C. Luke at week-end. ° : Mr. Mel. Heayn has the founda- tion well under way for his new house, on the former Cruse lot. The Misses Holman visited Mr. and Mrs. Timlick;' Toronto, at the week-end. : J > Mrs. Fletcher, Sr., has returned to Toronto. ; : Mrs. Allen Bonnell and family have returned from. visiting re- latives in Guelph.. : ak Donald of New Toronto spent Tues. with Mr. and Mrs. J. Forster. Mr, and Mrs, J. Forster. and fa- mily attended Markham "Fair on Saturday. 3 Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Shier, Ann, Jean and - Charles, also Mrs. C. spent a few days last week with her brother-in-law Mr. Jas. Ewen. Rev. and Mrs. E. MacNeil and Mrs. Dowson attended a Mission Band Rally at Oakwood on Satur- day afternoon. . Rev. T. Wallace of Greenbank honour of Mr, and Mrs. Ray Rahm, on their 1st Wedding Anniversary. Those present were. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Phyllis Strong and Mrs. H. McLaughlin sang . "Oh Blessed : Thought" and Mrs. Swain conduct-} : Neil MacMillan, Douglas, Gordon |ed a limeric contest, which was very Manchester and Marilyn, Mr, and Mrs, Walter | amusing. The W. A, have bulbs i : Fishley and Donald of Brooklin,{ for sale again this fall at.the home Very successful services. were held here on Sunday, with a good JY Mr. Cecil Fishley, Mi Fish- | of the President, : oh visited on Saturday at the home of | Shier, of Cambray were Sunday ind Geel Fishley, Miss lve, Lig 0 0 § Presldent attendance. Rev, Mr, Seymour of id : . Mr. and Mrs. F. Grose and called | guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Butt. | = = ! ny ed. evening the very near|gpnniskillen gave excellent. ser- 1 ! on some Seagrave friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hadley and| ar. .04 Mrs. Cliff Short visited neighbors surpised. Revi and Mrs. | ong and the music by Port Per gool A A ars oy Mr. and Mrs; Hugh Strong and Gail of Port Perry were Sunday LT Tro v2 POPOPOPW! £20 8 20 1 > i Casimir Street HOOEY PAINT and BODY SHOP : COMPLETE SPRAY PAINTING MOTOR REPAIRING SYMONIZING i EE i A EE LS LB LUSH SSS Port Perry | RE a ta a tT ta RL a Rta ta a i a te > & : i i i ¢ 8 i : WATCH FOR THE OPENING OF ~ John's Shoe Repair Shop LOCATED TWO DOORS EAST OF THE ARENA Shop will be open on or about the 15th of October, "All work Guaranteed at Reasonable: Prices. on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Bryce Ma-Gillvray at Sunderland. The W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. N. Jacobs on the evening of September 29, with twenty-one la- dies present. The president Mrs. A. Bruce in the chair." Meeting o- # | pened with hymn, followed by pray- er by Mrs, Eagleson. Mrs. Dowson read the Scripture, : Mrs. Clements introduced the Study Book for the coming year "The Church' in India". She gave a splendid talk on the Geography and Historical background of the country as well as figures on the population, area, caste system, etc. All joined in singing "Take Time tobe Holy". Mrs. MacNeil gave a talk on their church and work in Panama, where they spent 6 years of very successful ministry. meetings; thirteen members ans- wered the roll, The Rally at Minden on Nov. 1 was discussed and nine members hoped to be able to attend. A short message from Miss Willows was read. Sewing was turned in and Mrs. Osborne donated - another quilt top. One quilt had been done during the month and another part- ly ready. Mrs. Butt was asked to act as Supply Secretary. Mrs. Clements offered her home for the next meeting. Mrs. Eagle- son to prepare Study Book, & Mrs. ' es PORT PERRY STAR of one 375 Colonial Bus Line DeNure Bus Line #|Mr. Gus Ryder. Hutton on the eve of :itheir:crystal wedding. Spent a most enjoyable time and presented them with some crystal to match what they have. Rev. and Mrs, C. W. Hutton spent Thursday in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rahm, Tyrone spent Saturday with /Mri:dnd-Mrs. Stan Rahm and family. Sunday visitors with.» Mr.oand Mrs. Perc Collins 'were !Mr..& Mrs. Wallie Collins and Larry, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. G. Collins,2Scugog.! With Mr. and Mrs, Mervyn Gra- ham were with Mr. & Mrs. D. Par- geter, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs, Ray McGill with Mr.-and 'Mrs. L. Staples, Tillford; Mr.:Roy Fergus- on, Bill, Sandra and Donnie Wright with Mrs. T. Hyland and Mr, Or- ma Hyland, Cadmus. Miss Bert Freelin with friends in Toronto. end at her home in Peterboro and | attended a wedding. : Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill, Mr. & Mrs. L. Samells: and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mountjoy attended Bob- caygeon Fair on Saturday. Mr. Carl. Wright has: sold 'his farm to Mr. John Carnaghan, West. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharpe of Enniskillen visited 'Mr. and Mra. Leith Byers on Sunday. = "Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mountjoy visited Mr. and Mrs. Granger, Pet- & in Myrtle church on Saturday. Mr. Ken Ryder of Oakville: visit- kled at the home of his sister Mrs. 2| F. Fletcher one day last week. The 3¢| name 'Ryder has been in the news % much lately, and Mrs. Fletcher has #| the honor of having for her uncle, Mrs. Raymer has been visiting : relatives in Stouffville, Junior choir and Enniskillen Male Quartette was outstanding. Mr .and Mrs: C. Midgley and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Donnelly: attended the! Selby-McCartney wedding at Northminster Chureh; Oshawa, on Saturday. 'Mr. Roy Harris«of -Edmonton, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Crosieryiof Sea- grave visited Mr .andiMrs. -W. F, Crosier on Friday evening. -- . With regret we learned of 'the assing of 'Mrs. Laidlaw, wife of the late Rev. Thos. Laidlaw, at Oshawa, last week. 'Sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones. "Mr. Milbert Howsam,'of Ottawa, visited his brother : Mr. «Walter Howsam and family dast week. Mrs. W. S. Taylor :and' little Brent Mustard of Stouffville, visit- ed her parents Mr. and Mrs. W.' F. Crosier last week. po RNNNNG Ne, p ; : : iis alo ho region: iiaubed both Of | Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Franks and | Mrs. A. Hewitt and My' E- Cow- The world'é finest cheddar : ; a "me 4 2eisp 4 y Sandra, Cobourg and. Glen Van|an, of Carnarvon, were with their ; tu : ANN N EMENT %| tive talks. Phas ee va loiter Mrs. A: Roach and fami] cheese is'made right here in #| Miss Matthews the secretaty Gan, Humilton. at. Harry Van ps DO » Doneltung aml Canada. And, our Canadian +" | <7 +1 Ee : or amp's. - 8 . Pole . s Lan { - 2 vead the minutes pf Hindast wn Miss Jane Barrie spent the week-| Mr. and Mrs Grant Innes and cheese is.one of the 'best daughters have 'movedinto 'their new home on Highway: 712, .. ¢ Mr. 'and Mrs. Theo. Stevens visit on Sunday with 'his father who is ill in Hospital n' Toronto. ° Prospect - The "Woman's 'Association will meet on» Wednesday, October 18th at 2:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Bruce! Holtby. Please bring your 'birthday=and-centa:day money to bargom: tasty vholesome and cheapesp-sources-of- godd food value. It's an excellent source of protein, which everybody needs for building' and repairing. healthy: tissues, Enjoy the many-vatieties of Canadianvcheese! 7 New cheese recipes! Write to Marie Fraser, Dairy Foods Service! Bureau, A division of Dalry Farmers of Canada en DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU . EYEE Authoriced bomier of. Gove: Colo vidos soatrol) pr WH Coca UXBRIDGE i aa hae] eh ue < ¥ % ATRIA Te A ET RE TR SRS 15! MacNeil and Mrs. Billingh to erboro. this meeting. Guests are cordial-" vy | arenes the rest of the program. |. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Van Camp yy invited to attend. 409 HURON STREET, TORONTO Meeting closed with Hymn and |2nd Aileen spent the week-end at | 3 Ng . #1! Benediction. A lunch was served | Listowel, guests of his bro. the Nor- + 2 2 3 by the-hostess. ton Van Camp family. IR = : %| "Mr. and Mrs. O: J. Boe visited | Congratulations to Mr. and Mra. FOR YOUR F ALL Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boe in Hunts- | Bowman who were fifty-seven yrs. iy : 2! ville on 'Sunday. Fig : married on Wednesday. . 7 #]- Special Thank Offering Services| . ; : A and Winter War drobe g | will be held next Sunday. at 11 a.m. : : or H hitman fo 4 8 and 7.30 pm. Rev. F. Little, B.A, . Alb ie : : ; £| of Cambray will be the preacher P rince ! ert ; See our lovely display of the new g|at 11 am: with the Junior farmer's| oo Lo Agsociation met at styles -- DRESSES and SUITS for & Male Taine Sop the parsonage on the evening of for all Seasons #| of Port Perry will be the ' guest Sepiempes SEN, Thane 3 rs # | preacher and Miss Marilyn Scott Spy han han Se tordance "of Indies x : %| and Mr. Harold Jenkins of Oak- Ei YR SPECIAL SERVICE TO | wood will provide special music. | 2 ¥ety profits, and enoy OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS . . The president, Mrs. Beacock pre- : ; . ba Hushands! Wives! sided. Following opening hymn, ; ; . JY ® | Mrs. G. Hunter offered prayer. ARDLEY FROCKS Want new Pep and Vim?- Bible reading was taken by Mrs. | : Thousands of couples are weak, worn-out, ex- 'Pugh and- Lesson Thoughts by , hausted solely because body lacks fren. FTE | Mrs, A. Brown. . Sl Tron sou, ta ny need for pep; supplemen- In the Treasurer's (Mrs. Wm. J. 2 a ------------n | lar doe nly 06. AY al druggists. © | Martin) reported it was: gratify- nu : ; ing to learn $108 was cleared at S LUE - ; the booth Fair Day. RD LEER Le ERE 83208380202350802083%8 a E3382 8303 23202323832 8383882 A motion carried that the com- ; : "ie BLE ~~ &| mittee buy more carpet for the . : J \ 2 | front of the church. ' - : 2 $| A motion carried that the chair : #|be replaced that was stolen on 5 Lin ) 5 Fair Day, | No doubt about it, sparkling ice-cold Coca-Cola 5 Sih. ; ) = : It was decided to arrange for a pat : : - --~ TRS 2 PIESESTIIIIiees 3829820202 258 ee I A A A ; i booth for another year. A helps set the pace for good times. : : g| There was a discussion regard- No othen soft drink has ever won the approval . 2 | ing the antique and hohby, show: -- : : "UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ALL [MEFs "oreo : > s¥| November if library 'is available. | iu : : ; = - 8] It was moved by Mrs. G. Hunter 'to "Have a Coke" is a byword : : £ | seconded by Mrs. B. Smith that the 5 : : _ B|kitehen committee measure tables : for those who want to. serve : \ gtiand send for material for four delicious, wholesome: refreshment, 3 : ) b4 8 | table cloths. al 2) : ; ; : ~ : ! 'Bl For program Mrs. B. Snelgrove of] ; ) = 5 ; | Group 4; showed lovely moving ! 1 : ; if ! A A il | pictures taken on 'their' holiday | 5 . 9 4k 5 trip. A : i ' x : ; #| Group 8 then served lunch, ' : st a iq i 8] There was a very good turnout : \ SCHEDULES and FARES Will Be f.isama #18 carton gf : a - an '8 day. SO _lacloding Federal Taxes 5 in de gal : : #| On a separate table was a lovely | i 1 Plgs deposit 26 por bottle - : . Handled From The Office Of The Jj: bie tie ¥en) \ | a 4 - Blory of the late Mrs. F. Vickery, J ) ee Hed ~ obi r Do AA) e e .88| placed there by husband and fam- 7 ry 7A ) p/ H R x: N H ily. <= 3 v V4 7 " / { %| Mr. and Mra. A. 'Bonnell were jor ( ( { V4 V4 J) fA 2 #| guests at the James-Cook wedding { - -. L/W

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