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Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Oct 1954, p. 7

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cop ~ Facing competition as well as breasting advance of the race. fore JI way. along. An da heavens, with hours in icy water. bellevanf parse: That, was from either, a. 4-minute They were already famous. before. 'been heard of. pro tu, backed we imagine daly Swim That's what, in Real Drama In Marilyn's Swin by Elmer Ferguson when Adee Athletes aciy el a Whole: Jolie slip ola a gh-achool e bed edge of a boat at TIE ro haln hardor front and was pulled from the water, after swimming breadth of Lake 'Ontarlo from the United States to. Canada. This Canadian girl, with an immense heart in her 116- pound body, gave a performance beside which almost every - Dther athletic feat Ie u can recall pales into insigniti om the great, eatablished staf, Florence ' Chadwick, who had three times swum the the Catalina a" gis BD Chamel 'and the Dardenelles little Marllyn's chances for success in this cryel test of heart and body were rated sub-zero in 80, here 'was drama, here was stark courage, Pere was Al through the black t sh , with fo lashing into her face ack nish she swaee ey 8 eels were clinging to her legs, fastening thelr moh 20 upon a ain Me ening chapter of "the swim. Thus, throngh dawn, she was still swimming, batting. "her : 'she swam; with the usk coming on. --40 miles: ot it, they say, as lake currents oarried her here and there, before she reached the shore, affer 21 This rates the greatest "athletic feat of. the 'year in t Empire athletes, both raced within the un- a ach Fad feat, indeed. But, annister and Landy eae} ad But this high-school kid, this Marilys Bell, had never Her entry into the race: was im- by, no concentrated' sclentitic B. et training can a' kid of 16 years do, besides. a et, » hysioally, as she entered into a gruel- ling Daitte me 'lake a God-given courage, ta wonderful. Canada's 8 event of 1954. tudent, a gir in her the cold, treacherous canae,- Channel, waters or, driving into her ears. And en hg swam run the mile in le was generally expected. nts of the broad, aol , makes: her: performarice » so -- .Cobbler's Tacks Hanged 'A Man Mr. Mold, a bootmaker of Edgware Road, London, looked at the boots he hdd just finished. It was the year 1003. Mr, : Dougal, the wealthy owner of --- Moat * Farm, had acquired a "reputation as a ladies' man, and there was tap.room gossip about Lis lights -0'-1o0ve," but he was hearty and generous and much # Loretta reigned as the "Vegetable Princess" of the annual event, held this year at Pomona. other documents bearing her signature had been presented 'and cashed regularly by Dou ugal By now nephews of Miss ol- land, already uneasy at the four years, absence of news of their aunt, had been sho®n 'speci- mens of cheques bearing her geries. Superintendent Pryke visited Although the Superintendent appeared satisfied, Dougal lost his nerve. The next day he withdrew all. his balance at banks in Saffron Walden, some $3,000, and left. Moat Farm. Ap- parently he intended to move very far from Essex, for he de-- osited his luggage at Liverpool treet /Station and_went to the Bank of England to change some ten pound notes. These had been obtained on : a cheque which the police be- "leved was a: forgery of Miss Holland's signature, and their numbers had been circulated. Dougal was arrested at the bank ° and charged with forgery. The next day he appeared be- fore the magistrates at Saffron Walden and was remanded in I best work, the skeleton's iden- tity would probably never have been proved. As it was, Mold was able to establish beyond all doubt that he had made the boats six years before for Miss Camille Holland. And, largely as a result of his ford on July 14th, '1808. A sharp increase in the price paid for rhinoceros horn has spotlighted a strange Eastern superstition and mystified Lon- don exporters. The horn is sent to China, round and blended with other gredients, and sold as a magic potion. It is supposed to give phenomenal courage to anyone who takes it. In 1919 rhino horn was worth between half.a crown and five 'shillings a pound. Then, at the time of the Abyssinian" war in they had had a drink of the elixir, 3 The Korean war raised the price of the horn to nearly £3 a pound in 1952. At this' year's sales the price "shot up to £4. London exporters are still puz- zled, Mr. Charles King, a director of - one of the export firms in ques: tion, says "We have had a stand: ing order for rhino horn for 80 years which must be the longest on record. "We. know it is used by the Chinese to make a potion sup- * posed to give gourage, strength, and virility. Once"it was main- ly taken by both mandarins and their wives who wanted sons. in Korea took it. They believed it would give them fanatical bravery." For 200 years native and Euro- pean hunters have sent rhinoc- eros horns to London from East and West Africa, Each African rhino has two horns of about six pounds each. The horn is auctioned by a City firm. About 170 rhinos die every year to supply the market. 30 years ivory examiner to the. Port of London, and one of the greatest experts on the subject, poses. Of course, we have heard strange stories about its uses and effects, and as far as I know they are true." Mr. Yates keeps a little snuff: box of powdered rhino horn in his office. "But I've never had the courage to taken any!" he confesses smilingly. Churchill Didn't Shine At School -- off aon passed "into Harrow lowest boy in the Jowant to fille past according to' their scholastic record. The masters struggled with ~ Churchill in bewilderment and indignation, He was self . dent and assertive; he could t the hind leg off a donkey; why could he not learn the rudiments of Latin and Mathematios? Churchill insists that where "my reason, imagination or interest was not engaged, I could not or would not learn." There is ne doubt that stubbornness played a considerable part for when his twelve years of school came to an end he declared with some pride that no one had ever sue- ceeded in making him write a Latin verse or learn any Greek except the alphabet. + #1 got into. my horoy ounded Te vl 100 to could at learn Jatin b e was oyer and over again in p and syntax. "Thus" he nes the essem- ' ' ; gh the 1930s, the. price soared to | form. and he Boho moved at structure of the ordi Easily Top Performance Of Year . on, 101s oad that Haile Sal. | gf He LOWS BER 10g thn polos, WBE ; chi df assie's warriors would face ve years he wis there. Roll call noble thing. And when in sitet : : Tolan Coke ad sireralt win was taken on. the steps outside | years my schoolfellows who nothing but spears, providing the Old School and the boys used won prizes and distinction foe writing such beautiful Latin po- and pithy Greep epigrams had #0 come down again to com- mon English to earn their livin or make their way, I did not 1 myself at any disadvantage." "Churchill load) experiment with the vee - ords and was ionate., of declaiming. e astonished the Headmaster, Dr, Welldon, by reciting twel hundred lines of Macaulay Lays of Ancient Rome with making a single mistake, which he won a school prize. do not believe I have ever seem in a boy of fourteen such a vea. Yellen of the English language, don once declared. urchill was no better eb rginia Cowles. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED MEDICAL AGENTS, Clubs, etc. Sell 3 finest - line of Christmas cards an novelties, Our large rtment includes ature, Religious, umorous, ob, People wre talking about the Resvlts from teking DIXON'S Por Rheumatic Paine and Nourith, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, romp nervice, ral . deandron. Greeting Card on i" Kensington Ave. .No., amilton, Ont, AGENTS, make money, full or spare BABY OHIOKS BROILER Growers. Perhaps the t talked about: characteristic of Indian River Crosses Is thelr exceptional feed conversion. Remember that a saving of . only ,08. of a pound of feed per pound oC sain Is worth a cent a chicken, Send for letter miving recent results of Indlan- River Crosses In neveral contests. We have also Nichols New Hamshires, Arbor: Agres White Rooks, all guaranteed from 1st generation stock and sold at com- petitive prices. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES 1h FERAUS ONTARIO 1X Rock, Bussex X Red, Arbor Aores hite Rocks, Hatch ins day-olds now. 6-week-0ld pullety, ua Sivan THE LAKBVIR v8 FARM & HATCHERY LTD. BR ONTARIO LEGHORNS, Legho [o) oman Rolls MINTS A superi ' » to belp alleviate paln of 809 QUEEN S6T. BAST TORONY® BUY Oatober hatched chicks and bave your pullets in full lay when eggs are at their peak, Don't buy the wrong breeds, we have wix wmpeclal eag breeds. sll R.O.P, mired, they lay more on less feed than dual purposs breeds. Ask for full details. Also spécig! broller chicks, Indlan River Oroass, Nichols New Hamp- - ahires, Arbor Acres White Rocks. Rea POST'S ECZEMA SALVE RANISH the torment of dry and weep! skin troubl Salve will not disappoint yem. Itohing; soaling, burning eosemss acne ringworm, pimples and foot eoseih will respond readily to the stainless ofoe- less ointment tegardless of bow stubboiw or hopless ay seem. PR E $9.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 3 Post Free on Receipt of Price uean St. E., Corner of Loxne TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR = MEN AND WOMEN ; fir BIBLE Is God's Word to m fteen minutes dally with ald of spe gon of charts, helps, reads ough In year. Free, Enclose oaly 0 to help advertising costs, = ete. , Orisp, Box 176, Clarkson, Ontario. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING BCHOOL Qreat Opportunity learn - Hairdressing sasant, dignified profession, good wag They 'were beautiful boots lined was forgiven him at first. His |. gustody. » Acres White Rocke. Re mitied profes with lambswool, for a very |. wife -- the real wife, not the BY now the police had aban- Deri icq Smleks, virkly | dawns ot a beautiful woman. Miss Camille | lady who had accompanied him | doned all hope of finding Miss Rips 5 ERS: marcy tap. WL, ie Cecile Holland was a favourite customer of his and he always put his. best work into her orders. It was the year 1897. to 'Moat Farm in 1899--had run away with an engine driver. But Mr. Dougal had so many affairs with village 'girls that at Holland 'alive, but for the sdke of justice 'they still hoped to find her body. For five weeks 'WH hatch turkey poults every wesk in the year. Book your orders well tn advance. Boeltaville Whites for brollera and Bronze ' for roasters are hard to Write or Call WarvRL HAIRDRESSING 8CHOOIAS | Bloor St, W., Toronto. Branches «4 King 8t,, Hamilton. they. searched the large house 5 _He took a handful of brass last a note of spite crept into the a the garden, drained the Tenor. E CHICK HATCHERIES LT sl -- -- " tacks and tapped his initial "M" gossip. It was discovered. that moat which gave the farm fits BRGUS ONTARI 4mIGER Counter, | ulld your own power. into the waist of each boot. It was his stamp of approval for his own waork--though he would hardly have dreamed it was also when the efforts:of human de- tectives falter, could have known 0 - its significance, + orence; the servant at Moat his first consort-at Moat Farm had been a beautiful Miss Cam- ille Holland; and rumours be- gan to circulate that although 'Moat: Farm. | The local constable, P. C. Drew, wrote a: report to his Chief "Constable, who not only name, They found only fish. At last two local labourers recalled that four years ago there had been an open ditch crowned with grim success. A fork, wielded by a police con- _ stable, struck something hard. --It-was-a-boot; and-it-contained--|-- of the bridge spanning Emma Creek. Only one corner of the house remains imhedded in the creek bank, saving it from --posible disaster --as--the--¢reek--flows--beneath--Iit.-- OANADIAN. approved started chloks two week old while they last, lmmediate de- livery: Barred Rocks, White Rocks Light Sussex, Black Australorp, New Hamp X Barred Rock, Light Bussex X New Hamp, Light Suslex X Red, and other popular -D Aw BARN big money. rs unneoes- ry. Detective partioularp free. Write ils Waraoner 125 est 88th -- N.Y ----- Bchematlcs ~-- Instructions only $f, ngston, 3224-22 Avenue Went, Henttle, ashington. SOLALINE add to fuel oil tank, kospe space heater, oil burner clean, write to. 3 for your business. Only $1.00. W, Saspersil, 8027 South 49th Avenue, Oloero 80, Illinola, CATENTS il Cr SN ST . ; - rt. than he was at Latin : Sstelisvale. glaminia and will-to:win. Imagination ni 8 shaken HARVEST QUEEN -- All these vegetables and Loretta Kaiser, 19, Another exporter says: "We As a result he remained per --From "Winston SE gd he AP) hacia From From the New York side yi the lake be- go to make up a luscious dish, served up for the County Fair, know some of the Asiatic troops Hae, an du LRA ¢ Era and the Man " Canada, and t forgetting the double 4-minute mil Their value is ly £10,000 Wea aibpone Mirror Senta, 'Prone 290 gl Ottawa : 3 , and we're not forgetting the double ute mile signature. Some of these they evidence; Samuel -Herbert he, Dex, Toys, Books, Stationery, ets. n : § in the' Empire Games at Vancouver, as Bannister and aéfmitely deciwred to pe for- | Dougal was hanged at Chelma. | goo Alifed Yale more than crap nervies. 1 Li : iy ow. Bani once before, were athletes who "I Moat Farm to investigate, but dee Lu time, selling: our famous = f aualtty tress and mervous tension amsoclated : came up to the Games fully ropa , trained to the min. failed to- find any: trace of the Price Going Up For RE or angled toads of rion; "al Sanges, lowast prices. a " her x "Forizata in plain wrapper J ute. From either of them aps not from both, but missing Miss Holland. Rhinoceros Horn to Hong Kong for medical pur- oy POSTS OHEMICALS Ve to be the "signature" to a she had left him, she had not 4 4 $ breeds, non-sexed, pullets or cookerel Whitney Chemical Products 392 Bay : ; across the farm, and that this : H o, 1 .death warrant! taken any of her possessions | 1. 4oon filled in, Digging start- | BIG TILT--It will tak i hinki h f hs. RA A RA EE Fr Te bl But tha lay in the future, with 'her. Gossip: grew to scan- ed in 'a new direction After =r w ake some ngenious thinking on the part o 1d add Be: per chlok. \isinoss {as always i ll ¢ Only "Chief Inspector Luck," dal, scandal to a suggestion that several" hours the. effort. was the workers to solve this housing dilemma. The aggident ie yrred Em CHICK HATCHER[RS S10. 1 Bur your Cotten where rain au. low /. who so often stands for Justice Miss Holland had never left when the rear wheel of the traller broke Fao; frites : ty £84 Bxporters In twenty Countries ang- / the bones of a human foot. Fur- : Clavering, in Essex, was. sent down. Superintendent 3 FOR SALE FETHERSTONHAUGH = & Compaen atral 'of her master. She had | [Pryke, but communicated with Shier digains Iheoaled 8 vite Choose With Care MONUMENTS and TOMDSTONES | University Ave Fataitansd 103, " z good reason to be, for he had" forcibly kissed her, and had at- tempted to break into her room. When, one evening in May; 1899, Mr. Samuel Herbert Dougal drove home: in the pony. and trap: without the mistress, Florence was terrified. She bar- was prepared to jump out of the window "should Dougal break down the door. . The mistress never came back' nor did Dougal attempt to molest Florence that night. He had something else to do; and Florence left next morning, Scotland Yard. Quite .a lot was discovered about Miss Holland and Mr. Dougal. He was an ex-soldier who had forfeited his pension 'after a conviction for forgery; the: lady was a wealthy spinster who, most surprisingly, had lot with a vulgar and un- scrupulous adventurer. Moat Farm stood in her name, At this time the police be- lieved Miss Holland was a prisoner in her own house, their belief being strengthened by the fact that cheques and, clothes round it. The remains were those of a woman, the medical experts de- clared. .She had been shot through the head, and the posi- tion of the bullet holes ruled out suicide. it was, but at first it seemed as , though proof might be impos- sible. Dougal stood his. trial - at Chelmsford in June, 1903, on' a . charge, not of forgery, but mur- der. - There was *one amusing incident to relieve the grim story. Miss Florence Pollock of Bayswater, at whose house Miss Holland stayed in 1893 while Dougal was "courting" her, was called to identify thes accused. She gazed round the court and her 'eye fell on a figure sitting . Shoes For School Four out of ten children are tripping back to school this fall in shoes that are liable to cause permanent injury to their. feet These grim statistics are bas- ed on a survey conducted dur- ing the school year just ended by a national foot health organ- itation, which warns that both parents and schools are neglect- ing care of children's feet. Children's feet and their shoes should be checked at regular in- tervals-- it is particularly important in . Here are.a few rwis-prepar- ed by foot specialistgzas a guide to mothers embarking on a back-to-school "shopping opera- We have the finest and lowest-priced Monuments in Canada from stock or made to your special requirements. Nothing 1s too big or too small for us to handle. Conmult us for the best In Monuments and Tombstones, Box 118. 128 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto. Ontario. BEAL Your Favorite Snapshots in clear plastic] Adds beauty, Permanent lam- CLEAN eggs dry, quickly and fnexpen- sively. Use the Cleanegw method. Unit ia for attachment to your }] horsepower motor, or leas. Thousands in use. Write for complete information. price, Henrich Poultry Farm, Waterloo, Ont. FARM implement and hardware busi. ness for aale, complete with store. workshop, warehouse and dwelling. Priced to sell. Farm Implement fran- ohlse at approval of International Har- vaster Co, Contact Mark Wellington Camlachle, Ont. phone Forest §10R1-3. LA CASE TRACTOR: D.C.4 Case Trace tor: V.A.C, Case Tractor; C. Casa Trao- tor; 10-20 International tractor; Case Forage harvester pick vp and corn at- tachment: Case IT row corn plcker with husking bed John Deere corn sbeller; oountries; x AN OFFER to every Inventor--List of I» ventions and full information sent free The 'Ramsay Co., Registered Patent At torneys. 378 Bank Btreet. Ottawa. PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL ofter. personal requirements Twenty-five dolun : x - Latest Catalog | ; There. was no doubt in the ~before vacation time rolls Inating process. Wallet ~sizs, B0c. included. 'The Medico Agency. Rox H ricaded herself in her room and been persuaded to throw in her inds. of the police whose body around again. Plasticass So. 1087 Fanle St. New Terminal A. Toronto. Ootarlo PULLETS FRESH EGGS Range reared. UBE, SELL, White Leghorn pullets, Highest large white egg strain, an younger MORRIE, Hillaburxh, OnflXrio, EAT ANYTHING WITH FALSE TEETH It you have trouble with plates that slip, rock and cause sore gums Viz 7 try Brimma Plastl-Liner, One (70) application makes plates Ot snugly heey" without powder or paste, because C1 Brimms Piastl-Liner hardens per- manently to your plate. It relines and rents loosy Laying . drug store, send $1.50 for reliner for 1 plate, " ' ' " 3 . Now Holland forage blower nearly new,' lated In A way no powder ot paste can do Even beside the judge. That s him, 2 tioh: > ' International 1 row corn pickar: Case ox - old ph dnd or you get good results slg she said, pointing. (1)" Patronize a reputable 4) ft. one way disk on rubber. Sherk months to A year or longer, YOU CAN EAT "Look around -the cour, " she shoe retailer who is trained to Salen & Service, Ayr, Intario Ph, 17%. ANYTHING Simply lay aft 31 of Plast! Janet Ry! : : ' { TY " FLYIN A ITI PRB IRE on troublesome upper or lower. Bite and bl wes lo gounsel. . A fe eileen s thoes, Niiing 1 Seve BN-ROOME D use 10 wood cond!- mol du perlecly Katy 10 uit, hatelom, odorios ( 18% 0. 0O0Ke roun an ou wn shoes are e 4 0 x@armiess to you and your plates. Romovahle aa { h al do i o ure single ak t cause of toot di laieq, munporels, gaiage,; ford aren on direated. Plate cleaner Included. Money back M 1 then pointed again to the figure gle greatest cause 0 8+ quarter acre corner lot, Sacrifice $3.900 not completely satisfied. If not avaliable at your : Steve O'Henly, Durham, Ont INES PAY on the Bench, "Yes, that's him," HONOR MOM -- Mrs Andstasio abilities, = y she repeated. "He is. much Tsvbi 'who has b (2) Do not pass on an older ATTENTION Parks Commissions, Eatates WILDROOT LTD., FORT ERIE, ONT. Depl. TW by |'| changed since I saw him last." sybizova, who hds borne nine | child's shoes to a younger broth- brit Pn PRIA BH BRIMMS PLASTI-LINER a 'Then she caught sight of the children, gh Medols for he . or or Sister, Hand me -dovwn with Fdrd: Ferguson Aractor, Condition THE PEAMANCNI DENTURE RELINER 2 man in the dock. "Oh, that is rst, second an ird-class o shoes can do severe damage. No ny ) a A i him! That is him?" she exclaim- the "Motherhood Glory Order," two children's feet are identical PAs Ep gt PRL Wag R ISSUE 41 -- 1954 hi ed. : 'awarded to Russian mothers. ~squeezing a young foot into a _ B Hy To convict Dougal it was | Over four million Soviet wom. | 8hoe already molded into shape ; 4 « a Recessary lo prove that the on have been decorated' with by Snother child le a dangers 9 QR : : H rocedure, we shoe will no \ It Na an dik follan the "motherhood medal" in_a | Give but the foot will with un- MA AC D (@) iN A L LD) S AF « boots were not--boots lined with move fo boost the birth rate, fortunate results, / io y lambswool, skilfully made for Photo and caption material (3) Sheck the construction of b Tey # : | small feet, and each bore the from an official Soviet source. the shoes you buy. . Foot doc- Bix > "1 letter "M" worked in brass -- tors récommend a shoe with te 'tacks on its waist. Once again, when the efforts of 'the police to establish con- olusive "proof seemed to have reached a dead-end, "Inspector sorry I forgot your birthday. 1 Luck" had stepped in. If Mr. have no excuse, and it will Mold, the bootmaker, had not serve me right if you forget made a habit of "signing" his oe mine next. Wednesday." supple uppers and flexible and resilent soles. Leather has a double virtue--in that it. pro- vides the firmest and most flex- ible support for: young feet, and also allows air_to circulate free. ly inside the shoe through {its tiny invisible pores. A little girl had to write a letter of apology for forgetting the birthday of a young friend, "Dear Alice," she wrote, "I'm Canales Standend Smote ROCKY LEAVES -- aight thamplon Rocky 'Mareiano, on his way to Los Angeles, is kissed at-Idlewild Airport by his wife, 'Barbara. She 'avolds'both the bandaged nose ond taped eyed. brow of her husband. ; ; \ : " . re > ¥ ' 't Pee

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