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Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Oct 1954, p. 8

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1) 8-188: PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 1054 SETHE CLASSIEED. rae SEN LCR Wiha ¥ Sots, Aa S50 IAL SA & i} = a WILSON BROTHERS Phone Blackstock, 54-r-2 for General House Repairs, Concrete, Painting, Cleaning, ete. Free Estimates, No job too small, * Oct.14 Turkeys Orders taken now for. Thanksgiving Phone 453-r-4. Laverne Turkeys. Martyn. For GENERAL BLASTING of rocks, stumps, unsafe structures, etc., apply to Bill Howard, 114 Elgin St. East, Oshawa. Phone 38-2767. octl4 FOR SALE--Soft Slabs, cut 12", $14.00 per cord or -half cord $7.60; Mixed hard and soft slabs, $16.00 per cord or half cord $8.60; also Body Hardwood. Phone Bethany 37 r 33. sept30 FOR SALE--Yorkshire Hogs, ser- viceable age and younger, Also first litter sows. Fred Milne, Blackwater. Phone Sunderland 3:3. oct? FOR RENT in Prince Albert, small apartment, large room and large _room and large kitchen with- built-in Phone "octld _ WANTED Second Mortgage Moneys on com- mercial property in Durham County, Particulars of First Mortgage and Place of property will be given to in. terested party, A. ROY WILLMOTT, Q.C. Barrister, etc., Millbrook, Ontario. 'cupboards, city conveniences. 195 r 14, ) oct? -- OFFICE GIRL WANTED--Apply phone 392W, Port Ferry, CEMENT BLOCKS--both standard and interlocking. Tripp Construction Co., Port Perry, 2 : FOR SALE--Australian Coney Fur Coat, size 12-14; reasonable; man's Overcoat size 38, like new -- $10.00. Phone 356R. : : WANTED--12 teams for a Tues- day Night Bowling League. Also 4 team league for Monday Night. Call 412J days or come down to King Pin Alleys evenings, : FOR SALE--$25.00, Oil space heat- er and pipes. Phone 395. : FOR SALE -- 100 pullets (Peel's - strain) 5 months old, starting to lay. Phone 103-r-32, WANTED to rent--a house, Bill Taylor, phone 330. 3 AR FOR RENT in Prince Albert--small apartment, large room and kitchen with built-in cupboards, city conven- iences, Phone 195-r-14, octld WANTED--Office clerk for perma- nent position -- speed and accuracy essential -- pleasant working condi- tions and company "benefits. Silver- woods Ltd, Phone~164, Port Perry. Ti oan eo Y GOLDEN BANTAM CORN--ready now. Order your winter vegetables also at M. Werry's, Phone 11-r-13, Blackstock, FOUND -- On the lawn of Mrs, Chapman, opposite High School, a pr. of plastic framed glasses. Owner may have same by paying for ad. FOR SALE--Tap shoes with taps, size 1 girls; also pair of Skates and White Boots, size 18, girls, Mrs; Sina * Bright, phone 291-r-3; Port Perry. FOR SALE --17 week old rabbits, black, grey, white and brown: 3bc: each. Kenny Skerratt, Phone 171-r-3 after 4 o'clock. g "FOR SALE -- Girl's White Tube Skates, size 8, in good condition. Phone 872W, - Cafeleria Operator WANTED--Lady to operate cafe- teria at Port Perry High School dur- ing the winter, months. Hours ap- proximately 9.30 am. to 8.00 p.m. Hourly wage. Call 243. J, L. Crane. FOR SALE--Boy's C.C.M, Bieyele: Skating: Dress, size 14, Figure Skates size 8; man's Winter Overcoat, dark , grey, size 88; Skiis size 6%' and Ski Boots, size 8. Phone 114-r-82. : FOR SALE--Boys Hockey Skates, size 7. Phone Ralph Honey, 480-r-2, Auction Sales i SATURDAY, OCTOBER Ave. tion Sale of Furniture, the property o Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 pm, JACKSON, Auctioneer. --s Recover and Save Save up to $100 on your old suite, Let { TORONTO FURNITURE MFG, CO. LTD, , Re-Style and Re-Upholster your Suite 'Better than new 6 year Guarantee. For Free Estimates. call Port Perry 47 RB ST ------ -- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES-- HOT HOUSE BUSINESS-- 200' frontage on highway, at Ennis- killen, 8 miles north of Bowmanville, Seven thousand feet under glass. En- tire area heated, good supply of soft and hard water-under pressure. Small house, heated from plant. Priced to sell. GAS STATION ~ At the Junction of 12 and 47 high- ways, 20 miles north of Whitby, New quonset type building, 40 x 28 feet., located on corner property with 260' of frontage on each highway. For information on above ads, call W. S. CROXALL, HU. 1-3391 Car Phone Mobile ZA. 6-2785 Evgs, Port Perry 469 Co-Operators Insurance ASSOCIATION ; sponsored by The Ont. Federation of Agriculture Gives Broader Coverage "Better Claims Service Convenient 6 Mos, Premiums You'll never regret asking about C. I. A. Car Insurance Mrs. J. HAMER, MYRTLE, Ont; Phone Brooklin 61-r-2 ; June '56 Bulldozing and | Excavating BY HOUR or CONTRACT EXPERIENCED OPERATOR "REASONABLE RATES PHONE 458W N. E. MAIRS Simcoe Street - PORT PERRY ; Jjune24 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for 'sanitary disposal, Telephone Collect. Port Perry 90-r-4, or Toronto EM 38-8686. Gordon Young Lid. WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR . RED BARN _|47 MONARCH Coupe Featiring : Jack Kingston and the Main Street Jamboree " from RADIO STATION C.H.M.L., HAMILTON. Wednesday, Oct. 13 Oshawa Admission $1.00 . -- - GUARANTEED USED CARS AND TRUCKS ~~ Thoroughly Reconditioned 50-50 Warranty--30 days or 1000 miles 52 METEOR COACH.......$500 down 52 METEOR SEDAN........ $530 down 52 CHEVROLET COACH $490 down 51 METEOR Coach. ............8425 down 50 PONTIAC Coach, 50 ANGLIA Coach ............$185 down 50 CHEVROLET Coach ....$365 down 50 FORD Custom Coach, $390 down 650 METEOR Coach, radio, $390 down 50 AUSTIN A-40 Sedan....$225 down 49 DODGE D.L. Sedan ..$350 down 49 CHEVROLET Coach, $335 down 49 METEOR Sedan, ............ 49 ANGLIA Coach i 48 PONTIAC Coach 1948 DODGE Sedan, $280 down oes $165 down ~ 0.K. USED TRUCKS 52 G.M.C. ¥ Ton pick-up, $385 down 51 FORD, 1 Ton Express, $335 down, 49 FORD 1 ton éxpress, ...280 down 49 G.M.C. ¥; 'ton panel; $260 down 49 CHEV. 1; ton panel, $240 down 49 THAMES 1; ton Van, ....$120 down Liberal Trade-in Allowance GMAC Time Payment Terms to fit your budget. Bryden Motors GENERAL MOTORS DEALERS _ Chevrolet - Oldsmobile - Chevrolet . | out with our Lions sponsored club; -| the immediate problem at hand be- "| track and field champs see Hilltop Lions Challenge * [Hilltop Herald Oshawa - Dance lo Follow The cage. season gets off to a flying start here Friday evening as "the Lions play host to the Oshawa All Stars. To round off an evening of fine entertainment a record dance has been planned for th auditorium, following the game. (Attendance at the game will be free with a nominal charge be- ing'made for the dance). Fourteen players -- "all from Port Perry or the very immedi- ate district--have been working ing that of trying to find what players fit best into the numer- ous combinations possible. One thing will be certain--with Ogha-| wa using approximately eight players (of Int. 'B' calibre) and our Lions 'using fourteen--heads up ball will be the order of the night for the Jack Griffen-led crew, CHAMPIONS and RUNNERS-UP AT P.P.H.8. MEET, 1954 "For a complete summary of local Herald. - chop runner-up, By Lorne.Wilkin . Port Perry High School had a beautiful day to hold it's track and field day on, and there was a good attendance to help make it a suc- cess. Joe Lukas and Don Alfred were tied for punior champion and Don Free was runner-up, Intermediate Champion, Bob Car- mnegie; runner-up Alf Newham. Senior Champion, Jack Owen, and runner-up was Paul Peel, In the girls Gloria Fralick was Junior Champion and Erika Bens- Intermediate - Champion, Joan Calberry, with Meriam Bonnell as runner-up. : : Senior Champion, Ruby Leask, and runner-up Dorothy Wilbur. The students elected this year for the Students Council were: Honorary Pres.--Mr, J. L. Crane . President--Paul Peel. Vice-President--Joan Chapin Secretary--Floyd James _Treasurer--Jack -Owen Pianist--Donna Samells Soc. Conveners--Jeannette Do son, Bob Carnegie. vs President "of Literary Society-- Jack Dowson. : : President of Boy's Athletic So- . ciety--Bruce Taylor : President of Girl's Athletic So- --iety--Ruby Leask 3 . That's all till next week folks. An excellent RR SESS 20000 - REAL BARGAIN VALUES BAND, GRAVEL, 80D and LOAM 'ELLSWORTH - KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. 'Phone 322W- Port Perry Aor information, _ nov 27, 1954 . : - Dead Stock Service Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal, Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge 92 r 14, Lindsay 4582. Head Office, Woodville 82 r 11, y : -. ED. PECONI, Argyle ~~ Ontarlo- Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Fhone Collest Bowmanville 2679 "We also buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, TYRONE = dec. 15, 1954 ! Trucks . PORT PERRY ~ PHONE 74 Open Evenings Until 9 J. Hunter ad Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 64 King Street Rast, s OSHAWA < Phone Oshawa 5.1621 (successor to O. S, Hobbs) ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry ROOT and ROCK RAKE BULLDOZING -. TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATES--by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION W: Phone 392W (Office) Residence--Wm, Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 8927 EXCAVATING FOR LAND CLEARING Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, z .THE REXA Phone 49 1,0", 0%0 0% 4% 0% 0 4 ; ; Sst vy 1 AMBER HONEY Vas SS SE SRS SR RA RAR 0 00R0N TURKEY DINNER and CONCERT in TRINITY UNITED CHURCH, UXBRIDGE, on Wednesday, October 20 5.30 - 8.00 p.m. MAPLE LEAF QUARTETTE, of Lindsay -Adults $1.50. Children under 12, Tbe, Pre-School Children Free. it 8% 0% 4% "48000, 0% 4% 0% 0% 018 8% 0% 0% 1 ae 4 0% 0 oh 4% : VF £ 0 N E CEN SALE Wed, Thurs., Friday, Saturday VITAMINS, TOILETRIES, STATIONERY, CHRISTMAS : CARDS, GIFT MERCHANDISE, ETC, SEE BILLS FOR COMPLETE LIST B NOTE--On One Cent Sale Week we Close Tuesday at 12.30 § ~and remain open Wednesday, until 6.00 p.m. LB © AM. LAWRENCE EAT AND ENJOY PPLES McINTOSH 'WOLF RIVER SNOWS SCARLET PIPPIN" BLENHEIM ORANGE PIPPIN = _ FLEMISH BEAUTY PEARS - G. H. PORTER, Prop. OSHAWA ROAD at 7A PORT PERRY ." Concert by / 0,0 0% 0%, 070 0% 0% 0% aT 0 0 : HES THEA LAKEVIEW PORT PERRY Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and § pm. dial Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis spbey : In their first Great All Technicolor, Horse Racing laugh Sensation / "MONEY FROM HOME" SHORT PICTURE MONDAY, TUES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11-12-13 Edmond O'Brien, Laura Elliot, Sterling Hayden Int the Glorious Technicolor Adventure Hit "THE DENVER and RIO GRANDE" COMEDY and NEWS Peanuts in the Shell, Fresh Shipment AFTER DINNER. MINTS, 25c. bag =~. " iy Saturday Specials "Golden Harvest Layer Cake" "Jellied Doughnuts" * GERROW'S BAKERY . Phone 33W G. M. GERROW - PROTEST YOUR PROPERTY WITH A GOOD COAT OF PAINT BEFORE THE WINTE R STORMS ARE HERE [ SAA iv ~ & EXTERIOR PAINTED with the best quality paint. _& INTERIOR DECORATION Sample books on request. . MST. CLAIR [ Painter & Decorator | New Phone Number 118r14 RR. 4, PORT PERRY Finmm-- IN REXALL REMEDIES, [533350 00d STORM SASH and DOORS | NOW'IS THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR STORM SASH AND DOORS FOR NEXT WINTER. THURS, FRIDAY, SAT, OCTOBER 7.8.9 : SZ LL STORE Port Perry SWEET APPLE CIDER BE SRS 100025050 8080 8000000) | Now is the Time of & new forced air unit, - ~~ Furnaces and oil burners * Phone 487 or 402 'Telephone for a free estimate on converting present heating system to a modern oil burner or ir tion - ' . £ ' v Grupeyt a The L/ HEATING and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS to Change 101 vacuum cleaned and serviced, ~ | USE DEPENDABLE WOOD STORMS FOR WARMTH i AND DURABILITY. ed REESOR FUEL & LI LS PORT PERRY Sees See eee eess088800080088000000000000ssssssss. Ym . rpg . oes nid ; J ' i Mvp

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