os A pr oa CE pr eras FT NN No pet i pits ~, «ae cis or ir nn i 2S 0 ns ro 4---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11th, 1054 LOCAL ST ge an ee ee >. In Memoriam REDMAN----In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Minnie Florence Redman, who passed away Nov. 12, 1961, You are not forgotten Mother, dear, Nor ever shall you be As long as life and memory last We shall remember you, Ever remembered by daughters, Sons, Son-in-Law, and Grand- children, Birth Mr. and Mrs. George Heaver are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Glenna: Marion Isobel, on Saturday, November 6, at the Oshawa General Hospital. A sister for Robin, What Is Book Week?! - A community effort to bring books to more children. PURPOSE ~ To arouse interest in good books for boys and girls. To encourage the reading of worth- while books-- ® at home ® at school ® at the library To make adults aware of the fine children's books available today. To remind adults of the important place good books have in a child's life, To stress the-need for good library service to boys and girls wherever they may live. GOOD BOOKS CAN GIVE TO CHILDREN ® ¢njoyment and fun ® knowledge ® a true sense of values : ® understanding of themselves and others : ® a widening of experience . RECENT BOOKS IN DEMAND AT PORT PERRY PUBLIC LIBRARY Book, i "Author Boys and Girls The Silver Trap Stoutenberg Spark Plug of the Hornets Meader Just Mary Red Book Grannon Captain McRae 'Hewmon Longstreth Pinkerton Bice Saunders The Scarlet Foree Peddler's Crew The Great Island Aesops Fables General The Chartered Libertine The Channel Story Vale of Tyranny The Strange Land The Royal Box Spinsters in Jeopardy Only Fade Away Allen Bruce - Butler Innes Keyes Marsh Marshall Ifome of the Bears Domain Martin The "Long Watch Mervish Rum Jungle Moorehead A Time to Love and a Time : to Die Remorque The Remarkable Young Man Roberts : Follow the Grass Farrell The Midnight Patient Hostoosky He Went for a Walk « Smith A Flame for Doubting Thomas Llewellyn Angel Unawares Evans No Other Gods Penfield Nightmare in Copenhagen Alband Flowers for the Judge Allington Man Missing Eberhart O Rugged Hand of God Martin Doctor at the Crossroad Seifert I'he Sceret Stair Bottom Not as a Stranger Thompson Flying Saucers 'Have Landed Adamski Reach for the Sky Brickhill The Autobiography of Prayer Seven Years in Tibet Russian Assignment Desiree The White and the Gold Costain The Fall of the Titan Gouzenko The Power of Positive Thinking Peale Tyre Davis Thomas Day . Harrer Stevens Selinke Saddle Bag Surgeon Doctor of the Island The Royal Tour NEWS CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev, K. W. Scott, L.Th., Rector Sunday, November 14th 5.30 a.m.--Holy Communion 11500 a.m.--Sunday School 7.00 p.m.--Evensong and sermon ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN " CHURCH Minister--Rev. B. D. Armstrong, . "B.A, D.D, Sunday, November 14th-- 11 a.m.--Sunday School 7 pm.--Divine Worship. PORT PERRY UNITED Sunday, November 14th-- Sunday, November 14th-- 11 am,-- "The Fellowship of the Concerned" 7 pn.-- : 1 'Evening Worship - PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, November 14th s 10 a.m.--Sunday School * 11 a.m.--Morning Worship * 7.30 p.m.--Evangelistic Service * Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study Thurs, 8 p.m.--Young People . EVERYBODY WELCOME CHURCH a Pastor--Lloyd Faulkner PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--David J. Toews Sunday, November 14th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a,m,--Worship Service. 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Come To! The Little White «Church "on the Hill Coming Events Doll Draw ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DOLL DRAW--Auspices Women's Hospital Auxiliary. Draw to be made on Santa Claus Day in Port Perry. Tickets on sale by members of the Auxiliary, 3 for 26c. Tea and Bazaar SATURDAY, NOV. 20, 3 to 5.30-- United Church W.A. Buy your Christmas gifts, cards and wrappings. Dolls, Children's things, aprons, fancy work, vegetables, plants, candy and home baking for sale. | Nov.16 Bazaar SATURDAY, DEC. 3rd-- Presbyterian Church~sponsored by the Ladies Aid. o_o BOY. SCOUT PAPER SALVAGE WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17TH-- Please tie the papers securely and leave in front of your home. --Boy Scouts. [ D [] Sadie Hawkins Day Dance--Port Perry High School, FRIDAY, NOV. 12. 86c¢. single, 6b5c. per couple. Hard time. Bazaar . The ladies of the Fidelis Class are holding their Bazaar in the Green- [ bank Church Basement on Wednesday afternoon, December 1st. Marathon Notice The final parties of the I.O.D.E. Marathon Bridge will be held in the homes of the conimittee on Thursday, Nov. 26th in the afternoon and even- ing. Players will be contacted. Please note the date. Folk Songs of Canada Fouke WATCH FOR THE NEW Coming to [FASHIONS - IN - MOTION BEARE MOTORS LTD. --- SOON Cards of Thanks We would like to thank all our friends of Scugog Island for the beau- tiful gifts presented to us. ' They are very much appreciated. : Kay and Al Johnston. Scugog News The November meeting of the Head W.A. was held at the home of Mabel Graham on Nov. 8rd' with sixteen members present. The meeting opened with the hymn "0 Happy Day", after which Betty Reader, our president, led in prayer. Myrtle Manns read as our Scripture the 24th Psalm. The roll call was answered with our favourite month, and a reason for choosing it. 4 Rita Rodman gave the Hospital Auxiliary report, and read a letter from the executive. Each member is asked to bring eithex/a jar of fruit, jam or marmalade 6 the next meet- ing. Our doll, wh has been beau- tifully dressed bf Ethel Redman, was Plan to buy_your "Staples" will have them for the cold "day. * such as flour, sugar, shortening, spices and extracts early so that you ahead. Note the saving on foods you need every RRR T i; shown to the ladies, and a vote; of thanks to Ethel for her ,work and trouble was moved and seconded. Our year's copper collection has been rolled and counted and we re- ceived the amazing amount of $568,560. Our thanks to Rita Rodman for look- ing after this "heavy" job. (The coppers weigh 26 pounds.) At our next meeting we exchange Christmas gifts as our roll call. The gift is not to exceed 50c. in value, The collection of clothing for the Hurricane Relief 'was a great success, and the work of Mr. Earl Reader in collecting it is much appreciated. Following the business meeting the hymn '"Blest be the Tie" was sung. Mrs. Barry read a poem called "Mys- tery", and Mrs. Collins gave a humor- ous reading entitled "Glamour Girl". Myrtle led us in two contests; the winner being Dorothy Martyn. Mrs. Collins started us on a trip to New York, which ended with a full suitcase, and everyone a winner! Then lunch was served by Mrs. Collins' group. The Head Farm Forum el at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Martyn last Monday evening to open thie new sea- weather months gon of meetings. Twenty-one mem- bers discussed Farm Forum in the Community, and what it's value is. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Carl Graham. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Van Klooster who were max. ried on Nov.6th, at the Sacred Heart Church in Uxbridge. Henry has made many friends in the community gince coming to the Carter Bros. farm about two years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Muffitt of Tor- onto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Rodman last Thursday. : Mr. and Mrs. Don Gerrow and fa- mily spént last Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Campbell Hamer at Hampton, "Mr. and Mrs, Joe Dowson returned Monday night from a week-end trip to Cleveland. - They drove Mr. and Mrs. Hudson to that city where they their daughter and husband, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Day. Last Friday evening the Island hon- oured another young married couple on their recent marriage, The even- ing included euchre and dancing. will spend the winter months with | Robert Cawker and Mrs. Toombs pro- vided the music, and Mr, Everett Pren. tice, Mr. Milton Demera, and Mr. Maurice Fralick called off the square dancing. Prizes were awarded to the high and low hands in euchre. The young couple, Mr, and Mrs. Alan Johnston, nee Kay Prentice, were then called to the two seats of honour, and Mrs. Alan Martyn read an address to them. ' Three of the gentlemen pre- sent then brought in the gifts which included a lovely chrome and 'yellow top table and chair suite, plus many more lovely gifts, . Kay and Alan thanked those responsible for the gifts and the enjoyable evening. Best of luck to those hunters at the F. & F, club, Prince Albert Our teachers Mra. Hodgins and Mr, Johannson and their pupils took time off for their annual Hallowe'en Mas- querade party. 'The rooms were ap- propriately decorated with ghosts, skeletons and pumpkins, At the close of the party, their costumes were judged and the usual big supply of "FLUKIDA -- MAKSH SEEDLESS = HEAVY GRAPEFRUIT T:FOOD BUYS at Red & White! / GARDEN BOY PASCAL CRISP CELERY FRESH CUBAN -- NEW CROP COCOANUTS . LARGE FRESH - PEPPER 'SQUASH FRESH CALIFORNIA -- EATING DATES. BIRDSEYE GREEN BEANS BIRNSEYS WAX BEANS . i A SANDWICH FROZEN FOODS sandwiches, cake and candy were pas- sed. A number from our village and dis- trict enjoyed the Seagrave Turkey Dinner last Wednesday night. Mr. Johannson, senior room teacher has been ill and confined to his home in Sarnia. We hope he will soon De Ce back and feeling fine. * Don't forget our 'W. A. Bazaar on November 27th -- Watch in "Coming Events", Scout and Cub : [ } ays Mothers' Auxiliary The regular meeting of the Port Perry Scout and Cub Mothers' Auxi- liary will be held at the home of Mrs. ® E. Kennedy, Cochrane St., at 8 pm, Monday, Nov. 16th, 1954. Please bring your Allsweet Carton Ends, : One of Canada's newest and fastest- growing crops--from the standpoint of spreading production--is the soy- a A bean, t 10 fr 39¢ 2 for 29¢ 2 for 27¢ each 6c 35¢ 10 oz. pkg. 2%¢ LARGE \ 8.0%. Pkgs., - . 10 oz. _. 10 oz. pkg. 27¢ TREAT la for 23€ a ® » : Delmonte Fruit Cocktail 0s 39¢ W Culverhouse Tomato Juice "3 2 fo 25¢ INTERLAKE TISSUE 2 for 21¢ TABLE QUEEN L. : : FEN ) SLICED j Keach Mayon le ia | Fast brolind bacon : BR E A D } Slices Process Cheese Parsley iy | SWIFT'S PRENIUN -- TENDER GROWN ; y | Sofa MAST Io, e SLSR ct Smits ot: A : * : ( 01 cheese an WO Strips o con ace e sandwiches {ff i CHICKENS %i = 39e¢| ®% 15e¢ | i aT ni or "ci i en ras | n Lid ey LEAN, MEATY "= i PLATE BRISKET 1519 | jugs EVERY DAY LOW PRICES LEAN -- TENDERLOIN END PRUNES meprom woe 200 STU F F ED 1) 0 LIVE Ss Se 4% Pork Loin Roast 1. 49cf§ CURRANTS get 2c | BROOMS srumoy 98c AYLMER ; : SWIFT'S PREMIUM SHREDDED COCOANUT '%- - 45¢c SWEET GHERKINS 16.00 33 [is d » --- VANIL 3 Brown & Serve Sausage rk 49¢ | BLUEBERRY PIE FILLING *3r 39c CARANELS SR 1 SUPR RED & WHITE -- SWIFT'S PREMIUM we WALNUT PIECES &% 2lc (PEANUT BUTTER "ui 49 | Side Bacon Pe. 35¢ BLANCHED ALMONDS 3% 2% P I0TATO CHIPS fm 25 ¢ : Ay VERHOUSE ¢ 0 SWIFT'S PREMIUM hey | PECAN § Su. 3c DICED BEET T 2 Wo a). i Frankfurts bee © 37¢| : Lia UID DET ee a "MORNING GLORY AUlb DE] Sa 2 oa "ROASTER FRESH a si i" -1b, 'Rose Brand mere COFFEER In CI MARGARINE 5 1.08 ED Apps. om . 1.08 TOMATO SOUP 7 to 25 ~' BROOKLIN BOWMANVILLE C Lb. Brown's Marketeria Yeo's Marketeria PORT PERRY ORONO } Dorie, Se, oo mG A KRAFT CANADIAN stices Strouds Fou Market Jottecy Food Market 4 , ' Ajax Marketeria OSHAWA : : E BRITAIN Mck Super Market C H E E S E ; Bullock's Groceteria '948 Simcoe St. N. I ? MAPLE GROVE Stroud's Food t : ' Maple Grove Groceteria 84 Simcoe St. N. XW ' PORT HOPE Sproule's Food Stores 3 Ve-lb. Pkg. 30c¢ , : Roberts Bros. Food Store 2 King St, E, and . ] Roberts Uptown Market 458 Simeoe St. S.