8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11th, 1954 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 11,12, no ITS REAL! ITS HUMAN. / GREAT EN [ERTAINMENT! | Either the Parson spoke ~...or his pistols did! brings to the screen the fhe sory Go stranger who fought sin where he found it and tamed a town single handed! of "Two- rson Gray, i ROXY THEATRE - joi Hs Preyer: w were said {#7 i 2) LX His sermons were > no spoken with bullets, 5 Uxbridge | SHOP and SAVE AP's NEW SUPERMARKET SIMCOE ST. N. at BYNG, OSHAWA LOTS OF FREE PARKING OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY OPEN 'TILL 9 p.m. FRIDAY NIGHTS FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE = Help Fight TB Boy Christmas Seals/} k toucanon 34 2 CASE-FINDING TENDER DELICIOUS MEATS FISH * MEAT % POULTRY CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING York Frosted Foods | cAWEER BROS. "THE FAMILY BUTCHER" yl PORT PERRY PHONE 29 Blackstock i W. I. met at the home of 'Mrs. As- seltine on Wdneaday P.M. with' 37 at- tending. Opéned meétthg- by singing Ode and repeating the Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs, Russell Mountjoy read he Scripture passages. The roll call was answered by "I am a member of the Institute because" -- which was nost interesting. Letters were read fron Port Perry Hospital Auxiliary asking for donations.of fruit and jam and re the sale of dolls. Decided to send $86.00 to Hurricane Relief Fund, Mrs. (Rev.) Nicholson gave a splendid address on "Remembrance Day", Mrs, Ralph Larmer conducted a contest. Lurich was served by group and a social half hour enjoyed. Sorry to say Master Lawrence Me- : Laughlin - broke his shoulder while playing rugby' at school on Friday. Solina Dramatic: Club presented the play "Maid of Money" in the hall on Tuesday in: their usual fine manner. The weather was bad and attendance not so large but all who were present thoroughly enjoyd it. The community sale in the Recrea- tion Centre Saturday came e off splen- didly. Anniversary services will. be héld in United Church next Sunday at 11.00 am., Rev. Fred Jackson, Tyrone; will be the guest speaker and special music by choir. At 7.80 p.m. Rev. Arthur Morgan, of Trinity. Church; Bowman- ville, is to: besguest speaker, and musfe by Port Perry: Intermediaté' Choir, Glad to report Mrs, Elva Fowler is _ | doing nicely after an emergency ap- pendix operation last Thursday. Miss Jane Barrie spent the week- end at her home in Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Vincent, Isling- ton, were Sunday guests of Mrs, V. Archer and Messrs, Chares and Oliver Smith, Rev. and Mrs. Nicholson were also supper guests, Mrs. George; Wolfe: spent the weeks end with friends in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin and:boys visited Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Horne, in Oshawa, on Friday: Mr. Sam Ferguson spent: Sunday With Mr. ahd Mrs, Earl Dorrell, In the P.M, they:all visited: Mr, ahd Mrs, Bruce Ferguson; Hanipton. We are very sorry to learn Mrs; Bruce Fer- guson has' a brokeniarm: Thirty-oneladiés from here took the _Jbus trip to. Toronto to the: Institute lf| convention last Thursday and report §|o good day, At the Farmers Union meeting on Friday night there was a lively dis- cussion on revision of the hog market- hg plan. The election of officers was Postponed' until' next meeting. The {bre sponsdring a euchre party, in the | community hall this Thuraday evening, Mr. Kere spent the week-end at his! home, near St. Catherines, Mr. and Mrs; Elmer Archer and I family, Whitby, with Mr, and Mrs, W. Ascher, onl Suriday. M. and Mrs, Ernest Swain and fam. ly spent Sunday with the Wheeler | family at their cottages dt: Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowde Maple Grove, were Sunday. gusts of Larmers, / Mr. and Mrs, James Grant and Ricky, of Bowmanville; Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Toms; Helen and Wilma, Mr. Wm. Darcy, with Mr, and Mrs, Harold McLaughlin and family on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Swain, Jack, Jim and Helen with Mr, and Mrs. Weir Swain, Toronto, | Mrs, Austin Beacockewith Mrs. John Mew, Toronto. Mrs. Oscar Graham with Mrs. Harry Graham, Toronto, - Mr. and Mrs, Russell Mountjoy with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, at New- castle Sunday, and attended anniver- sary services there. © Mrs. 8. A, Devitt and Mrs, David Hill have gone to Richmond Hill for the winter months, Sincere sympathy is extended to the family of Mrs Norman White of Brooklin, who died of a heart attack on the bus trip home from the Institute convention in Toronto last Thursday, MY. and Mrs, John Hamilton visited Mr. and Mrs, Selby Grant, in Bowman- ville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Graham and Mr. and Mrs. James Larmer visited friends in Millbrook on Monday. There was a very interesting ser- vice at the United Church on Sunday evening. Mrs. David Hill gave the splendid gift of a pulpit drape and Bible marker, They are wine colour with gold bullion fringe and the drape has the United Church crest. Rev. C. W. Hutton dedicated these gifts and preached a fine sermon on the United Church crest. Rev. George Nicholson and .Mrs, Nicholson and Mr, Harry Hall attend- | ed a meeting in Bowmanville Anglican Church last week. s Mrs. George Wolfe is taking the Home Economics Class at the High School until Christmas to relieve Mrs, John Scott who is in poor health. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson, Clem and Glenn, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Hilliard Wilson, Uxbridge, Congratulations. to Mr. and Mrs, C. Vine (Trudy Finlayson) who were married in Port Perry United Church last Saturday. The Lorne Thompson family with Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick, Orono, on'Sun- day. On Sidi morning at St. John's Anglican Chufch, Rev. G. Nicholson preached a -fine sermon on the com- bined subjects of Armistice Day and the Bible Society. * He announced that a $60 cheque had been sent to the Hurricane Flood relief. Mr. and Mrs. David MeLien, Mar- Jorie and Heber, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parr and family at Enfield, Si Manchester | nr There was a good attendance at Church on Sunday morning, and again the Junior choir was a wonderful ad- dition to the very fine sermon. On Sunday, November 14th church service will be at ten o'clock, and Sun. day. School at eleven-fifteen am; Choir practice will be on: Thursday evening at the church, Any young people who are interested in helping the! choir will be welcome, The Women's Association met at Mrs, Oswald Croxall's last Thursday afternoon. The nieeting opened with hymn and prayer. Mrs, Croxall read the Scripture legson; Mrs. Toombs the lesson topic and Mrs, Grant jerankiin lead in prayer. President Mrs. Roach evnducted a short business session. The minutes of October meeting were adopted as read, Fourteen members answered the 'roll and eight visitors: were pre- sent. Five dollars was votéd.to.the Hos- pital auxiliary instead of dressing a doll: © Several items of business were "discussed. A "Thank Yéu" note was read from Mrs. Kerr. Mts. J. G. Dob- son offered her home for the Decem- ber meeting. Little Miss Beth Hunter sang two numbers which delighted everyone, The meeting closed with the theme and ode. The travelling basket was 'fairly well filled to start its initial round and a good number of articles weré purchased also. The group in charge served a delicious lunch. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Jas. Torrens (nee Doreen Johnson) King- ston on the birth of a little son un Thursday, Nov. 4th, Einice arid Susan Roach éntertained their cousin Wendy Barfoot, Toronto over the week end. W. F. Crosier is at the Royal Winter {Fair with an exhibit of Yorkshire Swine, Migses Vera Howsam and Helen Trines were fn Port Perry Hospital for tonsilectomies last week. Messrs, F. B. Johnson, Geo. Munro and Ross Strong returned from Aig to the Canadian West, last week, . (from time to time a pain of (continued from front page) vice and we hope to have a full copy of this report at a later date. Wednesday evening we enjoyed a' play produced by the Canadian Mental Health Assn, on the training of child: ren. This playlet was well done and we were told that it could be put on in any centre within 100 miles of Tor- onto and when this was done, trained personal would conduct a discussion about the problem as shown in the play. A Get- acquainted Party under the leadership of Mr, Harold Harton was lots of fun on Wednesday: evening; Miss Ethel Chapman, who is known to" many through the magazine Home & Country talked to.us about "What will you leave your children?" and gave us a very thoughtful and help- ful talk on child training. She point- ed to the four corner posts of Love, Worship, Play and Work as a founda- tion for building character, She stressed the necessity of letting the child do things for him or hérself. Don't consider it as waste of your time and material as long as the child is trying to learn. Also Miss Chap- man felt they should be encouraged to decide things for themselves. Thursday morning we were enter- tained and instructed by demonstra. tions from the Junior Institute, many of you saw and enjoyed them. There are so many interesting points I would like to tell you about but we have to skip them in order to have time to talk about the more important items s0 we have just left out all the formalities--the introductions of the speakers and appointments of com- mittees, community singing, etc.-- and the reports we hope you will get in full at some later meeting. In developing the theme of the con- vention Mrs. MacPhatter asked "what is the best way to help the child-- what does he want to do? what' does he need to develop for the job he wants?" and she spoke of the Dig- nity of Work--the Benefits of Play-- the Beauty of Worship-- the neces- sity of Rest. Mrs, MacPhatter suggested that the 7021 dollars raised for Korean Widows Self Help project $8000 would buy 20 sewing machines, 2 hand looms, 8000 yds. of goods, 200 bs, yarns, with $4000 which would build a good ser- vice centre to house thé machines, ete. and where instruction could be given. She stessed that we let our Board member know how we felt about this. She also suggested that Ontario take on as a special project thes equipping of 4 centres in Ceylon under U.N.E. S.C.0. at a cost of $5,240 and she felt we should find some means of raising about 2,000 to pay expenses of the W.L delegate to UNESCO in 1956, she suggested 10 cents & member per year for 2 years. ; The luncheon meeting at Thursday noon was well attended and many of you heard and enjoyed the talk by Rev. Ray MaCleary, of Woodgreen Community Centre. You who were there will remember that he said "Liv- ing with The Neighbours" is the whole business of life and he went on to) show us how the life' was enriched by the Neighbours -- we gained nothing by building a spite fence--but by learn- ing to live with others we added to our own character and satisfaction. Friday morning we were entertain- ed with beautiful colored pictures of Jamaica which we could have enjoyed for nruch longer if we had had the time. Another thing which could have been given much more time was the panel 'discussion on the theme of the convention. Dr. Norman Hye of Guelph conducted: the discussion with a panel of two housewives, a Junior Institute Worker and an Agriculture Representative. The discussion was along this line--What development do we want to see in the child? and the answers suggested were a sense of responsibility, mental and social growth, the ability to make" good on his mistakes, to learn to know him- self and his abilities. How do . we accomplish this development?-- Through the church, Sunday School and homes. The child should be prais- ed for worthy effort, should be en- couraged t6 take a part dn the com- munity as in Cubs, Guides, 4H Clubs; ete. It was felt that parents shotild try to be up-to-date in their thinking; and also try to see the problems from the child's viewpoint. This discussion was called to an end because of the time although no consideration had been' given to schools and teachers, to shows, or television, etc. # It could have gone on and on. vention ahd hope that we have been REPORT FROM W. I. CONVENTION LAKEVIEW THEATRE . PORT PERRY Two Bhows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT, NOVEMBER 11-12-13 , They'll Steal- Your Heart Away VINCENT WINTER and JON WHITELEY In their Record Breaking 'Screen Hit "THE KIDNAPPERS" COMEDY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED., NOVEMBER 15-16-17 - Victor Matus and Lee Marvin In the Tense and Exciting Drama "IHE GLORY BRIGADE" COMEDY and SHORTS Fresh TTERCRISP, 'Golden Date Layer Cake' shmallows, % & 1 1b. bags Ya POUND BOXES SATURDAY AY SPECIALS 'Butterseotch Tarts with*Cream' GERROW'S BAKERY Phone 32W G. M. GERROW BEFORE THE WINTER STORMS ARE HERE PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY WITH A GOOD COAT OF PAINT 7 EXTERIOR PAINTED with the best quality paint. & INTERIOR DECORATION Sample books on request. . ST. CLAIR Painter & Decorator New Phone Number 118 r 14 R.R. 4, PORT PERRY FOR WARMTH HEATS EACH NOOK AND EVERY CORNER - / USEOUR OIL / AND COLDS A GONER / © Locat ytd oc (0 PORT | Cs an) bi C EG KT Ys oil. For steady home warmth and comfort all- during the cold weather you can't beat our reliable, efficient Fuel Call NOW. J - Famous Reading Anthracite Coals ITf[FuELs aie - Lid L _ Phone, 289 . able to pass some of this along to you. We wish to thank: you. for the opportunity you have given making it possible £ ou to be at this wond gathering. I am sure $i terest ahd information will be that might add something to future rograma. Chie. 7, Honey, His. 1. A. B. v The Forward Look hoya. A Canad "DODGE FOR 55 Coming fo Beare Motors Li, 80 0 N A IEEEE--_--_------_-- i AI ----r. WE , ZR we _-- a