4---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 1954 LOCAL NEWS Cards of Thanks We would like to express our sin. cere thanks to all those who helped us in so many ways after the loss of our home by fire, and special thanks to the Uxbridge and Port Perry Fire Brigades, Mr. and Mrs. Ivon Spencer. We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the friends of Scugog Island, and the Catholic Women's League for the showers giv- en in our honor, prior to and since our marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klooster (nee Rita Tolboom) I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends and neighbours for kindness - and sympathy and floral tributes. Also to Rev. C, W. Hutton, to Dr; Dymond and the staff of the Community Hospital of Port Perry, for their kind consideration during the sickness and passing of my father. Robert Coates, In Memoriam PETERS--In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Albert Pe- ters, who passed away Nov. 26th, 1952, Gone into the light that shines so fair, Gone from the earth of sorrow and care, Resting those hands that did thelr best, Gone; dear one, gone. to rest. Lovingly remembered by wife, daughter Edith and son-in-law, --- Edward. Announcement Mr. and Mrs, Leonard J. H. Frans- sen announce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth M. Douglas Colbear, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Colbear, all of Port Perry. Wed- ding to take place in Toronto on Dec. 4th, 1964. Birth . FISH--Mr, and Mrs. Peter Fish, are happy to announce the birth of a < daughter, Jennifer Anne; at the Port Perry Community Memorial Hospital, ~ on' Nov, 18th, 1954. A little sister for Gregory. Po COMING EVENTS Bazaar and ~ Baking Sale to be held on. g ae November 27, a 3 p.m. by the Catholic Women's league in the Parish Hall. After- noon tea served. Everyone cordially invited. 028, N18, N25 Star Free Concert On Thursday, Dec. 2, 1864 in the United Church at 8 p.m. the Leslie Bell Singers with Leslie Bell, M.C. Bazaar and Tea Saturday, Nov. 27th, from 3 to b, in the Port Perry Library, the W.A. of Prince Albert will hold a Bazaar, Tea and Home-Baking Sale nov2b Annual Bazaar under the auspices of the Ladies' of the Presbyterian Church, on Saturday, December 4th, at 3 p.m. Home-made baking, aprons, fancy articles, and afternoon tea. dec, 2 The ladies of the Fidelis Class are holding their Bazaar in the Green- bank Church Basement on Wednesday afternoon, December 1st. to Arthur '| A party was held in his honour when CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Rev. K. W. Scott, L.Th., Rector Advent Sunday, Nov, 28th, 1954-- 9.30 a.m,--Holy Communion, 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister--Rev. B. D. Armstrong, 'B.A., D.D, Sunday, November 21st-- 11 a.m.--Sunday School 7 pm.--Divine Worship. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Nov. 28th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m, --Topic--" Which Way is Progress?" 7 p.m.--Evening Worship, PENTECOSTAL CHURCH °* Sunday, November 21st-- ' 10 a.m.--Sunday School : 11 a.m,--Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.--Evangelistic Service' Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study Thurs.,, 8 p.m.--Young People * EVERYBODY WELCOME - Q Pastor--Lloyd Faulkner PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--David J. Toews Sunday, November 28-- 1 am.--Sunday School 11 am, and 7 pm,--_ , CONCLUDING SERVICES with the CIVIC EVANGELISM CRUSADERS of Sykesville, Pa. Young Men with a Message. COMING Wed, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting Friday, 8 p.m.--Young People. Come to the Little White Church on the Hill. | Prince Albert Congratulations to Mr. Wm. Mar- tyn, who reached his 82nd birthday. all the family gathered at home of his son_Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn of Scugog on Saturday evening. Those who attended Sunday School sang 'Happy Rirthday" while Bruce Martyn, Barbara Davidson and Bryan Beacock deposited their money in the miniature church. Two teachers, Mrs. E, Martyn, of the Yellow School, and Mrs. Faster, Bethel, and all the pupils travelled by bus to interesting spots of Tqronto, visiting the Art Gallery, Museum and Royal Winter Fair. ~ Miss E. Bursell, her neice and ne- phew, Mr. and Mrs. A, Harper, Don and Sandra, Saintfield, were Sunday visitors with Les Beacock and Mr. F. Vickery. Little Miss Lexy Love entertained a few friends on the occasion of her birthday last Tuesday. All are invited to our fine Sunday School and Adult Bible Class at 11 o' clock. We, are very grateful to Rev. F. Joblin for his interest and help. Church service is now at 8.156 p.m. The new oil furnace is installed and everything is very inviting. Rev. Mr. Wylie suggested we each bring 8 friend next Sunday night. Bazaar and Tea WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1st at 3 p.m. -- Sponsored by the Fidelis Ladies Class, Greenbank. Buy your Christ. mas Gifts from a wide selection of goods, aprons, children's clothes, fancy work, knitted and crocheted articles, also a candy and baking booth. Hospital Shower In 3p of the Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, on Friday, Dec. 8, both afternoon and evening, at the home of Mrs. Ambrose King. Small towels and colored face cloths are needed. Dec. 2 fr TEER p= Commencement Exercises to be held in the Port Perry United Church 8:00 p.m, Sharp. Friday, November 26th ( Guest Speaker--MR. H. J. VALLENTYNE, M.A., . * Superintendent, Ontario School for the Blind. VALEDICTORIAN -- JEAN SAMELLS EVERYBODY WELCOME home of Mrs. Horace Webster. A hymn Scripture and Mrs. Harold Holtby Prospect The Womens' Association met on Wednesday, November 10th at the opened the meeting, followed by the Motto. Mrs. Frank Vernon read the gave the Lesson Thoughts and prayer. A Hymn closed the devotional period. The program consisted of a reading entitled "The Yellow Butterflies", by Mrs, Clare Vernon, and a piano solo by Mrs. Horace Webster. The president, Mrs. Bruce Holtby presided over the business. The min- utes of the October meeting were read and approved, followed by the roll call. The treasurer reported a bank balance of $135.00. Many thanks to Mrs. J. Somerville for her gift of $6.00 to the W.A. A "Thank You" card was re- ceived from Mrs. Earl Follest. A mo- tion was passed that a new runner be purchased for the Communion table. Mrs. Horace Webster offered to" re- arrange the groups for the coming year. The Theme Song and prayer closed the meeting. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Diamond on the birth of a son, Monday, November 22nd in the Com- munity Memorial Hospital Port Perry. Fall is baking time. Plan fo give your family a surprise. You'll find all the newest cake, biscuit and roll, pre-mixed and pre-cooked ingred- "lents here. If you like fo bake and mix your own formulas, you'll find all the fixings you'll need at RED & WHITE this weekend . . . at savings. RE SRE RS Five Roses FLO LARKE'S ORK and BEANS CATELLI'S MACARONI Ready Cut STOKELY'S FANCY CREAM CORN IT'S NOURISHING 0X0 CUBES BOWMANVILLE Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceteria ~ ORONO No Cornish Graceteria OSHAWA 1: Renna' s Super Market 1 948 Simcoe St. N. Stroud's Food Market 15% Simcoe St. S. Rohe "MORNING GLORY FRESH ROASTED 1b. 1.08 There's a Red & White Store in. your District Jeffery Food Market Brown's Groceteria Dowson's Food Market Stroud's Food Market Ajax Marketeria Scugog News A most enjoyable family gathering took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Gerrow last Sunday. The three sisters of Mrs. Gerrow and their families are now living in Ontario. They are Mr, and Mrs. Bob Brown of Nobleton, Mr .and Mrs. Everett Lar- key of Brampton, and Mr, and Mrs, Jack Young of Toronto. Together with their children and an uncle, Mr. Harry Ford of Humboldt, Sask., they had a very happy reunion. had been attending the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. This past week-end seems to have been a special one for several families in our community. The Ashton fa- mily met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Rodman last Sunday to honour the birthdays of Mrs. A. Ashton and Mrs. 8. Rodman. Thirty-four mem- bers of this well known family were present to enjoy the afternoon and evening together, Last Friday evening the Island people gathered at the hall to honour the recently wed couple, Mr, and Mra. Henry van Klooster. The evening was spent dancing, then the bride and groom were called to the front of the hall, and following the address, were - DETERGEN §-Lb. Bag Supreme Sweet Pickles io: AYLMER PEAS TOMATO JUICE Choice 18.0%, tin 43-0z. Tin - Mr. Ford 2 for 20¢ Culverhouse Maney pésented with an end table, a table damp, a toaster and a hostess' chair. Henry and Rita were very pleased with their gifts and both spoke words of thanks to all. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter and family spent the past week-end at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Best at Burlington. The Head Farm< Forum met on Monday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs, S. Rodman,to discuss "Farm Insurance". We were very pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. John Hamer of Brooklin with ug forthe meeting. Mrs, Hamer gave some interesting facts about C.I.A. insurance, and both Mr. and Mrs. Hamer helped our dsicussion along a great deal. Next Monday evening, Nov. 20th, we hope to have Mr. Wier of Omemee here to present films on "Phosphorus in the Soil". There will also be a short film for children. These films are in colour and are explained as they are shown, so we are sure that they should be most interesting. Anyone in the com- munity who is interested in this is very welcome to attend. The meet. ing will be held in the Head School. The next meeting of the Head W.A. will be held at the home of Mrs, Har- old Martyn on Dec. 1st. Christmas: gifts will be exchanged, as usual, and GIANT wr 8c FREE TEA TOWEL 33c 21¢c 2 i x | TABLE E QUERN = SLICED - BREAD NESCAPR -- PARAMOUNT PINK SALMON 1 LB. TIN members are asked to put thelr name in with their gift. Don't forget your jar of fruit or jam for the hospital Manchester Mrs, F. B. Johnson, Messrs Harley and Wesley Johnson visited "Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Torrens and baby-in Kings- ton recently. Miss C. Cowan, Toronto was with her sister, Mrs. A. Roach and family over the week-end. ° Little Miss Larine Bryden, Bramp- ton spent a few days with her grand- mother Mrs. Gladys Archer. The Women's Association will meet at the home of Mrs. J. Dobson on Thursday afternoon, December 2nd at 2.30 p.m. A special invitation goes to all the ladies to'attend. The Lind. say demonstator for Tupper ware will be present, also the W.A. tavelling basket. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Farrow and Mr. and Mrs. Lou Bigg of London, were guests at the Grant Christie home over the week-end. Mr, Scaman and son Jack of Wind- sor were guests of Mr, and Mrs. John Stewart and Bill one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith 'Dring and Mr. Lloyd Evans of Raglan visited Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd McKee on Sunday. Hilliop Herald a re 4 Special commercial students put on . a programme in the auditorium on November 19. They had a play called "The Shooting of Dangerous Dan Me- Grew". Sondra James stood behind the curtain of the stage and read'the poem of Dan McGrew while all of the others. acted it out. Caroline Naples played a pleco on the piano and Sondra James recited a poem. All of the boys in Special Com- mercial sang a song called "Popa Lo- ves Mumbo" with two of the boys dressed up as girls. Joan Ray and Shirley St. John did a dance and song routine and the programme was ended with the song "Even Through". This was a very good assembly and every- body thoroughly enpoyed it. - Commencement will be 'held this Friday on November 26th, at the Uni- ted Church. There will be dancing at the school after. Diplomas and Medals will be awarded to students who passed, had highest average, track and field champions, ete. Cocoa and donuts will be served after com- mencement is over. Commencement only comes once a year so let's have a good turn-out to help suppor the students. QUALITY "TENL. RLOIN END -- 34; -L3, AVERAGE Pork Loin FYE Lb. 49¢ SWIFf'S PREMIUM -- CRYOVAC OVEN-READY Grade "A" FOWL Lb. 45¢ SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- 1%-LB. TO 2-LB, AVERAGE Lb. 39¢ lb. 25¢ Lb. 27c SMOKED Pork Loin ROLLS ¢RESH Pork LIVER SWIFT'S PREMIUM MAGIC BOWES ALMOND ICING 'Sliced YOUR BAKING NEEDS BAKING POWDER 16 os. | 43c 16 ez. SAKER'S -- UNSWEETENED DALTONS SAVOY -- ASSORTED BAKING CHOCOLATE ,.. CAKE DECORETTES SHREDDED COCOANUT ,.. 45 16, FARM BOY INSTANT COFFEE ,. 18 SEEDLESS RAISINS "404% 3 Ey Mh CORN FLAKES 256 WESTON'S -- 7 MINUTE Sh TLAXES »a CAKE FROSTING .. 2 - SUPREME --- CELLO : " Iaing A WALNUT PIECES ,. Ig SARDINES 8 TEA COBOURG BROOKLIN : SUNKIST PORT PERRY WHITBY 16 Brock St. N. AJAX rts Uptown Marke! Lima Beans ~HRREFORD BRAND BAGS is Bag -- FANCY Golle 2 for "FROZEN ' FOODS LITTLE BRITAIN BIRDSEYE 54 Simeae St. N, Bullocks Groceteria Ca Isl i ow Sproule's Food Stores PORT HOPE ul ower » Me 292 King St. E, and Roberts Bros. Food Stor« BIRDSEYE : 4 Fal FRESH FRUITS ao VEGETABLES PEI -- SEBAGOES POTATOES BUY NOW -- Christmas Prices will be Highest, GENUINE ~ CAPE COD 1.79 odie Fue 25¢ ORANGES ;: 3 2 Dox 39¢ ROSEBUD -- 3 BUNCHES - RADISHES 29¢| : hi SLL 37c|] = MW SUPREME -- CELLO DALTON'S 9% SHELLED ALMONDS "s 9s CUT MIXED PEEL CUT NIXED FRUIT 18c 16c alec 8 oa. 8 oa QUAKRR QUAKER 19¢ REN.LRATION DOG FOOD 108s 20 206 Puss 'a Bos Cat Pond 510 4 2m 3c Greatest Camera Value Boor Offered! ¥ 10-PC. FLASH CAMERA SET only 43% with iwe labels from