A EARS AL LAL TT RR IN A 0 0, ARON = be RIN , % RA CAL RRA HN FU te vhs AA 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20th, 1054 "BUSINESS DIRECTORY Austin C. A. Bathie p.c. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC X-RAY MONDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS For appointment, Phone 206R Queen and Scugog Streets PORT PERRY REAL ESTATE J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS for complete Real Estate Service. 46 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto Phone HU. 1-3391 City and Country Homes Farms and Small Acreages. Industrial and Business Property. - LLOYD G. LEE is your local representative. Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. METAL LATHE WORK. - LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground and Serviced. OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC WELDING. CAUSLEY MACHINE SHOP SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT "THE SURE WAY" 24 Hour Service IRWIN DeGEER Dalten Road, Sutton hone 231 R CONANT & CONANT BARRISTERS and DULICIIURS Roger D. Conant, B.A. Offices: Oshawa, Ont., 7; Simcoe St. 8. Phone 3-2227 Ajax, Ont., Phone 25 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal, Telephone Collect. Port Perry 90-r-4, or Toronto EM 83-8686. Gordon Young Lid. Refrigeration Service; both household and commercial. Gilson milk coolers and freezers. Refrigerators. 'Reg. Boundey DR.J.B.LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY ONTARIO Office Hours -- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phones: Office 68W. Res. 68) ARTHUR W. 8S. GREER, Q.C. in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Bloék, Port Perry, Phone 26 EXCAVATING CELLARS - DRAINS SEPTIC TANKS GRADING CLIFF BAKER, Manchester i july 17 WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry for information. nov 27, 19564 HU. 1-3391 Evgs. HU 9-6308 3 Bessborough Drive INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry o> (0)'4\ LIFE VERVE TN [of eo lV I 2-\ YAY Censult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING AGENT Port Perry - Ontario ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. : EARL WALLACE Port Perry J. Hunter and Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 64 King Street East, OSHAWA . Phone Oshawa 5-1621 (successor to O. 8. Hobbs) |" Co-Operators Insurance ASSOCIATION «sponsored by The Ont. Federation of Agriculture Gives Broader Coverage Better Claims Service Convenient 6 Mos. Premiums You'll never regret asking about C. I. A. Car Insurance Mrs. J. HAMER, MYRTLE, Ont. Phone Brooklin 61.r-2 June 66 Bulldozing and Excavating BY HOUR or CONTRACT EXPERIENCED OPERATOR REASONABLE RATES PHONE 458W 2; N. E. MAIRS Simcoe Street PORT PERRY Nov. 26, 1964 TRENCHING, LOADING, ROOT and ROCK RAKE BULLDOZING - SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSH FREE E TES--by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION Phone 392W (Office) Residence--Wm. Tripp 392W and Joe Tripp 892) EXCAVATING DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, FOR LAND CLEARING ED STONE, LOAM, FILL. = ---h Telephone for present heating sys of a new forced Furnaces al OLSEN & unit. 'oll burners Phone 487 or 402 Now is the Time fo Change to Oil ree estimate on converting your 1 to a modern ofl burner or installation HEATING and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS < vacuum cleaned and serviced. Port Perry | USE THE SCASSIF/ED nak QUICK: rma 2X7. FOR SALE--OQil Furnace, only used 4 seasons, in first class condition, cost over $400 when new, a bargain at $176. British Ontario Motors, Leask- dale, Phone Uxbridge 162-r-16, WANTED AT ONCE Farms, houses and vacant land. Buyers waiting, Call Char}es Reesor, Bigelow 8t. Port Perry, phone 464. Agent for Donald Scott Real Estate, 256 Prince Street, Oshawa. Jan.21 WOOD FOR SALE -- Softwood slabs, $14.00 per cord, hard wood slabs $19.00 per cord; also body hardwood cut and delivered. Phone Bethany 37-r-88. Nov.28 Wood for Sale .Dry Hard wood, cut 12" lengths, 4 full single cords, $20.00 delivered. H. M, Kyte, Phone Blackstock 26. Jan, 21 STRAYED--arrived at the prem- ises of "Henry McCartney, Lot 18, Con. 6, Reach -Twp., in August, two yearling bulls, - Owner may 'have same by proving property & paying expenses, Dec.2 Auction Sales SAT., NOV. 27th--Farm Sold 'Auc- tion Sale. of Farm Stock, Hay and Furniture, the Property of Creighton Devitt, Lot 14, Concession 2, Cart wright Township. Terms cash, sale at 1.00 p.m. Henry Thompson, clerk. "TED JACKSON, Auctioneer Dead Stock Service Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge 92-r-14,<Lindsay 5282. Head Office, Woodville 82 r 11. ; "ED. PECON], i Ontario Argyle Dead Farm Stock "PICKED UP PROMPTLY Phone Collect Bowmanville > Market 8-2679 We also buy live horses. MARGWILL FUR FARMS, TYRONE dec.16-1964 |Recover and Save Save up to $100 on your old suite, Let TORONTO FURNITURE MFG. CO. LTD. Re-Style and Re-Upholster your Suite Better than new 5 year Guarantee. For Free Estimates call Port Perry 447 I GUARANTEED USED CARS AND TRUCKS Thoroughly Reconditioned 50:50 Warranty--30 days or 1000 miles 52 CHEVROLET Coach, $470 down 52 METEOR Coach $470 down 51 METEOR Coach........... $400 down 50- PONTIAC Sedan A \ 50 METEOR Coach, 50° ANGLIA Coach ........ «$125 down "rinses $200 down R Sedan, $800 down Coach ...$300 down 49 ME Sedan $310 down 49. ANGELIA Coach ........$100 down 48 DODGE Sedan .............$350 down 48 PONTIAC Coach ............$260 tdown 48 FORD Coach ........ccvunr. $285 'down 42 CHEVROLET ......... wd 70 down 39 DODGE Sedan .......... win 70: down 37 BUICK 8 Sedan 0.K USED TRUCKS 62 G.M.C. ¥; ton. Pick-up $825. down 51 FORD 1 ton pick-up $320 down 49 FORD 1 ton pick-up ......$280 down 49 G.M.C. ¥; ton Panel ..,$260 down 49 CHEV. V; ton Panel ...$240 down 49 THAMES V; ton Panel $120 down Liberal Trade«dn Allowance GMAC Time Payment Térms to fit your budget. GENERAL MOTORS DEALERS Chevrolet - Oldsmobile - Chevrolet ' Trucks PORT PERRY PHONR 74 Open Evenings Until 9 Bryden Motors | FOR SALE -- Baby's pink corduroy pram suit; pair of child's fur trimmed white rubber goloshes size 7, like new, Phone 92-r-2. FOR RENT--Apartment, 4 rooms with bath, in Port Perry. Phone 226R, FOR SALR--Hearing aid, practical. ly new. 1 pair Brown Oxford shoes, ladies, size 4, like new, $3.00. J. King, Cassimir St. : FOR SALE -- High Chair, used 3 mos., $7.00. Phone 844.J. FOR SALE-- Electric train, complete with 16 straight sections and 10 cur ved sections of .027 track, 2 switches, crossover, transformer, steam type en- gine, tender and 7 cars, Complete $25.00, Phone 409-J, STRAYED--to lot 8, Con. 6, Reach Township, 2 hounds. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Phone 478-121, Dec.® FOR SALE -- Singer Sewing Ma- chine, electric; pressure pump, nearly new, Phone 17-R. ' | NOTICE Donald Scott, Real Estate take pleasure "in announcing the appointment of MR. CHARLES REESOR ° as our representative for Port Perry and district. Before you buy or sell real estate it will pay you to talk over your problems with Mr, Reesor. Just phone 464, Port Perry. 'British Onfario Motors Limited PLYMOUTH - CHRYSLER FARGO FOR THE BEST BUY IN GUARANEED CARS and TRUCKS.... 52 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE-- : a lovely one owner car 61 MERCURY Sedan, 14,000 miles-- a ONE OWNEY CAT co ipemararssss $1200. b1 FORD Cpsto an, radio : two-ton@ gf. ..cconennininsiniannn $ 995 650 MORRIS®Oxford Sedan, heater $5696. 50 MORRIS Cotcn, 40 miles per gal.,, new motor 49 FORD Custom Sedan, radio, $796. 48 PONTIAC Club Coupe, radio, $726. 49 FORD % ton pick-up, heater, a good one 46 G.M.C. 3 tone }ASY TERMS -- CASH or TRADE. $295. 2 T : D] a SIGN AND THE NEW "FORWARD LOOK" SEE THE NEW-196b CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH Cars and FARGO Trucks NOW on Display AT OUR SHOWROOM. : WE HAVE THE LATEST Equipment in John Bean Front End Alignment able--Work Guaranteed. Why. not phone Uxbridge 162-r-15 for a Demonstration -- no obligation whatseever. : B iti ] 0 i . 5 ! Motors : LIMITED CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - FARGO LEASKDALR TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES, CORPORATION OF 'THE TOWNSHIP OF REACH To Wit: + oq By VIRTUE OF WARRANT issu: LA the hand of the Reeve and the Seal of the Township of Reach bearing the date the 17th day of Al t, 1964, and to me directed, comman me to levy upon the lands mentioned in the fo ne Jia) for arrears of taxes.due thereon, an e fore, J oreny give notice Hing Sniods e said arrears and Cos soon paid 1 shall proceed to sell the said lands or so much thereof as may be necessary to settle the aforesaid ax rears of taxes and other charges there. on, at my office, in the Townahip Hall, in. the Village of Manchester, by Public Auction, on Monday the 20th December, 1964, beginning 0 o'clock in the afternoon and in com- pliance with the Assessment Act. AND TAKE, FURTHER NOTICE, at the adjourned sale to be held at the same hour, on Tuesday, the 28th day of December, 1854, if necessary, the Corporation of the Towzabip of Reach intends to purchase any of the lands offered for sale unless the full amount of all arrears and costs be realized from the sale thereof, GRANT CHRISTIE, TI. Name of Owner or Person Assessed and Description of Lands, Lot, Concession, ete. John Kennelly Estate-- * North Half Lot 11, Con, 18, 100 acres : - Yearin Taxes Cost Total Arrears : 1061 $110.40 12.46 1962 1968 76.96 North-West pt., 10 acres, being Bt: Lot 12, Con. 18, earin Taxes Cost Total 1061 9,60 J 1962 441 1968 6.08 42.76 822.66 'Dated at Manchester, Ont., - : s 17th day of August, 1054, blished in The Ontario Gazette, Sept. th, 1064, 0 J and Wheel Balancing--Prices Reason- | cost as herein set] . LIVING ACCOMODATION--for 2 High School girls in new home, close to school. Phone 442-J, ZR TWO YOUTHS--17 and 20 years, wish to obtain positions on farm, both experienced. Apply Bob and Rodger Rose, phone 116-r-24. : FOR SALE --- Sink, complete with 223, Port Perry, LOST -- Beagle Hound, female, in the vicinity of Seagrave, answers to "Tiny". Lost Sat., Nov. 20th. Notify Ralph Willis, R.R. 3, Bowmanville or ay | phone Oshawa 38-8067. STRAYED--from Lot 18, Con. 7, Reach, a Hereford Heifer, 6. mos, Re- ward. Call Jas. Owen, Port Perry, 189-r-5. Dee, 8 this house has-been up 4 years and was built with all new material, on skids ready to move to your own lot, $1000. British Ontario Motors Ld, Leaskdale, Phone Uxbridge 162-r-16. Y : A. Election Nofice The Municipal Electors of the TOWNSHIP OF REACH : "Are hereby notified that '| Nominations for the offices of Reeves and Councillors 'and - Twp. School Area Board '| To form the Council of Said Twp. for 1965, and three Trustees: for 'School Area Board for 1966; will be held in the Township Hall, Manchester.on MONDAY, NOV. 29, 1954 At one o'clock in the afternoon and in the event of a Poll being required, the votes of the Electors will be taken on Monday, the 6th day of December, 1954 Between the hours of 10.00 a.m. 3 and 7.00 p.m. Clerk's Office, Manchester . : Grant Christie, Returning Officer. MODERN HEATING COMPLETE FORCED AIR HEATING SYSTEM FOR A FIVE-ROOM HOME $625.00 Write Dept. P.P.8. or visit our showrooms. ° | 5.v. JOHNSON STREETSVILALL, ONY. Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings and all day Saturday. : Nov.26 a A vA taps and hose, special $10.00. Phone' FOR SALE--House, 2 rooms, 12'x | 20, wired and includes light fixtures, Tenders {For Sale by tender--Open Shed at Utica United Church, 60' x 28'. Ten- defs close Dec. 11, 1964. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mri. J.T. Crosier, Secretary-Treas., Port Perry, R.R. 4 (Utica). : Notice Anyone wishing to donate a weekly prize for lucky number programs .at the Junior 'B' home games, please contact Mr, Myers, phone 850. COURT OF REVISION Ont.,, on Tuesday, Nov. 80th, at-8 p.m. Dated this 20th day of Nov., 1954. RALPH MILNER, Clerk, Brooklin, Ontario. = oe FOR SALB -- Gray Gendron Baby Carriage--$16. Also. Play.pen--4$8. Both in_ good condition, Mrs, Bruce Beare--Phone 408-W, Port Perry, i FOR SALE--1947 Mercury Coach, Blue, $850. terms, arranged. Phone 10 Jim, weekdays 9 to b. Commencing on December 4th, 1064, Master Feeds, Port Perry, 'will be open: Saturday until'é p.m. and closed on 'Wednesday : afternoons. Master Feeds, Phone 1, Port Perry. Dec.8 -420 'ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS More than -420 companies in. Can. ada's electrical manufacturing in- dustry are capable of 'producing prac- tically all Canada's electrical require- ments. JOHN DEERE ~ Manchest \ Thurs, December 9, 8.00 p.m. DOOR PRIZES and REFRESHMENTS EVERYONE WELCOME GORDON SWEETMAN SEAGRAVE 'Sales-and Service Phone 86 r 2 ---- Ras : No Membership Fee Hervey For Artificial Insemination call ONTARIO COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE for TORDIST CATTLE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION Telephone 479 r 13 Port Perry. Artificial Service:available for Angus, Holstein, Jersey, Guernsey, Hereford, Shorthorn Service fee $5.00 Painter T & EXTERIOR PAINTED Sample books * PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY 'WITH A GOOD COAT OF PAINT BEFORE THE WINTER STORMS ARE HERE . with the best quality paint. 4 INTERIOR DECORATION ; request. M. ST. CLAIR Painter & Decorator New Phone Number 118r14 R.R. 4, PORT PERRY STOP SINUS - SUFFERING For the first time, sinus'sufferers can ubtain complete, Jong-lascing relief with NEVO. Available to the public after years of research and careful testing. Medical tests: have proven that in almost all cases * NEVO completely eliminates sinus suffering where all other methods IY rey Chifnic cases of many years' duration--even those which have had recourse to surgical drainage-- respond quickly to NEVO treat- ment. NEVO contains no harmful drugs and may be used by children as well as adults. - Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded - BRUTON'S ~ DRUGSTORE Phone 16 Port Perry rs ww SHOP SIMCOE ST. N. ot 2 Ars, NEW SUPRA LOTS OF FREE PARKING OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY OPEN 'TILL © p.m. FRIDAY NIGHTS FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE BYNG, OSHAWA w