Sonya. (Too late for last week) Col. G. A, Welsh, M.P.P., and Mr. Cameron McKenzie of Beaverton call- ed on Mr, J. S. MacFarlane on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nottingham, Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Morrison, and Miss Shirley Alsop attended the Royal Winter Fair on Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. S. Allan Wallace of Port Ferry, had tea with Mr, and Mrs, Roy Morrison Sunday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Williamson and family and Miss Dorothy Shepherd spent Sunday in Toronto with Mr, and Mrs. Newton Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baird, Sharon and Janet of Saintfield; Mr: and Mrs. Jack Clark, Richard and Fara Ethel of Brooklin Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Morrison. Miss Lorna.Dure, Miss Sadie Stew- art and Miss Margaret Still of Tor- onto visited with. Mr. and Mrs. J, S. MacFarlane on Saturday. Mrs. Stewart Morrison, Reg. N,, 2--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1954 Superintendent of Port Perry Com- munity Hospital, attended the meet. ing in Port Perry on Tues. evening of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary, and in a short address expressed the appreciation of the hospital staff for the splendid assistance given during the year by the auxiliary, The monthly meeting of the Ladies Bible Class was held at the home of Mrs. Russell Batten. The meeting opened with a devotional period. The minutes of the last meeting 'were read and approved and reports | of the visiting committees were given, Mrs. Lorne Parrott invited the class members to her home for the Decem- ber meeting. The following members will act on the visiting committee-- Mrs, Alfred Parrott, Mrs. Frank Lyn. | - Frances Downing of Toronto, spent. de, Mrs, Fred Daw.and Mrs. A. Payn- ter. The program committee will be Mrs, Nelson Ashton and Mrs. A, Rey- nolds. The following program was then = On the job: Chiel Wilmot F. Young, Brockville police head for the past sixtesn years. Brockville youngsters know him ai the founder and athletic director of the Police Athletic Association; the trophies behind his desk were won by boys' and girls' othletic teams and the 50-gitl bugle bond sponsored by the Association, THE TELEPHONE IS ESSENTIAL TO A COMMUNITY'S SECURITY AND PEACE OF MIND Chief of Police declares Brockville's popular chief knows from experience the tremendous reassurance people feel, just knowing that any hour of the day or night they can depend on the telephone in case of need. You may never have to call the police. Yet the fact remains that you and your family feel more secure ~-- are more secure -- because of your telephone. Peace of mind is an extra value that is part of your telephone service; a value that cannot be measured. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA y coh \%} dara gry > Several drugs developed'in the past few years give the 16,000,000 high blood pressure (hyperten- sion) victims in the United States a better chance of living with a condition which, if allowed to go unchecked, can lead to severe heart, brain and kidney damage and even to death. Two of the new drugs have proven particularly valuable in the control 'of this disease. One is a refinement known as reserpine from a crude root used for centu- ries in India for a score of ailments. The second drug is hexamethon- jum chloride, a compound discov- ered in Europe which was admin. istered only by injection until an American , pharmaceutical firm succeeded in producing it in tablet form. Reserpine is believed to lower blood pressure by its calming effect upon the central nervous system. It slowly lowers mildly elevated blood pressure. The drug has few side effects and it has been useful in mild cases or as the initial treat. ment in severe cases--largely be. cause of its tranquilizing effect upon the patient, Hexamethonium chloride, the single most potent drug available now, operates on the "roadblock" concept by preventing the trans- mission of presgwe-raising im- New Drugs For High Blood Pressure pulses across key nerve centers. It lowers blood pressure quickly in most cases and often relieves many of the disturbing symptoms associated with advanced high blood 'pressure. ; Most promising results for the patient are now being reported by physicians using the two drugs together. It appears that the calm- ing effects of reserpine make it possible to obtain the marked re- ductions in blood pressure brought about by hexamethonium with low doses of the latter drug. Physi- cians report that this new minimizes side reactions and per- mits greater comfort for the pa tient. Although the primary eause of high blood pressure is inknown in 90 per cent of cases, when the di- sease is diagnosed early, the pe- tient can often be hel A gen. eral slowing down of activity and. perhaps by diet. In sovere cases,' surgery, in which certain nerves are cut, has helped some patients. Drug treatment, however, is the most widely accepted method once the physician considers the condi. tion a serious medical problem. Not only is this method effective, - but it is less disruptive to orally 3 tient than dieting and considera less drastic than surgery, whic can't be undone even whem i dosn't work, given: A reading "The Bridge Build- er", by Miss Florence Doble; the topic "Bridal Garments" was taken by Mrs. Armstrong; reading "A Child's Plea", by Mrs. Russell Taylor; a reading "The Lost Document", by Mrs. Wm. Gardner. A contest was conducted by Mrs. N. Anderson. ; The meeting closed with the singing hymn and the repeating of the Miz- pah benediction. Dainty refreshments were served by the lunch committee and a social half hour enjoyed. Mr. James Miller, of Carman, Man,, has been visiting relatives in the vill- age. Miss Glenys Stephen of Port Credit spent the week-end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. F, Stephen. Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Ashton visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Barrie of Stouffville recently. Mr, and Mrs. E. Downing and Miss 'the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Daw. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephen were recent visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. Geer, of Epsom. : Three infants were baptized at the morning service on Sunday, Nov, 28 by Dr. B. D. Armstrong. Allan Daw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daw; Donald Walter Knight, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Knight and Paul. Paul Martin, ! mas"; Stephen | Prince Albert - The Woman's Association met in t€F Mrs. W. Horsley. the evening of November 24th, at the ! home of the president Mrs. Beacock. | Association was held in Port Perry : | Library Saturday afternoon, when a A Hymn opened the meeting, fol- | comfortable gathering of ladies had ' assembled at three o'clock. The pre- | sident Mrs. Beacock asked for order Eighteen ladies were in attendance. lowed by prayer by Mrs. R. H, Wylie. Groupe one had charge of the devo- tional. Scripture taken by Mrs. B. Smith; Lesson Thoughts, Mrs. Grigg and the Prayer by Mrs. Doupe, Several items of business were dealt with, Visiting committee reported bne visit made. Kitchen committee report- ed having purchased four new table cloths--$18.76, Mrs. Grant Hunter and Mrs. B. Smith were suggested to see about a used electric stove. A motion carried that the floor of the formerly little coal room be ce- mented and ready for further use. The program consisted of readings by Mrs, G. Hunter, "Keeping Christ- "; Mrs. Newnham, "The Week-end Past Christmas", and Mrs. B. Smith an article on the Hymn "0 Little | Town of Bethlehem", after which it was sung. "The Mizpah benediction closed the meeting, Group one served lunch. Mrs. Cleeves is staying awhile with her aunt Mrs. Crozier. Mr, and Mrs. C. Wright of Buffalo, ine Loraine, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. | spent several days at the home of the latter's aunt Mrs. L. Bond.. Mrs. G. R. Smith spent several days in Toronto at the home of her daugh- The annual bazaar of our Woman's while Mrs, Hunter presided at piano for 'singing of "The. Queen". Then Mrs. Wylie, wife of our pastor, wel- comed the visitors, also a few other nice remarks, then officially declared the bazaar open. A wonderful array of aprons, children's attire, home- baking, candy and grab-table display greeted the prospective buyers. Be- fore leaving majority paused in the snack section to enjoy a cup of tea. We all found it interesting noticing familiar 'faces from Pot and various neighboronf places. The members are also grateful for the articles sent in from outside interested ladies. It was encouraging to see he new- comers out to Sunday School. Mrs, Ri Murphy and Alan spent most of last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, L. Glasgow and sons of Auburn visited her sister Mr. and Mrs. G, Hunter and family over the week-end. ; Have you people heard the dong of wedding bells in our village? Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Martyn in Tor- onto on Monday visiting sick relatives, - .G.A.'s Down Alliston 7 - 5 In Series Opener After trailing by three goals at the end of the first period, Port Perry 1G.A's came from behind to down Alliston 7-4 which proved to be a thrilling series opener for our Inter- mediate team. Whiteside with two and Ball with one gave Alliston their three goal margin in the first period. After only thirty-four seconds of second period, Port began to roll, when Ron Myles assisted by Gibson and Bradbury put Port back in the game. At 8.68 McTaggart on a split pass from Howey and Heard gave Port its second. of the period. Big Mert McKee on a rink-wide pass from Heard, bull- dogged his way through the Alliston defence at 15.44 to even the score at three each, which remained for the second period. Penalties in the 2nd, Aliston 2, Port Perry 1, - x Alliston went one up early in the third when Ball on a pass by Gough beat Jackie Owen at 11.51, but their one goal lead was soon squashed when for the second time during the even- ing Ron Myles assisted by Gibson und Bradbury, tied it up again at 14.04. : From this moment on Port Perry was" in full command and at 16.58 Ron Wallace on assists from Till and Burnett, scored which proved to be the winning goal. At 17.82 Lew McTag- gart made a rink-long solo and A another marker to the Port list. In dying seconds: of the third and. pal period Big Jim Burnett on an assist by Bill Bradbury made it seven for the L.G.A.'s with only two seconds left to play. The teams evened the pen- alties out in the third with one each. Jackie Owen, although suffering a long gash over his right eye, received early in the first period, played: an outstanding game in the nets for the Port crew. : <4 Alliston return to Port Perry on Monday, December 18th for the LG.A/'s first home game. I am sure that the hockey fans of this district are going to see some fast and excit- ng hockey from these lads this sea- son, so let's get out and give them all the support we can. BIGGEST CAR IN THE LOW-PRICED FIELD More than a foot longer, inches wider and lower--years ahead in inspired styling--new in everything but name--that's the daring, new Dodge for *55! You'll sense a new trend in motorcars - in its long, slim lines and clean, taut surfaces that give it an exciting "eager-for-action" look. Inside, intriguing new interior fabrics live in perfect harmony with exterior colours-- and literally breathe richness and luxury, lifts and power seal are.also avatlable on Mayfair and Regent models af exira cod. ~ 55 DODGE ers from use it - corners where you reall well the vision from There's a dramatic power story, too, for the '65 Dodge offers a great new V-8 and two dynamic 6's. And eager Dodge power responsive to your slightest command, can be harnessed to New Horizon full-wrap 'windshield Z_J1 IN Lerythings new bul the name! Land Gs ordinary wrap-arounds wraps around ! need it, bottom, 's all every point of view. - Front seat of two-door * W/E models folds 14-24 , A. PowerFlite*, finest of all automatic transmissions. . = ll allows oay" ontanes ees . N passeng: ne - Learn the whole exciting story --see the daring new Dodge front nt 3g on display at your Dodge-De Soto dealer's now. = ' - . J, . : : : : Gemly loping rear deck, extended 3 ®PouwerFlite, power steering, and power brakes er line, and f taillights accen- } optional at moderate hin cost by Mayfair, ig tuate the car's low, graceful silhouette, s / tegent, and Crusader models. Power wi 7 PowerFlite* Flite Control lever, a new styling treat- ment, CRUSAD is now mounted on instrument panel. ER REGENT MAYFAIR V-8 or 6 aw, : Manufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited Follow the crowds = attend the big ANNOUNCEMENT PARTY at your DODGE-DE SOTO dealer's! : ' {isa : ; ! : : : < 1 "BEARE MOTORS LTD. PHONE 332 & 333 PORT PERRY