™ hr 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1954 LOCAL NEWS Mrs, E. B. Walker of Winnipeg paid a flying visit to Port Perry and called on a few friends. Mrs, Walker was accompanied by her son, Mr. Butler Walker who is with the Canada Dry Co. in Toronto. Mr, Scarrow left this week for To- ronto to spend a few days. Cards of Thanks I would like to say "I'nank You" to Dr. Dymond, the nurses and staff of the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, also the neighbors, friends and relatives for their many kind acts during my recent stay in the hospital. " Mrs. Arthur Kight. 1 would like to take this opportunity to thank Drs. Dymond, Sturgis and Kimberly, also to the nurses and staff of the Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, and also thank friends for the cards and flowers received while a patient in hospital, Mrs. Malcolm Elford. I would like to thank Dr. Dymond, the nurses and staff of the Commun- ity Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, also friends, relatives for the cards and fruit that I received during my recent illness. Gladys Lane, SMITHERMAN -- Mr, and Mrs. James Smitherman are happy to an- nounce the birth of their daughter, Susan Anne, on Tuesday, November 23rd, 19564, at the Oshawa General Hospital. SHORTRIDGE -- Hector and Mae Shortridge are happy to announce the arrival of their chosen son, William Arthur, born October 24th, 1954. KIGHT -- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kight are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Yvonne Mae, on November 17, 1964, at the Port Perry Memorial Hospital. A sister for Marian and Arthur. MARK---Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mark are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Lorrie Gay, on November 20th, 1954, at the Oshawa General Hospital. RAHM--Ray and Eunice (nee Fish- ley) are happy to announce the birth of their "daughter, 'Janice Elaine, on Thursday, November 18th, 1954, at the General Hospital, Oshawa. COMING EVENTS Star Free Concert On Thursday, Dec. 2, 1964 in the United Church at 8 p.m. the Leslie Bell Singers with Leslie Bell, M.C. Annual Bazaar under the auspices of the Ladies' of the Presbyterian Church, on Saturday, December 4th, at 3 p.m. Home-made baking, aprons, fancy articles, and afternoon tea. dec. 2 CHRISTMAS MEETING, DEC. 9-- The Baby Band of Port Perry United Church, will 'hold their Christmas meeting on Thursday, Dec. 9th at 8 p.m. in the Church basement. All children with pink gift boxes are reminded to bring them to this meeting. Te ONTARIO Farmers Union are hold- ing a meeting, Town Hall, Scugog, on Thursday, Dec. 2nd at 8.30 p.m. All farmers are urged to attend. The speaker will be W. L. Miller, Vice- President of the Ontario Farmers' Union. | CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. K. W. Scott, L.Th., Rector December 5th "Bible Sunday 11.00 a.m.--Holy Communion and sermon Sunday School No evening service, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH i Minister--Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A., D.D. Sunday, December 5th-- 11 a.m.--Sunday School 7 pm.--Divine Worship. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, December 5th 10 a.m,--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--God's Greatest Act. 7 p.m.--The Parable of the Empty House. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, December 5th-- ° 10 a.m.--Sunday School * 11 a.m,--Morning Worship 7.80 p.m.--Evangelistic Service * Thurs,, 8 p.m.--Young People * EVERYBODY WELCOME * PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--David J. Toews Sunday, December 5th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School +11 a.m.--Worship Service 7 p.m --BAPTISMAL SERVICE Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting Fri., 8 p.m.--Young Peoples Meeting Come To The Little White Church on the Hill Euchre & Dance Friday, Dec. 3, at 8.30 p.m. in the Epsom School, sponsored by the Com- munity Club. Ladies please provide lunch. Silver collection. Everybody 1L0.D.E The regular monthly meeting of the Scugog Chapter, 1.0.D.E,, will be held in the Library committee rooms on WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8th, at 6.80 p.m. A turkey supper will be held before "the business session. Members please note the change of time and date, In Memoriam McKINSTRY -- In loving memory of our dear sister, Norma Jean Mec- Kinstry, who passed away December 4th, 1953 Dear is the grave where our dear sister was laid. Dear is the memory that never shall fade. Sweet is the hope that again we shall meet : Kneeling together at Jesus' feet. Lovingly remembered by Dorothy, Kay, Clarence and Murray. SPECIAL THIS WEEK-END ONLY FANCY McINTOSH APPLES $3.25 BUSHEL LAKEVIEW ORCHARD G. H. PORTER a TO THE ELECTORS of the TOWNSHIP OF REACH: Your Vote and Influence is respectfully solicited by Harry Phoenix for the position of Reeve for the Township TO THE ELECTORS of the VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY: Your Vote and Influence is solicited to elect George 'Holmes "to the office of COUNCILLOR for the VILLAGE of PORT PERRY | in the election to take place on Monday, December 6th, 1964. Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study | Tok Pastor--Lloyd Faulkner | Junior Choir Now County Wide Many local people who heard the Uxbridge Jr. Farmer's Choir last spring, will have an opportunity to hear some of the original members, sent their own Christmas gifts to the community, a dramatic and beautiful Christmas programme, presented in the Uxbridge Music Hall, on Dec, 3 and 4. The choir was organized as the '| Uxbridge Junior Farmer's Choir in February, 1964, under the direction of Mrs. Elsie Dobson. This choir has been heard at various points through- out Ontario County and at Guelph. For the fall programme 'it was neces- gary to obtain additional members so the choir was reorganized as a self- supportng organization, and open to all Junior Farmer members in Ontario County. - About forty Jr. Farmer members will participate in a Christmas pro- gramme of traditional favorites and sparkling specialty numbers with cos- tuming, special lighting and unusual decoratons, We hope that it will plus new members, when they pre-|. bring us all closer to the true meaning of Chrstmas, through song. The Uxbridge Jr. Farmer Quartette will bring to you, the symbolic bril- lance of the Eastern star and the ex- citement of children on Christmas Eve. The December meeting of- the W.A. will be held at the home of Mrs. Chet. Geer on December 9th at 2.80 p.m: As this is the last meeting of the year election of officers will take place, a full attendance is requested so the books can be made up. Group three in charge. It is very gratifying to realize our Church and Sunday School have doub- led in attendance lately, but we still have room for more, Keep in mind the Public School Christmas Tree and Concert Dec. 28. Quite. a few attended the annual commencement of Port Perry- High School last Friday night. Among the visitors in the village on Sunday we noticed the following: Mr. and Mrs. John Buttler, Scar- boro; Mr, Fawcett and Miss Austin, Toronto; Mr. Jack Brown and Miss Wilma Willis, Greenbank, all at Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Browns. Mr. and Mrs. Heaven, Toronto with Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. : Mr. and Mrs. King, Orillia with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Prizemtn, Tor- onto, with her mother Mrs. Ackney, A Church board meeting was held Tuesday of last week at Mr. R. Wil. bur's; some new plans were discussed and we are in hopes that when car- ried out will prove successful. St. John's Y oung People The meeting of St. John's Young People's Society was held on Nov, 28 with Muriel MacMaster presiding. The meeting opened with a prayer by David Williamson followed by the singing of Hymns and the scripture reading by Betty Wallis. Don Elford offered us a prayer followed by a read- ing from "No Magic Carpet" by Patsy. Warriner and Jim Gray. The meet- ing closed with the singing of a hymn and the Benediction, On the next meeting we have been invited to attend a Christmas concert sponsored by Ashburn. CANADIAN APPROVED BABY CHICKS From a , CANADA ' ACCREDITED HATCHERY - Hatching Now - Hook's Poultry Plant GREENBANK, ONT. Where Breeding is a Specialty We would take great pleasure in welcoming new members. ROCK x HAMP CROSS (A Barred Chick) HIGH EGG PRODUCTION (GOOD MEAT-TYPE =< LIBBY'S TOPS - CROWN NIAGARA KIST RASPBERRY PABLUM RICE CEREAL SWIFT'S ~ | BABY MEATS 2° HEINZ.-- ASSORTED BABY FOODS JOHNSON"S PASTE WAX HP. SAUCE ox FLEUR -- FANCY LAYER FIGS &o VALLEY GOLD LARGE PRUNES oH Fresh Produce FANCY McINTOSH APPLES ¢.it.. 35¢ LOUISIANA PENCIL POD 3 GREEN BEANS BES] FOOD at Red & White | NIBLEYS CORN "1 Nestles Quick Chocolate Green Beans Kounty Kist Ogilvie Angel Food Mix EVERY DAY LOW PRICES BONNER -- EXTRA FANCY BLEACHED RAISINS GOLD MEDAL CURRANTS AYLMER -- CHOICE PRUNE PLUMS STOKELY'S -- FANCY | APPLE SAUCE TOMATO KETCHUP DOG FOOD 2 GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS TEA BAGS 2 Him 3c 2 ho 37c uo Q for 33¢ or D for 23 ¢ ih 53¢ . SUGARIPE Bowtie 23C 'mins 19c 12 rie. 2c CORN SYRUP Bose 95¢ Crown Brand CORN SYRUP 2 1b. tin 29¢ JAM 55 36c : delicious ee Instant sauce for a 45¢ 2 nr 106 1 wv. in 63 30c 2 re 2c dlc 16-07, Pkg. FLORIDA JUICE VARIETY ORANGES GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS FROZEN FOODS Birdseye Orange Juice - - - Birdseye Raspberries - - - Shirriff's -- Fruit PUDDING 11%-0z. tin 33¢c NLT FRUIT PUDDING Lb. 19¢ mss 3Q¢ 1b. 19¢ 6 oz. 19¢ 12 oz. 47¢ APRICOTS | CROWN BRAND NUTS FANCY QUALITY MIXED We have turned the job ever to_the manager - owners them RED & WHITE way, "COLGATE TOOTH A3c¢ 11h. Cello White Store Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE ORONO selves lect sag YS i stl A NTs or Mgriet y cKenna's Super Marke within the store . , items usual} not on sale, Boy tor Save the 948 Simcoe St. N. 54 Simcoe St. N. 458 Simcoe St. S. COBOURG BROOKLIN PORT PERRY WHITBY - Stroud's 116 Brock St. N. AJAX Ajax Marketeria PORT HOPE There's a Red & in your District: BOWMANVILLE Maple Grove Groceteria > Cornish Groceteria Stroud's Food Market Sproule's Food Stores . 272 King St. E, and ) Jeffery Food Market Brown's Groceteria Dowson's Food Market Food Market LITTLE BRITAIN Bullock's Groceteria '1. Roberts Bros. Food Store. Roberts Uptown Market 70 Quelity MERTS QUALITY BEEF Sirloin and Wing STEAK o- ROAS CHOICE LEAN : MINCED BEEF 1 FRESH : | fi PORK HOCKS PURE BREAKFAST - Sausage (Skinless) PREMIUM SLICED | SIDE BACON 769 | Ib. 29¢ Ib. 23¢ Ib. 35¢: %-Ib. Cello 35¢ Rose Brand . MARGARINE 11h, 20¢ MORNING 35¢ = RED & WHITE PURE PEANUT BUTTER oF jar GLORY COFFEE TABLE QUEEN i SLs, BREAD loaf +15¢ Fresh Ground Ib. 1.08 re 4 --