i 1rd be Ms EE TELAT Sea pte a OE BC NS EER a SR aR eR SE TR SSR ae SE Ee : THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 105417 U Marie Snooks, Clare Martyn, Verna [] Blow Kings--85 * Neill-Comport, 166 A. | Ladies' Curling Club) o-ite: 2a'seber-seres. *™ | Men's Thursday Curpe--3h Cornish Injures | Nocioni oso ; | oe Team 4-- ri-- Attersley-Zedic, 4.00 | Mars Bumets, I, toutter, Grace Join Gray, Rebecca Ertan, Dore | Night League Goode Bix--21 Foot But Team Wins| Accricyxemic, 510 COMING EVENTS Love heheh oo Siouie) Dowson, Marg. Hayes--Score 3. Red Caps--26 Gerrard-Dickson, 16,04 Toop Bo Rovers--Pat Haugen, Mabel Chap- | Standings-- Carnegie--25 B 13 fo 4 Score Neill--unassisted, 18.51 at Jeanette Hutchinson, Gwen Lambe, | man, Ann Spears. Lucky Strike--40 Th : Y y Third Serie Orla: P i P : . 1 yckman 18, ec Seen Sune Dread --Sene 4] 2 var RE Bim Legion--1s anton a | Penaities--Por 3; Oli 7 on Yerry | High Triples-- their home ice last night--Wed. Dec. N 4 : yo 4| F. Hastings--682 1, and racked up a score of 18-4, Ar ena ; hg R. Hutchinson--614 The Orillia team lacked weight and : ; S. Glass--608 experience but never the less they Schedule of Open || 2, Parester--sos fought hard all through the game. . : . . - Ry Hastl 257: R. Hutehin- The first period was very ragged but Bowling ' Public Skating : astings--2z07; KR. Hutchin-{.., ing high. The Flyers netting 6, e songs J Bvake2ey; 2: Pargetes Orillia 8 Ki Pi I FRIDAY Nant --&08; 8, Glass--ao0; G. Mark--234. | The Flyers did the only scoring in an » . : the second period as they settled down| © ng 1n anes MONDAY NIGHT a 9 a 19 to systematic play which hetted them SPORTS CLUB BOWLING-- 8 to 10 p.m. : two more goals. || Ladies Monday : In the last period Port let loose HONDAY in only, : "jJand four goals were scored in short '--7 p.m.--3 alleys » I'L, 14 {% Night League J order. Then Orillia buckled down a 9 p.m.--1 Alley Junior B Hockey A very little and held Port till the 16| TUESDAY--AI Alle 7-11 ail : Pansies--14 Violets--b : ys open p.m. | Rb Daa [mk rn Sen ey se_pumiy e Saturday b pee Orillia managed one more goal at 18 ! ys open : Roses--17 . Orchids--2 |, inutes, 19 seconds. y SATURDAY--7-11 pm. All alleys December 4th ¢ > : ° Over Whe (Tulip)--216, 221 Ryckman banged a bouncer through open. P b ; : ¢ ' ~=215, f legs in f f Port' : : & | Mes State (Tollp)---228 2 ifipodil Hi To oH Fin For information call 412.J eter 0ro ; ; ' T4, Ye - them it could be done Neill returned a = : BY ! Mrs. Burnett (Pansy)--202 i J LY Mrs. Hastings (Orchid)--201 Just Palo als the lost. coniier King Pin Lanes Port Perry Flyers < High Triple-- With about 8 minutes left to play in es Stata, Prop, i: ® ® Mrs. Raines (Tulip)--627. the third period Bill Cornish received Scugog Road Port Perry Game time 9 p.m. iu = : 9 Prize given to the player obtain-|, sovore gash in his right foot when NA 4 Uy Rn . ; : ing the nearest total (for 3 games) wlan Orillia players skate went through 2 fy ; . ® 326--Mrs, Stouffer with 822. his boot and into his instep. He was \ & 2 rushed to hospital where it required vi : 8 stitches to close the wound. Bill by d 16S Ladies' Wednesda will have a very sore foot for quite Week End SPECIALS, Dec. J and 4 i | | Y oie" MIXED COOK Ib. cello 3 § < 3 . »n x First period scoring--Orillia: I D IES Driessen terenene SEG li ca 1 b. cello Te. h Night Bowling McKinnan-Kerr, Forbes, 8,00 HOME-MADE SWEET PICKLES ......cc..oooooonniviirevvrrrinnis 23c. d McKinnan-Maloney, Forbes, 11.16 WESTON'S SODA BISCUITS, 1 1b. ...ccccovvveirinierneneciienns 32c. % : > : Jets--40 Sunderlands--37| Alvin Norenne-Arnold Norenne, TULIP: MARGARINE ....ccivinistiinsiinsinnsisissinrionisssssstensisonet 28c. WW > g x : Hurricanes--40 = Helicopters--34 Uren, MONARCH CAKE MIXES .......ccocvniiininnnsinnimiinnn, 3c. } a d Flyers--89 Kitty Hawks--2T7 | First period scoring--Port RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE TEA, half Ib. .............. 66c. : ke T Fi t 100 Purchasers Spittires--39 Bombers--23| Cornish-Gerrard, Dickson, 9.24 NEILSON'S COCOA, half pound ..........c.ococovvervnieninrnnnanns 46¢. 7 Mosquitos--38 Mustangs--19| Gerrard-Comport, Dickson, 10.29 : ' , He 0 J I'S . North Stars98 Lancasters--11| = Zedic-Neill, Romanuk, 11.06 We Deliver. Orders of $2.00 and Over iy : ; : High Single--Doreen i Pies Anis 16.32 x hi 22 2 High Triple--Doreen Hope--6064. Ledic-Cornish, 17.34 fp! FREE B ALLOONS FOR THE KIDDIES 200 ee, ih Second et La DOUPE S STORE 3% - 8 . Doreen Hope--236; Bernice Fines-- ersley-Rennick, 16.87 5 : -d--213; Reb Bru-| Johnston-Fisher, 186. iH by S00 Bemis; Retstes Ban) Joluston Fisher, tac Prince Albert . Phone 485-W 3 3 Third period scoring--Port: 0) ; Hl F. W. BROCK & SON | Sip CUBAN, SIZE 24 34 | fl LARGE PINEAPPLE ...ocoooivrsrmriris ea. 29c. { : : CALIFORNIA iA He a i 3 for 39c. DEPARTMENT STORE | LARGE SIZE Why Gaal +3 ! ' GREEN CELERY ......cmnin 2 for 29¢. Xmas : Shopping Centre LE SWEET EATING : : EMPEROR GRAPES ......cooooornmeinrnisisrnnnsenes 2 Ibs. 29c. | CAPE COD NO, 1 | CRANBERRIES ........occcconmsmssssrssisin 1b. 29c. Tooke Fli ght Shirts PLAIN or DOUBLE hi Ed ei] $4.95 J FANCY RED 6 QUART hsk 9c Pasa REMI FARRER nC EER Coa. 3 95 : McINTOSH APPLES bir isin rt ptaied ° o RIE 0 AEE Na 0000 | TIES eerie 1 Have you ever eaten fresh vegetables rm : ar, re eS wth right. out of the garden? Or plucked EASY TO PEEL NO. 1 10 lhs 45¢ \ . juicy ripe fruit sight from the tres? P. E. I. POTATOES ....ccooeccroommserssssssen o 2dUe er S oem at's the sort of freshness and flavour : J : DOMINION strives to bring you, every EASY TO PEEL, SIZE 176 i DOUBLE SOLES ..... $1.00 and $1.25 ) . 4 MEN'S SOCKS, J day, all year 'round TANGERINES rss doz. 35¢. MENS SOCKS, sretch any size... 31.50 PINELLI COUNTY, SIZE 96 ; i" SLIPPERS . ID A GRAPEFRUIT 1 0 FOR 49c Games - Dolls - Books MEN'S WITH ZIPPER ................. $3.95 FLOR HEIR ; DOLLS over vin, 19c., 69c., $1.50 to $5.95 MEN'S FLEECE-LINED ............... .$5.95 GAMES ......hvirriiriisrirmiivinss 29c. to $2.98 CHILDREN'S coors $1.50, $2.00 NEW CROP, CALIFORNIA, SIZE 2562 - BOOKS .......ccoovvvvvvrrecreneeriiinens 5c., 25¢., T9c. GIRLS ....coii ilies retisgs irises rsrerians $2.00 SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES OZ. Cc ~ oy a aie. «.39¢., 46c., and 95¢. box ; tits . g METAL DOLL HIGH CHAIRS ....... $2.59 GIFTS FOR THE HOME FOR YOUR XMAS CAKE ALL SUPER SPECIALS CHAIR sof TALI sie JASPE & MARBOLEUM TILE, 12. 20c. ROAD GRADERS .................. ARMSTRONG QUAKER RUGS ; = LINCOLN VAN LINE TRUCKS ...$5.95 Australian Recleaned 1b 2c Paramount Fancy ea 3c > URRANTS ERE SOCKEYE SALMON, ¥5 tin .....cnevninninnnnins ° o CURRANTS vie : § Sten : SAVAGE SHOES Australian Seedless 1b 21c Aylmer Choice, 15 oz tin 2 for 35¢ Child's WHITE and BROWN BOOTS $2.95 @P SULTANA RAISINS ......ccconne. sessssisnaes serasanes * ® | SLICED PEACHES ......ouuiin IRA soe . BROWN OSFORDS or oy and $4.95 : . -_ lm \ EY PATENT STRAP... B50 5.50 Shelled, 8 03. pkg. ea, J0¢, | J William Horsey Brand . 6 for Te 0 do $50 ¥ WALNUT PIECES $easeass Sesseassrsecsienie 140894 4400400499948 4 3 Ld BLENDED JUICE, 20 oz. tin cesses itettasasesiaane Ld SKATE SETS Po Dalton's Red and Green oh J. William Horsey Brand : : 'GLACE CHERRIES, 8 02. ccc... univ I ~ 29c. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 20 02, tin cc... b for 69c. IN GOOD ASSORTMENT OF SIZES. | 4 Saxonia Cut, 8 oz. pkg. Blue and Gold. Ungraded $ : % MIXED PERL sors ie inninin GR 18c. | FANCY PEAS, 16 08. th «coos 6 for $1. DISHES : : Dares Vanilla Creams CUPS and SAUCERS ....59¢., $1.50, $2.25 5 | Ssxonla Cut 8ozpkg. "0 @@ 20C. | SANDWICH BISCUITS... pkg. 3c. I LES, $1.25, 5140 -Fleece-lined Rubbers \ : : TRAYS: ....ciiumsersnrisiminriin $6.75, $5.75 LADIES ....... $4.50 to $5.96 53 Br DEVON BRAND 49 CAKE PLATES $3.69, $2.50 MEN'S .............. $6.95 Fl | SLICED BREAKFAST BACON C TEA POTS ... HS TT CHILDREN'S oooooovooereesreresseesesnnesins $3.95 \ . 2 Sai DISH SETS ......cccoivvvvinnniinns 32 pieces, $8.95 | RUBBERS by GOODRICH, BATA, N ORDER YOUR PREDRESSED TURKEY FOR CHRISTMAS NOW VASER. smi msrrsoss 1rou8145 $180,902 417; / ond DOMINION WEIGHTS FROM 6 POUNDS to 16 POUNDS i po J SPECIAL PROCESS PEAS, 20 oz., 2/37c. CHOICE GREEN BEANS, 20 oz. ........ 33c. MIXED NUTS .......ccocecnninniiniiniinen. 49c. 1b, SIRDAR COFFEE ......... Ib, $1.14 FRENCH CREAMS GROCERIES Paramount SOCKEYE SALMON, '4, 37c. FRUIT, WESTON'S, 1 1b. Phone 43 URS TURDAY 0% GUARANTEE--AIl merchandisé sold at your Dominfon Store VDE. Sy A TEVA FA SORT TURDAN ) is unconditionally guaranteed to give you 100% satisfaction. _ DOMINION STORES LIMITED CELE LE EE EE TERT TY)