Y . . " The first propeller-turbine Vickers Viscount to operate in- North Ameri- ca is seen from the top of a hangar at Montreal Airport, Dorval, moments after it arrived from England. Also shown is a section of the crowd of more than 200 persons who came out to witness the arrival. President G. ---- ---- R. McGregor of TCA chats before the microphone with George Edwards (on his left), the designer of the aircraft and Managing Director of Vickers- Armstrongs Ltd., Aircraft Division. & EXTERIOR PAINTED PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY WITH A GOOD COAT OF PAINT BEFORE THE WINTER STORMS ARE HERE with the best quality paint. & INTERIOR DECORATION Sample books on request. 'M. ST. CLAIR Painter & Decorator New Phone Number 118r14 | R.R. 4, PORT PERRY CANADIAN APPROVED BABY CHICKS From a CANADA ACCREDITED HATCHERY - Hatching Now - Hook's Pouliry Plant GREENBANK, ONT. Where Breeding is a Specialty ROCK x HAMP CROSS (A Barred Chick) HIGH EGG PRODUCTION GOOD MEAT-TYPE With Mr, H. Burtch acting as chair- man the following officers were elect- ed for the Sunday School for 1955. Supt.--Mr. Ratph Wilbur; Cec.-Treas. --Mrs. Frank Kendall; Adult Class-- Mrs. R. Wilbur, Mrs. H. Walker; In- termediate Class--Miss Dorothy Wil- bur; Primary Class<Miss Lois Sandi- son, Mrs. J. Crosier; Missionary and Maintenance -- Kenny Skerratt and Hillis Wilbur; Pianist--Mrs. R. Wil- bur; Auditors--Mrs. G. Mitchell, Mrs, N. Ackney. A special vote of thanks was made to Mrs, F. Olsen for carry- ing on as Sec.-Treas. this year. .Mrs. N. Ackney spent Christmas Day in Uxbridge with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ackney. , Mr. and Mrs, George Harper and family were at Mr. and Mrs, R. Vice's home, Solina, on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Philp, and Mr. L. Kendall, Toronto - were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown were at J. S. Butlers, Scarboro on Saturday and at W. Browns, Greenbank on Sun- day. - Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilbur and family Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilbur. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crosier had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Beare, Claremont. Christmas Eve guests were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wallace and Mr. Oscar Beare of Port Perry. Mr. David Wilson was home for the week-end, ; > Mrs. Harding and son Harold, who have been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Saunders: returned to their home in Scarboro. The hall was crowded last Thursday evening to hear the excellent concert put on by the pupils and teachers of Utica School. = Mr. Fred Wilkinson was chairman. : Mr. and Mrs. Henry Skerratt and family were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Olsen, Port Perry. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Jack Crosier, whose brother-in-law, Mr. A. Wheeler, Agincourt died Sunday. Dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. C. Geers on Christmas day were Mr. and WI WOULD LIKE TO WISH ALL OUR PATRONS THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON and PROSPERITY THROUGHOUT THE NEW YEAR SPECIAL SERVICE TO OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS ARDLEY FROCKS Mrs. M. Hodgson and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs, D. McKinley, Lansing and Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Bailey and Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Geer were at J. Redman's, Port Perry for Christ mas, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Sutherland were at Ashburn with her parents Mr. and Mrs. N. Ashton for Christmas and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sutherland were in Toronto with her Aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. H. Parnell. : Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mitchell's family were all home for Christmas and Mr. Henry Davis. Grandchildren Walter and Billy stayed for the week. Mr. Glenn Macdonald's mother from Saskatchewan is staying with them. Mr. and Mrs, C, Ruhl were at Yag- gers, Epsom on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Greive and fa- mily of Oshawa spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Mitchell, ! Mr, and Mrs, J. Hainsworth and fa- mily of Toronto, were with his uncle Mr. James Hainsworth. The Sutcliffe family were at Janet- had Christmas dinner at Taunton with | Prince Albert Parents, grandparents and kin all helped fill the church seats at our annual public school and Sunday S. Concert, Wednesday night, Dec. 22. At the set hour Rev. Joblin wel- comed the guests and acted as chair- man, Rev. Wylie offered opening prayer, Mr. B. Snelgrove, and our senior room teacher, Mr. J. Johanson rendered several selections on their violins together, this 'was a real treat. "The liberal program consisting of school chorus, recitations, dialogues, ete., went across just fine. Miss Gail Hodgin's S. 8. class of pre-school age, children were most generous with their sweet voices of songs. After the last item the chairman expréssed apprecia- tion to the teachers Mrs. Hodgins, Mr. Johanson, for their hours of training, also Mrs. Snelgrove, acting as pianist, and anyone who had a hand in the concert. Cheers from the young fry welcomed old "Santa" who distributed the gifts and sweets to everyone. Singing of the 'National Anthem" closed this splendid entertainment. - Weren't we all excited when the news spread regarding robbery of our village store. how Mrs. Doupe and Mrs. Newnham were trembling during' that nerve racking experience, The following is a list of Christmas visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Parkinson, who have been in northern Ontario at their homes, spent the day in London. Miss A. Strickland, Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt and family, Oshawa with Mr. F. Vickery and Les. Beacock family. At the N. Wilson house were Mr, and Mrs. L. Miller, Columbus; Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Miller; Mr. Clarence Mil- ler; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Miller; Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Rodd and all their fa- milies of Oshawa; also Miss Beryl Palmer of Port Perry and Mr. Robt. Miller, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter and fa- mily joined with others at home of Mr, and-Mrs. Merl Van Camp, Black- stock, 3 Mr. and Mrs; Ross Murphy and Alan and Mrs. Rob. Jackson with relatives in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jeffrey and Denise spent the day with her sister "| 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Harper and family of Saintfield. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Martyn, Mr. and Mrs. E. Martyn's with others were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Martyn, Scugog; in the evening all the fami- lies gathered in Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Martyn's home for a social evening. At Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Heayn's the dinner was served to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hunter, the Grant Hunter fa- mily, Miss H. Belfour, the Heayn Lbrothers, Mrs, Geo. Heayn, Rev. and Mrs. C. Clarke and family of Frank- ford, My, H! McCartney, Manchester, The H. Hodgins family were pleased to have their son Cpl. T. Hodgins, who flew from Tokyo, also their daughter, Mrs. Lotus Munro, Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey of Fort Perry, We can only imagine |' and Mr. Robt. Plum, Toronto, at the WINTER CARNIVAL SCHEDUL- -ED: Quebec City is busy laying plans for a winter carnival which will pro- duce scenes such as the above, featur- ing skating, skiing, tobogganing and similar winter sports. The carnival, which opens officiglly..on January 6, "Little Christmas", will run for six weeks, ending with a "Madi Gras" celebration. or ~ Many of the color-laden winter sports events scheduled for the carnival' will take place on the ski hills of Lac Beauport (upper left) and in the shadow of the famet Chateau Frantenac hotel (lower right). - home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Snelgrove and his -mother and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Vance had her father Mr. Birkett and Ailene of Port Perry, Miss .E. Vance, Toronto and Miss Shirley Vance, Ajax. Mr, Clarence Jeffrey of Milestone, Sask, flew to Ontario; and visited one day recently with Mr. Art Jeffrey, Millbrook, also at the Frank and How- ard-Jeffrey home. : With Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doupe; Miss Ada Doupe, Toronto; the Bert Raines family and the Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sweetman & family, Port Perry, also Tpr. John Doupe of Camp Peta- wawa, for evening dinner. A few members of the "Service Club" took time off to sing Carols in the corridors of Port Perry hospital, Thursday night, Dec. 23, GERALDTON -- Unusual was the way a local hunter bagged his moose, according to District Forester J, M, Taylor, of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, who reports: "He let a pack of 15 to 20 wolves kill his moose while he watched, then shot into the wolf pack wounding 3 wolves and scaring the whole pack away. He sealed his moose, took it home and now is after some of the wolves which will bring him $26.00 bounty each." No Membership Fee Hervey For Artificial Insemination call ONTARIO COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE for _ TORDIST CATTLE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION Telephone 479 r 13 Port Perry. Artificial Service available for Angus, Holstein, Jersey, Guernsey, Hereford, Shorthorn Service fee $5.00 Painter * TENDER DELICIOUS MEATS '4 FISH * MEAT * POULTRY CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING = York Frosted Foods CAWKER BROS. "THE FAMILY BUTCHER" PORT PERRY ALUMINUM DOORS "For Any Budget 1. SELF ogee VENTI-LITE DOOR ..../&......complete $69.00 2. HOLLMAR DOOR complete $55.00 NEW SUBURBAN DOOR complete $39.00 These prices include hanging and setting. ALSO ALL TYPES OF STERLING ALUMINUM GRILLES Lake Scugog Lumber Company Lid. PHONE 240 W PORT PERRY PLYWOOD WALL 3. Muar ONT. ta v1 XE 3 xg vy nooo ville for Christmas. BOARDS = HAY