~ La ER) nt eR eA - AF SS -- Fi $8) "PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER $0th, 1964 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Austin C, A. Bathie p.c. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC X-RAY MONDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS "For sppolntment, Phone 206R Queen and Scugog Streets PORT PERRY _ & --------------_ a en Electrical and Mechanical Repairs 10 ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground * and Serviced. OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC WELDING. CAUSLEY MACHINE : SHOP "SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT "THE SURE WAY" 44 Hour Service IRWIN DeGEER Dalton Road, Sutton Phone 231 Rt CONANT & CONANT . BARRIS EKS and dDULILITURS Roger D. Conant, B.A. Offices: ) Oshawa, Ont., 7!; Simcoe St. S. : Phone 3-2227 © Ajax, Ont, Phone 25 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone Collect, ort Perry 90-r-4, or Toronto EM 3-8636. Gordon Young Lid. Refrigeration service, both household and commercial. Gilson milk coolers and freezers. Refrigerators. Reg. Boundey DR.J.B.LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY ONTARIO : Office Hours -- 10 a.nd. to 6 p.m. " Phones: Office 68W. Res. 68J ARTHUR W. S. GREER, Q.C. in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 26 EXCAVATING CELLARS - DRAINS SEPTIC TANKS GRADING CLIFF BAKER, Manchester july 17 WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry for information. nov 27, 1954 REAL ESTATE Consult J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS for complete Real Estate Service. 46 Eglinton Ave., E., Toronto Phone HU. 1-3391 City and Country Homes: Farms and Small Acreages. Industrial and Business Property. LLOYD G. LEE is your local representative. HU, 1-3391 Evgs. HU 9-6308 3 Béssborough Drive INSURANCE Are your policies - up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON CROWN "LIFE (INN VE NNT of a ofo]Y 1>7:-\ YAY Censult the Cxowa Life Man CEC. KING AGENT Port Perry - Ontario ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE ; Port Perry J. Hunter and Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 64° King Street East, OSHAWA P'hone Oshawa 5-1621 (successor to O. 8. Hobbs) Co-Operators Insurance ASSOCIATION sponsored by I'he Ont. Federation of Agriculture Gives Broader Coverage Better Claims Service Convenient 6 Mos. Premiums You'll never regret asking about C. I. A. Car Insurance Mrs. J. HAMER, MYRTLE, Ont. Phone Brooklin 61-r-2 June 66 Bulldozing and Excavating BY HOUR or CONTRACT EXPERIENCED OPERATOR REASONABLE RATES PHONE 4568W N. E. MAIRS Street PORT PERRY Nov. 26, 1864 Simcoe ~ BULLDOZING - TRENCHING, LOADING, ROOT and ROCK RAKE DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, - SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATES--by Hour or Contract. "TRIPP CONSTRUCTION Phone 392W (Office) Residence--Wm. Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 892J EXCAVATING FOR LAND CLEARING Now is the Time of a new forced air unit. OLSEN & Phone 487 or 402 Js Telephone for a free estimate on converting your present heating system to a modern oil burner or installation Furnaces and oil burners vacuum cleaned and serviced. HEATING and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS fo Change fo Oil WEEDEN --iTTE USE THE ¢ kl pat a oh aaa SEAS SIEIED pram AVICK FOR SALE----Budgle, Mauve male, $8.00; canary hens $1.26. Doug Heayn, Phone 491-W, EXPERIENCED responsible Baby Sitter, Evenings. Reasonable Rates, slightly higher after midnight and holidays. Phone 436M. Dec30 " WANTED AT ONCE Farms, houses and vacant land: Buyers waiting, Call Charles Reesor, Bigelow St. Port Perry, phone 464. Agent for Donald Scott Real Estate, 26 Prince Street, Oshawa. Jan.2l Wood forSale Dry Hard wood, cut 12" lengths. 4 full single cords, $20.00 delivered. H. M. Kyte, Phone Blackstock 26. Jan, 241 WANTED--OId farms, low prices, with or without buildings; ranchlands, woodlots, lake frontage, mining claims, mineral finds, what have you. Sove- reign's Land Sales, 1181 St. Clair West, Toronto. Jan.18 WANTED Standing Timber or Logs Maple, Basswood, Elm, Oak, Ash. eer. Apply P.O. Box 816, Peterboro, Ontario. Jan.20 Dead Stock Service Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone | collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge 92-r-14, Lindsay 5282. Head Office, Woodville 82 r 11, ED. PECONI, Argrle Ontario Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Phone Collect Bowmanville Market 3-2679 We also buy live horses, MARGWILL FUR FARMS, TYRONE dee.16-1964 ~ Recover and Save Save up to $100 on your old suite. et TORONTO FURNITURE MFG. CO. LTD. Re-Style and Re-Upholster your Suite Better than new 6 year Guarantee. For Free Estimates call Port Perry 47 . GUARANTEED USED CARS AND TRUCKS Thoroughly Reconditioned 50-50 Warranty--30 days or 1000 miles 52 CHEVROLET COACH $475 down 52 METEOR COACH 52 CHEVROLET COACH $470 down 51 CHEVROLET COACH $865 down 51 METEOR COACH 50 CHEVROLET COACH $825 down 60 ANGLIA COACH 50 AUSTIN SEDAN ........ 50 METEOR COACH 49 STUDEBAKER Sedan $275 down 49 CHEVROLET Coach ....$300 down 49 ANGLIA Coach 48 DODGE Sedan 48 PONTIAC Coach .......... 48 FORD Coach 47 MERCURY Coach ..... Fe 47 CHEVROLET Coach ....$190 down 37 BUICK Sedan .....cc...uit .$ 60 down OK USED TRUCKS 62 GMC ¥% ton pickup .....$300 down 51 FORD 1 ton pickup ...$300 down 49 MERCURY Panel ...... . $225 down 49 THAMES Y; ton panel $120 down Liberal Trade-in Allowance GMAC Time Payment Terms to fit your budget. Bryden Motors GENERAL MOTORS DEALERS ° Chevrolet - Oldsmobile - Chevrolet PORT PERRY PHONE 74 Open Evenings Until 9 FOR SALE--One 2-year old Here- ford Heifer (bred), 2 yearling Here- ford Heifers; all registered and vac- cinated. Norman McLeod, Black- water, Ont,, Phone 92-r-4, Sunderland. Must be large and suitable for ven- | _ fea by the UN's World Health " Organjzation, can almost be elimi- 49 GMC Panel ......... arian $225 down | FOR: SALE -- Three slate Black- boards, 8'x3'6", also 3 green Prelite Boards 6'x3'6". Phone Fort Perry 349J. Jan.18 FOR SALE--Toy Terriers, Austra- lian, 1 male and 1 female, registered; one black male Labrador puppy, ex- cellent children's companion. Phone Port Perry 61-r-23, s STRAYED--A red steer, to the pro- perty of Alvin Hunter, Prince Albert. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT-- 8 room, storey and half, frame house] with insulbrick siding, insulation, '% acre of land, garage, hydro, T.V. mast, situatéd in village of Seagrave. Reas- onable terms, For particulars phone 483-r-21, Port Perry. FOR RENT--4 room apartment, all conveniences, Bill Taylor, Green Thistle Restaurant, MODERN HEATING COMPLETE FORCED AIR HEATING SYSTEM FOR A FIVE-ROOM HOME $526.00 Write Dept. P.P.8. or visit our showrooms. S.V. OHNSON PLUMBING SUPPUES STREETSVILLE, ONT. ws Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings and all day Saturday. Dec.23 VALUABLE COMMERCIAL CORNER LOT FOR SALE A We wish to offer for sale valuable vacant land, corner of Queen St., 7A Highway and 6th Con. Reach. Suit- able for Service Station, Motel Site, ete. This land consists of 160' front- age west of our Hatchery building. A gasoline Service Station license has been issued for this location by the Dept. of Highways under date of Dec. 6th, 1954. Apply Art Brunton, Brunton Farms Hatchery Port Perry, Ont. dec.30 Whooping cough, called the num- ber one child killer in North Amer nated. Between 1940 and 1948 it was vesponsible for three times as many deaths as nine other infant diseases combined, according to the WHO. But modern vaccines and drugs now give parents new hope. Children under five years of age are particularly susceptible to whooping cough and the majority of deaths occur among those un- ; der two. The dis- ease is almost always serious, for it reduces the strength of the tiny sufferer, mak- ing him an easy prey to pneumonia and influenza. ~ Whooping cough, technically called pertussis, first masquerades as an ordinary eold, with running nose and eyes and a slight cough-- at which time it is most contagious. Afterwards, as the coughing attacks . develop, the child's attempts to breathe produce the characteristic whooping sound. + 'Antiblotle drugs are a 'useful weapon against this scourge. A re- cent veport'from The Bremen Pedi- atric Clinfe In Germany: sald that "Terramycin had an unequivocally © beneficial effect." Complications were also reduced and 78 per cent of 88 whooping cough patients re- | ceiving the drug were "favorably | influenced." 'The best protection against | whooping cough, according to most | medical authorities, is obtained by yaceinating children when they are | about six months old. A series of injections, often given with shots that prevent other serious diseases, ° usually makes children immune for Repairs, Wheel bases changes. Attention Truck Operators 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE on Hydraulic - Hoists, Winches, Chassis Fish Plates Installed. Fower take.off fit- ted. © Electric Acetylene Welding, portable machine. Water Lines thawed. 3 WADDINGTON'S GARAGE White Rose Service Station % mile South of Sunderland, Hy 7-12' Phone 95. Jan, 20 4 Happy New Year from MR. & MRS. STATA The ALLEYS Will Be CLOSED DEC. 24, 25, 26, 31st and JANUARY 1 & 2 King Pin Lanes Wes Stata, Prop. Scugog Road - Port Perry Cottage Sites Still Availabe in '|Severn Area Although there is still considerable interest in attractive cottage sites on Crown Land in the Severn area in the north part of the. District, officials report there has been a reduction in the number of sales during the past few months. This areca has been ex- tremely popular particularly because of its charateristic shoreline features and its relatively close proximity tq Toronto and other centres of popula- tion. The recent drop in sales is at- tributed to the fact that most of thd sites still accessible by car have been disposed of and applicants now have further to go often by boat to obtain a site that is suitable. v As the area further develops, acces- sibility will, no doubt, increase and in any case some of the more remote properties offer all the features that any who desire a little privacy during the summer months, can wish for, Persons who may be interested in pro- curing a cottage site in the near fu- ture should preferably visit the De- partment's office at Coldwater and de- termine what lands are available, The next step would be to make a personal inspection and mark out the approxi- mate boundaries allowing up to a frontage of 200 feet. In some cases cottage sites have already been sub- divided and can be identifed by num- ber. ' Mainland parcels are sold at a rate of .60c. per foot frontage, islands from % to 3 acres $100.00 per acre and irregular parcels at a rate of $150.00 per acre or .30c. per foot frontage plus $60.00 per acre which- ever amount is the lower." In most cases the applicant on filing an ap- plication will be requested to pay a survey fee of $125.00 plus the regular $25.00 deposit on the purchase price. The survey however which must be made by an Ontario Land Surveyor, is at the discreation of the Depart- ment and depending on the location, in some cases may be the responsi- hility of the applicant personally. The final purchase price is caluculated from the Survéyor's plans and once sale is entered, the applicant will have 18 months in which to erect a cottage to a value of at least $1000.00. When the cottage has been-completed the patent or deed is issued without fur. °| ther cost. Tagged Lake Trout {In Lake Scugog As a part of scientific studies be- ing carried out in Lake Simcoe waters, a number of lake trout have been tag- god. Fish tagged in the autumn of 19563 totalled 150 and in 1964-200, Anglers have cooperated most' fa- vourably and have reported the cap- {| ture of over 10% of those fish tagged '|late in 1053. These fish were taken during the winter ice fishery and in | the spring and summer months, Fishermen who have captured tag- ged lake trout, or know of other eap- tures during the past year are re- quested to forward any information several years, partment of Lands & Forests, Maple. As it is expected that a number of the trout tagged in 1968 and 1954 will be taken by anglers during the coming winter, fishermen should look for the plastic tags attached to the back of the fish 'on the dorsal fin and notify the Department. Information requested should .in- clude. the name of the person who made the catch and his address, the location of the catch and the number of the tag and other pertinent infor- mation which might be of interest. Baptist Young People's The strains of many old and fav- ourite Christmas carols drifted out on the night air as the Young People caroled for the older folk of the Church. From house to house we went, calling out "A Merry Christ- mas" as we climbed into the cars for our trip to the next house, ; We had a slight accident when one of the cars slid into the ditch, but the combined horse and muscle power managed to heave it out. Next year we shall 'have to pick a less night. : After we had covered quite a large territory, and were all sung out, we went off to the home of one of our Young People for a feast of beans. There were mighty few beans left, and some had feared there wouldn't be enough. There will be no regular meeting this Friday, but we will join in with the Church for a Watchnight Service on New Year's Eve. This is to be held at the home of Mr. Austin Hooper in Prince Albert. d ¢ ¢ é ¢ ¢ é ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ d PHONE 423 Calling our new Phone 423 We wish to thank our many customers for their orders in 'the past year, and to wish them HEALTH AND PROSPERITY in the NEW YEAR. MR. and MRS. GRAINGER PORT PERRY FLORISTS FEC Cr OF or CE CE CE Cl ERRATA AIRS AIA AI MSA {yg Order Your} New Year's Corsage G30, 36, 10 3G 3G PORT PERRY Buowowonon SHOP and SAVE AsP's NEW SUPERMARKET SIMCOE ST. N. at BYNG, OSHAWA LOTS OF FREE PARKING OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY OPEN 'TILL 9 p.m. FRIDAY NIGHTS FOR YOUR SHOP ING COMVENIENCE River to Montreal, the first of 22 TCA Viscounts approaches Dorval Airport December 12, Soon to be in- troduced to the air lanes of North FOLLOWING The St. LAWRENCE four Rolls-Royce Dart engl the first commercial passe since'they were introduced to the field of aircraft propulsion, f Foo sat