bw ne Le Po Kor 7 IY Lo - Pod RI HELA ag : i L | ey 24H A TEA ANNE HIRST --~ Your Family Counselor "Dear Anne Hirst: Since my wite died four years ago, my: lctle son and his sister have lived with her parents. Over a year ago I fell in love with a grand girl, and we are anxious to marry to make a home for the children. My wife's family have met her, but they oppose the idea of my marrying again, and unfortunately they've tried to influence the youngsters. "When we do marry, shall we talc them to live with us right away, or wait a while?--Or must I give up this lovely girl and allow my wife's family to run my life? WORRIED WIDOWER" Snappy-Wrap a 12-20 30-42 4681 Easy-to-make! Easy-to-laund- er! Wonderful for choretime! Side-front wrap-around with the newest Princess lines--the new- est yoke treatment! = Choose three-quarter, short sleeves, or no sleeves at all! Make several in solid color and printed cot- tons. Pattern 4681: Misses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42. Size 16 takes 47% yards 35-inch. This pattern easy to use, sim- ple to sew, is tested to fit. Has complete illustrated instructions. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (85¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to Box 1, 123 Eigh- teenth St., New Toronto, Ont, MAKE HASTE SLOWLY It is not uncommon that older people resent anyone taking their daughter's place; also, they are probably re- luctant to give up the child- ren. Wouldn't it be tactful to wait until your fiancee can know these parents, and also the children, better than she does now? Once she wins the affection of the youngsters" * . * * [J L LJ * * * LJ * they all will feel differently * toward her, * ° Take the children to visit * the girl on weekefids, so they ®* will begin to associate her * with the pleasures you provide * for them, ~ When the day of * your marriage arrives, of * course they will 'attend the * ceremony. * Have you thought of settling * in another part of town when * you remarry? If this is prac- * ticable, the four of you wonld * not be under such close sur- * veillance. The children can ® visit their grandparents regu- * larly with you and your wife; * as they see the youngsters * happy in their new life they * will more fairly credit her ef- * forts.: It usually works out * this way, and I hope it will * with you. * I trust you will not con- * sider giving up this fine girl. * It is not always possible to * please the entire family in ® 'any marriage, particularly a * second one, LJ [8 LJ WIDOW IS LONELY "Dear Anne Hirst: Since my husband died three years ago, I ° have come to this city from the middle west to be near my mar- ried son. we all get along wonderfully. But I, personally, am so lone- some! again; I just want companion- ship of my own age. "I've heard that in some towns there are nice clubs where older people meet each other. Is there one here that you can recom- mend? MRS. F. R." Your problem is a common one. No matter how interested in her children a widow is, she misses the friendship of those * * [J LJ * of her generation. * In many cities I know clubs * exist to encourage older people * to meet each other. Most of * them are well managed, and * a boon to middle-aged men * and women. * ever, familiar with any in * your town. ] * I suggest you call up the * editor of your newspaper; If * he does not know of one, he * can find out if any exist, and * I know he'll be happy to do ® so. a * * If a delicate situation con- fronts you, ask Anne Hirst's opinion, Her understanding of family relations makes her peculiarly successful in guiding het readers. Write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Tor- onto, Ont, ! TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT--Angus, a mixed-breed dog, belong. ~. Ing to the Rod Van Avery family, got the shock of Its life when this rat [umpe4 off the plano right In front of his nose. The rat Is one of five that the family Is taking care of during midyear * school examinations, ' . . I hasten to say that I am NOT out to marry _ I am not, how- When A Dentist Saved An Empress When Dr. Evans, an Ameri- can dentist, left his native shores about' 100 years ago to try his luck in a new country he could hardly have anticipated the fame which was to settle on him, x The handsome, bearded den- tist quickly found a niche in the lush period of the Second Em- pire in France, and his ambi- tions soared. Elegant ladies of Paris whis- pered among themselves of the charm of "le bel Evans." His great skill as a dentist, coupled with his natural charm, enabled him to. cash in quickly on his chic reputation, Such were the heights to which he had risen that he could now choose to attend only the most distinguished people of the day, his greatest triumph coming when he succeeded in securing the patronage of the Empress Eugénie, - But there were signs that the Second Empire was crumbling, When the revolution finally broke and the Third Republic was proclaimed, Dr. Evans found many of his clientéle run- ning into hiding. : : The Empress, who had acted as Regent while the Emperor was at war, was faced with a frenzied mob shouting outside the Palace. A terror stricken Eugénie, heavily veiled, managed to es- " cape through a side door with a woman companion. In despair, as a last resort, she hurried to the home of Dr. Evans. When the dentist's servant came to tell him that two heavi- ly veiled ladies were at the door, he guessed their identity and rushed down to greet them. Eugénie, exhausted but dig- nified and beautiful, replied: "I have no friends left but your- self. I come as a fugitive to beg your help." Asking them to rest and eat, Dr. Evans lost no time in plan- ning their escape. Later, in his closed carriage, he conducted the two ladies to the coast, the Empress travelling as a mental patient, her .com- panion acting as nurse. - At Deauville lodgings were found for them and the hazard- ous task of finding a ship was solved when Dr. Evans, by a stroke of good fortune, found an English yacht lying at Trouville Harbour. . { The owner of the vessel, S: John Burgoyne, gallantly rose. to the occasion and gave his protection to the Empress. She was escorted safely to England, where she remained in exile. "Le bel Evans" went back to Paris. . Beauty for Kitchen [7 J aa aN Sty 806 SS igh N77 by Cowra Wholn Colorful vegetables on black lattice-work make a cheerful looking sextette of kitchen tow- els, Simple basic embroidery stitches. A child could begin on these embroidery motifs Pattern 806; has transfer of six motifs 5% x 63% inches. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be ae- cepted) for this pattern to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St, New Tor- onto, Ont. Print plainly PAT. TERN NUMBER, your NAMR and ADDRESS, HOW -TO EXCITEMENT -- * pages and pg of novel designs in our NEW ura Wheeler Cad alog for 1035, Completely diff erent concept of needlécraft -- #0 thrilling, you'll immediately rush to order your favorite pat tern. Send 25 cents for your A this new, new catalog NOW! i : pL IT'S ONLY PLAYTIME -- Polly the parrot and Pluto the kitten have a nightly cut-up. The seven-month-old kitten climbs atop the parrot's cage and slaps at Polly, while Polly gets into the fun with a few gentle nips at the offending kitten, Clarke This is the first day for a week without 'an early morning sub- zero temperature. Yes, it has been cold -- but we were afraid to wish for a .change in the weather in: case it might be for the worse! You never know, we . might get a storm from the east and be snowed in -- "and then what? Even though the high- way is cleared, there is still one's own lane to contend with, What with one thing and an- other, last week was quite a. week. While it was so intensely cold, Partner developed an acute attack of neuritis, One day we had to get someone in to help at the barn with the chores, espe- cially as a young heifer chose that day to have 'her first calf. However, mother and son came throught all right and Partner has more or less returned to norm: Saturday Bob and Joy were here for supper. Bob looked over all the 60 cycle motors and was satisfied they were all in good running order, It comes in handy sometimes having a mechanically-minded person in .the family. He also brought along some kind of stuff for my |. car that acts 'as a cleaner and conditioner for the motor, On Sunday, Dee, Arthur and Dave arrived for a short visit. Dave made good use of his legs, exploring every nook and cor- ner and going about a mile a minute. He just loves the dogs and the dogs are equally de- lighted to have him around. But we couldn't make a fuss of him . -at all, as he was far too busy to want to be bothered with his" grandparents, The pump handle in the kitchen was a great at- traction. He also thought it a good idea to squeeze his way into inaccessible places -- behind the' chesterfleld and under the coffee table and chairs. We brought out. his Christmas- present, kiddig-car, but he is still a little too small for it. So, not being able to ride it proper- ly Dave decided it was more fun to carry it around. This he did until he got tangled up in the pedals and fell over it a few times. As the weather was still very cold yesterday, they started. for home before dark, 'Just a short visit but long enough for us to keep track of our grandson's development. Well, now -- that always helps! Mitchie-White has just jumped up on my desk and sprawled himself across the top of it regardless of typewriter, pentrays, notepads and a few other odds and ends. His plain- tive me-ow is an indication he is is prepared to be petted or play- ed with, whichever I prefer, - Just so long as he get some at- tention. Sorry, Mitchie, I'm afraid the attention you get will be a removal to the kitchen, Mrs. R . . . Illinois -- thank you so much for your nice let- ter and kind words. Hope you enjoyed the books. Another I am sure you would like is "Love is Eternal" by Irving Stone. It concerns the family life of Abraham Lincoln and is both entertaining and Informative, Reading it, one can be thankful that civil wars are no longer a threat, At the present time everyone is feeling uneasy about the For- mosa situation, All democratie a THE END--You won't be seeing Mamie Van Doren posing with her mouth open in the future. In response to reports that she's another Marilyn Monroe, Mamie says: "I'm. keeping my mouth shut In cheesecake photos until they quit saying such things."- nations are anxious for 'a world at peace. We get very weary of, continual conflict, which, it would seem, should be avoid- able among civilized people. And yet there is hardly a period in history without its record of war, either on land or at sea. 'War between nations .s bad enough but, as I said before, we can be thankful civil war is a thing of the past, insofar as . English-speaking nations - are concerned. Civil wars ceased as people came to have a better understanding of the problems affecting both sides. Maybe global war will likewise cease when international . problems are more clearly understood. And. contributing towards this better understanding is the Wo- men's Institute of Canada. That one really appreciates in read- ing 'through that excellent lit- tle magazine "For Home and Country" especially in regard to International Day programmes. Many branches report addresses by New Canadians at their meetings, I do hope every W.I. member "takes time to read * Home and Country' from cover to cover. It is packed full of worthwhile information. "Here and There With the Institutes" is a chal- lenge in itself. You scan fit hastily at first, seeking the name of your own branch. If it isn't there you ask yourself why. "Could it be that our Branch was. not considered worthy of men- tion? If not, why not -- and what can we do about it?" Incidentally I wonder how many W. I, members appreciate the tremendous amount of work and expense of "Home and Country." Do you know that 46,000 copies of each issue are sentout and that the publication cost of even one issue is ap- proximately $3,000? 'And yet, for a nominal subscription sent in by each branch, every mem- ber of the W. I. is entitled to a copy of "Home and Country" free of charge. The least we can' do is glve it the careful read- ing it deserves, don't you think? 'first visit to the Hundred-Million Treasure Hunt For years men have searched, and are still searching, for the fabulous gold-mine that lies hid- den in the barren, rattlesnake- infested - Superstition Mountains of Arizona. The "Lost Dutch: man" it is called. Its existence is certain, Yet since 1805 everyone who has set out to find it has met with a violent end. The outer reaches of the Superstition Moutiaia le the walls of a mediaev. says Sims Ely in his enthralling book, "The Lost Dutchman Mine", Towering over the desert, they enclose hundreds of square miles of tortured land that was once the haunt of the predatory Apache, a country of soft pudding stone, gashed and * A carved into fantastic shapes, criss-crossed by yawning chasms, Bare of vegetation, 'almost waterless in summer, it's-a place where shadows lengthen eerily at sundown, where compass direc- tions: are undependable, where a man can easily become lost or : a prey to ambush. Such a man was Adolph Ruth, ; who ventured there alone June' of 1031, never to return. With his were found notebook jottings, including Julius Caesar's cele- brated quotation; 'Veni, vidi, .[ Vici" (I: came, -1 saw, I con-. quered). Was it a triumphant cry that he had discovered the location of the mine? It's a question--like the question of his murder--that may never be answered, the author says. The first American white man. to see gold from the "Dutchman" was almost certainly Dr. Abra- ham D, Thorne, who was forced to play a sort of "blind man's buff" for it when he was led there, blindfolded and on horse- back, by Apache braves back in 1865. He had doctored the fami- - lies of the Apaches, curing their children of eye trouble, and as a reward they took him to a place where there was "gold on the ground."*- 'There was, too. When the . Apaches removed, his blindfold Thorne found himself in a can- yon with a pile of almost pure gold at his feet. A sackful was thrown across his saddle and he was led away-blindfolded; He was never able to find his way: back. Two men who undoubtedly did know the. whereabouts of the mine were Jacob Walts and' Jacob Weiser, who were taken there in 1871 by its owner, Miguel Peralta, after they had saved his life in 'a Mexican gambling fight. The mine had been in his family since 1748, when Ferdinand VI of Spain had bestowed 3,750 miles of what is now Arizona on his grandfather for services to the Crown, plus the resounding title of Baron of the Colorados. "In the late 1860's a Mr. James A. Reavis caused a tremendous stir by laying claim to the Per- alta lands, then worth some 100 million dollars. But when his evidence--ancient Spanish docu-. ments--were scrutinized by legal experts they discovered that, held up to the light, they bore a modern watermark. As for © Mr. Reavis, he turned out to be the ex-conductor of a St. Louis horse-bus. : Their share in. gold of that ichman was worth $30,000 tC Waltz and Weiser. And, back in Mexico, Peralta told them that if they made the money over to him the mine was theirs to work. Naturally, they jumped at it. . "The ore was 80 rich you just wouldn't believe it," Waltz said later. "The nuggets of gold simply fell out when you crush- ed the rock with hammers." He described the mine as "a large pit shaped like a funnel with * the large end up." But on their second visit to the "Dutchman" deadly disaster dogged them. As they approach- ed they saw two men hammer- ing there, brown-skinned, strip- ed to the waist, Apaches, th \J You cant go! ALL-OUT: -- | -- pe ont Tonle wel. idee Lis ughe body nd brain makes physical i -4 1h if] BE i When kidneys os Kidney scton, When Lids fet aia ty dt Then batkache, houded fesing often follw, Thats ts Simin the ilars to Formal eis "Then you feel better-- sleep better-- work better. Ask for Dodd's at any counter, "n dismembered skeleton , movable, decided -- and shot them dead. Then saw to their horror that the men were two of Peralta's peons , . . but worse followed. from held up through no fault of own. And when he got back day late--he found to his terror that the Apaches had never forgiven myself." It weighed so heavily on his: conscience that he lost all inter- est in the mine. And. when Ia. died, twenty years later, the claim hi of the Lost Dutchman--and the secret of its v abouts--died - with him, have-tried to find it since ++ . and have met violent deaths, The last serious attempt was in 19047, when James Cravey was 3 flown into the.Superstitions by helicopter. His beheaded skele- ton was found some months, later, To the reader's inevitable question--Why, even 'with mod- ern resources, ig the Dutchman 30 difficult to locate?--Sims Ely. provides a convincing answer, To do so he goes back to the year. 1912 when. an ageing Indian, known as Apache Jack, revealed "how, many years earlier, when he was only a boy, a number of ~ Mexicans were working the 'mine, The Apaches always dtay- ed near the Mexican camp be- cause of the food that was hand- ed out to them . . . until one of the gold-crazy Mexicans molest- ed an Apache woman and a ter- rible running fight lasting three days ensued. Eventually most of the Mexicans were wiped-out. And it was then that, having 'seen how gold can inflame white men's minds, the Apaches de- cided to obliterate all surface signs of the mine so that it could never be found. Sr : : © The squaws worked "all one winter," Apache Jack said, shov- ing "into the hole" everything then smoothing the whole surface over until it look- "ed like the surrounding country, Sims Ely's book is a true, ex- citing adventure story that con- veys to the reader not only his own conviction that the Dutch- man Mine exists, but also that one day it will yield up its fabu- lous wealth and secrets. It costs less than you "think to enjoy dustiess clean heat SAVE WITH --------, OIL HEATERS Priced from $66.50 © ECONOMICAL 09 save because a Corona uses a minimam of ol. Nor cottages and small homes, 's a Corona medel for heat: ing 8 tea 7 roems, ® MODERN CONTROLS your home, : We bave parts fer all Fess spase heaters Fess - made spate heaters, 54 See your Otace dealer or write fteday The OTACO Limited » ORILLIA, ONT, JISSUR ¥ -- 1088