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Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 May 1955, p. 1

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.: - " . Authorised a Bocond Clase Mall Post Office Department, Ottawa. rt £1 : PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 5th, $2.00 per year. Single Copy Be, Let's Assure 'Ontario' an M.L.A. from - = Ont. Dept. of Lands and Forests Photo ' DADDY NETTED THIS ONE--Sucker fishing time finds dip nets Pusy on countless Ontario streams each spring. one of the ugly but edible coarse fish caught at Alliston, Ontario. "Isabelle Major, 3, shows PPHS. Basketball Team Honoured GORDON WRIGHT, PHY. ED. DIRECTOR FOR ONT. SCHOOLS "GUEST SPEAKER AT P.P.H.S, BASKETBALL BANQUET ; On Wednesday evening, April 29, Port Perry H. 8. favoured its basket- ball successes of the past season, as the winning teams were treated to a banquet dinner held in the Presby- terian Church basement. - The guest speaker, Mr. Gordon Wright, Director of Physical Educa- Principal J. L. Crane. Mr. Wright's interesting address drew -attention to the changes in physical education in schools, to its values and to the tre- mendous openings in this field for those who choose to teach P.T. in either elementary or secondary schools After a few words from Miss Demp- sey and--Mr, Parkinson, coaches of the three P.P.H.S. teams who were COSSA finalists, crests were present-. ed. to the three. honoured teams--The | 8r. Girls; The Jr. Boys and Sr. Boys' teams. . {Ruby Leask and Jack Owen cap- tains. of the Senior Girls and Boys teams were the proud recipents of the Jack Griffen outstanding player a- wards. To conclude the entertain- ment, Jack Griffen showed short films of the Toronto play-6ff games. "with. the parents in attendance. along. Junior Institute The monthly Tuesday meeting of the Junior Institute was held on April 26, at the. Port Perry High Schopl The topic of this meeting was Party Re- freshments with a prepared talk given by Carol Midgely. It was brought up that the Junior Institute is to serve lunch -at the Ontario County Junior Farmers' Choir Festival of songs entitled "This is Our Country". The festival will be held | at the Port Perry Public School on Mrs. Elsie Tickets May. 6th at 8.30 p.m. with Dobson as their conductréss, aa | may be obtained from any Junior por tion for Ontario was introduced byH ner member. The Junior Farmers Hard Time Dance will be held at Sunderland hall on May 13th, ~All girls wishing to be on the Port Perry Junior Institute's baseball team must attend two meetingd and be a, paid member. ..See either Joan Cal- berry or Eleanor Hutchinson. Minor Baseball All boys wishing to play ball report to High School grounds, Friday, at 7.00 p.m, = ' > . "The AnD are also welcome. Anyone having equipment belonging to the Minor League please bring it We need some coaches, too, id po . of Lands and Farnsts Phote Forest fires turned this beautiful scene at wink Vag Lake, in the White River district of Ontario, into. ugly desolation last June. Be. - careful with fire in the woods this year, urges the Ont. + Dept, of Lands N and Forests, Festival of Song, |Check Your New '| of Port Perry Hospital. A Phone Book The new look of the telephone books which were delivered this - week to Bell 'Telephone customers in Port Perry goes deeper than the slick buff covers according to J. W. Lowry, Bell manager for this region, The new directory cantains 15,425 new and changed listings. Many thousands of these are due to the ma- jor change in Oshawa and Port Hope's telephone numbering system. On Sunday, May 8, the new numbers which make use of the exchange name "RAndolph" in Oshawa and "TUrner" in Port Hope will be introduced into those two centres. This will bring Oshawa and Port Hope under the uni- form two-letter five-figure number- ing plan that is gradually being put | into effect ,throughout Canada and the United States. . There are also many new listings resulting from telephones being added in Port Perry and other centres ser- ved by this directory. : Because of the number changes in the: directory, Mr. Lowry urges tele- phone users to refer only to the new book, once it becomes fully effective. The effective date of the new directory is printed in a "box" on the front | cover, as a reminder to 'Bell customers. Mi. Lowry suggested that each tele- phone user check his copy of the Blue Book of Telephone Numbers against the new book, and bring. this personal list up to date. He said that this will help to eliminate calls to 'Information' which are often unnecessary. "B¥ listing' out-of-town telephone numbers in the Blue Book and giving the operator the number when placing a long distance call," said Mr. Lowry, "the telephone user can reduce by as much as half the time required to make the connection". This year, 35,183 telephone books were distributed initially in Oshawa, Cobourg, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Whitby and surrounding territory as compared to 31,663 last. year. Delivery of the telephone book here is part of the gigantic task of publi- cation and distribution performed by the company each year. During 1954, 56 different directories issued through out Bell's Ontario-Quebec territory used up 3,603 tons of paper. These directories varied in size from the smallest, with" 28 pages, delivered to 3,350 customers to the, largest con- taining more than 1,600 pages, of which 600,000 copies were issued. [Piano Recital A very pleasing Piano Recital was held at the Port Perry Public School by the pupils of Mrs. McClintock, AT.CM.,, RM.T., assisted by Miss Jean Samells and her pupil Jonnie Kennedy. Duet -- Jean and Dona Samells--- Canadian Capers; Ronnie Kennedy-- Bourie, Bach; Marilyn Fralick--Dollys Dream; Carol Ciozier--Fairy Waltz; George Smith--Roses; Sharon Crozier --Rosebud Blossom; Lynne Beare-- The Wind; Sharon Musgrave--Even- 'ing Bells; Carolyn Cook -- The Nut Tree; Wenda Walsh--Going to Bed. Tap Dancing, Jean Bright--IJohnny Harper--Robin Hood, Happy Faces; Myrle Thompson--The Drummer; Jill Coe--Oranges and Lemons; Carol Ann 'Morrow--On the Lagoon; Linda Gra- ham--The Wishing Star; Patsy Holt- by--=Sailing; 'Ruth Milne --- Lavender Blue; Jim. Johnston--Drummer Boy; Don. Beacock--Little on Boy. Duet -- Vera and Jean Newham-- Little White Pony; Shellla Levinson «Top of the morning; Patsy Midgely --Jumping Jack; Jean Bright--Yellow Butterfly; Eleanor Wescott--Minuet, Mice; Marion Scott-=Minuet in G., Bach; Audrey Reader--Allegretto in «C.; John Williams--A Sailor Tune, ' Reading--Norma Levinson. Jeanne Williams -- Rondo in C.; Gloria Fralick--German Dance, Bee- thoven; Diane Wilson--Nocturne, Cho- pin; Norma Levinson--Valse, Chopin; Donna Samells--Jesus. Joy of Man's Desiring, Bach; Jean Samells -- Bee- thoven Sonata. The Queen, $9.00 was donated to children's ward ' IS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION DUE? Check the date on the label of your Port Perry Star. It tells you when your subscription runs out. Ontario County FINANCIAL R EPORT Bach; Carolyn Batty -- Three Blind' '| fishing and '| eoloured film showing life in. Mexico ERED Financial Report REAC H TOW NSHIP.SCHOOL AREA Receipts 1954 Bal, from 1963 ......... Siriirioaes $11,421, 30 | Provincial Grants ................. 31,325.43 General Grant ....., Nites 10,166.00 Township Levy coi, 22,600.00 U.S.S. 16 (Scott) . Sri _90.55 U.S.S. 17 (Mariposn).. esis 588.68 Miscellaneous .....ouveeiionenn 164.28 Bank Loan quinine, 15,000.00 $91,246.14 Expenditures Teachers Salaries ..............$42,856.80 Instructional Supplies .......... 3,431.06 Administration ............ ving 1,981.92 Plant Operation ......... vw. 8,616.48 Maintenance ....... renee 2,928.01 Auxiliary ....... FA PRL 381.29 Miscellaneous ........... Ganssurlriithe 212.00 Capital Outlay ......... oe 2,243.86 Bank Loan S...ine.. . 15,000.00 386.64 Bank Interest $78,037.06 Teachers Superannuation + witheld by Board ....$ 2,686.90 Women's Hospital Auxiliary "The April meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary was held on Tuesday after- noon, April 19th, at the hospital, with the President, Mrs. M. B. Dymond, in the chair: Unfortunately our numbers were small, but we afl know the con- dition of the roads and are hoping for a larger attendance at the May meeting. The Auxiliary endeavored to brigh- ten Faster Sunday for the patients by providing each adult with a hyacinth and each child with a small basket of candies. : "Since our last meeting our sewing committee have made many articles for the hospital, including. twenty-five draw-sheets, laparotomy sheets, glove holders, etcetera. We are glad to re- port that Mrs. Storey Beare has con- sented to be sewing convenor for the Hospital : -Auxiliary. | Hospital Day is fo be held May 12th mext. On that day the hospital will Be open to-visitors from 2.30 until 4.30 in the afternoon. Tea will he served by members of the Women's Auxiliary. We know there are many people in this district who have not been through the hospital. Why not come on that day if possible, see through the hospital, and enjoy a fr riendly cup of tea? The Penny Sale of which we spoke will soon be in action. As one of the prizes-we hope to have a mix-master, which we can procure if we collect. enough "Howdy Doody" money, which is enclosed in varying amounts with all Ogilvie products. Would anyone who can spare a little of this play money please send same to Mrs, M. Holtby, RR. 2, Port Perry. This money must be in our hands by the middle of May to be of benefit to us, Every coupon will help, and wt thank you in advance for your cooperation. The Diminishing Teas, of which we spoke previously, are proving quite a sugcess. The receipts are not all in ag yet, but next month wé may be able to tell you more ahout the final result. The following contributiong are gratefully acknowledged: Greenbank Community ........... $80.85 Service Club, Port Perry United Church ......... $94.50 will be hdd in the Library, at cight' o'clock inthe evening, on May 24th. We expect to have a guest speaker; everyone is welcome, and we do hope to have a goodly attendance. : Film Council News Our Film Club meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Deeming in Myrtle. We had a good turnout of members and after a short meeting 3 films were shown. - \ One was "River Watch" a story of the men who keep the harbour clear and take the supplies to the lighthouse kegpers. 2 } "Fighting Fish" a story of shark "Wings to Mexico" a and the picturesque "Guatemala City and an authentic Indian religious fes- tival. All very good films, and well of 1 Citizenship Convener , 1 ' B. Dymond, Port Perry, or Mrs. Bruee{ _ The next meeting of the Auxiliary | Catholic Women's Regional Meeting Oshawa's Knight's of Columbus Hall was the scene of the Annual Regional 'Meeting of the Ontario County South Regional CWL.® Beautifully decorated in yellow spring flowers, it held over 100 members of the League who were honoured by the presence of Arch- diocesan Spiritual Director, Rev, C. Mulvihill, Avchdiocesan CWL Presi- dent, Mrs. J. V. O'Shea and the second Vice-President, Mrs. Davies, all of To- ronto_ Clergy present were Reverends P. Dwyer, D.D., Mahoney and Lawlor, Oshawa and Rev, Van Zelz, Ux- bridge. - Mrs. Arthur O'Connor, Pickering, Regional Chairman, presided. Seven Presidents of Subdivisions (Whitby, Oshawa, Uxbridge, Port Perry, Ajax, Pickering) read their annual reports after having heard the voll call, the minutes and the financial statement, presented by Mrs. F. Von. Pilis, Whit- by, Secretary and Mrs, V. Dowling, Claremont, 'Treasurer. Murs, V. J. O'Shea commented on these, duly seconded and adopted reports and ex- pressed hei pleasure on work well done, iki i New business brought discussions on Archdiocesan Convention to be held May 31st at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Pilgrimage to Martyr's Shrine, Midland, Retreat at the Cen- acle, Toronto. se Highlight of the meeting was an address on the Lay Apostolate of Catholic Action given by the foun- dress of Madonna House, Combermere, Ontario, Mrs. I. Doherty-deHueck, who was introduced by Mrs, Von Pilis and thanked by Rev. Lawlor St. Gregory's in Oshawa. > Mrs, Davies thanked the members for their successful work in the recent Canadian Register campaign, while Mrs. Ralph Jones, Oshawa, Regional urged on the meeting to still givater effort in civie affairs. Rev. C. Mulvihill extended Archdiocesan greetings, blessed the work of the members and expressed gratification at the increase of Slit ual life in the Region. "On behalf" of "the ° RTE, Chairman presented a spiritual bou- 'quet to Mrs. Von Pilis who will short- ly move to London, Ont. ToL The highly "salisfactory meeting closed, as it had opened, with prayers said by Rev. P. Dwyer of Oshawa, and after singing the Hymn "Holy we praise Thy, Name", the meeting adjourned and a lively social hour was enjoyed by dll. Delicious refresh- ments were served by the ladies of St, Gregory's who were in charge of "so- cial arrangements for the evening. New Store Hours Stores open Friday till 9 p.m. Saturday till 10 p.m. commencing June 3rd of 'the God, | Lions Charter and Ladies' Night ° Some 19 years ago a group of com- munity spirited men got together and organized a Lions Club in Port Perry. on Monday night, last, this Club held its annual Charter Night to commem- orate that occasion and to pay tribute | to their members who through the years have given faithfully of time and energy to further Lionism and help their own community. One could point to a tong list of community 'projects which have been brooght to successful conclusion due (at least in part, often entirely) to the work of the local Lions. : The party which was held .in the Parish Hall of the Anglican Church took the form of a banquet at which the Lions entertained their ladies. Following the delicious meal served by the women of the' Church the en- tertainment comniittee had a number of games planned which made for a delightful evening. Remarks on all sides proclaimed it the! best evening for a long time. Track & Field Club CORONATION TRACK AND FIELD CLUB MEET THURS. MAY 4th With the third ahnual Coronation Track and Field Club scheduled for the May 23vd holiday, a special meet- ing is being called at the high school on. Thursday of this week. A check-up on the ticket sale, will be made while plans for the May 23rd will also be formulated. Ticket sell- ers, competitors and 'all executive members kindly attend. Service Club The Service Club entertained with a program of talent at the "Fairview Lodge" in Whitby, on Wednesday evening, April 27th. ] Mrs. N. Kerry introduc i the Club and a welcome was given by the Presi- dent Mrs. IH. Edenborough. The a "0 Canada" . Solo---Welcome Sweet Springtime by Mrs. A, Suwala. Dance Solo--by, Miss Beryl Palmer, Piano Solo--*"The Warsaw Conserto" by Mus, B: Taylor Solo--*"The Ninety and Nine" by Mrs. I5. Kennedy. Song and Dance Duét -- by Marilyn Luke and Jo Anne Buller Solo---May th¢ Good Lord Bless and Keep. You-- Miss Beryl Palmer. Uxbridge Junior Farmers Quartette accompanied by Miss Pierson, sang "Walking T hYough the Park" and "I. Believe". Everybody then took part in a sing- song. ort Perry This Time Now that Port Perry his one candi- date, W. T. Harris, Liberal, in the runwing for the coming Provincial election on Jyne 9th, the citizens have un opportunity to insure an M, L, A. from this town by making sure that Dr. M, B. Dymond is nominated as the Progressive Conservative Candi- date for Ontario Riding at the meet- ing on May 10th. . It is not often that a village such as Port Perry has a chance to be certain of a representative in the Pro- vincial House, P.C. Nomination Meeting . 6 P.M, TUESDAY, MAY 10TH. For over ten years Dr. M, B. Dy- mond has faithfully served the People of Port' Perry, not only as an able medical practicioner, but as a com- munity servant. Town Council, Hos- pital Board, Fraternal Lodges, Lions Club and High School Board have all benefited from his devoted member- ship. to say "Thank You" to Doc Dymond. For a decade he has been a tireless worker in the Progressive Conserva- tive Association. Indications were in- creasingly pointing to his acceptance ag the Party standard-bearer. That indication is still very evident; how- ever with the P.-C. Party enjoying such great popularity'in Ontario today 5 othér Ontario County citizéns are after the nominttion. We still be- lieve Doe Dymond deserves the honour by dint of his years of hard work for-- the cause, . That is why, we are at this time asking Port Perry to come to our Community Arena next Tuesday ev- ening. Register as a citizen of Port Perry and Community, and when the time comes 'to select the P.C: Candi- date, give Doc your-vote. This gesture will not obligate you in any way, may all say Thanks to Doc for his years' of good citizenship in Port Perry, and Community. Iveryone, is welcome, Everyone is entitled to a Vote. < = = ' Solo---"Vespers" by Mrs. A. Suwala. Dance Duet Marilyn Luke and Jo Anne Buller. 1. Piano Solo---Mrs. B. Taylor Uxbridge Junior Farmers - Sang-- "Nothing Like a Dame" and "Just a Little Talk with Jesus". Solo--*"Bless this House" by Mrs. E. Kennedy, ev. Mr. Wylie closed with a prayer. God Save the Queen. lanch was served and the Service Club me 'mberst went on a tour of the Home. ' Many thanks to Mrs. Honey, Mrs. H. Edenborough, Mrs. L..Clark, Mrs. J. Crane and to all who took part to make the evening a success. -N "THE CANADIAN" HEADS WEST: W. A. Mather, president of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway (right inset), pulls the switch that sends "The €an- adian"--C.P.R.'s new transcontinental scenic dome train--on her way across the nation as Mayor Jean Drapeau of Montreal looks on, The gleaming, all "worth seeing. Jr. Farmers. stainless steel streamliner streaked PORT PERRY 9» PUBLIC SCHOO Bs through the 2,881 miles from Montreal to Vancouver in, 71 hours and 10 min., as compared with the former trans: continental time of 87 hours, 10 min. Eastbound, the schedyle has been re- duced by 12 hours antl 30 min. to 70. hours, 20 minutes. Thousands of per- sons lined the right of way as "The Canadian" made her inaugural run . Fri, across. the nation that saw her arrive at Vancouver destination right on schedule. In the above photo "The Canadian" is shown. leaving Windsor Station which appears in the back-. ground. Upon arriving at Sudbury geven cars were added to the train to make it a 15 car train for the west- ward journey. EE | NOW is Port Perry's opportunity . but it will be a way we' ' May 6 -- Rel vv. I hon an en J SET SEARS NW I i eB eg ni Se > Res Pept w ph NA a Set gn » ' » el 2 a Smile, Se a i -- Kl "4 - I My BW yd i » Lh Ti Te i ee im rman et . Not Sw igi hs ln Lh Es ivy Suit

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