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Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 May 1955, p. 4

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\ 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 12ht, 1056 LOCAR Cards of Thanks Donna and Glenn VanCamp wish to extend thanks to all their friends in " Bluckstock for the beautiful gifts and money given to them at the showet on April 30. Special thanks. to the chair man and all who took part in the progam and to the ladies Who made the shower such a suecess, We wish to thank poll friends and neighbgurs who helped us at our re- vont barn raising. o =Mr, and. Mrs. The family of the late Mrs. Niddery . wich to thank the relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindhess, messages of sympathy and begutiful floral tributes received dur- ing their vecent bereavement in the loss of a-beloved mother. They ecs- pecially wish to thank Rev. Mutton and Dr. Stocks, of Brooklin. Frank Kight. In Memoriam LYLE--Iun loving memory of our dear som Mervyn Leonard Lyle, who entered into rest May 12th, 1949. If at the end of our journey In Heaven we meet our own In Heaven dear son we will find you When the race of life we've won We will stand once more beside you When God calls for us to come, Sadly missed by Mim and Dad. LYLE -- In loving memory of our denr brother Mervyn Leonard Lyle, 'who, so suddenly departed this life, May 12th, 1949. We often think of bygone days . "When we were all together 'The family chain is broken now Bnt memories live forever, To us he has not gone away Nor has he travelled far Just entered God's cnternal home And left the gates ajar. Ever remetnbered by sisters and brothers, Velma, Mariel, Laura, Frunk and Keith. There is a sad but sweet remembrance There is a memory fond and true SCHELL--In loving memory of a Sh de r wife, .mother and grandmother, 5 Meudie Schell who passed away May Phe i 8th, 1943. x id ip . There is a token of affection mother And a heart ache still for you. Lovingly remembered by Husband and Family. COMING EVENTS Hard Tyme Dance In Im Hall on FRIDAY, MAY 13th, at 9.00 pm. Bob Walker's Orchestra ~ Admission 75¢; and 50c. Tulip Tea At the home of Mrs. Harold Martyn on May 18, 10556, undei the auspices of Mrs. Cornish W.A. group. Silver collection. May 12 / vd NOTICE RIDING BICYCLES on sidewalks is PROHIBITED. If this practice is not.digcontinued any person found do- "5 ing so will be prosecuted. Archie Menzies, Chief of Police. May 19 Farmer's Union Scugog Farmer's Union Meeting to be held in the Township Hall, Scugog A on Friday, May 20th at 8.30 p.m. Baking Sale SALE OF HOME BAKING is being held by the Prince Albert Good Neigh- "bours Club, Friday, May 20 on tho lawn of Mrs, W. Jeffrey, eorner of TA Highway and Lilla St., Port Perry, Rummage Sale The Evening Guild of the Church x of The Ascension are holding a Rum- mage Sale in the Parish Hall, May | 14th at 1.80 p.m.-also Afternoon Tea und Home Baking Sale. Hospital Day This is your opportunity to sce through your Hospital, on Hospital Day, Thursday, May 12. Afternoon Tea will be served from 2,30 to 4.80 by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary. . Two Plays "No Man in the ys and "Thurs. | day At Home", will be presented by the Seagrave W.A. in the -PRINOE ALBERT United Church Parlors en / Wednesday, May 18th at 816 p.m, #4 under the auspices of the Prince Al- 33 bert W.A. Admission b0e. and 26¢, a » a SE a eh ah ' -| 28th, N EWS ------ EET THE CHURCHES ; ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ministér--Rey, B.D. Armstrong, : B.A. D.D. Sunday, May 15th-- ILOU a.m.--Sunday Sc¢hool Mother s Day Service, 4100 p. m-- Evening Worship. WAL CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Rev. K. W. Scott, L. Sunday, May 15th-- 11.00 a.m.--Morning I'rayer and Sermon. » --Sunday School. : PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH . Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A., Minister Sunday, May 15th-- 11 a.m.--"The Citadel of Our Faith" 7 p.m.--The evening service will be in charge of the Women's Association. y PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--David J. Toews Sunday, May 15th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 am.--Worship Service 7.30 p.m.--Evening Service. Special instrumental music: Wed, 8 p.m.--Prayer. Meeting. Fri.,, 8 p.m.--Young Peoples. } Jesus said: "Ye must be born again." John 3:7 PENTECOSTAL CHURCH - Sunday, May 15th-- Morning Worship at 11 am. Evening Service ht 7 pam. - EVERYONE WELCOME / Pastor, Lloyd Faulkner. Notice The Nomination Meeting of the Township of Scugog will be held in the Township Hall, Scugog at 8 p.m. on Friday, May 20th, 1955, for the purpose of nominating a Councillor for the Township of Scugog. If an election is necessary it will be held In the Township Hall on Saturday, May 1955, with polls open. from 9 am. to 6, p.m. ----Ralph Milner, Returning Officer. . May 19 Th., Rector Congratulations We congratulate Miss Bev. Michell upon the successful completion of a' Child Management Course at the Ry- erson Institute of Technology. After a few days 'oliday she will commence teaching in a Toronto Nursery School, Deaths SWITZER, Randolph'Finlay--at his residence in Windsor, after a short illness, on Wed., May 4th, Randolph Finlay Switzer, beloved husband of Jean Haugh, formerly of Lindsay, and father of Douglas of Oakville, Patri- cia and Reginald of Windsor, son of Mr. C. W. Switzer and the late Mrs. Switzer of Port Perry. Interment at Windsor Grove Cemetery, Windsor, Ont., Sat. May 7th. New Store Hours Stores open Friday till 9 p.m. Saturday till 10 p.m. commencing + June 3rd | Mrs. Ashburn Missionary Sunday was observed in the Sunday School of Burn's Church on Sunday, May 1st, It was decided to hold the annual Sunday School anniversary on Sun- day, June 19th with. Mr. Beckley, of Columbus, the guest speaker and spe- cial music. by the pupils of the school. On Wédnesday, April 27a meeting of the International Bible Society was 'held in the basement of Burn's Church at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Gordon Fisher occupying the chair. The meeting opened with the singing of the dox- ology after' which Mrs, L. Bradley read the scripture lesson, St. John, Chapter 12, verses 20-33 and Dr, Arm- strong led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mr, Rudd, a representative of the Bible Society was introduced by Mrs, Fisher and conducted the election of officers. Mrs, Gordon Fisher was elected ~President and Vera Leach secretary-treasurer. Mr, Rudd then explained thelwork of the Bible Society. He stated that the society prints 27 million copies of the Bible annually in 800 languages. He also showed an interesting film. of their work entitled 'The Living Word". A special offering was taken and the meeting closed with prayer by Mr. Rudd. ! The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Bible Class was held at the home of Mrs. Gordon McDonald, of Woodville, a former member and pre- sident- of the class. The president Mrs, A. Fisher occu- pied the chair and gave the Call to Worship. Hymn "He's My Friend", was sung. Mrs, Fisher read an arti- cle entitled "Thoughts from an Old Cook Book". This was concluded by several passages of scripture, read by Mrs. Frank Lynde which made up a recipe. Mrs. Henry Doble led In prayer. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and approved. - Letters of thanks and appreciation were read from Mrs, A. Parrott, Mrs. Paul Mar- tin and Hilda Hopkins. Mrs. W. Gardner, Mrs, F. Lynde, Mrs. N. Anderson and Mrs. A. Paynter were appointed as the visiting com- mittee for the month of May. Mrs, H. Doble and Mrs. M. Sparks were ap- pointed as the program committee for the June meeting and Mys. R. Rich- rdson kindly offered her home for this meeting. A hymn "In the Gar- den", was sung and Mrs. R. Batten then took charge'of the program. A poem "Spring Flowers", was read by Lorne Parrott, Joy Bradley played an instrumental "Gloaming". Mrs, Luther Bradley gave a. very in- teresting. talk on the Life of Jacob. This was a timely subject for Christ- tian Family Week, Mrs, Edgar Her- on and daughter Doris sang a lovely duet "Have Faith in God." Gifts were presented to Mis. R. Taylor for having a birthday nearest fhe date $f the meeting and to Mrs. ". Lynde for having the Mots gran) re On behalf of the members, Mrs. Ww. Routley extended Mrs. McDonald a hearty vote of thanks for ler kind hospitality and presented her with a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers. . The president, Mrs, Fisher then in- vited Doris Heron to come forward and presented her with a very pretty cup and saucer as a small token of remembrance from the members of the class prior. to her coming mar- riage. Doris thanked the members for their gift and invited them to visit her at any time in her new home. A very delicious lunch was served 'by the refreshment committee and a | social time ® Snjoyed by everyone, RINGWOO \ 8 Bulls Saturday, 9th ANNUAL 42 Bred Heifers D FARMS SALE May 21st 1955 in our Sales Barn % STOUFFVILLE Owner: ONTARIO George Rodanz a sy ARAABAARRRS ARRAS LAAR LE + ; "TAYLOR'S 5c. 'to $1.00 i HE ApquARY EK RS FOR ; 1] i | /FAMILY FIREWORKS SPECIAL ASSORTMENTS, ORDER NOW FOR Neighbourhood Displays Carrying Family Assortments ONLY---children will not be , served without a note from parents, | Lp $1.00 to $10.00 RE eC e080eORr S0RORCECRORORORORO Ground Observer There are still a few tickets avail- able for the May 19th meeting of the Ground Observer Corps, which is be- ing held in the Frigidaire auditorium, Golden Mile, Scarborough, at 8 p.m. Squadron Leader Cairns, No. 3 Air, Control; Centre, R.C.A.F., will be the guest speaker, His subject will be "Radar, and Search & Rescue." | 'Following his talk there will be a short . plant tour and refreshments. Tickets must be secured' in advance from;No. 61 detachment commander; RCAF Ground Observer Corps; Bar- rie, so that refreshments may Puvlf ranged for. The ticket also serves us for a lucky draw, so be sure to keep | ' bers including Mr. Wes. Johnson, Mr, Film Council News Our general meeting was held at the Maples School. Our guest speak- er Prof, Everett Bovard was very in- teresting. Two films were shown and discussed. Professor Bovard discus- sed ways and means to promote group participation. Seyeral of our mem- T, Rimmer took the chair and tried 'out several of Prof, Bovard's sugges- tions, 1 The meeting ended with our hostess serving a most delightful lunch. A joint executive meeting is to bel "held in Port Perry on May 26th, - I will give you more information on your stub, gros J t this next week, _-- -- ; : -- Week-End SPECIATS. iy By OGILVIE WHITE CAKE MIX ........oo coven nenns .27c. SARDINES ............ Simian di Tor 25c. AYLMER CREAM CORN, 20 | COOKIES, 1 1b. cello bag ., YORK MUSTARD PICKLES | \ ' DOUPE'S Prince Albert DOMESTIC SHORTENING ... E DELIVER ORDERS OF $2.00 or ova oz. SORA CSC URI, £3) 35c, rinses ntiives .33c. FE PARE FR PRA Bint, VF STORE Street Sade Sad T 220802080808080008 - Phone 485-W J 3 . - : ® PEE EES EE EES SESE ESSE ESSE SS EEA ih SESE L ; i BO ED PLANTS F OR SALE gL i '/ RED CANNER TOMATO PLANTS ; : OUR SPECIALTY i A few Chrysanthemum Plants and also a i i wide variety of AFRICAN VIOLETS, available. : a i : . Come in and Look Around | - | Leslie' s Greenhouse Ee rv $ : (formerly Smith's) j {© PRINCE ALBERT . : : PHONE 266W ROR ROROROROROH o SAORI EOISECACICESI CECA AR a Sa a Sa a ta ta La i ts a Ba a a a hs "BLUE COAL" | SUMMER PRICES i MAY and JUNE $25.25 per fon POR? PERRY, ONT. $1.00 per ton Discount if paid in 15 days 'REESOR FUEL & LUMBER AEA We make your dollars go further in . our RED & WHITE store with these unbeatable food specials. Your hard- earned dollars are an investment in food quality plus savings, STORES RED & WHITE -- SUPER SOFT TOILET TISSUE 10 = 1.00 COFFEE MAXWELL HOUSE -- 11h, Reg. Ooind Pg. CLARK'S -- In CHILI SAUCE -- 20-0x. tin. PORK & BEANS 6 for 1.00 1.00 GENERAL ELECTRIC -- 20-80-60 Wat LIGHT BULBS 6/r1.00 ' SOFT and FLUFFY -- 3200's Kleenex Tissues - Gor, 00 : SHIRRIFF'S -- GOOD MORNING -- 18-0z. jar ~ MARMALADE # for 1.00 TRINIDAD -- 20-oz. tin Grapefruit Juice 10 for 1 00 'V.P. KERNEL -- 14-ox. NIBLET'S CORN @ for 1.00 "RED & WHITE -- PURE -- 16-ox. PEANUT BUTTER 3 for 1.00 STOKELY'S -- FANCY -- 48-0. tin APPLE JUICE 41.00 RED & WHITE -- 2-0z. jar -- INSTANT COFFEE jar 50. QUAKER 2 for 1c Pint tin TREES -- PURE TURPENTINE 3 for 1 00 - SPR all for 1 Jar - KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ -- 8-ox. 1 Jar KRAFT SANDWICH . EAD -- 16-oz. 1 Pkg. KRAFT DINNER MUFFETS BETTY GROOKER CAKE MIXES Your choles of 38c lines 3 fr 1.00 FRESH FRUITS BIR & VEGETABLES FLORIDA -- MARSH SEEDLESS -- Large Size 80's Grapefruit QUALITY iy for 29¢ FROM OUBA -- FRESH --Large Hise Pineapples each 29. GOLDEN RIPE ~-- NUTRITIOUS Bananas b. 17¢ Franks EXTRA LEAN Minced Beef 3 tbs. or I 00 SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- By the plece Bologna 4 bs.for 1 00 SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- 1-1b, cello SWIFT'S BRANDED BEEF -- First 5 ribs Prime Rib Roast Ib. 53¢ FROZEN : Birdseye Boot Ploy, 8-ox ; E. D. Smith's "Grape Juice Concentrate, 6.0m FoobpDs each 30¢ HE 2 for $c HIT STORES SIDE BACON Pkg. Pe TENDERFLAKE LARD" uv me. TQe SWIFT'S PREMIUM ~-- %-1b. celle 3 lbs. for | 00 x R i £3 1 ts Zo « PHONE q5 TR £5 ' ° S : ~N ' ° oP yo . { i e, 4 w \ a » i 1 ' " [4 . A

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