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Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Jun 1955, p. 4

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4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 80th, 1086 LOCAL tained her piano pupils at her home in place of their annual public reeital. Three evenings, (one for the Senior Girls, one for the Junior Girls, and one for the Boys), the pupils' gave thei 'parents and friends interesting pro- grams. At the last two parties, the pupils of Mr. Alan Reesor, a former pupil of Mrs. Jackson, contributed several numbers.t At the close of each recital, Mrs. Jackson was assisted in "serving refreshments by Mrs, Gordon Reesor, Mrs. Marion Rowland, Mrs, N. Lyle, Miss Georgia Brock, Mrs.) Howard Hall, Misses Jean and Donna Samells, Miss Marilyn Reesor, Miss Miriam Harris, Miss Karel Espie, Miss sharon Haugen, and Miss Carol Ann SCarnegie, PE -- Announcement (7 Mi. and Mrs. 'Ryerson Beare an- Hf nounce the engagement, of their CX daughter, Joyce Minetta to Mr. Ewart i); Frederick Willis, son of Mr, and Mrs. oN Frederick Willis of Toronto. The af marriage will take place on Saturday, July 16th, at 4 p.n. in Glebe Road United Church: Mur. & Mrs, Randolph Aldersey Gib- son announce the engagement of their daughter, Nancy Dorothy to Mr, Don- ald James Rector, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther, Griffith Rector, of Toronto. The marriage will take place on Sat- urday, July 23rd at 2 p.m. in Law- rence Park 'Community Church, To- ronto. N ~~ Birth STivliR: Mina and Dick Steer are happy to announce the arrival of their cnosen son, John Richard, on Friday, June 24th, Born on June 15th, Cards of Thanks 1 wish to thank the nurses and staff NE "of the Community Memorial Hospital, RY tine Utica W.A. and my neighbours for hrs © cards and acts of kindness during my fy XN rs recent illness, Henry Barnes, A J. a . The Catholic Women's League of : ' Porgy Perry would like to thank those who turned out to make their Straw- berry Supper such a wonderful suc- cess, Special thanks to our good ladies of the Parish who helped with their contributions and their time, } V. A, B. "1 wish to thank Dr.'Dymond and the nurses and staff of the Community Memorial Hospital, also friends and neighbours for cards, at home and in Hospital. George P. Bell. We wish to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our friends, neighbours and relatives and help shown us during our recent de- reavement. We would also like to thank Rev. II. H., Mutton for his kind Ralph Somerville and family. words. "1-wish to thank all my friends and neighbours for--their kindness and sympathy to me and my family in the recent death of my husband, also Drs. Irwin and Kandel and the nurses and staff of the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. Agnes Garvey. I wish to thank the W.A., all my friends and neighbours for their cards' and flowers, sent to me during my stay in Oshawa General Hospital, Mrs. H. Barry (Lenore) "Death SOMERVILLE, Elizabeth, beloved ~ } wife of the late James Somerville, in ~ : her 86th year, passed away at her : home on June 18th, 19556. Interment 1 Last week Mrs, J. BE. Jackson enter THE CHURCHES. Z : 4 - flowers and} cigarettes and the many acts of kind-|. ness during the two weeks' of my stay|* a -------------------- i -- NEWS ST. JOHN'S PRESBY (ERIAN CHURCH ; Minister--K¢v, B. D, Armstrong, v BAZ DN Sunday, July 3rd-- : 10 @.m.--Sunday School. 11 dan--Morning Worship, | CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (ANGLICAN) Rev. K. W. Scott, L.Th., Rector SUNDAY, JULY 8rd-- : 11.00 a.m.--toly Communion and sermon -- "What the Church of England stands for": tl, The Bible Sunday School has recessed for the Summer, please bring your children to church - f Lf CORT PERRY UNITED cHURCH Rev. R. H, WYLIE, B.A, Minister SUNDAY, JULY 3rd 11 a.m.--The Way of Holiness 7.30 p.m.--"Fellowship Hour" PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--David J. Toews Sunday, July 3rd-- 10 a.n--Bunday School . 11 a.m.--Worship Service 7.30 "p.m.--Evening Service. Wed, 8 p.n.--LPrayer Meeting. bri, 8 p.m--Young Peoples, PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, July 3rd--, Morning Worship at 11 am. ~ Kvening Service at 7 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME Pastor, Lloyd Faulkner. REPORT OF 8.8. NO 2, SCUGOG 1 Report SEPTEMBER STANDING-- Grade 9 -- Marcia Chandler, Pauline Newman. | : Grade 8--Velma Michie Grade 7--Valerie Eden, Freda Burn- ham, Mildred Martyn, David Bow- man, Alex: Michie, Roy DeHart. Grade 5 -- David Newman, Bonnie Eden, Jimmy Lamont. : Grade 4--Kathleen Jackson; Leyland - James. ; Grade 3--Marilyn Fralick, Bernard Chandler, Darlene Michie, - Janet Cannon, Eric Donnelly, Denny Mar- tyn, Bobby Prentice. Grade 2B--Jimmy Moore. Grade 2 -- Muriel Lamont, Patricia "Aldred, Beverley Eden, Mary Can- non,? Billy Prentice. . KUNICE M. HUNTER, Teacher In-Memoriam CHRISTIE--In loving memory of 'Miss Annie Christie, who passed away to Dr. Kandel for their kindness and fon July 4th, 1952. "Tis sweet to know we'll meet again Where troubles are no more, And that the one we loved so well Has just gone on before. Lovingly remembered by her neices. COMING EVENTS NOW OPEN for swimming and picnics. % mile North East of Hampton it is the lar-/ gest swimming pool around. | For further information call Mrs. Barbara Mark, phone Bowmanville, Market 3.2467 or Mr. I, J. Clemens, Oshawa, Randolph 565-1859 after 6 p.m. July? Baking Sale Will be held on the lawn of St. John's Presbyterian Church on Satur- at Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert day morning, July 2nd at 10.30. -- 0 and SCHOI SHORT SCHOOL TERM: 2 Years--Machinery, Soils, Crops, acre dairy farm stocked and equ HOME One or two years -- La Decorating. Training for paying positions as food supervisors or \ in the field of sewing and textiles, (Room and Board for above courses: $8.00 per week.) DAIRYING "* A 3 month course in dairy processing. Begins January 8rd. : ' For Full Information write: it Under direction of the A. M. Barr, B.8.A,, Principal Ontario Department of Kemptville Agricultural School, Agticultaye, Kemptville, Ontario, ny 'Y re -- | Ad JO | GS GD) S-() C() D() J ) () } GI () C_ 1) S_- | Kemptville Agricultural School . : "A RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL--ATTRACTIVE BURSERIES Qffers Practical Diploma Courses for Young Men and Women. AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL MECHANICS One Year---Advanced course for holders of a diploma in agriculture, ECONOMICS - Courses in Nutrition, ° ra) a-- SE JARSHIPS OCT. 11th to APRIL 13th Livestock, Farm Business, A 400 ipped to instruct young farmers, Child Training, Home Notice Re Village Water Supply GARDEN HOSE MUST NOT BE ON MORE THAN.ONE HOUR EACH EVENING. Cartwright P.S. Field Day Results Midgets 6 and 7 years BOYS--1st--Donald 'Saunders 2nd---Gerrit Bowwmester Roy Bradburn 8rd--Ronnie Minshall J. F. Rainés, Clerk. Cedar Park Swimming Pool is open}: Attention Hobbyists -Art and' Hobbycraft Show in, con- nection'with Eastern Star Bazaar in Bowmanville, Oct, 28th, 1966 at Lions 8rd--Dordthy Gay GIRLS--1st--Jill Saywell 2nd--Judje Cochrane Juniors, 8, 9 and 10 years _ 8rd--Doug Fallis, Paul Rahm 'GIRLS---1st---Marjorie Stewart ~~ 2nd----Shirley Prosser 3rd--Laural Mackie Intermediates, 11 and 12 years BOYS--1st--Ardis McArthur Znd---Ruth ~ 8rd--Peter Van der Heul High Girl--G GIRLS--1st--Francis Staniland " 2nd--Joppie' Duivesteyn ' 8rd--Nicole Forest Seniors, 13 and over x BOYS--1st--Larry Ashton 7 8rd--Alwyn Haines } GIRLS --1st--Audrey VanRyswyk Joyce Cochrane 8rd--Margaret Davison 2nd--Ralph Bowers, Collin Haines High Score--Possible 21 points 1 High Boy--Ardis McArthur, 21 pts. Trophies for Best Sportsmanship and Effort--Donated and presented by the Farmer's Union. BOYS--Ist--Ian Frayer _#nd--Peter VanRyswyk .Boy--Larry Ashton 2nd--Jim Swain Gerald Asselitine Relay Races-- Intermediate Girls--Nicole Forest, Lorarine Judson, Truusje Duivesteyn, Prosser Joppie Duivesteyn. Senior Girls--Diane Blair, Margaret Ellis, Joyce Cochrane, Marg. Davison, Intermediate Boys ---- lan Frayer, Jim Swain, Doug Frayer, Ralph Bowers, / ih gE ill Saywell, 18 pts. . \ Community Centre. Anyone interest- ed in displaying or selling crafts write or phone Mrs: George Thrasher, 103 King St. East, Bowmanville, Phone Market 83-3669 for information, Bus To Scout Jamboree. Scout' Mothers and Fathers, Scout und Cub Masters and Scouts wishing Girl--Francls Staniland. - °| stine. ( to go to the Scout Jamboree on Aug. . 24th, 'please register with Mrs, A, Fulford, Phone 101-r-2, not later than July 8th. Bring a box lunch. Bus 4 . fare apprpximately $3.20 per person. - Entry fee to grounds 26c. Bus leaves| ° i ; : at 9.30 a.m., returning about midnight. eo ok . -- : g Drive Carefull meize. BEST. FOOD~BUYS ™ " rive Carefully TRO 4, ies. 1 4 3 N 7 : This Week-End } DETERGENT: SS at Rod SVinifel iia MARMALADE Y $d , ] "- + FLO & -- White ot Blue : SWIFes hi Warning that July 1st to 4th could b ( ) PREM VEGETABLE ; i be, but need not be, one of the year's 1 T A J 12-0x, jar worst periods for accidents, Highways i Giant Pkg.' 12-0z. tin JUICE " Minister Jas, N. Allan appealed today ; : ot Et «FE for a special safety effort by every- i 75 ; A%c 20907 'un pe. : { c ' "The weekend ahead of us has spe- P. - SAVE % Be for ud Cc. cial features which make it very im- Ey "Fe = ' : 4 portant that all motorists and pedes- { Red & White Swift's fre : Se x : : kely's Fancy Honey Pod fata keep safety foremost in their ] Toilet Tissue 2 For 23 Cleanser 1? ) For 25¢ Stolielys aney ohey io 5 minds. 5 Ny') : Ld P E A S . 3 . "Extremely heavy traffic is likely. { ® = : - ; 2: 4 With Dominion Day in Canada on : Tre veet -- 8 oz. ' Johnson's Hard Gloss -- pint tin 15-0z. 2 for 33 Friday and Independence Day .in the 9 n vor DE 44 . r . United States on Monday, hundreds 3 emon Juice 2 25¢ Glo-Coat 6h : |! of thousands of weckend holidayers Cp Svs \ ie } . ; ! will be on the move. The long summer £3 : ET, ~ ? * Paramount Fancy Red Sockeye ! : holiday has begun for nearly a mil- J Treesweet -- 48-0z. tin Delsey -- (4 colours) S A L M O N lion school children in the province " 0 J - 39 n u : EF Ay and they will be outside more and more | range uice ; C Toilet Tissue 2 ji 3c , ' ] . exposed to street and road accident | 2 ; : a's yr £ . dangers. - The: weekend also ushers in 3 Heinz -- 16%-oz. is } : - . : : - 3 ~ 'summer vacation' time and Ontarlo ~ fi " 'gyn Seal-A-Wax Lb. 16¢ : : H people and visitors will be travelling i) White Vinegar bc Red '& White : - to summer places in cars crowded - --- rll : A T FFEE : with passengers and belongings. 3 , : 80 A INST N CO "All these conditions point to an ery Catelli's Cooked. -- 15-oz. Sali 4 ys ; : " urgent need for more attention to safe a] S h H : 2 For 29 T B gq T9¢ + 2-0Z. jar 57 and sensible driving and walking by ) pag eth : H ead S } C everybody." ' d s : - : : Mi. Allan points out that July iva i Xraft ww 80% jor Golden Hour (Take Home Pkg.) Svestheart ee Ontario's highest travel month in '564,| - | " : » f 9 With motor vehicles travelling apy es- hi Cheese Whiz : ec Cello Candy 2 £ TOILET SOAP timated 50 million miles a day. : + 5 . : WEE Neh = -- July was the second worst month | Ny ~ | (Buy 8 cakes - Get1 cake Free) of the year for fatal traffic accidents i Pard -- 16-0z tin Allsweet: ie 1g f with 118 persons killed, compared D : F d ' 7 For 25 M i Lb. 21 4 or 30- i with 123 in July of 1953. R 1] 00 LF 5 argar ne C "This was a small' improvement," he states, "but-it is still a shocking loss of life and is surely evidence that t everyone who walks or drives must oH = be more safety conscious all of the time." | In preparation for Ontario's sum- a of mer-time struggle to keep down traf- \ fic accidents, provincial and munici- pal police are making extra safety efforts.- Local safety programs are Jd Swift's Premium -- Pre-Dressecd -- 2% to 3 lb. average auaLiry BS MEAT. t Ib. 49 HALF PRICE OFFER! |! Beach Towel Size 36" x 60" in operation in many cities and towns. PL Over half a million carry-home safety pieces=were distributed by the Depart- ment of Highways to junior pupils before school closing to help remind Tender Grown Chickens Swift's Premium -- End Cut | | Boneless Ham b 79 C them be safe on their holidays. ? Safety Wessages are being kept before' ' ) the people of the province. "The secret of safety and accident prevention is however, in the heads BRANDED BEEF Blade Bone Removed Blade Roast Ne Pel and hands of the individual," Mr. Al- i lan stresses. "I urge everybody to i] keep the possibility of a road accident } 1 in mind and to obey the rules of the Swif t's Premium FRANKS -- 1-1b. cello pkg. lb. 3 i 37: Regular $2.98 Value road which are for everybody's good." ---------- Boats and Motors For Rent Fishing Tackle | AND Marine Supplies | ! Swift's Premium -- (4 varieties of Cold Cuts) -- 12-0z. pkg. ; Platter Pak Niagara's Finest Eating and Preserving ~-- Large Blacks -- 6-qt. basket CHERRIES 1.39 // ' Yours for only 1 49 With a $5.00 order : STORES Gasoline and Oil Best for Juice and Every Use -- 252's size Sunkist Oranges 2 doz. 69: | ~ Outhoard Repairs J. ORDE MARINE RENTALS SALES & SERVICE Phone 503 Port Perry A 9 Daily arrivals of Sungpun. Orange Juice, 6-0z. tins 'Birdseye Fish Stic a Good for Hot. Weather Salads -- Large Green Heads CABBAGE FROZEN FOODS ks, 1 doz. per pkg. ne ay Sn Se wr or 17 home-grown LETTUCE, CELERY, CAULIFLOWER, GREEN AND WAX BEANS, ETC, 2 for 33c There's a Red & White Store near you PORT PuRlilY Dowson's Food Marlet LITTLE BRITAIN Bullock's Grezate a Be Re = ee "Senior Boys--Larry Ashton, Barry 2 % Fisher, John Feddema, Gerald Asgel-

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