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Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Jun 1955, p. 6

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6--THE PQRT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 80th, 1956 - BUSINESS DIRECTORY Austin C.A. Bathie D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC X-RAY For appointment, Phone 206R Queen and Scugog Streets PORT PERRY DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON INSURANCE hone SO Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H:W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry (8i2{e)"} LIFE {|NSURANCE (o{0] ¥]7.Y AV Fence Posts FOR SALE--Fence Posts as they run in the bush, east of Nestleton, 40c. each. Assorted and delivered locally in lots of 100 or more, 10¢. per inch of tép. Anchors at $1.26 each. H. M. KYTE ' i nD At LISTINGS WANTED-- WANTED AT ONCE' Farms, houses and vacant land. lof their claims, Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Margaret Thorburn, late of the Township of Mariposa, in the County of Victoria, Spinster, - All persons having claims against the estate of the above- named who died May 12th, 1985, are 'hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned on or before July 16th, 1955; full particulars Immediately after July 16th, 1966, the assets of the de- ceased will be distributed among the Exceptional Opportunity for High Cash Income START SPARE TIME . 'MEN WOMEN KEEP PRESENT JOB Mininin $150 Month * y Written Guarantee Blackstock, Miss E. Vance, Toronto, : Miss Shirley Vance and friend, Ajax and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon of. : Haydon, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, L. Beacock includéd Miss 0, Beacock, Mr, and Mrs. T. Cole all of Oshétva. Rev. and Mrs. Chas, - Frankford, have been holidaying with her brother Mr."and Mrg. Wm, Heayn and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter and family with her brother Mr, and Mrs, M. : Clarke, of Women's Hospital Auxiliary The June meeting of 'the Women's Hospital Auxiliary was held at "the Hospital on June 21st, Mrs, M. B, Dy- mond, the President, presiding. The Penny 'Draw is now the item in our agendas The prizes ready received will be on displa the very near future, the ticket ' 'ties enti . 9 ; : by ' Robertson and family of Havelock on ready, and within a very short time Aver Telephone Otlice) Buyers waiting. Contact Chas. Reesos, Japies sili gsi olaring Tsar) Do you desire financial security ? Sunday. we are hoping to have this project in FOR PERRY ONTARIO Gomsalt the Crown Life Men Bigelow St. Port Perry. P.O. Box 4. signed shall then have notice, An all Canadian manufacturer and Glad to know Mrs. R. Haydon is | full swing. We are hoping to have Ofice Hours -- 10 am. 10-5 pn. Agent for Donald Scott Real Estate, Dated at Port Perry, this 14th day Wholesale. distributor seeks seyeral out of hospital feeling better after an|several more prizes for this Draw, and = Phones: Ufiice GW. Rey, 634 C E C K I N G 2b Prince Street, Oshawa. a I June, 1956. : honest, industrious Dersons to operate appendix operation. would ask anyone wishing to donate . sunnnnnnnesnsGttss | HARRIS HARRIS & WALLACE, Spittal Petchmndian Tie Taste Miss Lulu Heard, of Millbrook, a|® prize to please contact Mrs. M. B. ARTHUR W. S. GREER, Q.C. AGENT Port Perry, Ontario, Is ho selling or soliciting jpvolved-. former resident here called on Mrs,' Dymond, or Mrs. B, L. Wanamaker, in attendance at my Port Perry See Company turns over local accounts. of Seagrave. Some further contributions from the Diminishing 'Teas have been received. To date our receipts have been $218. Once more we gratefully acknowl- edge a donation from Mrs. Falconer, i of Toronto, of $10. . There will be no'more regular meet- ings of the Auxiliary until September next. However, the Penny Draw will keep us in your thoughts, and as we are dependant upon you, the public, you will certainly be in ours. Solicitors for the Adminigaian All profits are NET PROFIT as there Tis no "OVERHEAD", You operate from home, - A few spare hours weekly provides |: a steady, dependable income--imme- diate cash investment of $998 up re- quired, depending on income require- ments. Investment is fully secured. Highest bank references--will stand your banker's rigid investigation. Physical condition, education or pre- vious experience hot as important as reliability and determination to get ahead to build up the business to over $10,000 profit yearly. Ontario 'ROOFING OF ALL KINDS oi Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry J. Hunter and Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC Port Perry - Groupe and others last week, Meri office on Wednesday morning and - Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 26 Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF hepairs ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. } METAL LATHE: WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground and Serviced. Oshawa's Largest Selection of Living Room ' Furniture NOTICE TO CREDITORS --. In the Estate of " CHARLES W. BOWERMAN Baking Sale To-Night 7.00 p.m. June 80th at 7 p.m. on the lawn of Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey, on the corner of Scugog and Lilla St. Sponsored by the Prince Albert Woman's Association. - at Bradley's Furniture Rooms 299 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa All persons having claims against the Estate of Charles W. Bowerman, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Boat Builder, who died on or about the 6th day of June, A.D. 1955, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or be- fore the 6th day of July, 1956," full 'Dead Farm Stock Picked up Promptly For "fastest -sexvice Phone collect i \ 1 13 wii i : ; Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 Gieulnr, f their claims, I i) To be considered for this valuable 1 f yy 1 ACCOUNTANTS particulars o 8. Imme : : . 3 OX ¥+ ACEI as ELECTRIC Si Tlie Sel MARGWILL FUR FARM [diately after the said date the assets Pearthyhe you ios): ore] | " 1.ng Street' East, "Tyrone, Ont. of the said deceased will be distributed ' , CAUSLEY Jia CHINE OSHAWA ' June 1056 | among the parties entitled thereto,| references and be able to start imme- i 8 } " Phone, Oshawa 5-1621 having regard only to claims of which | diately. If qualified, write fully about 00D CERVICE ; . : (successor to O. S. Hobbs) he shail then have notice. yal in a iis pin un * * * ; : 1 : : DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this | View. Please include phone. Box ; DEAD STOCK Bulldozing and SEPTIC TANKS Wy Joe, ADA wciboicdics MOST POLITE ~ | FUEL OIL gives you plenty ily removed from your farm promptly : Pumped out promptly and efficient-| ARTHUR W .8, GREER, Q.C., Box| -- THAT PLEASES FOLKS |. for sanitary disposal. Telephone ly, with the latest equipment. Phone |181, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for ks | vz RIGHT | in the way of home comfort KE : Ys lbpusnr Pol xcavating| the Exceutors of the above estat | EXACTL 5 ae Collect. Port Perry 90-r-4, or Toronto ; collect RA-5-3986 Oshawa. June 30 pay Wa i da rince er i and convenience. See us NOW, : EM 3-3636. BY HOUR or CONTRACT . i ! { ? EXPERIENCED OPERATOR ne auis " Se - © The Woman's Association met on or call 289 for your Fuel Oil i Gordon Young Lid. 'REASONABLE RATES a AUCTION S AL the evening of June 22nd, at the home Boods : { PHONE 4568W For . y k >of Mrs. Smith and Miss Spence. The i ' 8 gr $1/% oe N. E. MAIRS Comolete Poms Fue : So . abit "Ms. ith ee nt Phone 289 : ¢ Simcoe Street PORT PERRY d 5 © AUCTION SALE AY, JULY opened the meeting with Hymn 579. - ; i Dead Stock Service Nov. 25, 1964 20 9th, at lot 8, oy 4, Reach, between Mes AREA sali Se aiuy : ! y © LOCAL TRADEMARKS, Toa ; x Rat * BRADLEY FURNITURE Manchester and Utica. Terms Cash. " son Thoughts, the farewell speech of : Jesus to His disciples, were read by Mrs, Porter. Reports were given. There was further discussion re a piano. Plans were made for the bake sale for June 30th at 7 o'clock on the lawn of Mrs, Wm. Jeffery, corner of Scugog and Lilla Sts., Port Perry. id ; Vigor Oil Co. Lid.| | Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, 'Uxbridge = 92-r-14, Lindsay 6282. Head Office, Woodville 82 r 11. - ED. PECONI, Argyle Ontario * "July 80/65 Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE . WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, the pro- perty of Duncan Melican, Bay Street, Beaverton. Sale at 1. 30, Terms cash. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer John Regan, "B.A. © SHOWROOMS 299 Simcoe St., S., Oshawa : tf. Septic Tanks Cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT' "THE SURE WAY" 24 Hour Service IRWIN DeGEER Dalton Road, 'Sutton Phone 231 R Barrister, Solicitor Office--7% Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ont. Telephone Qshawa 65-3361. Arn nA 0% Vm yr PO RP i. FORT PERRY 2 TRYIN | ZHRN Thon, DBD +++ PORT PERRY < J Branch Office--33 Temperance St. Bowmanville, Ont. Telephone Bowmanville, MA. 38-3292 WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry for information. the ly of some fovely remnant pieces to be made up for our bazaar. Hymn "Abide with Me" and prayer by Rev. R. H. Wylie closed the meet- ing. : Group 3 served lunch to a goodly FOR SALE--Plowshares for most makes of plows. Massey Spreader on rubber, $100. Ye ton Trailer with steel: box, $95. Farm Trailer, 7x9 platform, with 3-ft. racks--$149.00, ~~ TT Refrigeration SERVICE--both household and Nov. 21 156 Commercial. June 16/68] Steel Stone Boats $20. and $26.00, | numher of members and visitors and Gilson milk coolers and freezes. oT Rubber tired wheels for wheel 8 fine social time was: 2Ajeyed Golf p--- gf WT uum 8 Refrigerators. barrows--$9. 95. lection $10. 00. - - REAL ESTATE NEW MILDMAY GRAIN Frank Hoskin, Phone Blackstock 2. | Those contributing Birthday money Reduces the Prices on FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL Stove 0il 19; cents per gal. . THRESHERS, also used Threshers, Grain Throwers and elevators, patent- ed Straw Cutters and Shredders, fit all makes of threshers--the cutters that make finer straw, Beare Motors | Limited. Phone 333 PorgPerty. Jne80 to the small Missionary. Church on Sunday were Mrs. Doupe, Kennie Brown, Ronnie Porter and Mrs. Clee- ves also sent hers. Sunday School 'biciiic is July 5 at Birdseye Centre, Port Perry, We all welcome Mrs." Groupe, and Mrs, Young back to our village for the summer, Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Vance included Mr. D. Eng- " FOR SALE--Cockshutt 5' mower, lish and sister Miss E. English of in good running order; also horse 4 rake. Phone 198-r-b. : FOR SALE -- BUS, 21 passenger, new motor, only $695.00. British Ontario Motors, Leaskdale, phone Ux- bridge 162-r-15, July 6 FOR SALE--_Dodge Coronet Sedan: Phone 48, Port Perry, W. J. Anderson. "HELP WANTED Experienced licensed. Mechanic. Reg. Boundey Consult g : = y 3 J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS for complete Real Estate Service. 46 Eglinton Ave., E., Toronto --- Phone HU. 1-3391 City and Country Homes Farms and Small Acreages. Industrial and Business Property. W.S. CROXALL, Port Perry, Phone 469 FOR SALE -- 18 young pigs, 8 weeks old. Phone 246-r-31, -p Plumbing Supplies Hil Machine, py Mrs, A. Cox, phone 328R, after 6 p.m, COTTAGES, I, MOTELS HOMES Basins, Bathtups Showers, Sinks, Pressure FOR SALE--18' disappearing pro- peller Boat, 3 H.P. St. Lawrence En- gine. Will go anywhere under power in water that will float a skiff. Ex- cellent for fishing. Telephone Osha- .wa RA, 3-4787, tf. WANTED -- Child's Play Pen, in good condition. Reasonable, Plioje 476-r-13, Port Perry. EG Ch CG Toilets, F uel Oil 16%2 cents per gal. rs Systems FOR DELIVERY PHONE FOR RENT in Prince Albert -- 2 large rooms and kitchen with built-in cupboards, all conveniences. Suit young couple. Phone 196-r-14, Jne80 Sump Pumps, Copper and A TIRE FOR EVERY WHEEL THAT ROLLS O1\ IR (010° 3:17 I Oshawa 5-110 3 £5 Co-Operators. Hh Insurance or ASSOCIATION sponsored by Galvanized Pipe and Fittings, Etc, "You pay no freight" D WANTED -- A barber to help on , Saturdays only. Apply Box 42, Port Perry Star. July 7 Be } Write for Free Catalogue. The Ont, Federation of Agriculture | Gives Broader Coverage . BR ol S.Y.HOHNSON A [Hepa --p-- SHINGLES 'Better Claims Service Convenient 6 Mos. Premiums You'll never regret asking about H76ROUND GRIP OPEN CENTRE (1 DEEP TREAD TRACTOR fo FOR SALE -- Registered Holstein "Apply in Sacrifice. Highest rate of wages. 2 Tp CANADIAN ¥iy Bull, Fond Hope, 16 mos. person at Manchester Garage. U 2 : . F Cl ont, 13W, ; i CPN C. L A. Car Insurance Rh-Pindinrsl Karn, Clases Tuly 71 WANTED---Teacher fequires house |' / \ 1 51 Mrs. J. HAMER, MYRTLE, Ont. Phone 352 with garage. Please contact K. Bea- M vk Phone Brooklin 603-r-21 Open Mon, Wed. and Fri. Evenings cock, 26 St. Clair Ave, Kitchener, CEMENT : i June 66 | till 9.30 p.m., and all ide Saturday. ; me . Ontario, July 7 B ' \ . Notice to Cred : | 2 7 \ otice to re itors FOR SALE--11 pigs, 8 weeks old. E ~ aay rs = a ---------------- - IN ' In the Estate of Frank Smith, late of | Phone 227J, eventngs. | $1.25 its the Village of Port Perry, in the es pn R : i BULLDOZING - EXCAVATING || iui Mei | oo ment, all conveniences, fully, furnish Per Bag All persons having claims against Elz HEAVY Duly MEET wNoou SR th tate of the above-named who |ed. Opposite High School. ~~ Phone LIAL : i i TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, Jind May 20, 1005 fon Her tied] 421. July 14 ; tres Ay 7 to send to the underssgned on or be- S S L mb : . } gi "ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND C1 REARING fore July 28rd, 1956, full particulars| FOR SALE--Used Vacuum cleaner, ' Lake cugoqg u er 75" val SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. of their claims. Immediately after|in good condition. Cheap for quick om an | 3 | RIE Qn ES : 3 July 23rd, 1965, the assets of the de-|sale. Phone 491J.. ' : A C I d. i | fs fee : f npg ESTIMAT by Hour or Contract. ceased will be distributed among the p Y A S ' ee parties entitled thereto having regard : of Cunt S : - PHONE 240 Ww : 3 Gs ; .| FOR SALE -- Rotary mower with is Toe ONT Hh 4 Sah TRIPP CONSTRUCTION aime . ig net 1.6 H.P. motor. = Grassmaster. $76.96. ; H PORT PERRY : Cth ig | : . | Dated at Port Perry, this 21st day | Frank Hoskin, Phone Blackstock 2. (1 r esto ( e | ii %y I Phone 392W (Office) | of June, 1955. ; Mil Doll RO i Ae Most Miles per Dollar Residence--Wm, Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 89: HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE,| LOST--- A door, between Port Perry PLYWOOD WALL BOARDS a PP : ic BI Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the [and the farm on the 11th Con. Paul ; 24 0 ; Executor, Diamond, Phone 346R, ! r S__.. De pe Tm x A

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