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Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Jul 1955, p. 4

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--THE PORT PERRY. STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 7th, 1955 wr oT E Jvery year, farmers are- iniared by. equipment, and the same applies to the R { B id i ' Election Returns Safety Around | falling through feed chutes. Trap location of buildings, building econ-' ecen Il e EN Ot Fikh loors or covered chutes Should be built struction, and handling and storing of on AR OFFICIAL FIGURES OF F J ildi c . LO CA i LB ® PROVINCIAL ELECTION OF arm ul mgs at the edge of the mow, so that straw 'implenfents, the disposal of rubbish, onoure R : F JUNE 9th, 1955, AS GIVEN OUT and hay may be handled with safety, 4,4 the practice of smoking. These Miss Helen Annette Samells whose Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Forbes of Tor THE CHURCHES BY THE RETURNING OFFICER | Farmers have a higher accident rate ; precautions are, treated in detail in a| marriage to Mr, Roger Franklin Hope Toa A 7 : a OK y ita ' . onto spent the week-end at the home b . Dymond Haris Soot than industrial workers, according to Tests have proved that a 250 watt | new circular, "Safety around Farm took place at the United Church Par- of Mr. and Mrs. L. Warriner. bik . FaiiT au non ld 5! recent studies, nd yet most f heat 'lamp. ignites straw when the Buildings", obtainable now at the of-] S°"a8% Port Perry, on Thursday even- hd ili als ST. JOHN'S Whithy Town ....... 1100 780 475! and yel most farm ac-| ijeavance is. one ich. - Accordingly, ; 8" ling June 30, was guest of honor re- L Pe . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Whitby Twp. oc. 546 390 © -238 cidents are preventable, states the De- | pont lamps when used for thf brood- | fice of the agricultural representative, cently at a miscellaneous shower at Congratulations Minister--Rev. B. D,. Armstrong, E.: Whitby Twp..... 208 261 124 partment of Agricultural Enginéer- ing of poultry, hogs, and other live-| 2 3 4 the home of Mrs. Edward David, Osh. : ] & "B.A. DD, Pickering Twp. ...... 426 411 17 ing, ' Ontario Agricultural College stock, should be installed properly. r--trrr-- Bi awa, those in attendance being the -: a : Broce Mackey 'of Fors, Perry ay SUNDAY, JULY 10-- = Reach Twp, stepiigrs b62 384 21 Guelph. ; Individual heat lamps should be sus- ; : noon hour girls from the Fittings Lt. ' ail. Ip, bis. year, at; Gegaode dam, v= Rouges 1 vp: a lod ny hoi For instance, dango rous stairways pended by a 'chain, not twine sand at Wife Preservers. office, Oshawa, Ontario, a NER The congregation of St. John's dug Wo Bey ge 20 ans © poland ladders cause many mishaps in | n° time should they be placed closer FURNITURE > Miss Samells was also guest recent- Cy Church welcome the members of daha ks ¥ x a 8 a farm buildings. Makes$hift staiis: than 12'inches from the litter. POLISH ly at Chum's Restaurant when she was ¢ 3 Births Lni¥ed. Churcls who will Jilin Soh i oy, 356 48 should be. eliminated, and constructed 3 y; : OIL VARNISH presented with a corsage, also a ¢he- i . mie them in morning warship. cin Twp rene ri 410 132 | With handrails as an extra precaution. Light bulbs too. have been found SHELLAC nille bedspread from the Invoicing De, GERROW -- Mr and Mrs. Jerry "CHURCH 10 OF THE 1. ASCENSION Cains in mn "ao 197 18| And the stairs should not be allowed | "apable of starting, a fire if located WAX J 'partment of Fittings, the presentation | Gerrow (nee Mae Smith) are happy SI Aon ! bE $7 250 149 56 | to accumulate hay, leaves, and dirt. | too close to inflammable material. * being made by Miss Molly Sinclair, . to announce the arrival of their son, Rat TCA ¢ 0 Sh Pent Sgt wih Pr, soeerresy is joa ol ~~ oo wing to the dusty conditions which IREATED On Wednesday afternoon Miss Sa- Jack Douglas, on June 30, in Toronto] TL C ad % Dye ecior Tay hi) 125 02 88 Many a ladder that is used a great exist in haymows and granaries, and mells was again honored when she : G al Hospital. The Gerraw's now | Sunday, July 10th Mara Twp. .. 42 b the consequent danger of fire, all light ted with lect ieneral Hospital. The Gerrgw's no 11.00 5.00. Morning Prayer and Rin Tae a 193 170 45| deal has loose or broken rungs. All | the consea ge , LEATHER was presented with an electric iron, live at 382 Horsham Ave,, Willowdale. : $d y oo . . : ki ._|bulbs should be equipped with dust- a Toastmaster, a hammered aluminum Sermon--What the Church of Rama Reserve ........ 107 PR | rungs should be tight and strong, says tight globes lESecarern 2-6 | ) 2 i ® ry TKSON McK . | Engl and Stands for-- Advance Poles the: 'Department, with the advice that 4 choline, Wak oF A LFEated ter on ath: butter dish, a white' moire wedding JAGHION doves neo © ee) ane = TE he Creeds. \% | Whitby ... 3 4 1| "a broken rung may mean a broken A number of precautions should be a book, and a bouquet of pink roses and fs Ron Jac son are happy to wipayce Readoriion 15 6 1] leg" observed when using any electrical Tonk sweetpeas from the office staff of "ey the arrival of a baby daughter, Nycie PORT PERRRY UNITED CHURCH| (unadian Fores 4 5 0 3 \ 4 : Fittings 'Limited. _ Anne, on June 26, 1955, at Victoria poy Rg, WYLIE, B.A., Minister SN ] ; t -- Hospital, London, Ontario. Sunday, July 10th-- 1248 5366 1892 \ 11 a.m.--During the month of July Majority od v \ a . Tole jority for-Dymond 1882 READER -- Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. congregation of the United Church } y Reader, Scugog, are happy to an-| oi) worship with the congregation of a Hot se the bit) o a son Lp] the St. John's Presbyterian Church. . % jh Giordon, on June 21st at the Com- 7.30 p.m.--Fellowship® Hour, . © W ddi munity Memorial Hospital, Port : : : 2 e Ing Perry. ) : PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH i. Fo oo , Pastor--David J. Toews The Rev..Dr. C. E. Silcox officiated - ---- SUNDAY, JULY 10-- at the marriage, in Rosedale United C rd of Thanks 10 a.m.--Sunday School Chureh, Toronto, of Marion Marie hii - ad 11 a.m.~Worship Service Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mus. : - } . 7.30 p.m.--Bvening Service. Gordon Taylor, Epsom, "and David o [wish to thank Dr. Dymond, the Wed., 8 pan --Prayer Meeting JTranklin Knight, son of Mr, and Mrs. nurses and staffZof the Community Fri "8 WL Peoples i Harvey Walter Knight, of Uxbridge. i. . Mgmorial Hospital, and friends and + 3 Pe, pes, The bride 'chose a gdwn of white neighbours for cards, fruit, flowers, PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Irish lace fashioned with a ballarina DAILY SHIPMENTS baking, ele, and the many acts of SUNDAY, JULY 10-- length skirt and a fitted bodice with kindness during my stay at the hospi- Morning Worship at 11 a.m. peter pan collar. A matching half | | tal and at home. A + Evening Service at 7 p.m. hat held her veil of tulle illustion. She oT . . "ENSURE FRESHNESS! --Mrs. W. G. Holt. _ EVERYONE WELCOME carried A TA . A ~ : 'Pastor, Lloyd Faulkner.| As maid of honour, Miss Grace Ac- a ahi : \ [wish to sincerely thank all my y Loy ton of Uxbridge, wore a ballarina NEW ARRIVAL -- Vacuum Cooled Holland Marsh Daily arrivals of hom Eiav CELERY, BEANS, friends and neighbours for their kind I : length gown of pink taffeta with a Farge ¥irm Heads CAULIFLOWER, TOMATOES AND POTATOES inquiries, cards, flowers and fruit; L N . BE E matching hat, and carried pale blue = : h also the many acts of kindness shown flowers. Robert Knight, brother: of LETTU( - E eac Cc ¢ "a to us during my recent illness. the groom acted as best man, | Q fbml= F ; FROZEN FOODS --Murs. Garnet Cochrane NOW OPEN At the reception which followed the | _ Warn: Weather Treat -- Fancy Red -- Giant Size Birdseye Chopped Spinach, 12-02. 2 for 43¢c ---- Tdi Park Stoning Posh ia bride's mother received, wearing navy ol : Birdseye Green Peas, 12-0z, 2 for &Dc . * D h : Cedar Park Swimming ool is Open thlue linen with white accessories and WwW f ea 95. J - - india dnt leat for swimming and picnics. % mile corsage of rose carnations, The a erme ons 2 . "A reat f ¥ Our American Tourist . a el hla | North East of Hampton it is the lar-| 's ther assisted, weari Arm da Sati reat for Our : McDOWELL--Funeral service fo ' ; h groom's mother assisted, wearing a fH 1tl L 200's | BLACK DIAMOND -- 5-1h. Personal Wra Mis. Edith McDowell, who died at her Jes swimming pool around. For|yown of pale blue corded silk with Direct from Nature's Fountain of Health - Large : . p 5 3 : further information call Mrs. Barpara rv accessories 1 orsage of Glenrose Ave. home on Monday, June navy accessories, and a corsage o } , 27th, was held at Christ Church, Deer Mark, phone Bowmanville, Market deep rose carnations, Sunkist Oranges doz. 5 9c O C eese " E ° : Park, Toronto, Wed., June 29th. In- 34-2467 or Mr. I. J. Clemens, Oshawa, | For a motor trip to Northern On- = torment at Prince Albert, Born Edith | Ritndolph 5-1859 after 6 pan. July? tario the bride wore a light blue linen - -- a ist: Parrish, Port Perry, she is survived suit with white accessories and a fest Bu . HALF-PRICE OFFER est Bu by one brother, W. I. Parrish. Notice Re Villag e white corsage. -- After their return Mr. rt Andi Buy! ew - hos ; p . ag ' | | and Mrs. Knight will take up residence . YOUR CHANCE TO BUY A BEAUTIFUL HEREFORD ! Water Sup ply in Toronto, LOWNEY'S oy | Ws " : : . a 2 " y Cy - - - g Af GOOD NEWS GARDEN up BY or BE . -ANGELUS BEA CH ! OWEL Corned : Beef i v ¢ FOR ; ON MORI THAN ONE HOUR EACH SERS. ' ; - 8" x 60" . ; EVENING. J. F. Raines, Clerk, ; : Ma rshm allows Assorted Colors -- Size 36" x 60 H 0 m e m a k e Is FAMILY STYLE ENTERTAINMENT blir 3 9 owe semana J) | Attention Hobbyists 2.4" " 2 | Art and Hobbycraft Show in con- i % C . neetion with 'Eastern Star Bazaar in "UXBRIDGE, ONT. g ; BARBECUE SAUCE Bowmanville, Oct. 28th, 1955 at Lions : : ee Best Buy | TR : > Community Centre. --Anyone interest- ' . : 7 A) ly DV \ Y y y c " " 7 dy iN 'FOR ZIPPY FLAVOR ed in displaying or selling crafts write | - I'RI, and Sat, JULY 8-9 Best B 1 DR. BALLARD'S - or phone Mrs. George Thrasher, 103 " SYA ' Ny Best Day d J a K J RANDOLPH SCOTT, in 19 ait King St. Kast, Bowmanville. Phone HEALTH Market 3-3669 for information. "Ten Wanted Men" pA BLUE & GOLD : EN ) : I . & LE] yy He OF FANCY" us 0 cout -- In-Technicolor J : Jamboree og ¥ PEAS anni | packed in steeves of 3 tim) : ! \ . Mon. to Wed. JULY 11 - 13 ot Tr . Scout. Mothers and Fathers, Scout : [. Regular $2.98 Value and Cub Masters and Scouts wishing! = DAVY CROCKETT, in 15-0z. : : : to go to the Scout Jamboree on Aug, ry i : A Tins HC Yours for only : FOR C 24th, "please register with Mrs, A. Ki f th \ Ww Id With a $5.00 a ' I'ulford, Phone 101-r-2, not later thant ng 0 e 1 $ ; = v % " 11 Put a new spring dress on vou July 8th. Bring a box lunch. Bus F { favorite ma i! loaf. Yes, doglt it out in [dre approximately $3.25 per person, ron 1er + IT PA YS TO SHOP AT RED E, WHITE + a zippy If rotyv Too rounds * aves . : an in ae for '55 hi oh Pty fee Jo grounds Phe. Bus Jervis In Technicolor ~ > your meat loaves in individual sizes.© | #t 9.80 aim, returning about midnight. "pp 1" The 2 wi wifi re ready to be slipped 3*3 Xx Aoroxon = Pkg. of 5 Coils NIBLETS IT'S NEW! into buns for easy eating. . , . "ua . 14-0z. Tins General Food Minute Man Try this idea next time you take a Walt-Mur-Park 'H URS. & K RI, JULY 14-15 F L Y C 0 I I S 4 or 23c KERNEL FROSTING meat loaf to your association or church S vO : i | : Y f Is will wp Seagrave, Ontario will open Friday, See Behind ha Scenes, in a i C Jhner Mle ht tds will say that pot July 8th with a free chocolate bar for J ' T A T A N T T R A P S Ea. 35¢. CORN for M I X Cl c Heie's the roe we to make 215 cune every child, Bring picnic lunch, tables HW P . : for Your fil and i" in "ts Rn supplied. Admission free. omen' S rison" Fly Tox -- ° 6-0z tin HEINZ Junior and Baby : given the'quantities for 8 cups ADULT #7 he 1g cup (15 cups) finely chopped anions ome a ing Sa 5 } A E R 0 S A L B 0 M B s 89¢ FOODS 2 Tins 19¢ FOIL ' . 2 +s cup (11; cups) finely chopped celery ED. 865- 5 5. i £ ize) Ws Bi i: fulficed SATU RDAY, JULY ny: 7 Ir -- F A Y A) Ww A T T E R S * 15¢ WELCH'S GRAPE WRAP : Rll c h Rhisspoois 2 cup) melte dia ory : Si ' oot : "5 } / toro 1 PL ONC ron of the | JUICE iu 43 Jy { \ 24 tableau (14 cup) brown sugar United Church is holding a Home [A WHITE SWAN h; , 2 .teashos ) Baking Sale on the lawn of the church : asp ys (2 tablesppons) pre pared ] B i d M i : musi ar at 10 a.m. July 14 0d S an > 0 ors i STOKELY"S Fancy Tomato SERVIETTES can (5 cans) condensed tomato soup : : L 48- (Coloured) c 2 tablespoons (4 cup) vinegar - bo oy F R i > Sey az. i aoe VWLIVLLY. Picnic or Rent : JUICE Je|™ : Cook onion, celery and garlic in Ladies of the community are cor- - :.? 3 / hort 4 1 } ' oo dort ahd A ' ' © rh tn Ray ies to oie meine ot ishing Tackle BRANDED BEEF |ciroovau size vory [CERT sou 2 ingredients; simmer 10 minute the United .Church Afternoon Auxili- S 0 A P 2 For 15¢ L I 0 U | D 7, pod too, on broiled steaks, chops, ay oh the a prs. Tuy. Ton, AND Blade Bone Removed : : A yg chicken, baked spareribs, hot dogs and anchester, on Tuesday, July. 12th, M : S : [i > 2 , any roasted meat. X Hus leaves the Chiirch at 2, 16. arine upp 1€S BLADE R A T Ib. 35. CHIEF BRAND ROSE BRAI A #7) Po RRR RRR PRO ate atatats A RR ERR RRR REIN \ PRY re B R 0 0 M S Ea : : ZI i 2 G li d 0i ] I'resh -- Lean -- For a 'quick meal as : In. , 7 : gf psoine and Ly MINCED BEEF =~ 1b 2Qc|« > hii 2 + & SPECIAL ANNUAL SERVICE ; | b. da Fel_ si il Outboard HLT] , 1 Ry x ' . iH 3 , m -- End Cuts : : 197 : BREADALBANE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH il BONELESS HAM 0 There's a Red & White iy Hd « . UTICA, ONTARIO. ~~ | Repairs ONELLSS HAM 1.79: Sire fear you a i : Swift's Premium -- Rindless -- %-1h, Cello : id o J ORDE : : PORT PERRY y : : Sunday Jul 17, 2. 30 m. ¥ . SID Cc Dowson's Food Market ' iy . FY 1] . A 4 f J Y p. . +' . | ---- 7, : . i MARINE RENTALS i | Swift's Premium By the Piece Sliced LITTLE BRITAIN & . 4 penker_--Rev. Dr. Hl SALES & SERVICE BOLOGNA b 25: 29 nGuest Speaker--Rev. Dr. B. D. Armstrong, B. A, DD, i : SALES & SERVICE uu Ib. Cc Cc Bullock's Groceteria 3 Special Music, - - Everybody Wel ome, i Phone 503 _ Port Perry| ~ | : ' $ . : en! V ha AAA AARARAAR RS PRAIRIE, ARTE.

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