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Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Sep 1955, p. 8

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» ih 5, a en as op ~~ tr EN re {A : » AT a * Msds. &---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1956 Blackstock Msds. Ernest Larmer; Earl Dorrell: Roy Taylor and Cecil Hill attended the school for leaders in Ladies College, Whitby on Tuesday. Mrs. Jas. Gaine, Mrs. R. Jimmie and Sheri, Whitby, visited Earl Dorrell, Norman Mount- Joy and Cecil Hill Wednesday. Yelverton, Nestleton and Blackstock Lawler, *. communities united in a grand shower for Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey Wednes- day might. It was held in the recrea- tion centre. Mr, Jim Marlow was * chairman and a splendid programme was presented by parties from each locality. = After the bride and groom had viewed their gifts a bountiful lunch was served and the rest of the, evening spent in dancing. Mr. and Mus. Arthur Bailey and Mrs, Velva Bailey left Thursday a.m. for Winnipeg and other points West. Mrs. Grant Ferguson and Ian spent five days last week with the Roy Fer- guson's, Grant was home for the week-end. Miss Mona 'Ferguson has been home for ten days and Miss San- dra returned to Toronto with Sunday for a few days visit, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart, Mar- jorie and Dale are holidaying in Al- gonquin Park district, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Waldon, Morley and Debra spent several days last week with Mrs. Thos. Smith. Mi. und Mrs, Neil Bailey, Miss Ca- there Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Marlow are holidaying at a cottage at Nottawasaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer and Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Archer and family of "Whitby spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, Bert Smith, Toronto. Mr. gnd Mrs. Frank Cook, Beaver- ton and Mr. Thos, Vincent, Sask., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer, : J . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown and Gor- don and Mr. Eric Brown are visiting friends in Nova Scotia. ) Miss Hazel and Mr. Dalton English visited Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Montgom- ery at Monty's Inn on Thursday. Congratulations to Mr. and Murs. Ray Bradburn on the birth of a son in Port Pérry Friday. Sorry to report Mrs. Henry Wotton is ill in Port Perry Hospital. Also Mrs. Walter Lawrence under- went an operation in Toronto Satur- day. We hope all will be home and well soon. Mrs. Doug Mackie and Mrs. Bud 'Thompson and Russel are holidaying in Haliburton. Little Jane Faint, Toronto is spend- ing three weeks with her grand- sells «33 Look for He signs that say Lost (fh ie- 7b CQ COME IN AND MAKE A DEAT AS '54 Chevrolet Sedan oon... $1395.00 USED CARS and TRUCKS NY Directional Lights, 2-fone S3FordSedan.............S1275.00 | Radio, Heater visor, etc. 50 Dodge Only $765.00 [top shape, heater, radio, 1 owner - | BE "52 Meteor Coach OUTER. 1 | [1% 0 | Heater, like new, low mileage ~~ J0day guarantee '51 Kaiser Sedan ............ $645.00 Overdrive Trans., Directional lights, Heater | Sl Ford .....................$795.00 Overdrive Trans, Radin, Sun > mother, Mrs. Osmond Wright. Mr, and Mrs. Stan Raeburn, Shel- borne and Mr, and Mrs. Ike Davey, Barrie, visited their cousing Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy. Mr, and Mrs, Alex Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dorrell at the latter's home on Sun- day. Mr, Dick Polley, Weston, spent a couple of days last week with the Earl Dorrells. Lorraine and Jim Dayes visited their aunt Mrs, Reg. Sutton and Mr. Sutton in Orono last week, Allan and Clifford Dayes, Bert ne Jerry Bowers, Nestleton and Donnie Elford, Port Perry spent last week in the Midland District. Messrs, Fred Trewin and Keith Van Camp came home from Ottawa Fair with a good number of prizes on thelr sheep--2 champions and several 1st and 2nd's. Fred goes to Toronto Ex. this week' with sheep and hogs.. About thirty friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawrenson spent Sunday with them at their cottage at View Lake. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Dawson, Jane, John and Anne, Bailieboro; Mr. and Mrs, Rupt._ Byers, Bowmanville and Mr. & Mrs. Don Pargeter, Port Perry were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham and Roy. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn, Don- ald and Ivan were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Forder, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hall with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Leighton on Sunday. Mrs, Cecil Hamilton and Mrs, Alma Fowler spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Devitt, Bowmanville. - Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wil- son were--Mrs. Harold Clark, Pine- dale; Mr, Hilliard Martin and mother; Mr, Norman Palmer, Sonya and Mas- ter Brian Fulford, Scugog. The congregation at Lotus held their annual re-union service in that church Sunday p.m, ducted the service. Rev, Hancock of Calvary United Church Hamidton, who was on that charge as a student, was guest speaker. Lotus are amalga- mated with Janetville, but once a year hold this special service in their own |* Church. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davidson and son Bob and Mrs, Richardson, Toron- to, with- Mr, and Mrs. Orr Venning. Mr. Allan Barnes, Wilfred gave a splendid sermon in the United Church Sunday night. Mr. Barnes is a stu- dent for ministry and he and a friend Carl Shier have been to 'Montana to hear Evangelist Oral Robertson. Both young men told of their experiences there, Mr. Donald Bradbury, Scugog Pt. and Toronto played for the service (Rev. C. W. Hutton con" } in the Anglican Church again Sunday a.m. Mrs. F, A, Bailey is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Nagmith Henry, Janet. ville. * Mrs. 8. A. Devitt and sister Mrs. David Hill left Owen Sound Monday for a five day cruise on Steamship Norgoma to Sault Ste. Marie, White Fish Bay and Lake Superior. : Congratulations to Mr. and _ Mrs, Ray. Gilbands on the birth of a girl in Port Perry hospital Saturday. Doris Griffin is holidaying" with Miss Gertrude Henry and the Somers in Toronto, \ 5 Mr. and ~Mrs. Geo. Wolfe were guests of the Canadian Women's Press Club at the opening of the Toronto Exhibition Friday. - - Rev, and Mrs. Geo. Nicholson have gone for a month's holiday in the Hall- burton district. Mr. and Mrs, Percy Swain accom- panied by Mr, and Mrs. Clare Vernon, Port Perry are away on & motor trip to U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Holmes, Detroit, Mrs. Robt. Garrett and daughter Eve- lyn and Mrs. Albert Black, Midland |; were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fitze last week. Mrs, Harry Delamater, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. Geo. Crawford and Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Pearce. Only your FORD-MONARCH Dealer ' EVERY USED ca ® Reconditioneq by ® Inspected and che °® Priced for outstandij I °: Truthfully. and ac If = Warranted by. yo and backed by ur For You LL DRIVE AWAY A WINNER! "41 Plymouth Coach ......... $195. 0 heater, cheap transportation, lots of miles left in this car "41 Mercury ............Only $169.00 Sun Visor, new rubber, very low "price 1951 Chevrolet ¥2-fon Pick-up, S485 0 i | radio, new paint 1949 International Y-ton Pick-up wo dropin and driveit 1935 Ford; brand new . .. ... $1085.00 heater, new car guarantee ~~ ~ 1955 Y2-fon Pick-up, brand new $1495 new truck guarantee See Our Display At Port Perry Fair CHESTER, ONT. ex apes; 543 fre LIA i Manchester Garage Phone: Port Pesij Sn All through September Ford-Monarch Dealers are offering the year's best and biggest valuesin their "September Shower of Bargains"! You'll find a wonderful selection of cars and trucks-- all makes and models--some of them A-1-- all of them priced way below usual! Record sales of new Fotds and Monarchs during 1955 mean that Ford-Monarch Dealers have the finest selections of good used models in their history! Drop in soon--look them over and take your pick--youw'll drive a bargain! R AND TRUCK RATES THE A-1 SIGN HAS 5 Appearance and Y-ovpan servicemen for Snly advertised, b d-Mo his Mig Rarely Dealer aE a THEATRE LAREVIEW mmm Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. THURS, FRL, SAT. - SEPT. 1-2.3 Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Polly Bergen In The Side-Splitting College Comedy } "NHAT'S MY BOY" A 1 SHORT PICTURE : ; Rp . : all MONDAY, TUESDAY; WED, SEPTEMBER G - 6 - 7 Rock Hudson and Marcia Henderson In the Glorious Technicolor North Woods Story ~ "BACK TO GOD'S COUNTRY" COMEDY, ETC. - te [Tee ---- WANT SOMETHING DELICIOUS? Try our Delicious CHELSEA Buns made fresh each morning Saturday Specials : ¥aellisd Dobzhnniz: 4 and "Butter Tarts' _ GERROW'S BAKERY Phone 32W 'G. M. GERROW 0c 00 Port Pe Perry Fair | LABOUR DAY, MONDAY, SEPT. 5 1 a 0 dit Horse Races Gala Midway Ont. County Black & White Show Exhibition of Live Stock & Produce A} . Grandstand Entertainment ADMISSION TO GROUNDS 50¢. CARS 25¢. -Public School Children FREE EVENING PROGRAM In Memorial Gardens IN \ coorErATION Winn THE PORT PERRY LIONS. Indoor Carnival and Dancing 'Doors Open at 8 p.m. Round and Square. Change of Schedule ; Please note there will be a change of schedule, especially t with reference to the Uxbridge route, becoming effective September 4th, 1955, See the new Time Table of Phone for inforniation, - - Fr Port Perry 261 or 376 . DeNure Bus Lins Limited. Uxbridge ] : 74 % purchased the "New Heapomong Mr. Frank Hastings i-pleased to announce th that he has fet AN) Him King Pin Lanes and is having the alleys re-conditioned and the interior re-decorated, 15 A " The alleys will be opened for bowling on September 16, The people of the district are cordially imvited' to come in # and try the Blleya, J | |

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