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Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Sep 1955, p. 4

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4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1966 r x vEnTs |New Winter Barley LOC AL ; NEWS COMING E Variety Licensed WEE ECS . | Anniversary For Sale Service Winter barley is becoming more popular: each year in 'Central and in Utica United Church, Sunday, Oct. ST. JOHN'S ' South-Western Ontario where, in: the ">|2nd, at '2.30 p.m, Minister--Rev, H. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH South-West portion of the province in A. Mellow, of Northminster United |p articular yields are often higher than where the soil is heavy or not too well drained, there is a distinct difference in the ability of varieties to withstand winter-killing., Standard Time will return to Port Perry, on Sun- day, SEPTEMBER 26th, at 12.01 a.m. Hudson is a new high yielding vari- TL aE ---- ety of winter barley recently "licensed| Pulp and paper markets everywhere for sale in Canada. It is winter-hardy | are widening. 'In North America, the and may often' be grown successfully | population is increasing by three mil- uhder conditions that would eliminate | lion a year, or the equivalent of add- 'much of the stand of varieties such as| ing three great cities--Minneapolis, Wong. Hudson stands well and has| Buffalo, and Cincinnati--annually to advantages in this respect over Ten-| the population, Elsewhere, increas- Custom Slaughtering Meat Prepared bl Mr. Bill Gibaon Teft last Saturday by plane for Truro," Nova Scotia, where he will spend a few weeks holi- day with friends of fhe family, Mr. and: Mrs, Iyan' Kerry. Mrs. W. S. Taylor and grandson Y ' Minister--Rev, B. D, Armstrong, Glenn Starkey have returned home af- Church," Oshawa. = _ Music by Mrs.| for spring hdrleys, according to W. W. nessee which has heretoforé been re.|ing industrialization and increasing 3 lL ter a very pleasant summer in Scot- : B.A, D.D. Colby's Boys' Choir. sept29 | Sow, Extension Specialist of the Wes- garded #s the 'standard. for wintef- Hteracy are stimdlating the demand. Lockers bo land, .7 Sunday, Sept. 25th-- TURKEY SUPPER tern Ontario Agricultural School at hardiness. Amidst the free nations, Canada has * 11.00 a.m.--Sacrament of the Church, on Saturday, October 16 at 6 best suited for winter:barley produc. Winter barley has other advantages | able of substantially increased pro- ards of Thanks Lord's Supper p.m, until all are served. octl3 tion hut that some areas of Central) well, It matures earlier than other duction, 'The world must look to Can- CAWKER BROS Ontario can produce good exops par- common small- grains and is often] ada for increasing supplies of -pulp . - ES Friday, Sept. 23rd-- ready for combining or threshing two | and paper. 8.00 p.m.--Preparatory Service a Ir. : Yih . 1 wish to thank Di weeks before winter wheat. This, of Dymond, the ticularly if a very winter-hardy vari- Bridge Marathon "w » nurses and staff of the Community ety is used. xh THE FAMILY BUTCHER" N in) Hoshite): 7ov. thoi id- | October 9th--Thanksgiving Service : course, spreads the harvest season and One of every 10 revenue freight cars . ! 5 v Meutorial pie ! g or Sons d : The Bridge Marathon sponsored by Although. winter barley is not ag|helps reduce the pressure of work at| loaded in Canada is loaded with pulp, PORT PERRY 3 PHONE 29 eration and help, also the Legion an October 16th--Anniversary Service, |Scugog Chapter 1.0.D.E. each year winter-hardy as wheat, especi a busy time. paper, or pulpwood. friends for cards, cigarettes, ete. dur- ~ | will start 1st week in October. Any , ; ing my recent stay in the hospital. ladies wishing to play, please contact] ~~ ~ Lloyd Wakeford. | PORT, PERRY UNITED CHURCH | ng Jessie Robertson "or Mrs, I. R. | Rev. R. H. WYLIE, B.A., Minister Bentley, Donna and Boh Sonley wish to thank B 2 their many friends for the party held Sunday, Sept. 25th-- - ' in Manchester Hall on Friday night 11 de Souls Are Won". | P S 1 and for the lovely gifts of a china 7 p.m. --"Singing In The Night" aper a vage cabinet and 'INV. lamp. f Boy Scout Paper Salvage will be The Sacrament of Baptism will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 6th. Please administered at the morning service. | , tie papers securely and place near the Announcement "| rondwayby pm, Sept. 2 LL CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Skerratt announce (Anglican) ] ; w= the engagement of their daughter, Rev. .K. W. Scott, L.Th., Rector Roast Beef Sup per Doris Audrey to George Kenneth Middleton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton, of Prince Albert. The wed- ding to take place on Saturday, Oct. 15th at 3 o'clock in the Prince Albert United Church. = Boy Scout News Fhe -1st Port Perry Troop held its "first meeting of the season on Sept. Sunday, Sept. 25th-- 8.30 a.m.--Holy Communion ( and breakfast for Men's Club) y 11,00 a.m.--Sunday School A. 7.00 p.m.--Evening Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. H. E. Pelletier' You are cordially sup P attend a roast beef supper at Grace United Church, Scugog, on Wednesday, Sept. | 28th. Everyone Welcome. DOLLAR DAY VALUES | - CAMPBELLS -- 10-0z, 2 Tomato Soup © for $1. 00 Hospital Auxiliary | Penny Draw OCTOBER 1st--In Community Room of Public Library. Tea will be ser- RED & WHITE Toilet Tissue 9 for $1. 00 PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--David J. Toews Sunday, Sept. 25th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 19th. . There is a completely new pro- irae Tor the coming sor me] 11 am--Worship Services. ved. from 2.30 until 4.30 and Draws SWEET TREAT CRUSHED -- 20-oz, BRUNSWICK -- ws tia : cludes winter hikes, games, and| . 7:30 p.m.--Evening Service. for prizes will be made during this : Wed., 8 p.m.--~Prayer Meeting. p.m.--Young Peoples. time. The Committee asks that all Ticket Stubs, and money be turned in not later than Friday, September 30 enough work to keep the boys more, ve than busy. Our model airplane build- | Fri ing class will continue for all Scouts, and Senior Cubs, on Thursdays after school. This "helps the boys become more creative with their hands, and also helps them 'earn their Modellers Badge. The meeting of September 19 was mostly a business meeting in which Scouter Hall outlined the coming years events, The Ist Port Perry tx Troop has a new design for a necker- Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Service. Ys chief. It is a scarlet red with a royal Fr., 8 p.m.--Christ's Ambassadors. blue border, which really looks smart CHRIST IS THE LIFE 53 " against the green uniforms. Parents Pastor K. R. Sprackett p ' please take note--Does your son come : Pineapple 4 to $1. 00 CLARK'S -- 15-0z. Pork & Beans 7 i $1.00 CULVERHOUSE -- 20-oz. Cream Corn 6 $1.00 CULVERHOUSE -- 20-ox. ~ Choice Peas 6 $1.00 OLD SOUTH -- 48-0x. |Sardines 120$1.00 Sti Cake Mixes 5% $1.00 lly Puddings ley Powders GENERAL ELECTRIC -- 25-40-60 PENTECOSTAL CHURCH |; * Sunday, September 18-- 2% Sunday, Sept. 25th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. '11 aim.--Morning Worship. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service RAY Driving The Allstate Insurance Company has recently printed a pamphlet "Ex- pressway Driving is Different", which . | contains a good deal of well-organized and useful information on the re- 116 $1.00 bis meetings, they will have to appear be- fore a Court of Honour, composed of 73 Patrol Leaders, and Seconds, with a ov good excuse for missing the meetings. L This is éssential for the welfare of the Ei § Troop. A complete uniform is a must £3 ) before the boys can become a tender- ) on Senne hy Bot, Blase Jorn ¥ Xx quirements of safe passage on high t ul f ° : : f ; A um. ou will never regret it. 0 be speed higl Gra efrui 4 $1. 00 L gi t B YI 3 6 J - - ) i ra speed highways. or . or w _ a Scout, the bay ust be twelve years Cedar Creek Subjects deat with include, getting Pp ce I u S °) of 3 N a of age. If boys, wlio oye Sos do to. . on and off expressways, driving the]. AYLMER --- 1 -0%, Fe N not come, or alternately miss Scout Private . Douglas Rowe of Fort |"stnightway", speed, meeting a erisis, LITTLE NATIONAL -- Pkg. of 12 % f and night driving. A section on "Defensive Driving" recommends looking ahead for signs off trouble and bejng prepared to slow or stop. As well, it points out that the rear view mirror "will forewarn you of a speeder, Bragg, North Carolina has been vyisit- ing his sister Mrs. Roy Blain, Roy and Doug for the past couple of weeks. Mrs. Kilpatrick and George were last Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare at Tyrone. Tomato Catsup 5 for $1. 00 LIBBY'S -- Tomato Sauce -- 15-0x, Spaghetti 81$1.00 Pocket Matches 6 for $1. 00 ok: 3 REGULAR OR CHUBBY Kleenex Tissues 6 for $1. 00 : ier, a car out of ad foot Scout. Well, look for this column : CORLL : bashers Pern ys weekly in the same place, and T will] Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Willerton and |" vr. a i : . 5 : 4 : Watch the pavement for signs of = ov attempt to keep you posted on Scout | boys were last: Sunday supper guests trouble Ad I SPI . Swift's Pard v doings. of Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Steele at Raglan. Sous. Tough patch tial weld C & SPAN WHITE VINEGAR cause mild bumping at moderate speed can throw your car off the road at high speed." of, Hunter. : A . James Miler Master Allan Blain had the misfor- iP Qa el tune to break his left arm in a fall S04 : last Monday in his way home from n Clearing Sale of CLEANSER 2 mm 2c 10¢ Off Giant Pkg. 85¢ DOG FOOD - 2 re 25¢ : 16%-ox. jar 16¢ : 66-0xz. Jar 45¢ 'school. Mrs, George Spencer and Mrs. Les | TIDE DETERGENT Mazola Paramount Fancy Red Brown Label ae 1 ;% § . Gibson of Col b y last Mon- : i 0 0 JOHNSON [hone of Miss Floste Spencer 16 Off Glant Pg, SALAD OIL | Sockeye SALMON | SALADA TEA ; 2 - ; Nex OUTBOARD : Bd i had a barn raising 62¢ 39 : We 45 i, 850 Miss Flossie Spencer attended a birthday party at Mrs. Stan Manns' on Thursday afternoon. J MOTORS 5% H.P., including separiite tank. Selling Regularly at $260.00 $185.00 .. day evening. : !'" Jim Blain filled his silo on Satur- J. ORDE MARINE ° Mrs. George Spencer of Columbus PHONE 503 and Mr. and Mrs, Norman Birkett and Murray and Ivan of Raglan were Sun- Port Perry QUALITY Wm. Blain is putting insul-bric on his new house, ~ Ron' Johnson is working at the foundation for his house, 2 Mr, 'and Mrs, Elgin White of Port | Perry called on Mrs, Kilpatrick Thurs- WALES | BONELES:, -- NO WASTE Ib. 39c Prem. Veal Roll | 89. "FRESHLY GROUND LEAN 25. Sept. 2 U DONALD O'CONNOR, in Francis in the Navy Mon-Tue, Sept. 26-27] JAMES CAGNEY, in Run For Cover Sol RE Ny 1 SUNKIST VALENCIA -- 268 size ia 2" Oranges 2 doz. 63 HOLLAND MARSH NEW CROP -- M-os3, poly bags Parsnips = - 24. HOLLAND MARSH -- Tender - Crisp -- : oollo bags ] Minced Beef 3b EXTRA SPECIAL -- YOUNG: -- Sliced Beef Liver Ib. "vi visitors of the Spencer family. wih. Steele of Raglan called on sev- "23 | eral®of his former neighbours Sunday ARE. ternoon, T'echnicolor SWIFT'S 1-Ih. Qello P Celery Hearts CALIFORNIA -- 188 soo : al "Wed. and Thur, Prem. Franks 4 for 19: Lo ha "37. Lemons ™ FOR l/ Sep i. 28-29 Sil Bac -- Sliced, Rindloss -- 1%. iy 5 ¢ EARLY born] -- Lb, colle bag. : rl : vin SINDEN, in ide acon pkg. <|Cranberries 23. SIMBA : L 1 - Service & Quality ARK OF MAD HAL There' sa Red & White a 3 s Birdseye Boot Pio on. inal 20e / plus Free Deliver Y Store near you = fk Hip he : wT - Phone Ml Fri.and Sat., JE DS el. Sept. 30 - Oct. 1 F LITTLE BRITAIN DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE || hinions || a EHH ro vay Prince Albert Phone 485W Ape fawn |... Dowsen's Food Marke

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