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Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Dec 1956, p. 5

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Fe seta inti Elf FA od SIR BE Re I Faves ss 1d 1 a ES ah EUR BST ah - 3 oe 24 ic}s ; 8 a7 BE : ¥ > PL AE TIL RS BR RRL aE EE i AF TE ' ary AAA AT Pf TXal Sled Pare $i i a MLA a Leb - Sth lA dt {= ats aad Fatah nal eto MS le 8.2 4s Klemen hati dn ww i . THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1956--8 © 16 46 46 {6 NE NE HE NE Ne Je, 40, 4 i a, a. stiler. At the evening service the choir Legion--22 if | sang "The Truth Goes Marching On" | DeLuxe--36. Howard Motors--19 Ladies' Wednesday T Y GIVE RECORDS FOR SEIS TIAS i | and "Jesus is real to me". We thank | Flyers--35. Juniors--10 hank ou for Your Trust all who helped with the music and our | High Single-- I shall do my best to warrant the trust and confidence ;anist Edna Beckett, W ; ) Night Bowlin USED RECORDS, 3 for $1.00 organist Edna Beckett. We also thank| Gord Goode--265. g g of the people of Port Perry. Thank You, Archers--39 Mrs. McLaren for the beautiful basket High Triple-- Points of flowers. Gord Qoode---082. Taken Total PRB covers ssssssssnsssssrssssnrnsernone / | . Bombers i 41 EE vox Awa TERMINAL GRILL At bth sin, pls wr unr TIE . taken of the Choir and the congrega- Ladies' Mond Flyers 4 37 ] Sadia date fo fo 0 EH i tion. We are very grateful to Gordon ay Spitfire 3 37 a os N Sp '8 bh ts rr RRR oof, | Suville, of Toronto, and to Catharine Ni ht Bc li Sunderlands 1. 36 } : Martyn for taking the pictures. These 1g ow Ing Jets 5 32 } ( X. "Thanks . ' . ; : will be. on display later. Let us not } Hurri _ 3 3 vio h : Junior F ers Bes, 27 In Brooklin, tu ie Township sit down NOW and take a rest. Re- Standing-- Mo: it oo 0 A ¥ : arm Hall, whére all of the clubs<of the |member that all we have done, is to Mosquitoes--51. ~ Caterpillars 3: WE d ' 4 . ars--a3 Citty Hawks ' x I wish to thank all those who supported me . .. Iwill County will be meeting for a Christ- | get started God is ready now to use| Crickets--46. Siders 43 ty Laws ? 27 : . serve as Councillor to the best of my ability in 1957. Port Perry mas party programme, each person |us to much greater advantage. Let us Termites--38. Grasshoppers--32| | slienpiers : 2 who attends should take a small gift. all rise to the occasion, and see how Bees--387 Beet] y a ster: é@ : . ; ¢ sion, § oil cetles--29 Mus: rs ' ¢ ART COX The Port Perry Junior Farmers met many we can will to the Christian way | Moths--36. ustang 2 18 } Butterflies--20 High Single Audrey DeNure 261 Ants--23 | 11jzh Triple -- Marion Healey 717 Singles -- Audrey DeNure 225, 201, 261, Marion Healey--253, 221, 243, Merle St. John--247, Marge Jackson--241, Jeanne Goode --235, Ruth Short-- 235, Elaine Bailey 218, 227, Glenda Taylor 228, Ruby Adderly 226, Ruby Williams 224, Pam Knight 218, Beth Oke 213, Joy Ballard 215, Grace in the Boy Scout Hall on Tuesday, seg ip of life. Nov. 27, 1956. = fo : New officers were elected for the District Churches coming year by both the Junior In- stitute and the Junior Farmers. This new executive will be published in the near future. When the assistant agricultural re- presentative, Sidney MacDonald, gave an informative talk to the boys on The Minister is thinking of | Hornets--36. putting into a pamphlet form the Ad-| High Single-- dresses of last week, and his sermon Elsie Pogue--229. Our Special Services on the Island | on Sunday. These will be available to | High Triple-- last week were very fruitful. Our |all who would like a copy, We say| Elsie Pogue--011. largest attendance was on Friday | "Thank You" to Mr. McCartney of | Over 200-- evening at "Head Memorial." To all | Manchester; to the teachers of the| Margaret Cornish--217 those who helped with the music we | Public School; and to the Junior Choir, Evelyn Harris--213 are very grateful: To Mrs. Ellsworth | for taking charge of the Service there| Elma Vernon--208 He He He He He No Wo Wie Wie 6 Se Thank You For your support in electing me to Council for 1957. With your continued co-operation we may look forward to a prosperous 1957. IRVING BOYD. AA ATA AN MOAT ROAST NATE To Ll.e Citizens of Pori Perry 'Thank you kindly for your support in electing me as Councillor for 1957. | "Brucellosis Control", he answered many questions which have been puzz- ling thoughtful farmers for some time, such as (a) How much does it cost to have calves vaccinated in this area? The Province of Ontario pays your veterinarian provided he has an agree- ment with the government. (b) How old should calves be when vaccinated? Calves should be between four and eight months of age. FRANK GODLEY Kennedy of Port Perry: To Mrs. Red- man and Mrs. Rodman, To Dr. Ken- neth Braham; and to Prospect Choir, God still answers prayers, and He has abundantly blesssed us in our desire to create a New Church for the Island. At our Services on Sunday, the Cen- tre Church' was filled in theZmorning; and also the Head Church in the even- morning on the Theme: "The Christian Life", having as his Text: "As he.came ing. The Minister preached in the on Sunday, as it was impossible to get through the Service on the Island in time, to go to Manchester, We rejoice with the George Free- mans in the birth of a little girl; and also with the Jack Kanes in the birth Alma Cox--214 Inge Audrey Chapman---203 Jessie Goode--221 Clara Martyn---201 Elsie Pogue--229 Rahim200, Betty Beare 200. DeNure | 687, Elaine Bailey 609. of little Carol Ann, Both mothers and Christie, Marie Healey 206, Mary 203, Bernice Fines 200, Donna Triples- Marion Healey 717, Audrey children are doing well. We are plan- ning to havethe Sacrament of Baptism in Scugog United in the morning on Christmas Sunday. Please remember our Services on Special Sale of Christmas Gift os PORTABLE G. E. MIXER (reg. $23.95) (¢) What is Brucellosis? It is a and drew nigh to the house, he heard Sunday, and be with us. We give you PORTABLE G. E. MIXER (reg. $23.95) voi, $15.95 ATARI AIATATATATAI NT RNT RNY disease which causes cows to lose | music and dancing." St. Luke 15:25. | one and all a very cordial invitation to BATH SCALES (reg. $7.95) 5.95 DUAL POR: DULID) coriirsimmeninienit ais dismmtionsnsenras Di ). their calves prematurely. (d) Is there any danger to the public? Yes, anyone who drinks un- pasteurized milk from an infected cow My Sincere Thanks Although I was not fortunate enough to be elected, I wish The Chairman of Oshawa Presbytery, Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson preached in the evening, and declared in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by action of the come and worship with us at Scugog United, Manchester United, and Pros- peet United. 15 LIGHT OUTDOOR MULTIPLE SET (reg. $6.75) $5.89 CHRISTMAS TREE STANDS (reg. $149) iii 98¢. | il may contact a serious illness. Presbytery: That the Union of Grace, HEATING PADS (reg. $5 at this time to express my thanks to those who supported (e) Is it compulsory to have all fe. | {ead Memorial, and the Indian Mis. » i PADS (veg. $5.00) viii, $4.49 me in the School Board elections. male calves vaccinated? Yes, anyone | sion had been consumated. The Men' S Bowling SILEX STARLIGHT CARAFE (reg. $8.76) oven. $6.95 who fails to have his calves vaccin- ated may be charged with an offence under the Brucellosis Act of 1956. Any farmer who desires further in- formation on this subject, may pro- cure a pamphlet entitled "20 Questions respecting the Brucellosis Act 1956" from the Agricultural Office in Ux- bridge. Another committee of Muriel Wal- lace, Ann Ptolemy, Ellis Wilbur, and Wesley Johnson were to prepare fif- teen minutes of recreation and enter- tainment for the night of Tuesday, - CECIL KING NEAT TATATRT ATA ATAT AORN My Thanks to those who voted for me as representative on the School Board, yesterday. Although not successful I appreciate your support. ®t @ ARCHIE FARMER ATA AT ASAT AT ATA ATA RTAD Minister received and welcomed into membership" with the New Church "SCUGOG UNITED CHURCH". "01 former members of the uniting Churches: twenty-two by letter of transfer from Anglican, Presbyterian, Baptist, United, Brethren, and Cath- olic Churches; and also 21 on profes- sion of faith; making a total member- ship of 134. There were also five adult baptisms. The choir sang in the morning "Behold I Stand at the Door" and Dr. Kenneth Braham sang "The Holy City", accompanied by his moth- League CI With two more nights left in the first section the competition is very keen. The "Carnegie's" and "Star's" are just one point apart. Last week the Carnegie's and Whiz Bang's had two lovely games--1337 and 1334. Standings Thursday, Dec. 6-- Star's--46. Black Jacks--30 Carnegie--45. Legionaires--28 PORTABLE ELECTRIC SAW (reg. $59.95) $49.88 MANY OTHER BARGAINS PICKARD'S HARDWARE PLUMBING - HEATING - FLOOR TILES PLASTIC WALL TILE PHONE 592 PORT PERRY Whiz Bangs--40. Fitz Johns--27 ERE EE SE SE EN ee Ep ---- Christmas Gift BROCK STORE AW DE PARTMENT FO) Rubber, fur trimmed, $6.75, Plastic, fur rimmed ..... :. Jos - y . LAY Loar Tuow Bus, S79 DOMINION - BATA RUBBERS Ladies' Nylon Overshoes, 7.95, 8.95 Over the Foot Rubber, $5.65, $7.50 $1.50] $195 $1.95 thers at $9.95, $5.95, 98c., 59. Minibrix, Several Sizes $3.95, $5.95, $9.95 MEN'S and BOYS' OXFORDS MEN'S i $5.95, $7.95 BOYD 2. creme rivenn $1.95 and $5.95 Light Grey Books, Games, Decorations | Christmas Cards, 21 for $1.00 Ribbon, paper... 10c. pkg. Trucks ooo 10c. do $5.00 Hammered Aluminum Trays $3.90 - $5.50 - $7.35 TOUKE LINES Tooke Shirts Tooke Ties $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 White Scarves $1.50 and $2.00 Sport Shirts $4.95 and $5.95 ) EOF OF OF OF 0} a" oN * # SUPERSILK HOSIERY 8c. $135, $1.35 S150 'SUBURBAN COATS for MEN Charcoal - Beige {wool quilted lining, $16.35 Other Coats ........ $17.50 and $18.95 TABLE CLOTHS - Printed 54x54 1.50 to 4.25. 52x70 2.75 fo 5.25 Caldwell TOWELLS, 45¢, $1.59, $1.85 Cups and Initialed Handkerchiefs 50c. FLANNELETTE SHIRTS Plaid Winter weight, $2.98, $3.35, $4.50 each Saucers 5c. 75¢., 98¢., $1.50, $2.95 Ay } PILLOW CASES - Wabasso |- $2.95 - $3.15 - $4.75 hoxed a Lr CECE IO He He He Sie Hie ie He Ie HIE He Hi Ie He HIG Re SIE NIE UEE NG EP EEN EE EEN EEE NS Monach Socks for Men, $1.10 and $1.50 | romcmomonens i) Ladies' Felt $1.25. Other Lines, $1.75, 2.95, 3.45, 4. 50 # Men's... $2.98, $3.95, 3 95, $5.95 # Boys' and Girls'... 9195 ¢ 9 Men's and Boys' Fleece Lined Overshoes $5.95 $6.95 Men's Zipper Rubber Overshoes or with buckles .......... $5.95 Boy's and Girls, Overshoes, $4.75 Men's Tweed Pants, Striped Special Line, $4.95 Boys, Men's Men's ... . .. Skate Sets, 25% off present stock Phone 43 Port Perry "road v ' ig Ee am PW be W y ra --

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