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Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Dec 1956, p. 8

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2 -- re . eae Sere y 8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18th, 1966 -«* Prospect -.. The W.A. met president, Mrs, M. duy evening, with at the home of the P. Holtby on Mon- a good attendance, lege, Deaconess Order of the United Chureh Training School, Scott Mission and Salvation Army, Mrs, Dearborn reported a substantial bank balance in the treasury. Mrs. Les Smith present- cd the slate of officers for 1957, which were approved, as follows: President--Mrs, Murray Holtby Vice-President--Mrs. Harold Holtby, ~~ ---- ro ---------- -- -- ------ -- ------ _- ) _- --) ----) _- _--) -) -r) Sh 0 Mis: Jaek Holtby acting secretary. During the business period, Christmas donations were voted to Albert Col- ! ---- i | . | OFFICE | I 0 | | | 1 | | | . | Solicitors 1 1 | | | | | | | December 22 fo January 2 May Peace and Good-Will prevail throughout the world. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE CLOSED | / -- A x Port Perry i ,Holthy gave a piano solo, Secretary--Mrs. Claire Vernon Asst. Sec.--Mrs. Jack Holtby, . Treasurer--Miss Flossie Spencer, Asst, Treas-~Mrs. Horace Webster Pianist--Mrs, Bruee Holtby. Asst, Pianist--Mrs. Byron Holtby Press Sec.--Mrs, J, E, Holtby. Flower Com.--Mrs. Les Smith, Mrs. E, Diamond, Mrs, F, Vernon, Visiting Com.--Mrs, Lloyd Smith, Mrs, J. Mosienko, Mrs, E, Dearborn, Mrs, Byron Holtby, Mrs. Bruce Holtby conducted the de- votional period which opened with the hynm "Joy to the World", followed by prayer by Rev. Braham, and Scripture lesson by Mrs. Dearborn. Barbara Interesting Christmas stories were read by Jean Holthy, Janet V ernon and Kay Smith, who also sang "It's Beginning to look like Christmas. The meeting closed with theme song and prayer. Miss, Una Sleep, our school teacher, assisted by Mrs, Horace Webster, are training the children for their Christ- mas Concert, to be held on Dec, 21 at 8.15 in Prospect School. Mrs. Kinsman has returned to Co- bourg after spending a couple of weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs., Horace Webster. Mrs, Bruce Holtbty 'entertained her -------- "BEST BU YS" XTRA FANCY Mixed Nuts Ib. 49. Mixture includes Brazils, Walnuts, Pecans, Filberts, Almonds FANCY. = BRAZIL oy jn Tomato KETCHUP 1-1h. pkg. NUTS 49. 11-07. hotile Christmas Candy- 9 45 Green Giant NIBLETS Clu 2 3c 4.0z. tin Jumbo Beton tin Eon 2-1h. cello oli 50. 2 ec Your Choice of CHOCOLATE Libby's Slice d PINEAPPLE 20-0z. tin le Sunkist Navel -- 110's size | ORANGES. 5-1b. hag Se] Creams and Jells Jelly Wreaths DROPS, HARD CREAMS and CUT ROCK "Cello pkg. each Christmas Chocolates Golden Hour 1-1b. box - French MIX, FRENCH 33c 2-1b. box Assorted - FEATURES se Brand i ( WERT MIXED PICKLE teinz Cooked TPAGHWETE, AVES, Ywvimer WELT GHERKINS, 1 Aiveiff's RUI'T PUDDING, 11! hirrifl's "RANBI 16 oz. jor 2-07. hoe Hic E58, 16 oz. jar 31e 15-07, tin yvimer Stuffed Manzanilla ERY SAUCE, 9-07 jar 29¢ rod & White INSTANT COFFEE Mild, 8 oz. 35¢ 2 for 29¢ Cracker Barrell - 01d, 8-0z. 39¢ Kraft VELVEETA CHEESE, %2-1b, 35¢ Gouda Mild - DUTCH TYPE, 10 oz. 47¢ Kraft Cheese Medium, 8 oz. 37c 59¢ G-07. jar 33e 2-07. in 33¢ | Johnson's PRIDE 3-07, jar 131 Rose Brand MARGARINE, 1-1b, pkg. 31c CRISCO SHORTENING, 1-1b. pkg. 37c FURNITURE POLISH, 8 oz. bot. T7c TIDE DETERGENT, Giant pkg. --__ T9¢c SPIC & SPAN, Giant pkg. NTA | | | SESH PRODUCE unlint Sood ess -- 5-1. poly bag A STEER mA RY "AVE CPANGES 53c ne Cod Deep Red -- 1-1, pkg. 1TANRERR RAANBERRI ES roen, Beioht, Fine Quality Caree Solid ead LETTUCE iu 25 ld, Sweet, Ontario Grown T U RI mi ip S «1h. 5c . 1 Yellow 2 NS 8 19g 21¢ 1g TOILE: pd WAT PD Lubil YA HR k [== . Swift's Brookfield (Skinless) SAUSAGE QUALITY MEATS Swift's Premium BRANDED BEEF Prime Rib Roast - STAND. SHORT CUT Swift's Milk-fed Ib ¢ (Boneless) . VEAL LEG ROAST Lean -- (Boneless) STEWING BEEF - BEEF KIDNEYS 1b. 45¢ w. 17¢ wv. 45¢ Frozen Foods Ic PEAS, 12-02. pkg. 2 for 45¢ Mew Pn French Style GREEN BEANS, 10-0z. pkg.. _. 2 for 49¢c ORANGE JUICE, 6-0z. tin _ 6 for $1.00 owson's Food Market Free Delivery Phone 91 4 Port Perry . mother, Mrs. N. S. MacDonald, of Ep- som, and the latter's sister, Mrs, C. Morrison, of Toronto, on the occasion of their birthdays. : Mrs, George Smith, of Whitby, and sister, Miss Edith Lakey, of Toronto, were at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, to attend the funeral of the late Henry Davis, of Utica. Mrs. J. EE Holtby spent several days at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Dyle Thomson in Bloordale, Etobicoke, and Miss Bertha Holliday of Whitby. A Happy Holiday Season to Every- one! Greenbank Ww A: The Nov. Meeting of the W.A. was held on Tues,, Nov. 27 in the base- ment of the Church, with about 25 members present. - Mrs. Gordon Ward presided and op- ened the Devotional period with a Hymn and prayer by Miss Raecraft. Mrs. George Beare read the Scripture reading from Psalm 46. A Hymn was sung and collection received. Mrs, G. Ward gave a reading on Remem- brance. Mrs. N. Smith then took charge. Mrs, R. Foster gave the Sec'ys report which was adopted. Also a report of the special meeting held recently when Hugh Baird, Champion Tractor plowman was presented with CHRISTMAS LOWERS 0 = i; =) / S wv: --_ ; I= ROBERT G. ECKEI - . Florist on Highway 7-12 3 miles north of Brooklin Phone Brooklin 190 a beautiful piece of luggage and an enjoyable social evening was spent. The report of the proceeds of the Plowing Match were given, which were very worthy of the effort put forth by the Community. at present. Sp EEE SE SEES OD ATNTNT3 TATA 2 y G | PRS Q G A "get well" card was signed by all to be sent to Mr. Elmer Gibson whom we are sorry to learn is not too well A Contata, "The Spirit of Christ- mas' is being given in the church in the near future, The meeting closed with Mizpah Benediction and a delicious lunch was served hy group in charge, 1 Phone 32W LET GERROWS DO YOUR 7. CHRISTMAS BAKING « SHORTBREAD, CHRISTMAS CAKE, MINCE PIE (old fashioned), TWISTER DOUGHTNUTS, ROLLS of all kinds, Saturday Specials Dec. 15th. 'Golden Date Layer y Sp 'Butterscotch Tarts with Cream' * GERROW'S BAKERY - G. M. GERROW 0 ATRIA AT NI NTN NINN he. to OPEN EVERY NIGHT | Friday, Dec. 14 to Mon., Dee. 24 Our Personal Guarantee 2 E- , THe Customer Must Be Satisfied Or Money Cheerfully Refunded" & Xmas Party Chairmen Are Requested To Shop In The Morning. ] Q G 5 G [2 UZdS G 2 2 : 4 Je J do G G >/G = /G Ga GG G6 2 ¢ 2 ld SE ort Perry's Largest £ Selection of Xmas Gifts § a laylor' S st. 00 Store - 7 ig YEARS OF PROGRESS * THE HYDRO FAMILY Medical science continues to advance well beyond the far- sighted concept of even the most optimistic licens of a few years ago. Electricity makés much of that progress possible. Today, doctors use electricity in a variety of ways, from diagnosis to treat- ment, Specialized lighting and electrical aids to surgery make Josie intricate operations un- Seanad of half a century ago. The X-ray, Jethaps electricity's great- ést single contribution to'medicine, has itself assisted in saving - thousands of lives. ASSURES YOUR' ®- PL, J " ie i Tags Liing ie noossed in Kind hours Electricity's role in 'medicine is certain to become increasingly i me portant and, rts potentialities greater as more electronic aids come into general use. It is another important way in which electricity, the silent co-worker in so many projects, is,continually being used to help provide higher standards of health, living and prosperity' for ug all. . Ontario Hydro will continue to' provide adequate sup@ies of power to meet the needs of our hospitals, homes, farms and industries. ELECTRICAL FUTURE -- ip opr GR pals

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