~ - RS eds] RRA ' ATEN LN LTA a) - ' 5 1. : 3 3 b late ai aaa LE EE Ty LN IPRA TX RTA A > TRAE ' = % (1 REL CAE ST SAIN SLY TS HIRT SPEAR CPR SER CAAA vid HSER al we a a ee XX Fe 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24th, 1967 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Wanted to Buy 'limber land and logs, Elm, Heseh, Notice USE Tia CLASS IF/ED FOR QUIoR" ! v Birthday dinner for Mrs. Somerville ° = hard "i 08s Mapla, Ash, Oak. te.| Any person wishing to sell lots in WANTED Manchester at Mrs, Ab, Waller's in Uxbridge, Buy the coal that : the Township of Reach must have the Janitor for Canadian Bank of 4 _ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, ; : 2 Halp 0 ".- 3 A good attendance was at church on | Murray Lee on the birth of a daughter. i : HN L ' » Commerce Building. Apply Box {| LE 1 11 11 ot ers \ [* |deeds approved by the planning board 46, Port Perry Star Sunday to hear another fine sérmon|- Sorry to hear Mrs. Lorne Blakely oul Se a 1 N S U R A N C E vefore th b utared. "Riker : 4 by Rev. J. K. Braham, His theme|and Mrs, Ken Rodd have had to spend i "| before they can be registe . was "Letting God Take Over". Eunice la few days in Port Perry. Hospital. : net Are your policies up-to-date?|Gibson Chairman. Earl Martyn, Sec.- J and Susan Roach accompanied by their | Hope to see all you ladies home real N Discover for yourself why more people buy blve 1) Whatever your insurance needs Bah Chicks father, sang "Trust and Obey." Ser soon, ; coal' than any other hard coal. For the world's may be, consult These Ly y niet a, Say = finest anthracite plus the town's best service, V day-old cockerel I ; : H. W. EMMERSON dui Fobra avekersis, 16 500 | minister with him. The Young Peo: AUCTION SALES CALL n Phene 41 Port Perry --_ : Our Peel's x Hamp Cross are good ples Club vy hes here on Pyiday i 7 y Bill's Refrigeration meat type and they make excellent |¢Vening the 26th. THURS., JAN, 24th -- Farm Sold,| REESOR FUEL & LUMBER H capons. Order now, the price is right:| Mrs, Cameron, Oshawa, called on| Auction Sale of Holstein Cattle, John i Electr ical and SALES and SERVICE Write or phone Hook's Poultry Plant, | Mrs, Joe Johnston on Sunday after- | Deere Tractor, Implements, Hogs, Hay PHONE 73 ' PORT PERRY - - : Greenbank, Ont. 499-r-2, Port Perry. | noon. . & Grain, the property of Clair Shea, : Mechanical Re alrs T0 ALL Jan, 81 Lot 13, Con. 8, Ops Twp., on 7 H : aad MAKES and MODELS : Mr. and Mrs. Gill Levesque, former: [0 0 com bl "KPa 08 1 Ws lig AUTHORIZED 3 . : y. Terms TH ( to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, so : ly of Gaspe, now of Toronto, were re- © MN & ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A DOMERMS eh ld ~ Bar ains Here Cuil ghia of Mis, Parker snd oil Cash, sale at 1.00 pm. Wm. Weldon, La ROSTER! + | Bargains a ue coa METAL LATHE WORK. PORT PERRY, ONT. Elack or white wall Recap Snow Mrs, Mulholland entertained a num- TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground ' Grips--6.70 or 7.10--$14.96 & up ber of ladies at a Wearever Brush - ---- i DEALER and Serviced. Phone 597. Dec. 181600 x 16 Farm ribbed tires at $18.95 | Party last Monday evening. THURSDAY, JANUARY 81st--the pi is OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC Glycol Antifreeze reduced to $2.36 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McKinzey are | Property of Chas. G. Lyle, lot 8, con. WELDING. 0 Le? 48) phy container, leaving for Florida where they will Soc) i he miley bud 2 u a SLE MA ne used wheel barrow, new have a month's vacation. miles west of Sunderland -- Horses, - CAU dL CHINE AIR...LAND...SEA rubber tire and wheel at $16.00 Sn Cattle, Pigs, Hay, Grain, Straw, Im- Oct. 1, 1956 . Information, Reservation, Tickets, || Wheelbarrow Rubber Tire and - plements, Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 : Air Lines, Railways, Steamships, Wheel at cin $9.96 G enhank p.m. No reserve. 1 Hotels, Tours, Cruises. Steel Stone Boats ........$20, and $25.00 4 e REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer, : Dual Wheel Trailer ........... ween $126.00 . 2 Blackwater, Ont. : Dead Stock Service removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. $2.00 service charge for each call. Telephone Collect. Port Perry 80-r-4, or Tor- onto Em. 8-3686. Gordon Young Lid. Dec. 81, 1956 'DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, Consult F. G. Crosby Travel Agency, Uxbridge, Ont. P.O. Box 3564. Phone 128 or 200-W. Office at Howard Shier's, No Service Charge, Mar. 14, 1957. %-ton -Steel Box trailer $96.00 Guerney Electric Stove, Apt. size $49. 3-ton demonstrator Wagon, + Reg. $181.00, reduced jo $169.00 Frank Hoskin, Blackstock, Phone 2 Wanted DEAD & CRIPPLED = ANIMALS Highest Prices Paid FOR SALE--1939 Dodge Coach in first class condition. $76.00, Tash. Phone 476. FOR SALE--Coleman Space Heater practically new, reasonable; also small space heater in good condition. Phone 101-r-4, Port Perry. The Sunday School meeting was held in the church last week with the following officers appointed for the year: = Supt., Mr. Stan Foster; Asst Supt., Mr. Geo. Beare; Sec., Mr. Earl Bacon; Treas.,, Mr, Norman Smith; Pianist, Lillian Couves and Mrs. E, Till; Lib-, rarian, Mr. Fred Real. The Pilot Class has planned a social evening for Feb, 9. This is to be a skating party in Sunderland rink to be followed by a pie social in our church basement. So keep this date open and help our Pilot boys. ' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1057-- Auction Sale of 44 acre farm, Case tractor, Ford late model tractor, farm implements, furniture, etc., at Lot 1, Concession 5, Markhany Township, on Steeles Ave. 1 mile West of Milliken. The farm is good clay loam, 2 barns, drive shed, new garage, 8 roomed frame dwelling, good well, hydro, nice. ly situated on the townline between Metropolitan Toronto, and Markham Twp. % mile West of Kennedy High- way. Property of Estate of the late William Middleton. Terms on imple- Located at Sweetman's Service Station AUTHORIZED | VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone G. R. ELSON FOR SALE wi Acousticon Hearing | Tp, W.A. was held in the church |ments and furniture, cash, no reserve. 5 collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge Phone 523-W :: Uxbridge Aid, in A1 condition, 1 year guaran. |pasement on Tuesday afternoon with | Sale at 1 p.m. Farm sold subject to PHONE 381 PORT PERRY bv 92-r-14, Lindsay 5282. Head Office, tee. Phone 372-W, Port Perry. a fair attendance. reserve bid, terms made known day of : - Sy ) Woodville 82 r 11. 24 Hours Service -- 7 Days a Week : -- ; Mr, and Mrs. Will Somerville and | sale. : ) ? "RON. LOWCOCK, Prop. V) ED. PECONI, 500 Lbs. or over from $1. to $5.00 FOR SALE--New Williams Sewing | family and Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Blake- KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, [ : J 4 Argyle . Ontario Anything under 500 lbs, picked up |machine in good condition. Phone |ly and children were entertained at a Auctioneers. = 7 h ; July 80, 1957. Free of Charge _ Apr.10 '57 | 477-r-2, Port P. erry. - *s . WANTED--Good used clothing, in- N 3 Real Estat : fant clothing urgently needed now. . R 0 0 F I N G e This clothing is for benevolent work of the Eastern Star, Port Perry. Clo- OF ALL KINDS J. 3 ViLotgrey & SONS [thing may be left with Mrs. Mabel a -- - Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, | « Ey tow Ee . _-- Chapman, Mrs. Geo. Lane or Mrs. | a 4 Estimates given on all kinds sa foron Oliver Watson. of work. PORT PERRY ) INDUSTRIAL BUILDING 80' x 60". "| d EARL WALLACE A good building almost new located 00 : Port Perry in the business section of Port Perry| Cedar Elm Maple ii with good parking. Ideal for small| $10.00 $20.00 $24.00 - 3 - manufacturer. Price $16,000.00, Cash | Price per cord plus delivery, cut in 3 % 'h y Septic Tanks $6,000.00, oe 12" lengths, Also some -mixed wood i GREENBANK at $18.00 per cord plus delivery. of Cleaned by A good 8 room house located in the | Frank Hoskin, Blackstock, Phone 2 3; ~ A Car be a NA Sp A . PUMP EQUIPMENT "THE SURE WAY" 24 Hour Service IRWIN DeGEER Dalton Road, Sutton _ Phone 231 R June 16, 19567 INSURANCE COMPANY Consult the Crown Life Man. CEC. KING | . ast ~ ; : inst ti i les for off-the-road i Jot building it for more. Men selected | ceased will be distributed among the against tight schedules or big musc (13 AGENT will be sent to our main office and parties entitled thereto, having re- grinds, count on a new Chevrolet Task-Force truck » Port Perry - Ontarle plant for complete training and given | gard only to claims of which they to do it better! ' 0 Village. Hardwood floors, bath, gar- age, newly painted, in top condition for only $5,000.00 down. Contact H. McMILLAN, Greenbank Phone Port Perry 247-r-2, DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE The oldest and largest complete liquid fertilizer company is expand- ing and has openings for men who can sell direct to farmers. Product na- tionally advertized. We are building factories in strategic locations. This industry is new, progressive, with un- limited possibilities & proven results. Agricultural background necessary. This position requires a self-starter. The man we want is looking for an opportunity of earning from $8,000. personal help and supervision during starting period. All correspondence Br | BULLDOZING - TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. - FREE ESTIMATES --by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION Phone 302W (Office) Residence--Wm. Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 892J | "EXCAVATING -| chell, R.R. '4, Port Perry. Jan, 31st FOR SALE -- Registered Hereford Bull, 21 months old. Apply Bert Mit- Phone 171-r-41, Port Perry. Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF ALBERT RUSSELL HOOD, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of Albert Russell Hood, late of the Village of Prince Albert, in the County of Ontario, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 31st day of December, A.D., 19566, are hereby notified to send.to the under- signed on or before the 16th day of February, 1967, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the to $8,000. a year, with a chance of {said date the assets of the said de- shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, IN THE ESTATE OF MABEL IRENE WOON, DECEASED, All persons having claims. against the Estate of Mabel Irene Woon, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Widow, who died on or about the 80th day of December, A.D., 1966, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of February, 19567, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediate- ly after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only o claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontarlo, this 11th day of January, A.D., 1067. GREER and KELLY, Barristers, &e., Box 181, Port Perry, Ont. Bollsitors for the above Retate, | Chevrolet showed the world what stuff champs are made of, right from the start. Chevy's rugged features, proved on the Alaska Highway, are ready to » prove to you their unbeatable value. High compression 6's and Short Stroke V8's, with horsepower now u - i President, "Na-Churs" Plant Food Co. - hk CHAMPS OF EVERY i ones Ont | (Canada) 11d, '3 Langarth St. W, Notice to Creditors WEIGHT CLASS! % 4 Aug. 80, 1957 » Me, " ) p to 210, can do Herculean tasks with - Low Cab Porward models outdate the Cab Over Engine, save you time and effort. Unit-design cab and body construction -- Chevrolet cabs and bodies stay tight and solid over miles of bumps, Optional Powermatic transmission, the revolutionary six-speed automatic makes heavy hauling easier and safer, Sturdy frames and long-leaf springs -- these brawny chassis components can take it when the going is roughest «+. with strength to spare! Whether your job calls for fast-working efficiency NEW TASK-FORCE '57 TRUCKS A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE PORT PERRY D d F kk strictly confidential. Write, giving | this 11th day of January, A.D., 1967. 5 ea ar m foc full particulars and experience. Per- GREER 4 KELLY 1 : f : sonal interview will be arranged. an ' TH CBT 5 J ; ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS |, 10 {0 Chas. H. Reesor Es fan. 31st Barristers, &c., /A CHEVROLET 3 ifs Picked up Promptly | manager P.O. Box 43, Port Perry, Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. Eo SE i jon For fastest service Phone collect plone 464 or to E McLachlan, Vico Solicitors for the above Estate. a ----.. ; Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 : i