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Port Perry Star (1907-), 31 Jan 1957, p. 6

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. OI i La wth a Fd ie hich TEI ee "~ ' 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 51st, 1967 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Wanted to Buy 'limber land and logs, Elm, Beech, hard and soft Maple, Ash, Oak. H. M. Kyte, Blackstock INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, tt Baby Chicks We have day-old cockerels to sell during February, March and April our Rock x Hamp Cross are good meat type and they make excellent capons. Order now, the price is right. Write or phone Hook's Poultry Plant, Greenbank, Ont. 499-r-2, Port Perry. Jan. 81 Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF ALBERT RUSSELL HOOD, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of Albert Russell Hood, late of the Village of Prince Albert, in the County of Ontario, Retired ' WANTED Janitor for Canadian Bank of Commerce Building. Apply Box 46, Port Perry Star." Blackstock : The Wo He Lo Mission Band met in the Sunday School room Tuesday. Although the weather was very bad, 'Beare, phone Port Perry 125 r 22. there were 10 children and two lead- ers present. Opened by singing the Mission Band Hymn, and repeating the Purpose and Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Hill gave the Worship -- "Kindness". Mary Lou McCormick took up the offering and all repeated the offera- tory prayer. Minutes and Troll call FOR SALE: Skiis, poles and ski boots, size 7. Phone 227 J. WANTED: Choir Director for Green- bank United Church, Apply George were read by Elizabeth Thompson. Konald Martyn gave a reading "Be Good"; Lorna Wright read "The Prin. cess and the Pea"; Nancy and Leanne FOF SALE -- 1950 Fargo Express Truck. Phone 470-r-23, Port Perry. Dorrell sang "Jesus Bids us Shine"; for the expression of sympathy she re- ceived at the time her mother passed Mrs. W. 8. Taylor and Brenda of te roserver away. It was decided to accept, the | Stouffville visited Mr, and Mrs. W. a A) ¢ kind invitation of the Bowmanville|F, Crosier on Sunday. Bi 4 Branch to visit them on the evening of February 11. Anyone wishing to go is to get in touch with one of the three drivers--Mrs. Langfeld, Mrs. H, McLaughlin or Mrs, John Hamilton. Cc A committee was appointed to buy working material for the bazaar. Ar- rangements were made for some de- corating to be done at the Rectory, and cleaning of the Parish Hall and kitchen. Work was started on the indian Girl's Outfit and several cash donations were received toward the same, At the close of the meeting funch was served by group 2 with Mrs, tained on Friday evening on 'the oc- little daughter of Dr. D. C. and Mrs. Le : Christie is gaining fast from major tal, fo P Mr, and Mrs. Fred Christie enter- assion of Fred's birthday. . We are glad to know Carole Christie, pe -- Clean a leather bag by smoothing on a thick lather of pure white oan ith hard and let the soap stay on a few moments to dissolve the grease spots. 'If pid then rub with a clean piece 'of. o J urgery at the Sick Children's hospi- Sharon Larmer read "A Good Rid- dance"; Mrs. Kyte told the story of "The Korean New Year's". Hymn Jesus Loves me was sung and all]of the United Church was held Monday For ROOM and BOARD, downtown, | repeated the Benediction, night with a good attendance. Rev. phone 554 J. Feb, 14 P. Romeril conducted the worship. The L.O.B.A. euchre party was mess > oe Won FOR 'SALE -- Player Piano; also cabinet gramaphone. Phone 467-W. Farmer, who died on or about the 31st day of December, A.D., 19566, are hereby notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 16th day of February, 1967, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. . METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground } and Serviced. OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC H. Bailey as convener, CHAIN SAWS Buying a Chain Saw or trading your old one? Then see us before you buy, get all the plus features, . The annual congregational meeting VEILING. A i" sm Hy fo ae rox sain Kel Petvig 20 Dons last Tuctday ening 10 thie ng oh af a Best allowance on your old saw, lowest prices for our y : ceased w e distributed among the | FOR JE: 1956 Kelvinator Refrig-} qin and fog. y ' ' ' i his side of the factory: 'Man i CAUSLEY MACHINE parties entitled thereto, having re- | erator, 8 cu. ft. capacity with 56 1b.| = Far g % Uh Pie 'Wid VanCamp, treasurer. The W.A. re- new saws. Best parts serv cet y y SHOP gard only to claims of which they | frozen food capacity, used 8 months.; ie Farmer's Union euchre Wed-port was given by Mrs. Russell makes and models to choose from. : Oct. 1, 1966 nesday night was well attended, The Prize winners were ladies high Mrs. Percy VanCamp. Gents high--Mr. red Hodgson, Port Perry; Ladies low--Mrs. Cecil Hill; Gents low--Mr. Mountjoy. W.M.S. report by Mrs. S. Dorrell; Mission Band report by Mrs. Cecil Hill; Explorers by Mrs. Roy Me- Laughlin; and Church reports by the envelope steward Percy VanCamp and shall' then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 11th day of January, A.D, 1967. GREER and KELLY, Coffield Electric Washer, pump action and draining device; secretary book- case; bed, springs and mattress. 'Art-| icles may be seen Saturday afternoon at the residence of the late Mrs. Woon, Mall--LE.L--Clinton--Homelite--Strunk--Silver King and most other makes on special order. ~~ OLIVER BEACH & SON Dead Stock Service removed from your farm promptly |Jan. 31st Barristers, &c.,| Cash and carry. carl Wright. } Treasurer Ivan Thompson and M.&M. , for sanitary disposal. $2.00 service Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. Sincere sympathy is extended to|by Carl Wright. PHONE 111 - W UXBRIDGE ONTARIO charge for each call. Telephone Solicitors for the above Estate. the family of the late Mrs. Wm. Ko-| The election of officers resulted as . : FOR SALE: 3-piece Winter Outfit, coat, hat and longs, light blue top and navy longs, gabardine. Size 3, boys.; 2-piece Spring Outfit in light brown nylon, size 3, boys. Phone 507 W, Port Perry. follows: Elders--Messrs. Earl Dorréll, Ernest Larmer, Wallace Marlow, Rus- sell Mountjoy, J. A. Johnston, Carl Wright, and Herb. Swain. Stewards --Jim Marlow, Dalton Dorrell, Ivan Thompson, Harold. Martyn, Hector Shortridge, Clarence Marlow, Stanford VanCamp, Gordon Strong,- Roy Me- Laughlin, Harold Swain, Harold Kyte, Ralph Larmer, Merrill VanCamp, P. VanCamp, Ross Duff, Murray Byers, zub who passed away very suddenly Wednesday evening. ' Blackstock Curling Club invited Port Perry Curlers over for a little Bonspiel on Thursday night. There were three rinks from each place com- peted. Brian Hamilton's rink won first prize; Merlin Suggitt's rink sec- ond and Gordon Morrow's rink third, The Blackstock men served lunch af- ter and a very pleasant time was 'Collect. Port Perry 90-r-4, or Tor-- onto Em. 38-8686. : Gordon Young Lid. Dee, 81, 1866 Please send information on Chain Saws cient ART > Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF MABEL IRENE WOON, DECEASED. I am interested in a demonstration Have a representative call .... Print Name Address .... All persons having claims. against the Estate of Mabel Irene Woon, late 4 DEAD ST 0CK "| of the- Village of Port Perry, in the _ County of Ontario, Widow, who died Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, on or about the 80th day of December, PART TIME SELLING No experience necessary. Must have a car. Young men preferred. Write Cecil Albin, 39 Elgin St., Bowmanville. picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone oy Ce: e spent. Neil Malcolm. Auditors -- Richard jan81 collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge AD pa a RY So Po FOR SALE: Registered Holstein Cow | Another pleasant time was spent VanCamp and Glenn Larmer. Ushers : 92-r-14, Lindsay 6282. Head Office, g due to calf in-2 weeks. __Hector Shortridge, Merrill Van- Phone 476 x 3, 15th day of February, 1957, full par- by a good many on Friday night at Woodville 82 r 11. Camp, Keith VanCamp, Ralph Strong, sem Martin Verkuyl, R. R. 4, Port Perry. Meeting closed with hymn and prayer by pastor. : ticulars of their claims. Immediate- the skating party in the Arena spon- rts -- ED. PECONI, ly after the said date the assets of Feb. 7 | red by the O.N.O. Those who did rl AE : = Argyle Ontario |the said deceased will be distributed | not care to skate played cards in the| "oo qin Wallace Marlow, H. BR a July 80, 1957. | among the parties entitled thereto, FOR SALE or TRADE: Clinton Chain | Community _ hall until the skaters! "po Dorrell and Rev. Roti; | having regard only o claims of which | Saw, like new. Trade for cow, sow, joined them and lunch was served. Considsrable ther business items : . ib they shall then have notice. what have you? Geo. Barnes, 2 miles| There was a good attendance at the | were dealt WL £153 re a DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, south of Utica, R.R. 4, Uxbridge. this 11th day of January, A.D., 1967. GREER and KELLY, Barristers, &e., Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. Anglican Church Sunday morning. Rev. H. E. Pellietier, Port Perry, 'again-delivered a fine sermon. } United Church was comfortably filled at 10 a.m. Sunday. Rev. P. Romeril took the service and intro- ISSO. 1} OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds ROOFING - Located at FOR SALE: Frame House in village of Greenbank, Phone Port Perry, 61 r 23. eb.7 Manchester Sweetman's Service Station Jan, 31st of work. ' Solicitors for the above Estate. rn SALE S z Lert duced Mr. Don Inkpen of Victoria Col- ik Ries sah a! 4 "OR SALE: Coleman Space Heater, | ozo Mr. Inkpen spoke briefly to the| Mr. Barry Dunbar, student at "ue- : EARL WALL AC B : = medium, practically new, reasonable; oe : PA g 4 _| toria' University assisted Rev. Mr. AUTHORIZED . Port Per : also small space heater in good con- unday School which was held imme or Gl Bill' fri 3 dition. Phone 101 r 4, Port Perry. diately after service with 166 in at-| Braham on Sunday morning. His 3 S Re igeration : tendance. There were two beautiful| theme was "The importance of full VOLKSWAGEN 2 a X . baskets of flowers placed in the time service for Christ. Mrs. Caw- 3 de a Septic anks SALES and SERVICE Jose sor A church in memory of Mrs. W. Kozub, pry a es oe Thee on ' ' . . . - -; 2 Cleaned by To AL bi soon, 'Don. Bry, Fray, dan.| Mra. Harold Weir, London, spent a| FOS TLL pp 7 Sales and Service y MAKES and MODELS 18. Reward. Phone 465 r 22. few days last week with her father, y . PUMP EQUIPMENT 3 Mr. Thos. Bowman Mr. Weir came Mrs. Theo Stevens will be hostess . "THE SURE WAY" DO Cad < saturday whl they dhninsd homme on | to the Women's Association on Thurs- fe 24 Hour Service g FOR SALE: Five Holstein Springer: | Sunday. Mrs. Bowman is convales- dug siternoly Peruary 70. 8% 2.20. PHONE 381 PORT PERRY PORT PERRY, ONT. Li " P ing at the home of her son Wilfred All-the ladies will be very welcome. : : IRWIN DeGEER ' 17 r 2, Nestleton.. Ontario. cing e Mr. Harley Johnston has returned from a vacation in Florida. Mrs. A. Fielding and Elaine visited relatives in Sunderland on Sunday. _ | Bowman, Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer and fa- mily, Whitby, spent Saturday and Mr. Vincent 'Archer, Bowmanville, Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs, Wil- bert Archer and Mr. Aléx Dever. Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowden, Cour- BROOEYN tice, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lar- , | mer and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Palk visited . ; . | PRINTED SOON... ER cocci Che Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Forsythe, Black- water on Sunday. ---- it a7 Vv Dalton Road, Sutton Phone 231 R June 16, 1967 Phone 697. al Dec. 18 RON. LOWCOCK, Prop. AIR... LAND... SEA @l2{0) 4, Information, Reservation, Tickets, Air Lines, Railways, Steamships, Hotels, Tours, Cruises. Consult F. G. Crosby Travel Agency, Uxbridge, Ont. P.O. Box 354. Phone 128 or 200-W. Office at Howard Shier's. No Service - Charge. Mar. 14, 1967. "LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Consult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING AGENT Port Perry - Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Johnston have returned home from a three weeks visit with Mr, 'and Mrs. Roy Avery and family, Tillbury. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill were Sat- urday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stinson, Yelverton. Miss N. Tyrell spent the week-end at her home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. 'Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Oshawa, were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs..Roy Taylor, Mr. Grant Ferguson, Toronto, spent the week-end with the Roy Ferguson's. Murs. Fred Dayes spent a couple of days with her siffer Mrs, Adams, Bowmanville, also attended the fun- eral of her cousin, Mr. Truman Clark in Newcastle, Tuesday. 3 Misses Jessie and Betty McArthur, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1957-- | Pear] Wright, Mable VanCamp, Dor- : een VanCamp, spent the week-end at their respective homes. - -- -- -- ---- the fire, and it will taste better. Wanted ae SPEED OK? DEAD & CRIPPLED ANIMALS Highest Prices Paid Ontario ~ Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. : Aug. 80, 196% AUCTION SALES THURSDAY, JANUARY 81st--the property of Chas. G. Lyle, lot 8, con. 8, Brock Twp., 2 miles north and 2 miles west of Sunderland -- Horses, Cattle, Pigs, Hay, Grain, Straw, Im- plements. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 p.m. No reserve. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer, Blackwater, Ont, pLEASE CHECK A Nn : NGS eZ rrionaL UST! ht. ADD REQUIRED? ¥ 0 " G. R. ELSON Phone 523-W :: Uxbridge 24 Hours Service -- 7 Days a Week 500 Ibs. or over from $1. to $5.00 Anything under 600 Ibs. picked up Free of Charge Apr.10 67 |. | BULLDOZING - EXCAVATING a ' : dg Ro. REM J - : © EXTRA LISTINGS, at little cost, make It easler ; i for people to find you:. . : Auction Sale of 44 acre farm, Case tractor, Ford late model tractor, farm Mr. John Tamblyn, Orono, Mr. and 2 ¢ implements, furniture, ete, at Lot 1,' Mrs, Osear Graham, Mr. & Mrs, Ross Concession b, Markham Township, on puff and family were Sunday supper 5 m-- IN BUSINESS!... Use extra listings to show other N i : Steeles Ave. 1 mile West of Milliken, ta of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wolfe firm names for your business--to associate your name ' 7 : TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, The farm is good clay loam, 2 barns, | Ry ran ; and residence telephone number with your firm name : ag ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING drive shed, new garage, 8 roomed| The monthly meeting of St. John's W.] --or to show after-hour numbers for you and your Pr 5 | . . x frame dwelling, good well, hydro, nice-| A, was held on January 17 with the k 1 4 v { i SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. ly situated on the townline between | new president, Mrs. John Hamilton ey employees, 4 : 4 ! TIMATES--b tract. Metropolitan Toronto and Markham | presiding. The devotional was in AT HOME... Other members of amil hi is PREF 1S y HB4F OF Contract Twp. % mile West of Kennedy High- | charge of Mrs. J. A. McArthur who \ relatives router or boarders wo F Phe Joni Pi po TL panied . way. Property of Estate of the late |read James 8 and lead in prayer. Roll . THE ' oh TRIPP CONSTRUCTION William Middleton. Terms on imple | was answered with the membership BELL TELEPHONE having their names listed in the telephone directory. oe : phy ihe dg dpi ve Jes Jom. po ia TL COMPANY Please be sure to check your directory right away. For . J1h ( rgee ve rom rs. . - ' 1 ' 3 | Phone 302W (Office) reserve bid, terms made known day of | "Get Well" wishes sent her husband : changes and additions in the white page section. Call « Lf o OF CANADA our Business Office without delay. Ef Resid Wm. Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 892] sale, during his recent illness. All were] . . : 4 en 4 pp Pp KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, [very happy to know he was improving, E : \ : Auctioneers. | Mrs, Langfeld expressed her thanks Ee a a a RE-------- x | - ig) 4 v by at \ NG

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