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Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Feb 1957, p. 6

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- mat willl - ol ana wea' ¥ AF X . ART Te Py Aon oA 2 oe agg ¥: a NALIN et, Tu NH, ae SET a Sl - 3 = Vek - [ ee Rater Teas 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, 1057 'Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, -- -- BUSINESS DIRECTORY ----, -- -- Wanted to Buy " 'l'mber land and logs, Elm, Beech, hard and soft Maple, Ash, Oak. H. M. Kyte, Blackstock tt. INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your surance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Plone 11 Port Perry Elecirical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, @® LLECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground and Serviced. OXNY-ACETYLENL and ELECTRIC WELDING, CAUSLEY MACHINE SHOP Oct. 1, 1966 Dead Stock Service removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. $2.00 service charge for each call. Telephone Collect. Port Perry 90-r-4, or Tor- onto lim. 3-3636. Gordon Young Lid. Dee. 31, 1957 DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge | V2-r-14, Lindsay 5282. 'Woodville 32 r 11. ED. PECONI, Ontario July 80, 1967. ROOFING "OIALL KINDS Head Office, Argyle Estimates given on all kinds 'of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Septic Tanks Cleaned by PUMP. EQUIPMENT "THE SURE WAY" -. 24 Hour Service IRWIN DeGEER Dalton Road, Sutton I'hone 231 R June 16, 1957 23 i 3 oo] V [-7-\ Y)/ ANC Consult the Crown Life Man Bahy Chicks We have day-old cockerels to sell our Rock x Hamp Cross are good meat type and they make excellent capons. Order now, the price is right. Write or phone Hook's Poultry Plant, Greenbank, Ont. 499-r-2, Port Perry. « Feb. 14 Bill's Refrigeration SALES and SERVICE TO ALL MAKES and MODELS DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL PORT PERRY, ON. Phone 597. Dec. 13 AIR... LAND... SEA Information, Reservation, Tickets, Air Lines, Railways, Steamships, Hotels, Tours, Cruises. Consult IF. G. Crosby Travel Agency, Uxbridge, Ont. P.O. Box 354. Phone 128 or 290-W. Office at Howard Shier's, No Service Charge. Mar. 14, 19567. Wanted " DEAD & CRIPPLED ANIMALS Highest Prices Paid G. R. ELSON Phone 523-W :: Uxbridge 24 Hours Service -- 7 Days a Week 500 Ibs. or over from $T.-to $5.00 Anything under 500 lbs. picked up Free of Charge : Apr.10.757 Epsom * Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers spent Wednesday at Brooklin with their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Murs. M. Lakey. and family. Mrs. Elsie Nicholls has been spend- ing some time visiting with her sister Mrs. Beacock snd-other friends and relatives around. Port Perry. The W.A. are holding a home baking of sale in Uxbridge on February 23rd. Miss Ann Bartlett and Miss Betty Bartlett of Brooklin spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Bailey. Mis. Rolland Armstrong spent two days recently 'in Toronto visiting with her Grandmother, Mrs, Colden. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerry spent one day last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Herb Ashton at Ashburn. Mrs. M: Bailey spent last Thursday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Prentice visit- ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prentice. Mr. Robert Newman had Sunday dinner with Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Wil- son. ky A large crowd attended the party at Manchester on Saturday evening. Proceeds in ai@ of Utica hall building fund. A good time was had by all. CEC. KING AGENT Ontario Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS i Picked up Promptly ' IFor fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. Aug. 80, 1967 Port Perry - Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kerry and Grant and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Gib- son called Sunday on Mr. and Mrs. W. Rogers. Don't forget te euchre and dance in the school this Friday evening, Feb. 8th. Come and bring your friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Ansell and son Michael of Toronto and Mr, and Mrs. George Love of Greenbank, visited on Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor, ) Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson of Vie- toria Corners visited with Mr. and Mrs, Al. Christie and Darlene on Sun- day. FREE ESTI SAND, GRAVEL} CRUSHE TRIPP CONSTRUCTION Phone 392W (Office) Residence--Wm, Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 892J STONE, LOAM, FILL. y Heur or Contract. during February, March and April.| SEY BASAL ARTE SA LF bt 2 ad oY oF Ri A ¢ - ly }, a . ¥ NE ASE SEA 34 N USE Tuas CLASSIE/£D FOR Quick ERLE SI FRSA IST Sa 5 0 BEE AY . is SL (a < Riga Sy 2 GA FASE Nr gl FARMS FOR SALE Own a piece of the earth and you'll be sitting on top of the World. PORT PERRY---15 acres and lovely modern home with town water, furn- ace, and every convenience, adjoining town of Port Perry, commuting dist- ance to and from Oshawa, Priced right with good terms. BROCK TWP.--famous for choice farms. - 161 acres. good land, border- ing village of Sunderland on Hwy, 7 & 12. Lovely solid brick home with every city convenience, immaculate throughout. Red painted barn, stab- les and garage, lots of water and hydro. good terms. We have some farm bargains for Spring at attractive prices from $8,000 and up, Brock, Scott, Uxbridge, Mari- posa T'wps. Contact- us now Mrs. M. Ballard, Sunderland ; Phone 124 Rep, Olive Howe, Realtor " FOR SALE--Electric Stove, apart- ment size, Heavy wiring. Reasonable. Phone 477-r-21, FOR SALE--Holstein Cow, fresh 4 days. J. W. Forster, Blackwater. Phone Port Perry 92-r-2, FOR SALE--Table Potatoes, deli= vered. Arthur Taylor, Port Perry 473-r-3. FOR SALE--Upright Palmer Piano in good condition. Phone 195-r-b. IFor ROOM and BOARD, downtown, phone 564 J. Feb, 14 FOR SALE: Registered Holstein Cow due'to calf in 2 weeks. Phone 4761 3, Martin Verkuyl, R. R. 4, Port Peres, . eb. FOR SALE: Frame House in village of Greenbank, Phone Port Perry, 51 r 28. Feb.7 ~ FOR SALE -- Ladies white skates, size 7%, in good condition. Phone 511-J, Port Perry. WANTED TO RENT -- Three bed- room house-in Port Perry or vicinity. G. M. Employee. Apply to Box 417, Port Perry Star. Manchester Miss Carrie Cowan, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Roach and family over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carnegie enter- occasion of Don's birthday. - Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Witherspoon and family over the week-end. visited Mr. and" Mrs. W. FF, Crosier on Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bryden, Bramp- ton, visited Mrs. Gladys Archer last Wednesday. Bor Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt have returned to their home in Manitoba after spend- ing two months with relatives here, "Mr. and Mrs. James Walker, Fort William, visited with their daughter, Mrs. Bob Banks and Mr. Banks for a few days last week. Mr, and Mrs. Colin McLaurin and family left Friday for Evanston, New York, where Mr. McLaurin has ac- cepted a position, They will still spend two months holidays at their cottage here in summer. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, A, Handel spent Monday in Trenton and her father Mr. Poole is expected to return home with them. Congratulations to Mr. B. Hough- land and bride nee Miss Jean Taylor, of Epsom, who were married Satur- day Mr. and Mrs. L. Wagner spent Fri- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evans, - Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evans visited Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Goulie, ~The W.A. will meet in the school on Friday the 16th at 1.30 Mr, and Mrs. Robert Redshaw and Mrs. Lehman visiter Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs, Talbert Evans, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Lehman, son Alvin and chum Dwight Douglas of Claremont visited Sunday at T. Evans home, A number of citizens are suffering from the flu and bad colds. Hope they will soon be well again, Prince Albert The January meeting of the Wo- man's Association met on the after- noon of Wednesday the 30th in the Sunday School room. Mr. and Mrs. KE. W. Crosier, Toronto. tained on Saturday evening on the |- son Kenny, of Toronto, were guests of | The president Mrs. Grant Hunter presided and called the meeting to order with a Hymn. Scripture read- ing from Deuteromony was taken by Mrs. B. Smith and the Lesson Thou- ghts given by Mrs. Wylie. Secretary and Treasurer's reports read. Three thank-you notes received. Fruit and Flower Committee reported seven Christmas Cheer boxes sent. Kitchen Committee reported tea- kettle mended (26c.). Visiting com- mittee reported 5 visits. A motion carried we send our Missionary Fees ($6.00). Mrs. Wylie now took charge for election of officers. A motion car- ried vice-presidents step up. Past Pres.--Mrs. Grant Hunter President--Mrs. McKerihan 1st Vice-Pres.--Mrs. Newnham 2nd Vice-Pres,--Mrs. Snelgrove Secretary--Mrs, Luke Ass? Sec"y--Mrs. A. Brown Treasurer--Mrs. Norman Wilson Ass. Treasurer--Mrs. E. Martyn Pianist--Mrs, G. Hunter Ass, Pianist==Mrs. Newnham Fruit and Flower Committee-- Mrs. W. Heayn, Mrs. W. Martyn, Mrs. Luke. Kitchen Committee--Mrs. W, 'Brown, Mrs. H. Jeffrey, Mrs, Murphy, and Mrs. Pugh Visiting Committee--Mrs. W. Brown, Mrs: Doupe, Mrs... W. Martyn, Mrs. W. Somerville, Mrs. Luke. Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Beacock to replace Mrs. Wilson at the latter's request. Parsonage Rep.-- Mrs. G. R. Smith . Hospital--Mrs. B. Smith and Mrs. Beacock . i W.M.S. Convener--Mrs. G. R. Smith The president to be representative to Church Board. .| groom were asked to occupy two Meeting closed with Hymn 483 and the repeating of the Mizpah, A A hottroast beef supper was. served by groups 1 and 2, which 'proved suc- cessful, followed by a fine program. At 8 o'clock community singing was enjoyed, Mr. Snelgrove acted as chairman for variety program planned by group 1 and 2. First number a humorous reading "Boys will be Boys" By Mrs. Les. Beacock; a vocal solo by Miss B. Hunter, Two selections by quartette, Mr. and Mrs, Snelgrove and Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter. A song by a mixed group of young folk. Mr, Ben Smith now introduced his friend, Mr. Hudson of Maple. He spoke briefly representing Lands and Forest Dept. , Then operated a couple of edu- cating and interesting reels on wild life, Bird-insects of marsh land and just what does thrive under water. These pictures were fine and our thanks go to Mr. Hudson. Miss Eileen Birkett spent Sunday with her sister Mr. and Mrs. W. Vance. Birthday Greetings to Paul M, Luke for Feb. 13th. Saturday night a number of folk gathédred at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ben. Smith. This party was planned as a shower in honour of a recently married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Midgley. Cards were played and vigiting enjoyed till the bride and chosen chairs set aside just for them. The many gifts were unwrapped and admired. They graciously thanked everyone and requested visitors would be welcome at their apartment. A dainty lunch closed a pleasant even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Don Leslie entertained the bride and groom to dinner Satur- day evening prior to the shower. Se, AND YOULL MEET A GRAND EE ") -- olks, "=-0LD MAN \ / "YES-SIREE FOLKS A REAL GENUINE PORT PERRY ENTERTAINING YOU, AND VO'*iL BE SEEING ME IN THE ADS RUN.BY" JOHN BALLARD LUMBER , ITS GOING TO BE PLEASURE, Phone 74 "WE SELL THE BEST AND SERVICE THE REST" 3 HOWARD CHALLIS, Prop. . Howard Motors - Are pleased to announce that they * Port Perry PHONE 280 [CHAIN SAWS] Buying a Chain Saw or trading your old one? Then see us before you buy, get all the plus features. Best allowance on your old saw, lowest prices for our new saws. Best parts service this side of { makes -and-models to choosefrom. -- he factory. Many Mall--LE.L.--Clinton--Homelite--Strunk--Silver King and most otlier makes on special order. Have a representative c¢ Print Name Address ........c.oee.. 7. Seseasresee seit i arts ti ie itItatanns / CTTTT TOIT) oo jan81- * Ii] Her first stop -- the bank When Mrs. Wilson planned to go shopping, her husband Tom said: "Meet you at the bank." It was a natural thing to say, for going to the In the b in bank is just a part of everyday life, ank, Mrs. Wilson noticed Miss Ellis the schoolteacher . . . Mr. Cooper the storekeeper ... and her neighbour's son Bobby, adding to his savings account, : ar | When Tom arrived, he grinned: "Seems like everybody goes to the bank." It's true. Canadians find the charterdd banks such a safe and handy place to keep money that practically Pi'. everybody has a bank account. There are now.pote than 10 million deposit accounts the chartered banks--more accounts than there are adults in the country.

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