ak Er eR a AL a ¥ Tal Bak :, 3 :. 4 . - eer "F.C Ass = " ' 4 » hed Sh FTI he FARES EY Vel ALLS avaS ¢ S58 hh : hd FAL Loy ER SAR) i FAS AI AR 2 | # Adal ig AR LAs no LT Sd OAR A HRW Lite A ots as 3 : : : SATE Ste A an Ri A ei Reale) [ELAR ED a : : 3 j - - a ot PPR 3 RRR SER SA ER ARS STRN RS SR 5 . TE RRA . i - 5 we - - 2 PTT Sr Btu oH li wn i So Pon * - , . - 'THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY th, 1957 . moss is used in'the manufacture parent in the southern part of the -- they can lean over and see all the way (45 feet. Pike, turtles, brin fish, and} .° : : rip to ori a 3 i of upholstered furnishings and in auto | State . . . to the very bottom of the river bed as| huge mudcats "about 15 lbs. in size seating. It is a multi-million dollar January 13th. Along the roadside (C pi. from Front Page) clearly as though you were looking! could he seen swimming. The leopard |industry in the south . . From Silver |I saw an armadillo. This creature is 1 Valentine Day, February vou tell ler what you want to see . . |out of your window . .. The source) fish with spotted appearance and their | Springs we journeyed to the Cypress|is about the size of a large house cat GIVE SMILES'N CHUCKLES CHOCOL S the first point of interest that we will | of the river is from several springs in| long narrow heads were unusual. Gardens, I would say the counterpart|and is covered with a flexible armour "VALENTINE WRAPPED" visit is Silver Springs . . various at- [the bottom of the river bed, the main | Christmas Tree Springs gave the ap-|f the beautiful Butchart Gardens of | coating. It eats ants for a living . . tractions such as the antique car show, | one producing 200 million gallons per | pearance of a wooded area of balsam Vancouver, B. C. , .. Banana trees in| Egg prices here in stores are b9c., a Satur a S ec the deer ranch and souvenir stores. . .| day. We could see this water boiling | trees only these were water plants blossom, camellias and azaleas con-|large percentage are imported into the " we did ride in the glass bottomed boat [up out of a crevice in the rock . .. [fully submerged with marine life tribute to a tropical wonderland. state . . . Here in New Smyrna Beach "ws VALENTI E CAKE" and submarine cruise. The boat is| plant life is abundant in this 72° F.j swimming around; On_the river banks New Smyrna Beach, Florida, Jan, 9.| which has a population of 7877 and is I UMPKIN EK / \ constrieted of @isheet of plate glass | water. Fish are plentiful and active. | grew ¢ypress trees, palins, sweet gums Florida is slightly over 400 miles in incorporated as a city, a home valued 7 . 3 in the centre of the floor area about | At the dock the water is three feet jand other tropical varieties, Over the length from Georgia border to the|at $16,000 has taxes of $06. per year. |m : : Pa - 3 12 feet long and three feet wide . . .ldeep, suddenly it drops to a depth of | cypress was draped the Spanish moss | southernmost - point, It is 885 miles |The first $6000 of assessment value is GERR S BAKERY . « . at the northern boundary and 120|tax exempt if the property qualifies : ain wand al ad -- | miles across froni the Gulf of Mexico |for homestead exemption. This re- PHONE 32W G. M. GERROW : g to the Atlantic. There is a total of | quiries that the owner live in the resi- Va 7000 miles of coast. The terrain is|dence. .A high percentage of homes very flat, the highest elevation is not | qualify for this exemption. Another | i= more than a 30 story building. . . . [thing regarding the taxes is that there the lots with a bathing beach & ocean [is no income tax in Florida, but there L k S L h C - Lid { q or river frontage range from $400 to is a reasonably heavy business tax d e cugoy um er 0. ° . . $1100 and upwards . . $40.00 down| ... Gasoline tax is 10c. per gallon ot 5 and $10 per month is a common ar-| bringing the price to about 4lc. per rangement. . . a $5,000 assessed value | gallon. home here is tax exempt with motel mm -- + Lumber " busine#s, cte. carrying a heavier bur- Cancer ie Tot 4 Conta di y il ancer a contagious dise den in taxes. Real estate is generally g ase m > Q Ju i - reasonable to purchase . .. the east Hie Pow, sheective meals of py Planing M coast is further advanced in develop- ing the disease is to educate individ- ment than the west coast ., . the als so that they may apply for treat- greatest disadvantages that T see with ment early. CONTRACTING this State is lack of employment ex-| Early diagnosis and effective treat- ) ploy Phone 240W cept in a few specialized occupations | ment are the only satisfactory means .~. . racial discrimination is more ap- | of cancer control, . - I . " EG FREE --Refreshmeni with each LUBRICATION or oil Change 200% QUALITY BEEF -- SPECIALLY SELECTED Prime Rib Roast 57- APPRECIATION DAY DRAW BONELESS Stewing Beef - - - - b/ Qc] || Each Tuesday at 900 OPOe0 2208s ht oo ROS 90909 POSOSOSOY ogee ese a0, LEAN Winner this week--$13.37 ith 5% coupon--was 3 ; o . Harvey Hp, Port Perry ¥ Minced eef = Draw next week will n front of Western Tir f "RELIANCE POSOSOS Swift's 14 1b. ; The e chest will contain $314.22 A hes. 8 Pork & Turkey Loaf 45¢ PLATTER PAK ervice Station : Pillsbury Aylmer Tomato T I D E / Crown Brand or ) i LILLA STREET NORTH ] PORT PERRY i C AKE MIXES or Vegetable Orange Pelive Get your coupons by shopping in Port Perry i Phone 404 White, Chocolate, SOUP Detergent TEA BAGS ; Rm, Yellow and Spice ki ' : _ Wadia' a : } 16-0z. pkg. 10-0z. tin Giant pkg. 100 bags | hd ° 2 2 ror 5c Jr 35c 13c a ems ratenesind 5 | New highshyled DODGE fucks iveyou i } ; ~~ LY i Stuart House oF Fol Wrap [maw 29¢ » N Non-Scuff i 0l- 16 Job XCILISIVES ISIves ly PSCore } Simoniz Floor Wax | www 1. 07 | i Rosedale Tomato Tice or. tin dC hd hi Clean Sweep - 4. Rigo Brooms ca. 79¢ Sweet and ull of juic Sunkist - Seedless - 5-1b, poly hag Florida - Seedless - 96 siz 3 3% i 1 0 Q PRIME - CANADIAN No. 1 -- 50-1b, bag = 4, iA for C / EASTERI POTATOES $1.49 ! GOLDEN RIPE i 3 BANANAS | wl rd FLAVORFUL - GREEN - New cro an' CABBAGE | , gc Birds Eye Strawberries 39c Aylmer Stuffed M I" Olives 8-07. ice box jar 39¢ 4 iP 1 1. Do haped V-8 design gives 13. Push-button driving--touch a 17. Safety-Lock door latches keep i ' : / : ., greater efficiency, economy. button, and GO! Optional on ~~ doors safely shut under impact. Lj] i Low Everyday, Prices \ alentine Values : 2. Famous L-head 6, proved in D100 models. 18. Oriflow shock absorbers soak up hes CROWN BRAND GOLDEN HOUR -- Valentine Wrapped millions of miles of hauling. 14. Forward Look styling that builds bumps far more effectively t id Wil) 3) ne #1 py 0 f . 8. Alligator hood opens to full 90° prestige for your business. other types. : TAT 5 SYRUP 2 vom Fier GX 0 LATES 89c for easiest engine servicing. 15. Biggest one-piece wrap-around 1 : Ind gg p p- 19. Shortest turning diameter on LID TON WI oid OL} Sok DEN HOUR . Cello pkg. 4. Lowest, exits Joie hoieds "windshield for better visibility. many models for easiest handling, C- h, y py CF ; mean less 'work to load an 16. Pull-type door handles for flick- 20. Baked enamel finish is fade- {a Q For 9 ad lu SUCKERS 20 For 19¢ : unload. 3 y : GI l YEL Soup 2 736) ¥ hy AFT $1: ATURE 10-07. pkg. 5. Industry's roomiest cab--ample SOR Angar ComICRIING ; Yesiviam, ii Sparkle Ror yours, KRAFT 7-02. pke. I B RP e MM A I I 0 Ww S 29¢ space for three men, Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited CARAMELS y UT Ito a cot edhe Nilo i 6. seman too 'hand brake can be From 4250 lbs. GVW. to 6500 Ih. G.C.W. .... th high-syled choco for all your hauling needs, Cood Luck Margarine in. rie. 2 PEANUTS 39¢ 7. Gas tank i is located safely outside ; : ® ) 2 . a RED & WHITE 'a. 1 Flavours 8. pre a constant-speed 'Allsweel Margarine wm. ree. 326 JELLY POWDERS 3 27c : : windshield wipers are standard. N or PSODENT -- Large Tube DIXIE BRAND - 51 gauge - 15 denier - pr. 9 Sesiidins instants on be D700 Tractor and ~~ D500 with Dump bod D400 with Milk Deki D300 with Stak body. F 17 or , "ue é Tractor an w ump Ys ely lake orward-Control | TOOTH PASTE 2 v0 £9¢g YLONS 89¢ 10. Biggest behind. the. sent. storago paler ple 8000 ibs body, 1500015." 8800 bs. max. G.. Chasis 1600 bn. | ---- ; area in the truck business. § i n. Vive way shat adins mont asfives > m- more dariving comiort. WITH THE ' " 12. Centre- ted dispatch box i } easter for Qriver 10 seach, © FORWARD - LOOK >> Free Delivery BEA | . | EARE MOTORS LIMITED one ; Por i Perry In', d PHONE 888 : 5 : : PORT PERRY WEI v