| EASY MONEY wv, AGENTS WANTED -- NO SELLING 'Call Adams Furniture, Oshawa RA 65-6536 or after 6 p.m. AL. WARD Phone 180J, Port Perry, POWER INTERRUPTION Port Perry Village SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. (S.T.) In order to carry out regular line maintenance there will be a power interruption to the Village of Port Perry. If weather conditions are unfavourable this work will be done at at later date. The Commission regrets any inconvenience that™may ~ --| ~result-from this interruption and thanks all customers for their co-operation. A. C, RICHARDSON, Manager, Uxbridge, Area. Lai ot Grand Opening 1 Only V4 Pt. Famous Ripolin Enamel » : ~ APRIL12and 13 COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND Free! Free! Free! TO THE FIRST 150 PEOPLE and 1 Paint Paddle "WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF 2 or MORE QUARTS OF SPRED SATIN or SPRED LUSTRE. YOU CAN HAVE A STEPLADDER FOR $1.99. Regular $3.49 value a || LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO. LTD. PORT PERRY =~ ONTARIO / 7 CILUX Enamel go many colors... 80 many uses 2. the others. Inside, outside, all around the Hotter CILUX Enamel is truly "One Coat Magic", CILUX makes it easy to plan tasteful: color schemes for kitchens and bathrooms. Every color harmonizes with all Ask us, too,about CILUX SupenWhite -- the whitest of white enamels. J. ORDE MARINE PORT PERRY PHONE 6503 Shh "ie LAR rince Albert Last Sundd§ "evening a grand at- tendance was present to share in the | joy of the special Fedication service, 11t was pleasang Po=welcome the 're- turn of a former pastor, Rev. W. C. Smith who pliiited 4n our 'minds a suitable sermon, _ Besides the com- pletely' re-decorated sanctuary, new chancel, flower-stands, Bible, carpets and cross were all dedicated to beau- tify His House, Spring flowers graced the pulpit area in memory. of Miss Mary Hol- man, also floral offerings from the funeral of Mrs, Wylie's mother and the McKinley family, " The mixed choir rendered an appro- priate anthem as did Mr. B. Snelgrove who sang a voeal solo "Bless This House". The guest organist Mr. c' Baker, a talented musician accompanied all hymns, also treated us to an organ solo which proved most pleasing to the ear, During the worship the spirit of the people who had contributed in the past years, or passed to their reward could be felt. The church does offer a way of life to the community that makes for all value in this district. After the service the folk roamed around admiring the furnishings, then downstairs to partake of a cup of tea and lunch. Again renewing acquain- tances with Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith and other friends who mingled and chatted. There seems a sense of pride about the people who assisted in this realization; whether it be financial, material or physical, it all produced a touch of happy accomplishment. Please reserve Tuesday night April 9 at 8.00 o'clock, when the Y.P.U. are sponsoring a progressive crokinole and box social in church parlors. Plates of lunch will also be available to persons wishing to join in sociabil- ity of eating. All ages please be on hand if interested in assisting the young folk. at S. S. on Sunday. We all extend sincere sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Wylie in the passing of Mrs. Wylie's mother, whose funeral took place on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Snelgrove have Ye- turned from a holiday in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. G. Plaunt and child- ren of Reaboro with her sister Mr. and Mrs. H. Jeffrey and family. Mrs. W. Somerville spent a fow days at the Lloyd Collins home where her sister Mrs. E, McMillan of Peterboro was visiting. Here are a few relatives who at- tended the special services from out- side points: Mr. and Mrs. A. Robert- son; Omemee with the G. Hunters. Mr, and Mrs. John Beacock, Nestle- ton, with Les Beacocks. Mr. and Mrs. C. Millers, Rfiglan with Mr. N. Wil- sons. Mr. Birkett and daughter Ei- leen, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Vance. Many of us are pleased to note Dan Nickols qualified for the gala Buffalo trip along with some 70 other Oshawa Times-Gazette carrier boys. s Aert fader that is good in preserving spiritual' Miss Grace Wilson read the story] * . "Pdi J on stata . 1 The March meeting of the Woman's Association was held in the afternoon of the 27th in the Sunday School room. Mrs. McKerihan presided. Hymn 384 opened the meeting. Scripture reading from Hebrews 11 by Mrs. G. R. Smith, and the Topic on "Faith", read by Mrs. Beacock. After reports 'were given, several items of business were dealt with, It was decided to have our meetings in the afternoon for awhile, - Plans were made for a social time following - the Dedication Service on Sunday. } A motion carried that members feel free to bring a bazaar item for sale at each meeting. A motion carried the price of quilt- ing be from 6 to 10 dollars, depending on quilt design, to others than our members. Three thank-you notes for fruit baskets sent were read. Hymn "My Faith looks up to Thee" and the Mizpah Benediction closed the meeting. Group 1 served lunch to 15. Birthday Greetings to Mr. Raymer for April 6th, and to Mrs. H. Collins for April 10th. Whitby Editor Dies J. H. Ormiston, b7, - James H. (Scotty) Ormiston, 67, onetime editor of the old Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, died in Oshawa General Hospital Tuesday, April 2nd, a week after suffering a stroke. The British-born journalist came to Canada as a youth and joined the Gazette and Chronicle after the World War I when it was published by Graydon Good- fellow. He subsequently was elected to Whitby town council and at his death was a meinber of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce. Survivors include his widow and one daughter. DANCE to dam HAMILTON T.V. STARS Wally Traugott and the Featuring Songs by. - JACK KINGSTON Friday, April 5 RED BARN OSHAWA ADMISSION 75c. productive livestock an DONNACONA suiting soaro Donméacona is the economical building and insulating board to make farm houses and barns warmer in winter, _oooler in summer. Donnacona will greatly improve temper- ature conditions and help you obtain healthier and more $ Polly. pom Increase your farm profits and ad Ee A SY | Pa Fie £ 2 Tw re A No, % fois FRR SR Td HAE TSA REY Eis i =" oats. cay a 7 - Jand Eva Hunter. handed out, but club gifts were high. Main St. Jamboree i comfort .. . use Donnacona Insul- ating Board in all farm construc- tion, Call or write us for full infor- mation, LS REESOR FUEL & LUMBER " + Prince Albert (Too late for last week) The G.N.S. Club again sponsored another series of telephone euchres. Guests gathered in the following homes--Doris Jeffrey, Florence Smith House prizes were lady count Mrs, S. Sweetman; high 'gent score Mr. Milt Heayn, Consola- tions went to Mrs, A. Smith and Mr. L. Hunter. All 'enjoyed refreshments and away home. Hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Don Leslie upon arrival of a new son, brother for Brenda. This baby is grandson for Mr, and Mrs. Ben Smith, and great grandson for Mrs, Jonas Smith. Chickenpox are visible in several homes, hope you all better soon, Sunday relatives with Mr, and Mrs. N. Wilson were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Saunders of Healey Falls with her sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.. Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. Les Smith, Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Chamberlain, Toronto, also Mrs: Robt. Jackson and Mr. Norman Shunk enjoyed Sunday evening with IN PERSON J Hank Thompson and the BRAZOS VALLEY BOYS stars of "RADIO -- RECORDS V., - MOVIES with SEVERAL OTHER GREAT PERFORMERS Thursday, April 11 RED BARN AM, 208020802080 080S0S0R0SOSOSOSS0Y - THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1067--6 Mr. apd Mrs. Ross Murphy and Alen. Wii hve J. Brain, Steven and Ladies Wednesday Christity visited relatives in Trenton - - Night Bowling on Sunda . ° : Men' S Bowling Winers of 7 o'clock bowling Vi. weatherall, 8 strikes; Ruby Adder- PLAY-OFF yng ly, 8 blows; Hidden scores Beth Oke, DeLuxe .............c.o.ev... Snes srediinie 11 Doreen Hope, Claire Lowcoek, Jean Black Jack ...... 9 Sweetman, 9 o'clock bowling,-- Carnegie ......... 8 Ruby Roach, 9 strikes; Marj. Honey, 8 Whiz Bangs ....ccecoouvvnvvveiniin 7 blows; Hidden scores, Marie Healey, Stars wanna. ETE 1 Mabel Cook, Helen Farrow, Ruby Chr. Juniors i, 3 istie, Standing as of Thursday, March 28 Don't forget the lanai Wed. at 7 [Y --- --- WARNING Dog owners or harborers of dogs in the Village of Port Perry must have a 1957 dog tag attached to the collar of each dog by April 15th, 1957, in accordance with By-Law No. 1031 as amended by By-Law No. 1050. Dog tags may be purchased at the Treasurer's Office. JOHN F_ RAINE (i ~.. GS, April 11 yd Clerk er ---- + At -- + Merchants of Port Perry APPRECIATION DAY DRAW Note Change of Date Each Saturday, April 6, at 3.30 p.m. Draw next week in front of the Master Feeds. The treasure chest will contain $446.57. Get your coupons by shopping in Port Perry DEPARTMENT STORE ARARRRAARARXXRXRXRAIIRRRAAXNARAARRAARSAASRNY EROCK [T) OUR IMPROVED, SHOE DEPT. Teenage . they're by Savage, so you v4 SAVAGE CHILDREN'S OXI'ORDS. STRAPS, LOAFERS, ETC. $4.50 and $4.95 | BABY WHITE BOOTS $2.95 and $3.75 Teen Agers Patent, SADDLES,-SUEDE, LOW CUTS ] $6.99, $7.95 & $8.95 Youth's Oxfords $4.95 - DACK SHOES- FULL ASSORTMENT AVAILABLE, LARGE STOCK Prices $195, $17.95, 24.95 BATA SHOES en's Oxfords 5.99, $7.95 and $8.95 Girls' and Ladies White BUCKS, SADDLES, LOAFERS, PATENT, PUMPS, OXFORDS $4.95 and $5.95 Boys' Oxfords ... $4.95 Hewetson Shoes BOYS' OXFORDS IN BROWN AND DILEMMA SOLVED ot BROCKS with eT LE NEA AE AE NE A AEE NE AE a Shoes rs nr ar Anniv us ns aya Yes, they're here! . . . and it's hard to choose from all the wonderful dress-ups and casuals you've been dreaming about. They're slick, they're smart . . . and know they're well-made of good leathers. Priced for your budget. All Savage Shoes spe Sanitized, too. Come revel in our selection! | BLAC 'K, 8 SPECIAL "ASSORTMENT $5.95 ¥ Sl a eo Ntopiap'ntortnstesneote storey SSS SAE A eee Se ee ee noe Se ee Sue se gag ees te Soo Fo ue Fue PT too PHONE 73 PORT PERRY CR ROBORCHOR0EOR080804 Phone Port Perry, Dominion Canvas Footwear BOYS' BLACK, White Trim, BOOTS ' $2. 75 43 Ontario | - Ot A a 1