ear a SER 2---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 11th, 1057 Epsom Mr. Walter Rogers attended the 116th Regiment banquet held in Osha- wa on Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Gordén Jeffrey visit- ed recently in Orillia with Gordan's sister Mrs. Huggins and Mr. Huggins apd Kenny, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lodge. . Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Taylor visited her mother Mrs. W, Kydd at the home ~ of Mr. Elsworth Kydd, at Sunderland, 1 recently. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers had a chicken dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry one evening recently. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers visited Mrs. Mel Lakey at Brooklin recently. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boynton of Toronto called on his parents Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Boynton recently. Don and Olive Boynton were on their way to a three weeks holiday to Washing- ton and points south in U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey spent Sunday at Oshawa with Mi. and Mrs. John Moore and Clark. . We are pleased to know that Law- rence Medd, Patsy Bailey, Clifford Boyington and Mr: Thos. Stewart are all much improved in health. were won by Mrs. R, Burnham and Mr. Jack Flewell. At the next party on Thursday, April 18th there will be a business meeting and the election of a new executive. ' Since last October there has been fifteen meetings. The financial report is as follows: amount on hand $97.30 in October. Door receipts $262.66. Balance on 'hand. $138.68. Expendi- Prince Albert Mr. and Mrs. Timleck, Toronto, was the guest of Miss FF. Holman on Sun- day, and attended church service. At Sunday School Mrs. E. Williams gave the Missionary story and Bobbie Heayn read another story. Marion Martyn and Linda Hunter put their birthday money in the little church, Mrs. G. R. Smith and Miss Spence were with relatives in Toronto on Sun- day. Mr. Murray Luke and Paul, of Hagm- ilton, spent the week-end with Mrs. C. Luke and including Mrs. McKerihan, visited Mrs. F. Stanton, in Brooklin on Saturday evening, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. V. Groupe on the arrival of their new son, Laurence Nash. wedding of the latter's brother Mr. Eric Cowan in Port Elgin on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Perry, Brougham, and Mr, Gordon Stewart, of Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and Bill on Sunday. Mrs, F. B. Johnston and Wesley, ac- companied by Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Crosier, Mrs. Wm. McCartney and Mrs. Kuehl, of Uxbridge, were in To- Mrs. Joel Miller entertained the Women's Association last Thursday afternoon. There was an attendance of twenty and a profitable afternoon was enjoyed. The W.A. will sponsor a kitchen shower for the new church kitchen on Monday evening April 16 in the basement of the church. Plans are being made for an enjoyable even- ing and lunch will be served. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Munro and son George visited Mr, and Mrs. A, Thom- son and family in Brantford last Thursday. Prospect Prospect W.A. April meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Smith on Thursday evening the 4th. Owing to the sleet storm, several members were unable to attend, yet there was a fair attendance. Helen Holtby con- culture. counter space for the church basement, The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. Helen conducted a word con- test, the winners being Kaye Smith and Margaret Holtby. The hostess was assisted by Mrs, Frank Vernon and Helen Holtby in serving an ap- petizing lunch, when a pleadant social time was enjoyed. Mrs. Hervey Painter entertained on fit Cazes ho "r ity Coates. ad tures were as follows: prizes $79.36; | ronto last Friday evening to see the Monday after school, in honour of | Canadian farmers. Also that all 3 ie lh pg Ale erson hy Soe ug groceries $37.37; music and calling, | Easter Story, presented at the Church Linda's birthday. "The children had a | farmers should market their hogs Nd this week in Toronto with her GU fei5 {tica hall, fund $35. Wreath [of Holy Trinity. wonderful time, through Co-operatives. Nid tot Marla Ns, M. Balle d Patsy | $900. Mis. $8.55. Total expenses| Miss Doreen Black, Toronto, was a Master Neil Holtby is home from |Common Meeting Ground for Mr ond Sirs. Aree Hy ited wr s211.28, week-end guest at the Arnold Roach |the hospital, Somvluseing favourably, | Farmer and Labor Sunday with* friends at Fairview ~ home. following his appendix operation. Forums thought the greatest dif- Mrs. George Smith of Whitby, was a recent guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. pay. Ontario County Farm Forum In the Second Series of Forum dis- cussions we began with The Gordon Commission. What does it mean? The greater number of groups thought it rather a gloomy forecast for Agri- They felt family-size farms shouldn't be discouraged from operat- ing and that there are too many un- known factors to accurately forecast for 25 years. Our members ggreed that it is sound in some respects, bar- ring catastrophes of nature or war, Some forums say a combination of easier credit plus more aggressive customers to shop in certain stores. What Can We Learn from Abroad? This was a glimpse of agricultural programs outside Canada of interest to Canadian farmers, Most forums decided that improvement in breeding methods, to produce quality products as demonstrated in Denmark especial- ly in hogs, bacon, ete., was the most important feature to be considered by ference is a lack of understanding of each other's problems. to buy food as cheaply as possible and yet work shorter hours for greater Farmers try to get as much as possible for the food they produce. There is no chance of shorter hours for a farmer unless he is willing to earn less, which he cannot afford to do::- Labour is organized to secure their needed benefits-and are permit- ted to strike to back up their demands, The farmer resents strikes in labour because of the tie-ups it causes in every field. Farmers must stand more solidly behind the organizations which will give them a stronger voice .in changes of government policies. all need more education as to each other's problems. A Man and His Neighbour This question was asked: How does the rural community at the- present time differ from the community of 26 years ago, and what is most needed 2s FE rhe & 4 X LX Te 2 AEN IRCA an oa ¥ A "3 SY a REALS LEASE oy Vie | ¥ 4 $ by eet eh 5H CLAS PATER TR aE AT EN Sv 4 Y\ rw 1 5 vs tJ BR <! 5 ' A Hh! eos Se a BEA th See wn Bs Ts de Wd Ai he mi Sr & ha metia x -~ "ib : : ES shy v2: Lr nt -- o - -- Fa A BE LW Foland BA LASS NE SA ATM PA RaW dn ih 5 . bog - - . Labour wants We See the Latest "Firsts" in Agriculture at BEARE MOTORS LTD, on : Monday Night, April 15th Family Community Night, 8.30 p.m. DYNAMIC 3-PLOW D-14 THE TRACTOR THAT SETS THE PACE FOR YEARS TO COME. A New Spreader FULL SPREADING ACTION EASIER LOADING P.T.0. DRIVEN Mr. and, Mrs. Gordon Taylor Manchester ducted the opening exercises, which |forms of compulsory marketing. would | fo. an jdeal community today? BUILT FOR HEAVY motored to Sudbury recently. Mrs. open with the motto. Ruby Smith [perhaps mean most to their particular Most 'forums think thelr church: is N Taylor staying a few weeks with We are very sorry to learn of the|read an Easter story, "The Changed community. i | the centre of their community. but feel SIR z SERVICE. : Marion. 3 illness of. the infant son of Mr. and | Cross". Mrs. Dearborn gave the topic | Women Shoppers and the the hy ? : : eo y would like to have a community The community club held its regular | Mrs. Keith Lyle. The baby is in the|and prayer. Ruby read the Scripture] Pricé Tag dontie tad noe Hours of lolsire te NEW FRONT END LOADERS ; euchre and dance in the school on] Hospital for Sick Children and we|lesson. Helen gave a humorous read- y NEW DISCS and CULTIVATORS Friday evening with twelve tables be- ing played. Prizes went to the follow- ing: ladies 1st, Mrs. Robert Taylor; 2nd Mr. Arthur Taylor, Con.. Mrs. Chet Geer; 1st Gents, Mr. Herman Kerry, 2nd Mr. I. Catherwood, Con. Mr. Robt. Ashenhurst, Lucky draws-- hope he will soon be, restored to his parents in good health, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Torrens and Ken- neth of Kingston, were with her, par- ents Mr. and Mrs. I'. B. Johnson over the week-end. } Mr. and Mrs. A. Roach attended the a | bowling party on March 26th. Lunch . | was enjoyed at Haugen's Restaurant, ing, "Have You had your operation?" Ruby followed with "Hanging the Curtains", giving it a local setting. Tot Holtby presided over, the business period. Janet Vernon read the min- utes, roll call, and correspondence. Our thanks to Mr. Frank Hastings of the Causeway Lanes for a successful afterwards. It was decided to purs chase a. new gas range and extra This was where: women had _their say. in spending of money, and what packaging and advertising meant to them. - According to 68 percent of forums, the factors which influence food pur- services, attractive stores, courteous clerks. A: large number of forums ex- pressed their disapproval of premium offers and trading .stamps to "lure gain, enjoy meeting- at a Centre; to play more and get acquainted with the new- comers to the community, for we have a changing world. ) : Rural life changes so often we hardly see--much less get to know-- chasing are: grade, price, brand, and four neighbours before they move a- Farm forums. in Ontario Coun- ty will be over after the Round-up on the 8th of April, until next October. --Press Sec'y, Mrs. Milton Pegg ALL WILL BE ON DISPLAY AT BEARE MOTORS SHOWROOMS ON MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 15th. "Films and Demonstration at Family Community night, 8.30. "COME AND BRING THE FAMILY" REFRESHMENTS ' DOOR PRIZES - B ° ! ° x - or . . 3 -4 This man can give you ! 0 4 5 e <2) dependable : f ; delivery of : : ks HE > ; G RISTIAN ] over = 0 , CIENCE ' : : 1 ONITOR / Fp 2 3 daily E ( J ; R : newspaper M © 0 Housewives, businessmen, : 2 ; . : teachers, and students all over . : . i : B Ee "the world read and enjoy "this ' 23) hi nites aa international newspaper, pub- - : : : - > 7 aN " 7 lished daily in Boston. World- . yr, - , famous for constructive news 9, " py ; stories and penetrating, editorials. 7 Re h / H A R B 0 A R D Special feotures for the whole . : Ki ad H ' family. . | i Let the smooth, quiet beauty of Dofinacona Hardboard ---------------------------- make your rooms younger and brighter. Attractive and The Christion Science Monitor 3 appealing, Donnacona Hardboard can also be applied One Norway St., Boston 15, Moss. over old walls... easy to paint. ..economical. It is Cand Yous insuionne: bs 10¢ lime available in many types, including Donnacona "Tem- money order. y pered" Hardboard (specially suitable for kitchens and "1 yeor $16 [J - 6 months 38 [J bathrooms). The strength and firmness of Donnacona 3 months $4 0 od Hardboard make it ideal for built-in furniture. Call us - for full information. Nome 1 ; 1 T REESOR FUEL & LUMBER Aan ' ": ; - ELS, . PHONE 73 PORT PERRY a The new '57 Chevrolet Bel Air Sport Sedan, all the reason in the world to hold your head higher! «© WHY DONT YOU Not just the way it looks, but the way it's © know, won the famous Manufacturer's" - En yr put together -- the finer materials, work- Trophy as the best performing car at A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE A GENSATION / ] 'manship and finishing touches. Not just its friskier, smoother performance, but the deep-down soundness that's special to Chevrolet in the low-price field. Try it out and you'll see it's Sweet;: Smooth and Sassy. : Daytona Beach competitive trials. There's more luxury, too, more to be just plain proud of. For there's more attention to detail. In Chevrolet, body panels fit snugly. The chrome trim is on to stay. In- -teriors have the smartness of the custom 'touch. Everywhere you look in a Chevy, yoti find the obvious marks of extra care, even to a quiet limousine "click" when you close those big solid doors! " You name it. The new 57 Chevrolet has more of it . . . inside, outside and under- neath that Body by Fisher. There's a finer ride, smoother performance and a sweeter way of going. For there's a finer balance, a more solid construction, so that great Chevrolet 6 or V8 engine can "get with it" more efficiently, delivering up to 245* h.p.' (and .so quietly). Chevrolet, you Ne 57 (ol gH =AVA RH mE = "Month after month, since its intro- duction, Canadians have bought more "57 Chevrolets than any other carl" Come on in! Get a close-up of all there is to enjoy in' this exciting Chevrolet! *Optional at extra cost. 2710 h.p. high-performance V8 engine also available at extra cost. © Only authorized Chevrolet dealers HOWARD PHONE 4 display this famous trademark - c.24570 ' i Fr ! MOTORS _ PORT PERRY / [pple]