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Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Apr 1957, p. 6

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6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 11th, 1957 BUSINESS DIRECTORY 'Wanted to Buy Timber land and logs, Elm, Beech, hard and soft Maple, Ash, Oak. = ~ H. M. Kyte, Blackstock tL INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs = may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry | Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground and Serviced. OXY-ACETYLENE and WELDING. CAUSLEY MACHINE SHOP t « Dead Stock Service removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. $2.00 service charge for each call. Telephone Collect. Port Perry 90-r-4, or Tor- onto Em. 3-3836. ral 3 ie SX: x en pr TR ST pee i £4 ELECTRIC Oct. 1, 1956 Dec. 31, 1967 DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge 92.r-14, Lindsay 6282. Head Office, Woodville 82 r 11. ED. PECONI, Ontario July 80, 1967. ROOFING is OF ALL KINDS a Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, 4 . Estimates given on all kinds x of work. ' EARL. WALLACE Port Perry Septic Tanks Cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT "THE SURE WAY" 24 Hour Service IRWIN DeGEER Dalton Road, Sutton Phone 231 R > June 16, 1957 Argyle < ie: . . [INSURANCE COMPANY i - Consult the Crown Life Man \ / CEC. KING i AGENT he oi Ontario Dead Farm Stock Port Perry - - A See AW SR, 9) ALSO -CRIPPLED ANIMALS : i; Picked up Promptly | For fastest service Phone collect & va Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM | ' Tyrone, Ont. i Gordon Young Lid. 'Aug. 80, 1957 - SEPTIC TANKS cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone 451 April 11 Dead Stock and Crippled animals Hogs, Calves, Sheep, Horses and Cattle picked up promptly. G. R. ELSON Phone collect, Uxbridge 541 24 hour service, 7 days a week. Apr. 10/67 T. V., Radio and Electrical Service PHONE 545 GORDON "Tug" Wilson Port Perry, Ont. "Car Radios a Specialty" Sept. 27 Good Gravel, efc. PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE For your sand; gravel, crushed stone, washdl sand and stone, also good loam. CALL 322-W | Ellsworth Kennedy Port Perry Ontario Keith Sweetman Haulage Course and fine road gravel. Crushed Stone, Cement Gravel Prompt Delivery. Phone 232-W April 26 SEEDS Seeds for Sale--Elmar - Ranger - Vernal - Alfalfa and other grass seeds. Registered and Commercial Garry and Rodney Oats. . Rex High Yielding 2 Row Barley. Swain's Seed Cleaner Blackstock Phone 89-r-11 B May 9 Notice To Bicycle Owners Obtain your 1957 bicycle license now to avoid prosecution. Chief 'of Police, ' ARCHIE MENZIES. AN OPTOMIST (5 A FELLOW WHO FINDS HIMSELF IN HOT WATER AND THEN SAYS, WELL | NEED A BATH ANYWAY. JOHN BALLARD ~ Lumber PHONE 280 ¥ RES me 27S). WANTED TO BUY--Electric Cement Mixer. Phone b517J. aprl8 4 FOR RENT--3-room apartment, all conveniences. Phone 246 vr 31. aprll HOUSE FOR RENT--in Port Perry. Adults preferred. Box 1, Port Perry Star, YOU TOO CAN MAKE MONEY, have security and enjoy life but it is essential to have in hand all the neces- sary elements to success. We offer you this, presently we need good re- presentatives in Port Perry and sur- roundings. To avoid disappointment, act now, we may soon find the right person, For details, 1600 Delorimier, Dept 58, Station C, Montreal. apr2b FOR SALE Day-0ld Baby Chix Cockerels Good Meat Type HOOK'S POULTRY PLANT Greenbank, Ontario apr 11 - I'OR SALE -- Gerhard Heintzman piano recently tuned & reconditioned. Phone 409 Port Perry. FOR SALE -- Guernsey cow, due; also some good baled hay. Phone 470-r-56. Lloyd- Fawns. WANTED --a woman for weekly 'cleaning. Phone 84-r-6, Port Perry FOR SALE--Full size bed, springs and clean mattress; vanity to match, blonde color. Phone 611. FOR SALE--Double Bed, Walnut, springs and mattress; Chesterfield in good condition. Phone 301-R, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Upright Palmer Piano Phone 195-r-b. Apr. 18 FOR SALE--Holstein calf for veal- ing. Apply Geo. Beare, R.R. 3, Ux- bridge. Phone Port Perry 126-r-22, FOR SALE--1949 Pontiac, Fleet- line Coach, custom radio and clock. $295.00. Phone 356-R. FOR SALE--Frame House in Port Perry, 7 rooms, 3-pc bath, full base- ment, oil heat. Priced for quick sale. Phone 529-W, "FOR SALE -- [Renfrew Coal and Wood Stove, good condition. Apply 856-J. & "FOR SALE--Registered Shorthorn Bull, 7 mos. old; also heifer, 14 mos. old; also fed yearling suitable for home freezer. Phone 462-r-H7 9, FOR SALE -- *Acousticon Hearing Aid in A-1 condition, with one year guarantee," Phone 507-J. FOR SALE -- Border Collie Pups, started to work. Phone Blackstock 74-r-4. FOR SALE -- Red Clover Phone Blackstock '11-r-11. FOR SALE--Wheat $1.45 Phone 153-r-12, Seed. a bushel. FARM HELP WANTED -- Good wages, Apply Keith Ferguson. Tele. phone Port Perry 116-r-13. Big Savings 2 showcases " Cash [Register Coleman Oil Stove. Counter with sliding doors 4 ft, Florescent fixture" 2 spotlights 4 greeting card racks Apply Port Perry Stationery Store. TRE G, ) ROOT and ROCK RAKE LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATES--by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION Phone 392W (Office) Residence--Wm. Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 892J FOR LAND CLEARING ForSale 1952 Ford 3 ton long wheelbase : outstanding condition ...... $726.00 19563 Chev. 1 ton panel, low ge mileage .....cociiininiinn. $476.00 1961 Ford custom, needs little body Work icin, $276.00 19561 Kaiser Sedan ....c.in $476.00 1950 Chev. de luxe, fully equipped ns Jenin arin $4650.00 1949 'Mercury Club Coupe ; 1047 Buick, fully equipped ....$125.00 1946 Oldsmobile, radio 1940 Plymouth, top condition $125.00 We buy cars and trucks for wrecking MANCHESTER AUTO WRECKERS 3 miles west of Manchester Phone 171.r-12 Savings We now have new and faster equip- ment for applying Roxatone the new and amazing tone -on tone plastic finish. This means that your walls, woodwork and furniture can be made to look new at even greater savings. Furniture refinished for as little as $3.00 per unit. : For free estimate call 195-r-3, AUCTION SALES SATURDAY, APRIL 13th--Impor- tant auction sale of MH combine (60), Case forage harvester with motor, Case blower, unloading automatic wagon boxes or racks, Ford tractor and equipment, No. 40 Cockshutt tractor, 36 head registered Holstein cattle, automatic electric bulk milk cooler, new, registered Yorkshire brood sows, hog, etc., grain, furniture, etc, on Lot 27, Concession 3, King Twp., on Schomberg-Aurora Highway, 2nd lane West of 3rd concession on North side, Property of Aubrey Wood. Sale at 11.30 a.m. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. SAT., APRIL 13th--Auction Sale of 36 Reg. Shorthorn Cattle, 16 Reg. Shrop. Sheep, Hogs, 2 Horses, Tractor, Implements, Hay & Grain, Straw, the property of the late Alex. D. Me- Master, Lot 29, Con, 5, Darlington, on County Road, just East of Taunton. Terms Cash, sale at 12.80 p.m. Nor- ker, Pedigrees. , - TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. TUES., APRIL 16th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of 70 Shorthorn Cattle, 300 Hens, 2 Tractors, Case Combine, McKee Harvester, full line of Tractor Implements, Hay and Grain, Furni- ture, the property of Bert Armstrong, Lot 13, Con. 13, Otonabee Twp., 3 miles South of Peterboro. Terms Cash, Sale at 12.30 p.m. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17--Auction Sale of Ferguson Tractor and equip- ment, Case (D) Tractor, farm mach- inery, silo, building, Shetland Ponies, garden and lawn tools, ornaments and accessories, miscellaneous articles, etc. in Lot 30, Con. 1, Whitby Township, on No. 2 Highway, West end of town Property of WM. SIMPSON. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm is for lease. Ken and Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. ~ april.11 - SAT., APRIL 13--Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements, 30 Hol- stein Cattle, Cockshutt No. 30 Trac- tor, A.C. Forage Harvester, A.C. For- age Blower and Team of Percheron Horses, the property of Herb Packrin, Lot 19, Con. 4, Brock Twp., 2 miles East of Blackwater at Pinedale. Terms Cash, no reserve, sale at '1.00 p.m. Geo. Edwards and Earl Innes, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. . SAT., APRIL 20th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Int. Cub Tractor, Plow, Scuffler, other Implements and Furniture, the property of B. Nufer, Lot 21, Con. 9, Whitby, on No. 7'& 12 Hwy., just South of Myrtle Station. 'Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 p.m. Cecil Heayn, Clerk. » TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. WED., APRIL 24--Farm Sold Auc- tion Sale of 30 Cattle, M-H Tractor, New Holland Baler, new, Furniture, ete. and full line of good Machinery, the property of Alex, Robertson, Lot 7, Con. b, Verulam Twp., 3 miles East of Dunsford and 7} mile North. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 p.m. * TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 27th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of 650 Hereford & Short- horn Cattle, (Reg. Hereford. Bull, 2 Sows and Pigs, etc:, the property of James W. McGill, Lot 5, Con. 12, Manvers Twp., just South of Janet- ville. Terms Cash, sale at 2.00 p.m. Clayton Brown, Clerk. TED JACKSON; Auctioneer. ma I. McMaster, Executrix, Jack Ba-| limits, known as Duncandale farm. Auction Sale Auction Sale of 2 tractors, farm machinery, ponies, ale tl steel stable equipment, etc., the property of WM. SIMPSON, Lot 30, Concession 1, Whitby Twp., on Highway No. 2 at West end Town of Whitby limits, known as Duneandale Farm, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17th, 1957 Tractor & Farm Machinery Ferguson TE-20 tractor Ferguson spring tooth cultivator, complete for field or row crop use, good Ferguson 2 furrow tractor plow, with '10 ins, bottoms, good Ferguson tractor pulley, 1-1 ins, spline } Case model (D) tractor, complete with lights, starter, pulley, ete, good condition Case 7' cut power mower, complete for 3 point hitch use, nearly new Case 4 bar side delivery tractor rake, good Cockshutt rubber. tired wagon on roller bearings, almost new Farm wagon gear, flat rack MH 2 section set spring tooth harrows Set steel drag harrows Turnpike or slush scraper Adjustable double blade road drag scraper Apple cider mill Large grindstone with pulley attach. Drag harrow, steel draw-bar, new Set platform scales, 2,600 lb¥. cap. Renfrew electric drive cream separator American Shetland Ponies and Equipment Bay pony mare, rising 6 yrs, bred July 19566 ; Sorrel pony gelding, very attractive pony. (both above ponies prize winners at various shows) Pony cart, with pneumatic tires, nearly new = Set of custom made pony harness Several cattle custom made show blankets Several cattle show halters, ete, Miscellaneous : 50 or 60 foot x 6 ins, endless drive. belt Electric double wheeled power emery complete with stand and extra wheels . 14 h.p. electric motor, 60 cycle TV antenna aerial, 30.ft. Electric neon sign Hotwater supply tank Lo: Approx. 66 General Electric fluore- . scent light bulbs, 4ft. lengths Oil tank complete with-pump Electric fast battery charger Quantity galvanized water piping Roll Page wire fencing Quantity electric fencing wire 7 steel farm gates, 12', 14' and 16' sizes 2 Quantity of.scrap iron Large wooden gate Hayfork trdck, car, draw ropes and pulleys . Rural mail box. Office desk Hot air furnace. Antique wooden plow Large lawn or garden umbrella 4 large portable picnic tables Several wooden lawn chairs Chrome and leathér settees . Bag garden fertilizer Garden cultivator - 8 x 12' child's outdoor play pen Also shovels, forks, hoes, ladders, garden and farm tools. lamps, - = pictures, sealers, chains and other articles too numerous to mention "Steel Stabling, Buildings, etc. Complete. Pedlars steel stable equip- ment, for 30 head cattle, including head rails, chain slid ties, dividers, ete. Will be sold in 3 sections as installed , Pedlars steél sire pen, Approx. 10'x18 Pedlars steel maternity cow pen, approx. 9'x18' . Pedlars steel young cattle pen, approx. 7x16' ' 4 Pedlars steel calf pens, approx. 6'x9' } 17 Pedlars livestock automatic water- ing bowls, with piping and : fittings Silo 40"x 12' curved concrete block with steel re-inforcements, recently built . 10" x 18' building, completely finished, hydro wired, picture windows fluorescent lighting, inlaid lino- leum, beautifully 'lined, painted, good building : 10' x 12" metal clad bldg. (tool house) Small frame building or shed Quantity of lumber and planking Several good panel & glass top doors Pair of garage doors Other odd building supplies Sale at 1.80 p.m. precisely. Terms cash. Owner now declining from farming, consequently no reserve. Farm is for lease. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. Markham, Ont. phone 346 Milliken, Ont."phone Axminster 3-5987 - "TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including April 18th for painting the exterior of the Port Perry Public School, 2 coats of paint, supplying all labour and material including removing - scale, peeling and the proper preparation of surface. Not to include new addition. PORT PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL. BOARD, N. W. Heayn, Secretary, | to be at Service. - - Distr ict Churches * | Spedial Easter Envelopes and pamph- The United Church of Canada - SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE. The following birthdays fall this week, and we wish each one many happy returns. May life be a thing of beapty and joy for you: From the Island--David Bowman, Shirley Col- ling," Ronald Crozier, Valerie Edgar and Garry Hulcoop; from Manchester Jim Stevens, and from Prospect Linda Painter. . i All four congregations were good on Sunday. Scugog Senior Choir sang at the morning service and the Jr. Choir sang at the Evening service. The Session met after the Evening Service and appointed John Sweetman as Director of the Senior Choir, and Ethel Redman Director of the Junior Choir. We hope that they will both enjoy the work that has been given to them. The Junior Choir of Manchester sang. -Sometime soon we will procure gowns for them, It was good to have Kaye Smith with us again in Prospect Choir. Little Karen was well enough Dianne and Sandra Fralick sang very sweetly at the even- ing service, and Rita Rodman sang "Alone" which was greatly appre- ciated. Wes rejoice that little Neil Holtby is home again; but little Eric Dyke is very ill. Let us remember Keith and | Mae in our prayers. Mr. Will Holtby was very much brighter on Sunday, and we hope to have him with us again at Church, as we have missed both Mr. and Mrs. Holtby. ' lets were given out on Sunday. We are behind in our Missionary alloca- tion, and we are asking that everyone bring a Special Donation for the Mis- sionary work of our Church dh Easter Sunday. Next Sunday will be another great day. There will be a supper at 5.00 pam, for the members of our P.M.S. Hi C Club. We hope that all our girls will be present. Bring the boy friend along; but get in touch with Mis, Jack Holtby (Helen). Our special guests will be Dr. and Mrs. Dymond. Dr. Dymond will speak at the supper hour, and then at 7.00 p.m. there will be service in the auditorium. We in- vite all the parents and all who are interested to come and worship with us. We are planning to have special music. The Club will meet this Thurs- day at 8.30 p.m. in the Manchester Church. All who are taking part in the Pageant on Good Friday evening in the Scugog Church "Grace" please have your parts memorized. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated on Sunday at our three Churches, There will be a re- ception of new members on Easter Sunday. If you are not a member of the Christian Church, will you pray about it, and come and unite with the Church? : Spring received a little set back; but the icé is gone, and the flowers will soon be reaching up to the sunlight. May this be a week of warmth and growth in Christian love for all of us. % MULTICOLOUR PAINTING {MADE EASY WITH - ROXATONE surfaces. Does a cover-all job o boards, plywood, dry wall, concrete, brick, block or laster. In years of use, Roxatone has outlasted other finishes by 3 to 1! Now applied with new ease thanks to this , ot efficient spraygun that works on your tank-type vacuum. See it demonstrated - at your Roxatone dealer's. See also the beautiful multicoloured tones in 36 different shades!" SPECIAL "GET STARTED" OFFER INCLUDES 2 QUARTS ROXATONE 1 QUART OF ROXATONE SEALER our $0.95 REG. $12.00 VALUE COLOUR-FLECKED PICKARD'S PHONE 592 ROXALIN OF CANADA, LIMITED, NEW TORONTO, ONTARIO. PLASTIC FINISH HARDWARE PORT PERRY" (former hotel) ends Sat., April 6 : NEW REGULAR PRICES BEGINS APRIL 8th 2-Pe. suit $1.25 Pants, Slacks and Plain Skirts 65c. CASH and CARRY or PICK-UP - , SCUGOG CLEANERS and DYERS Tocated at Water and Queen Sts. Dress $1.25 Phone 538 Port Perry ® Phone 50 1 ROXATONE SPRAYGUN ' vg ------ =

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