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Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Apr 1957, p. 4

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CIR XN 2S WN aAr LATTER RESINS "Yes Fs YM vy AR Tad bas "RA LAT FA RA REET AN RN Le FINN ATIL Led a Vids F 3 tia eh + Yoni ta Cg 5 4 Fy SRE Ae Nt VLE ARS ANY a RHI i £; vas BRL) | CE CARAT £1 LL ah PRAHA ETE SAA £3 TAN H $20 FAR DY IAL en N08 Rr SOS v 3 4 : 3 7 AN 84 1 HL v : A Nady : $ ya AREAS STR RE 1 Fs i ES 2 for LW SESE ERAN THU SARL] ' : 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, 1957 LOCA Appreciation Day Winner Last Saturday Mrs. Vera Moase was the lucky winner of $45.76. Congra- tulations. We were sorry Jean Wal- lace or George West were not pre- sent when their names were called. etter luck next time. . Saturday the draw will be up by CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Rev. K. W. Scott, L.Th., Rector Good Friday, April 19th-- 12.00 noon - 2.00 p.m.-- Good Friday devotions, with ad- dresses by the Rev. J, S. Cunning- ham, B.A., L.Th., Chaplain of Hart House, University of Toronto. 8.00 p.m.--"St. Luke Passion" sung by the Port Perry Choral Society with Marian Heaver, Soprano; John COMING EVENTS Easter Tea and Home Baking Sale under the auspices of the Wo- men's Auxiliary of the Church of the Ascension from 8 to 5 p.m. on Satur- day, April 27th in the Parish Hall. April 18 Shooting Match Blackstock O.N.O. Club News The April meeting of the O.N.O. Club was held in the small rooms of the Recreatienal Centre with Alma Duff and her group in charge. The meeting was in charge of the President, it was suggested that the 0.N.O. Club have a representative on the Parks 'Board to attend their meet- ings. The O.N.O. Club has been ask- ed to cater to the Curling Club Ban- quet on April 27th. and also to the Teachers' Convention sometime in June, Norma Wolfe collected for the Cancer Fund, the Club donated Twen- Prince Albert There were more than average out to church on Sunday when Mr, Wylie delivered a fine message. We also witnessed an impressive ceremony when four young people, Misses Grace Wilson, Marion Martyn, Vera Newn- ham and Lloyd Wilson were welcomed as members into the church by pro- fession of faith, also Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson by transfer from Raglan. Holy Communion was, also observed with Elders Mr. E. McCrea and Mr. I. Vickery assisting in administration. We must say "Thank You" Mrs. A. Robertson for making the new white collars for the choir gowns which is QUEEN ST,, PORT PERRY "Phoenix Appliances PURCHASED BY . Alan Craig and Bruce Crowder will now be known as MIDTOWN APPLIANCES . SAME ADDRESS . SAME PHONE PHONE 552 Western Tire and the chest will con- Kileez, tenor; Alan Jackson, Will be held at HEALEY'S STORE, ! ty_Five dollars and a general collect: : 3 LL tain $467.65. organist. 1 , | Saintfield on Hwy. 7 & 12 on Satur-| ion of $16.50 making a total of $41.50|"" improvement, : ¥ Easter Day, April 21st-- \ day, April 20th. Shooting for Maple| After the business Jessie Bowles The Church parlours was the scene N 0 T I C E A 9.30 a.m.---Choral Communion Syrup, 12 lbs. Rib Rolls of Beef, Wool! was asked to take charge of the white of a second winter crokinole party on , Cub and Scout 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School "7.00 p.m.--Evensong & Sermon guage shotgun and ammunition sup- Blankets, 10 1b. lots of butter. 12 Elephant sale and did so in her usual style; The hostess and her group ser- Tuesday night. This event was plan- ned by members of Y.P.U. A happy group of all ages cireled around eight roserssses 7 Pursuant to rgsolution of Council passed at a meeting M h A 115 plied, also 22 rifes, sporting and ved a lovely lunch and another plea- or y b ' ing ti \ 3 « " others uxiliary $orget. sant evening came to a close. The next | "02rd: At the end of playing ifs of Council bn April 13th, 1957, commencing MAY 15th, The Scout and Cub Mothers Auxil- iary will meet at the Scout Hall on April 22 at 8 p.m. to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Port Perry Ladies Auxiliary. All Scout and Cub Mo- thers since 1947 are cordially invited to attend and help make this a great success. A program has been planned and we hope all the ladies will come and enjoy this evening with us. Announcement "Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Gatenby of Port Perry announce the engagement of their daughter Bernice Willow to Mr. Hugh E. Warden of Toronto, son of Mr, and Mrs. E..W. Warden of Lindsay. The marriage to take place in Port Perry on May 4th. "Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends and neighbours, for their many acts of kindness, sympathy and flowers re- ceived during our recent bereavement. \g Mrs. Wm. Armstrong and Dale. (Mrs. G. Sweetman). Greenbank W.A. The March Meeting of Greenbank W.A. was held on Tuesday the 26th at the Parsonage. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B. A, D. D. Sunday, April 21st-- 11 a.m.--Sunday School 7 pam.--Evening Worship-- Easter Service, - Junior Choir will take part in the Service. Good Friday, April 19th-- '11 a.m.--Special Service. Rev. Robt. Wylie will give the Address. ' 3 ] v7 PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Paul Delaney Sunday, April 21st-- Sunday School at 10 a.m, Morning Service at 11 a.m, Evening Service at 7.00 p.m. The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A., B.A. Minister Sunday, April 21st-- 10.00 a.m.--Scugog Church (Grace) 11.00 a.m.--Scugog S. S. (Head) 11.15 am.--MANCHESTER 1.15 p.m.--PROSPECT CHURCH 7.30 p.m.--Scugog Church (Grace) We give you a cordial invitation to come and worship with us on Good Friday Evening at 8.00 p.m, and on Easter Sunday. «i . \ PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Spring Show The Fidelis Class of Greenbank United Church are having their an- nual Spring Show Wednesday, April 24th. This year, two plays will be presented, a one act entitled Miss Molley and a two act entitled Many Happy Returns. Plan to attend and bring the family. Admission 50c. and 26c. Proceeds in aid of the de- crotating fund. Organ Recital AND VARIETY PROGRAM in Prince Albert United Church on Wed- nesday, April 24th at 8.15 p.m. Guest organist, Mr. Clarion Baker of the Baldwin Organ Co. Everyone wel- come. Service Club The March meeting was cancelled and on the 26th the girls had a very successful evening when they present- ed an Easter Parade of hats and child- ren's wear. The little boy and girl models were very cute and probably stole the show. The hats were mo- delled and many a lady chose her Easter Bonnet. Tea was served. Our regular meeting for April will be held at the church next Tuesday night. meeting will be held at the home of Glayds Trewin and roll call will be answered with your favorite T.V. show. . The 0.N.O. dance was well attended and a good time had by all. Elaine Bailey won a prize for the best cost- ume, Harvey Graham and Joan Hos- kin won the spot dance and a visitor from Oshawa won the lucky cup prize. WHAT IS THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY! The Canadian Cancer Society is a national organization of volunteer workers with provincial groups in all of the ten provinces. The Ontario Division of the Society has 41 units which are administered by a Board of Directors elected from the units. lady prize to Ina Keizelbrink, gents high prize to Craig Williams, Conso- lations to Ken Brown and Ed. Heayn. Twenty-two dollars was the night's proceeds. Mr. James Doupe auctioned the boxes of delicious food. Others hought liberal plates of lunch and coffee for all. President Dianne Cunningham expressed thanks to all who assisted and attended to help along with social. Much praise is due this union and leader Mrs. Newnham as their project was to raise sufficient money to pro- vide a cross which is now in its place in the upstairs. This lovely gift was made possible from proceeds of the variety programs, selling candy,. box socials and crokinole parties. They now have a bus trip in mind to end the season, : (continued on page b) . siletatetatets OEE AAA SEAS ARANSAREASASARARARAARAS ARRAY, 4 5 ! ~The Port Perry Choral La WILL SING y The St. Luke Passion | By J. S. Bach oT - -in the CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, PORT PERRY Good Friday, April 19th, 8 p.m. reser ssesssornt 1957, all dogs in the Village of Port Perry must be tied up until further notice. J. F. RAINES, Clerk CR 0 DONNACONA narozoaro Let the smooth, quiet beauty of Donnacona Hardboard make your rooms younger and brighter. Attractive and appealing, Donnacona Hardboard can also be applied over old walls... easy to paint. ..economical. It is - available in many-types, including Donnacona "'Tem- Quiet Music was played by Mrs. peo py wylie, B.A. Minister THE SUNDAY SCHOOL " pered" Hardboaid (specially suitable for Lilghens and Harper and Mrs. E. Hook opened the = 70 thin ii OF THE AIR <8 bathrooms). The strength and firmness of Donnacona . . . ¢ h day, / st-- . ) - 4 i Thi v Wucking introducing the topic on y E y pnd SBRVICES Radio Station CKLB, Oshawa 3 - MARION HEAVER, Soprano jlariicad make ¢ ideal for built-in furniture. Call ua onli reading 748 from Hymn 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 1350.0 your Dial B JOHN KILEEG. Tenor ' ' : : ; BL AP Book and the Lord's Prayer-in Unison i pitt Tlig Portal We Call Sys Byway Hering at 10.05 " I ALAN JACKSON, Organist F > < otter i el 8 : on Death". . r fo 5s 2 : . I . - BIR ad ep pds pnenn Lama | | <The Public REESOR FUEL & LUMBER : op Ready Sg Ms. Geo 7 pm.--"The Light of the World". Dua. our Church needs us." i 5 ublic Are Cordially Invited : ; y { Beare gave the Topic followed by |Good Friday Service-- ec. 26-57 - <D Fat nnn nnnnnnnseest| © PHONE 73 tid PORY PERRY A Solo by| At St. John's Presbyterian Church it i Prayer by Mrs. G. Blair. Ab Mrs. Pogue was then rendered, accom- at 11.00 a.m. ' : ° , panied by Mys. Ferguson. : L "fn { Mrs. Hook then introduced the PENTECOSTAL CHURCH * 4S guest speaker Mrs. Jacobs ef Little ] I ; . ye Britain, who chose for her subject| Rev. Harold J. Williarason, Pastor (Ra "Faith", which was much enjoyed hy | Sunday, April 21st-- * ; . ay all. SPECIAL EASTER SERVICES 4 oo PENN A discussion on W. A. work then | 10 a.m.--Great Sunday School Rally. « ; i: 2 followed and Hymn 384 sung. Evang. Shrier will speak to the } ek IY The President Mrs. Smith then took Sunday School about his career with . fs charge, thanking Mrs. Chapin for a professional hockey team. - of opening her home and also the group | 11 a.m.--Evangelist J. Shrier ] i in charge. "An Empty Tomb and Divine * . Minutes were read and adopted and | Authority." . Treasurer's report given. ® Special Easter Music Mrs, R. Rodd gave a reading "If ® Prayer for the sick. « : . AZ AM Jesus came to your house". The meet- | 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service, ) & Ln closed with Mizpah Benediction and The Revival Services will continue v KAY a lovely lunch served to 22 members, | next week, Tues.,. thru Fri, 8 p.m. + } A. and 5 visitors. Come and meet with God. -, (| ; 5, : A i , i : : i JR jal Revi lake the wheel Special Revi : Foe Services hab Evang. and MRS. J.C. SHRIER f see ' + Services continue gfoxt week / TUES. thru FRIDAY, 8 pm. } @ a) and SUND "Pes : PORT PERRY PK STAL CHURC "« 8 p.m. Good Friday Service i DeSoto Firefite 2-door hardiop SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY - 2 . "10 a.m. ; i Put a new De Soto through its paces Torsion-Aire wrings"the bounce out ; ' 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Evang. Shrierj| and you discover this car was built.to of bumps, keeps you level on the turns , - do all the things that make driving a and level when you stop. Y: i ; yN ¢ - dita -------- pleasure Highead of a chore! For py, control and safety is another plus : etm ot A you get in a De Soto--you can have > New push-button Torque-Flite auto- effortless Full-Time power steering on X : : matic drive frees you from old-fashioned any model you choose. Brakes are the ' C A K E R B R 0 S gearshifting. Just press a button and new Total-Contact type that take ; ' ey ° A] you surge ahead with all the authority hold fast and shorten stopping distances, : Sk] EERE Ee that up to 295 horsepower gives. C " . ois : ome in and see us about guest-driv- " " New Torgion-Aire Ride is incredibly ing & De Soto this week, The pleasure's 8 , a Are Pleased to Wish All Their smooth and quiet, You'll ike the way oure--and youre oy, Ed Patrons a Joyous Easter YOU'RE ALWAYS A STEP AHEAD IN CARS OF THE FORWARD LOOK D> Chrysler Corporation of Cenada, Limited TH | ~ BEARE MOTORS LIMITED PHONE 29 "The Family Butcher" PORT PERRY Z PHONE 888 PORT PERRY @ -------------- . er. J k [=

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