; LBs vr SY" ABOUT THE RUHL HE ERT LAYING PROGRAM Newest Develupment in Poultry Feeding! The Master Laying Program has always been abig money-maker for poultrymen. Now it's better than ever, Years of tests and research on the Master Feeds Farm have resulted In improvements in thc Master Laying Program. . Try the Improved Master Laying Program this season and you'll find you'll get more eggs than ever before with less feed. See us today and let us show you how the Master Laying Program y has been IMPROVED, TG Rosell tat Cour! YOUR LOCAL MASTER DEALER MASTER FEEDS Fast, Fair and Friendly Service = T PERRY : er PHONE 1 @ | § ~ Annual Cancer Society Campaign( /]| ght April Ith 10 30th \ : am CANCER * Mrs. M. B. Dymond » PORT PERRY with a Phone 106 check-up cAMPAIGN CHAIRMAN for and a PORT PERRY, REACH, SCUGOG & CARTWRIGHT cheque Give Now CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY et BIE PINs FERENTIAL |Honeydale W. I. The regular monthly meeting of the W.I. was held in the Parish Hall, The Church of the Ascension, Port Perry, April 4th with Mrs. Frank Honey's group being responsible for the lovely dessert-luncheon which was served be- fore the meeing. This seems to be a popular affair according to the good- ly 'number turning out. Mrs. Sam Cawker, the president, presiding, opened the meeting at 2.30 p.m, and after the singing of O- Canada, the Ode and repeating the Mary Stewart Collect the meeting was opened for business. The different committees gave their reports. The roll call was answered by the paying of dues. Mrs. Cawker thanked all who took part in helping entertain the folks at Fair- view Lodge; it was most enjoyable and being near St. Patrick's Day "Me- amara's Band" was very appropriate. Musical numbers were given by Mrs, Cawker and Mis. Kennedy; reading' by Mrs. Allan Jackson, of Manchester, and last but not least. a fashion show of spring hats which caused much merriment among the old folk. Light refreshments were served. Mrs, S. Cawker thanked Mrs. Lloyd Dawson for arranging for a bus to Fairview also a bus to the Whitby Institute to attend their meeting. Whitby ladies entertained us royally and after a de- licious salad tea we all felt it was good to have been there. Mrs. Lawson Honey conducted the installation of officers for the ensuing year, namely: President--Mrs. Paul Diamond 1st Vice-President--Mrs, C. Graham 2nd Vice-President--Mrs, Smeltzer Secretary--Mrs. N. Williams Asst. Sec"y--Mrs. A. Brunton Treasurer--Mrs. Wm, Chapman District Director--Mrs. Wm. Moase Branch Director--Mrs. G. Hill, Mrs. Raines, Mrs. Johnston Conveners-- 2 Flower and Fruit--Mrs. S. Cawker, Mrs. S. Ploughman Home Economics--Mrs. Bell Agriculture & Canadian Industries-- Mrs. Wm, Moase : Historical Research and Current Events--Murs. I. Boyd Community Activities and Education --Mrs. G. Hill Federated News--Mrs. Smeltzer Librarian--Mrs. L. Leahy: Press--Mrs. L. Colbear Resolutions--Mrs. Lloyd Dawson Auditors--MrszBoyd, Mrs. H. Honey. Nominating Committee for 1958-- * Mrs. Fines and Mrs. Leahy The new president then assumed her office and in a few well chosen words thanked Mrs. Cawker for the capable leadership and untiring efforts during her term as President and asked the same support for herself. Mrs. L. Honey presgnted Mrs. Cawker with a lovely gift of a handbag. So OS08CE0008080808080H00S0S0OE0E0E0I0S0ECE0S0S0S0S0ROSOS0S0R0SSOS0S0E0E0S000S08000800008008080004 333338382 3 rosso ste; NOON to sta Te, Torstar Sto dtu ate, : Poo oa toute tote, ~ Po EASTER SPECIALS REGULAR $339.00. ad REGULAR $259.00. FREE Comic Balloons LARA AAAS AAA AAA 1957 30" Moffat Range, Model 30B50 $239.00 EASTER SALE 1957 Hoover Constellation Vac. Cleaner $97.50 MIDTOWN APPLIANCES PortPerry Phone 552 ~ 1957 Philips T.V. 21" Model P3620 . .. . $199.00 EASTER SALE 1957 Simplicity Washers . . . . . .From $119.00 YEAR UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE EE s, poe 'e) > yr er 00, ~ A OO ~ o m A Cll > 4, ot SASBABASASARASSARSAASARAAARARSS SAN SAASSSRARSASAARRARARARARRRANN Toteleletetetetetet Saturday, April- 20th, | i GIANT CREAM FILLED EASTER EGGS TO CHILDREN ACCOMPANIED BY ADULTS 4 ee A ee: SEE EAE VE EAE ST NE RE EA A A heer Ra eR FREE + : BOAO AAAI AAS AA AA AAR ASA ANAR AAAS ASA ARA ANN Free! Marie Fraser's new Milk recipes. Write today ? [- Ng Pine Grove Rev. Lowden will have charge of the Easter service on Sunday. He is bringing a cast for a special service of an Easter. cantata, at 8.30 p.m. Congratulations to Mr. Malcolm Rothwell who will compete in the Bisley Rifle Competitionsifr England. Pine Grove is proud of him. Best wishes goes with him as he visits his homeland. Congratulations to Mr--J. Albright who celebrated his 86th birthday on Sunday last. Mr. Clarence Albright visited him, Mrs. Robt. Banks attended a tea at Mrs. Manuels in honour of the bride- to be Miss Janet Huckabull, one after- noon last week. Mrs, E. Ballard visited with Mr. and Mrs. Manson Woods of Toronta on Sunday. WMS The Easter meeting of the United Church afternoon auxiliary was held Tuesday, April 9th in Church base- basement, The president, Mrs. Leask presiding, . Mis. Leask opened the meeting with a poem composed by 12 year old Carol Cox, "I Thank Thee Lord". Mrs. Thompson, Christian----Citizen- ship and Temperance secretary, gave a review of Upton Sinclair's book "The Cup of Fury" showing the high toll of alcoholism to-day. An effort to get the history of the Woman's Missionary Society of Port Perry United Church will be under- taken by Mis. Z. M. Jackson and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey. At the conclusion of the business session Mrs. R. Peel's group had charge of the meeting. - Mrs, L.. Colbear conducted the de- votional period. : An Easter program "The Resurrec- tion" was ably presented by Mrs. Col- bear, Mrs. Oldfield, Mrs. Cawker and Mrs. Ploughman, - A challenge to members to do His work: Are we meeting His challenge; "As my Father has sent me so send I you" Meeting closed with prayer. Tea was served by Mrs, group, Peel's . in brilliant HOLIDAY BRONZE, available in 3 models- Javelin, 35 Electric and 35 Standard FIRST IN POWER, PERFORMANCE and DEPENDABILITY See your dealer abo lt time payments. CIN GEER OY PCE RLELT ELE LTT under JQUTBGARD MOTORS". y 430 LR, Aare * 1a Madi in"Conoda by 'JOHNSON MOTORS! PEMERBBAOWG HH 74 2 §ANAQ A 2D Te n RRL! 4 2 Sand J. Orde Marine PORT PERRY, PHONE 503 WIE WILE] aL A MAK Bok Wii 4 PRETTY Sours, -15 BORN Jack Pargeter Prince Albert (continued, from page 4) The G.N.C. Club members and two visitors met at the home of Eleanor Davidson on Monday evening. The President, Pat Love, opened the meet- ing in the usual manner and pro- ceeded into general business. Treas. Myrtle Snelgrove reported the gratify- ing sum of seventy-five dollars xeal- ized from seven homes holding euchres during March. Grace Beacock gave a report on recent hospital auxiliary meeting after which twenty-five (25) dollars was voted towards same. Members had been approached regard- ing "Cancer Fund" finally agreed to canvass village and rural area short- ly. Other. benevolent suggestions were given consideration. Dues col- lected. Pat Love at this time unfold- ed a religious article, entitled "Easter" bringing in the origin of hot cross buns, rabbits, eggs, this paper proved most instructive and very fitting for the month, Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. A delicious lunch was served by Doris Jeffrey, Eva Hunter and Merle Murphy. The kind invitation to meet in Mrs. Irvine's home is much appreciated for month of May. W.A. members please keep in mind the meeting is on Tuesday afternoon, the 231d owing to the organ recital in our church on Wednesday evening to which all are invited. Silver collection. Mr. J. F. Vickery spent a few days last week with his daughter Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt and family of Oshawa. Miss Shirley Vance of Scarborough, Men's Bowling League Banquet Banquet will be held on Thursday, April.25 in WHITBY LEGION HALL, at : 7.30 p.m. Buses- will leave from Howard Motors --1st bus will leave at 6.40 p.m. * Last bus at 7.00 p.m. Any bowler who participated in only part of season may also attend but $1.00 charge will be made. ARCHIE FARMER, President < THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, 195678 Mr. and Mrs. Doyle and family spent a recent week-end with his relatives in the Ottawa district, Mr. and Mrs. D. Abbott, Mr. and Mrs, F. MacKaye, all of Oshawa, were at the home of their friends the Ben Smiths. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Vance. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Webb who have lived six months in Virginia, U.S.A., enjoyed a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith prior to settling in their home in Coboconk. ' LBROECIC| Why is the telephorie still working, Mummy? i It's most unusual when a storm affectg your : 200 telephone. It's reassuring to know that it ; has a habit of staying on the job. z The reason is that your telephone operates RY from banks of giant batteries in the telephone ' , A exchange. Should power go off for any rea- 1 son, these are charged by a Diesel motor standing by! for just oh an emergency. ' - iF So the uninterrupted service you enjoy is no accident. It takes forethought, equip- ment--and money. All are necessary if you are to have the best possible telephone etn service 24 hours a day. %) 3 : ® . 4 THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ' [ EE Et LN ER EA COMPLETE FOR SPRING-- DEPARTMENT STORE | "BROCK'S SHOES | LADIES' PUMPS PUMPS, WITH STYLISH HEEL, PATENT, BLACK CALF, BEIGE Five Complete lines ~All at $6.95 pair WHITE DESERT BOOTS $5.5 MOCASSINS, 0il Tan _ SAVAGE SHOES For Children Baby Boots, $2.95 Oxfords, Ties, etc. $4.95 "Men's ..........9595 WORK BOOTS | SPECIAL QUALITY $4.95, $6.95, $7.95, $9.50 LADIES' SHOES CLEARING nary THE CLYDE etal sete este Soe os 0c ug og $15. to $50. GIRLS" WHITE BUCKS $4.95 and $5.95 Hallmark of Comfort and Quality 'Dack Custom Grade Heavy weight mocassin in brown or black calfi.- < Extra heavy soles. Over 100 styles from Rt i 200 pairs ........... 99. 30 pairs for children 99c. a 95% THEI 3 Ye ogee ng eee 0 se se ee Te Te ee ne Service Station 3 Wie A Oo pOBOBOB OBO. A b) Hil Phone 43 Port Perry,, Ontario a