REN EET SYA NREL AAT HOARE iz Fura " Lt Cr < CH nl - 4) Apa " y add " 7 A & a x i; . ' re Y, ud - ey | 5A BY 3 HBR NRE SERA VRE SRR, an a 4¢-THE PORT PERRY BTAR, THURSDAY, MAY 0th, 1057 Polio Vaccine Notice Pre School children over 6 months of age and children up to 19 years not attending school will receive 1st shots in the basement of Port Perry Library Monday, May 13th starting at 10 aim. Those living on the North side of Queen St. come at 10 a.m. and those living South of Queen Street Please he on time! we J en Dr. Rennie will not be in his office Monday afternoon, May 13th. He will see patients Monday evening in- stead. come at 2 p.m. -- re TWP. REACH POLIO VACCINE NOTICE School sections belonging to Shirley, Cedar Creek, Prospect, Chalk Lake, Utica, Manchester, Pr. Albert, come to Polio Vaccine Clinic at Manchester Hall for pre-school over 6 months and children up to 19 not attending school Wednesday morning, Mays 15, start- ing at 9 am. Please be prompt. Those belonging to school sections, Epsom, Bethesda, Victoria Corngrs, Marsh Hill, Saintfield, Greenbank, Seagrave, Bethel, Yellow, starting at 1 p.m. Wednesday, May 15. Please be prompt. "Announcement Mr. and Mrs. George A. Palmer of Port Perry announce the engagement of their daughter, Beryl Irene to Robert" Ross Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller of Columbus. The marriage to take place on Saturday, | June 1st at 2 o'clock in the United Church, Port Perry. Birth L LOCAL NEW CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Rev. K. W. Scott, L.Th,, Rector. Sunday, May 12th-- 11.00 a.m.--Morning Prayer and Sermon. --Sunday School -1 " ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B. A., D, D. Sunday, May 12th-- Il a.m.--Christian Family Service. Parents and friends invited, 7 p.m.--Evening Worship. The Order of the Eastern Star in attendance, PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Paul Delaney Sunday, May 12th-- Sunday School at 10 a.m, Morning Service at 11 a.m, Evening Service at 7.00 p.m. The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE MINISTER: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A., B.D. Sunday, May 12th-- 10.00 a.m.--Scugog Church (Grace) 11.00 a.m.--Scugog S. S. (Head) "11.156 a.m.--Manchester Church 1.15 p.m.--Prospect Church You are invited to come and worship with us. [} i - PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A., Minister Sunday, May 12th-- 11 am.--Family Day Service "The Christian Home". The Sacrament of Christian Bap- tism will be administered at this y . . Ay LI nea pe bate dude beanie sod Ai fa PA ERTS] < LAAT - . * i ' a 5 COMING EVENTS HAVE YOU A SON IN THE SCOUTS OR CUBS? We need your help. Would you like to assist as a member of the Group Committee? It will take very little of your time. Won't you come and join us? Our next meeting will be at the Scout Hall on Wednesday evening, May 16th at 8.30- p.m, Shall we see you there? For more .infor- mation contact Mr, ut Phone 6510. Teen Town - There will be a General meeting on |- Sunday, May 12 at 2.00 p.m. in the basement of Taylor's 6 to $1.00 store. Summer activities will be discussed. All members are requested to attend. There will be no Teen Town. dance this week, due to the High School's Open House, but on Friday, May 17, there will be a Teen Town dance fea- turing the Bird-Dog (Dick McFarland) from radio station C.F.0.R Orillia. This dance is expected to draw a large crowd, so come out and rock with the Bird-Dog. The Port Perry Public School Board have kindly agreed to permit Teen Town to hold their dances this summer on Friday nights. In Memoriam BROOKS--In loving memory of Mr, Wm. E. Brooks who passed away on March 28th, 1956, Oh! how patient in thy suffering When no hand could give thee ease, God, the helper of the helpless, Saw thy pain and gave thee ease. Ever remembered by Fred, Hazel, Robert and Garth. BROOKS -- In loving memory of Mrs. Minnie M. Brooks who passed ntl Sele Sau R PERO BR a Mme bn Leslie McDonald RIE ASS SEA AN District Churches SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Our Sunday School Teachers met last week Tuesday, at Manchester, and got started: on our plang for a Daily Vacation Bible School; to be held on the Island July 8 to 21. The follow- ing were asked to'head up our three Departments: (Juniors) Ivah Fralick; (Primary) Catharine Martyn; Kinder- garten) Reta Rodman. In the near future these Departments will meet separtely, and plan their programme. | The Minister will direct the school and arrange for the transportation. This is a wonderful way, boys and girls, to spend the mornings of part of your vacation, and we know that you will enjoy it. Prospect W.A. held a joint meeting last week with Manchester, and had a wonderful gathering. A minimum of business was transacted, and that was very effectively handled by the Presi- dent. Everyone enjoyed the excellent program. We hope that eur two W.As on the Island will arrange a joint meeting in the near future, These meetings attract a large number who do not attend regularly, and puts new life into the organization. The theme on Sunday was "Living waters and broken cisterns, "At Man- chester four of our boys sang "The Church in the Wild Wood". (Murray Croxall, David Hobbs, Jimmy and Walter Stevens). Thanks ever so much boys; it was very much appre- ciated. Most of the men in our Scu- gog Choir were away at Camp; but Kenneth Braham came to the rescue. The Choir sang "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus." Kenneth also sang for us at the evening service, "The beautiful garden of prayer" accom- panied by Mrs. Thos. Redman. There was a very good congregation at the evening service, and the theme was "Those Who Came to Jesus." (Na- thaniel and Nichodemus). The Elders met after the service and set the hours of worship for the: Summer months, namely: Prospect 9.16 a.m.; Manches- ter 10.16 a.m., and Scugog 11.15 a.m. We hope that, these hours will meet with the full support of our people. Sunday will be "Mother's Day" or if you want to be more up to date Christian Family Sunday." We shall have both Senior and Junior Choirs at Scugog. Manchester is planning to have a "Mothers' Choir." The Sacra- ment of Infant Baptism will be 'ad- ministered. Would the choirs on the Island be at the Church at 9.45 a.m. and would everyone come at 10.00 a.m. which will give us a full hour, On Sunday, May 19th we are expect- ing the Cadets of Port Perry High School to worship with us at Scugog "Grace" at 11.00 a.m. There wil] be a parade at 10.30 a.m, Loud speakers will be provided outside, so that all may participate in the service, The Prospect Choir is asked to join with the Island Choir, The services at Man- chester and Prospect are withdrawn, and everyone invited to the Island. The P.M.S. Hi C Club will meet this Thurs- day at 8.30 p.m. in the Manchester church. Our final meeting will be on the 23rd, when we will close down for the Summer, Let us all be at Manchester this Thursday boys and girls, . Many happy returns of their birth- days to the following: Island--Mildred Martyn, Richard Edgar, Sydney Bray- ley. Manchester--Helen Innis; Pros- pect -- Margaret Dearborn, Marie Elenore Holtby. Please remember the services on Sunday and let it be a Family Day. Albert Hockley Heads Potato Club A number of Ontario County potato growers met in the Department of Agriculture Office, Uxbridge, on Wed- nesday, May 1st, in connection with the re-organization of the 500 Bushel Potato Club. This club has been or- ganized and has carried out a success- ful competition each year since 1945. There were nineteen potato growers who completed this high yield club in 1956. was Mr. Norman Meek, Sandford, with a yield of 635 bushels per acre. The average estimated yield of all nineteen growers in the 1956 competition was 377 bushels. = Contestants may use any recom- mended potato variety they wish and they may use any means at their dis- posal to secure the highest possible yield from the one acre they have en- tered in the competition. Anyone interested in joining this high yield Potato Club of 1957 should send their application together with a $2.00 membership fee to the Depart- ment of Agriculture Office, Uxbridge, by Jund 1st. The officers and committee for 1957 are as follows: Chairman--Albert Hockley, Claremont Vice-chairman--Harry Harper, Good. wood Sec.-Treas--H, L. Fair, Uxbridge Committee Members -- Maustyn Mec- Knight, Uxbridge; Bryon Rise- brough, Uxbridge; John Moore, Ux- bridge; John Meyers, Zephyr; Norm Meek, Sandford; Lorne Tindall, Good- wodd; Walter Savage, Uxbridge; Walter Kerry, Port Perry, {On SCUGOG REFRESHMENTS = i Follow the 14th Concession East from Seagrave BOATS Dancing Each Evening 'ORCHESTRA EVERY SATURDAY, beginning May 18th Admission--Saturday Nite 50c, LAKESHORE § PICNIC GROUNDS fe80000000000800¢ POOR OO R000 OPN Ite tite ittiettongl PHONE 29 "The Family VV CAWKER BROS. Wing Steak ................Ih. 6%. Sliced Bacon Ends ..........1h. 49c. Maple Leaf Canned Hams, each $1.59 FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING ~ UNTIL 11 0'CLOCK y Butcher" PORT PERRY away May 6th, 1954. The winner of the 1956 som etiien Mother you are not forgotten 'Tho on earth you are no more; Still in memory you are with us - oe Pd cemzca osivedesign DODGE VE Aer ant ~~ GUT BIG JOBS DOWN TO SIZE. offer more advances than other heavy haulers LYLE -- In loving memory of our . i dear brother Mervyn Leonard Lyle, who departed this life May 12th, 1949, He was worthy the name of brother He played life's battle square No matter when we needed him We always found him there Someday, sometime our eyes shall see The face we keep in memory And God will link the broken chain Still closer when we meet again. Lovingly remembered by Brothers and Sisters. STEPHENS--Heather-Joy is happy service. to announce the birth of her sister, No Evening Service. A Marilyn Mae at Port Perry Commun- : 33 ity Hospital, April 29, 1957. Daugh- ters of Evelyn and Bill Stephens. Card of Thanks " Mr. and Mrs. Craig wish to thank the police and firemen and all the wonderful people of Port Perry and surrounding country who aided in anyway the search for Wayne and John. Thanks to the effort of all they were found safe. Card of Thanks I wish to express my sincere appre- ciation to relatives, friends and neigh- bors for cards, letters, flowers and other acts of kindness, also for the many inquiries while in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Dymond, nurses and staff. THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY * Rev. Harold J. Williamson, Pastor Sunday, May 12th-- . LYLE--In loving memory of our 10 a.m.--Sunday School * dear son Mervyn Leonard Lyle who 11 a.m.--Morning Worship * entered into Eternal Rest May 12th, "Behold Thy Mother". * 1949. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service, -« There is no parting from those we love Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Service. * No distance can divide, I'ri.,, 8 p.m.--Young Peoples. For today in memory's garden Everyone Welcome «+ We still walk side by side. Each dawning day a thought of him, At eventide a prayer And in the hearts that loved him He always will be there. Sadly missed by Mum & Dad. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, Oshawa 1350 on your Dial Every Sunday Morning at 10.05 "We need our Church-- our Church needs us." Dec. 26-b7 Elmer J. Gibson. ~ DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE Prince Albert, Ontarjo We Carry a Complete Line of' Groceries, Fresh Meats, Vegetables also Frozen Foods Sunbeam Bread and Cakes OPEN EVERY NIGHT until 9 p.m. CLOSED ON TUESDAY at 1.30 P.M. For Free Delivery Phone 485 w SHORT -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, James Short, who passed away May 10, 1946 He is gone but not forgotten, And, as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are always near. Days of sadness will come o'er us, Friends may think the wound is } healed But they little know the sorrow That lies within the heart concealed. Fondly remembered by his wife and family. SCHELL--In loving memory. of a - J dear wife, mother, and grandmother, Here are the heftiest work-mates that ever shoul- turning exhaust valve rotators. Like all Dodge V-8's, Maudie Schell, who passed away on dered a king-size cargo! Dodge truck heavyweights it features dome-shaped combustion chambers for full Mays Bp To thy veut: deat inbthien pack up to 232 horsepower . . . bring you increased power from regular gas, less carbon build-up. It is sweet to Trete thy name, G.V.W.'s and G.C.W.'s that add up to a whale of Dodge heavy haulers are easiest to handle, too . . . In life we loved you dearly a payload story! ~ turn and manoeuvre in less space than other makes! From the road up, Dodge heavy haulers are built to And Dodge gives you an exclusive full-opening alli- In death we do the same. - - p z ; ; boas , : '. gator hood . . . the roomiest cab . . . the biggest Lovingly remembered by rn their keep, increase profits every mile you go! one-piece wrap-around windshield! od # JV ofe and Elect ~ W. John Naylor | husband and family.| -- : Take this: brawny D700 model (23000 lbs. max. Sle! a ; : i ES 2 Q.V.W.), for Instemie, It's the most powerfulgruck in 1 here 8 a Dodge Power Giant for your job. Let us give Es Ry © its class (216 h.p.!). And it gives You such long-life you the facts on these great trucks today! : +. to Ottawa on features as sodium-filled exhaust valves and free- CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED ; Ze . aa : ; « i + June 10th ein i | * , 7 C.C.F. Candidate ri D0 iy JU. i D700 Tractor and D500 with Dump body, Di with Milk D300 with Stake D100 Panel 3 . 7 5 45,000 bs. 6.6 W. aw, DALI IN | Wir. with The Forward Look I> & 2 rs, : : ld: 4,250 105. G.V.W. to 65,70 Ibs. G.C.W. ; : h 7 for Ontario Riding | Xe Fo, ? . "Won't yellow or absorb 7 Co-Operative Commonwealth pro Nike » B E A R E M 0 T 0 R S L | MI T E D Federation hia plate. Feo wy. n ; ; 3 rigebatons. ; PHONE 888 6 A PORT PERRY