vs rT: PX hat AA Ta het Arta ts 5 TN SE BES NR ARERR PRE EAE SR EY $C aR So 3 i 5% AEWA FRAO OVA TRS T ht : VIBRATE Lo tL SAR REAR SESE 6----THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY oth, 19567 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Wanted fo Buy 'Timber land and logs, Elm, Beech, hard and soft Maple, Ash, Oak. H. M. Kyte, Blackstock tt. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts, 24 'hour service INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone 451 July 11, 1957 Help Wanted Three girls wanted for Sunday work. Apply in person to Taylor's Restaurant, Port Perry. bbc. per hour. T.V., Radio and Electrical Service PHONE 645 Electrical and - * Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, + ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A . SPECIALTY. METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN and Serviced. _- OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC WELDING. CAUSLEY MACHIN SHOP Oct. 1, 1956 : MOWERS, Machine Ground GORDON ""T 1 =1 ug" Wilson Port Perry, Ont. "Car Radios a Specialty" Sept. 27 Good Gravel, efc. PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE For your sand, gravel, crushed stone, washed sand and stone, also good loam, CALL" 322-W Dead Stock Service removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. $2.00 service charge for each 'call. Telephone Collect. Port Perry 90-r-4, or Tor- onto Em. 38-3636. Gordon Young Lid. Dec. 31, 19567 Ellsworth Kennedy Port Perry Ontario July 20, 1967 - DEAD STOCK and Crippled animals Hogs, Calves, Sheep, Horses and Cattle picked up promptly. DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge 92-r-14, Lindsay 6282. Head Office, Woodville 82 r 11. ED. PECONI, Argyle Ontario July 80, 1957. i G. R. ELSON | Phone collect, Uxbridge 541 24 hour service, 7 days a week. 'SEEDS Seeds for Sale--Elmar - Ranger - Vernal - Alfalfa and other grass seeds, Registered and Commercial Garry and Rodney Oats. Rex High Yielding 2 Row Barley. ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, - Estimates given on all kinds of work, i EARL WALLACE Port Perry. ~~ Swain's Seed Cleaner Blackstock Phone 89-r-11 May 9 Septic Tanks Cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT "THE SURE WAY" 24 Hour Service IRWIN DeGEER - Dalton Road, Sutton Phone 231 R June 16, 19567 3 ALUMINUM || STORM-SCREEN WINDOWS AND DOORS ON EASY BUDGET TERMS © NO DOWN PAYMENT © 24 MONTHS TO PAY PHONE 280), me colons! OFFICE CLERK WANTED--Per- munent position, typing preferred, ac. curacy cin Pleasant working conditions, dll company benefits, Ap- ply Silverwoods Dairies Ltd.,, Phone 164, Port Perry. T.F. FOUND--Tire and rim on 7th Con. of Reach. Phone 320-r-18, HOUSE FOR RENT -- 4 roomed house, located Lot 11, Con. 4, Reach. Apply Howard Franklin, Phone 168-r- 4, Port Perry. May 16 FOR RENT -- Small apartment, large room and kitchen with built-in cupboards; semi-private bathroom, all conveniences. Suit young couple with child. Phone 195-r-14. May 16 FOR SALE--Kobhler Electric Plant, 116V GOCY A.C. current, suitable for cottage, small home or service station, ete. Completely automatic, no crank- ing. "4 cylinder O.H.V. water cooled engine. Phone 570 or 443-M for de- monstration and. details. FOR SALE--400 Cedar Posts, Jack Forster, Phone Port Perry 92-r-2, " FOR RENT--3 roomed self-contain-|" ed apartment, all conveniences, Phone 209, Port Perry CEMENT WORK -- Driveways, sidewalks, cellars, and steps. Phone 140-M, Port Perry ' WANTED TO RENT-- 4 or 5 room house by the proprietor of the Port Perry Painting and Decorating busi- ness. 3 adults and one 12-year old child. Reasonable. Apply Box 5, Port Perry Star. FOR SALE -- English Yorkshire Sows, first litter due June. Also ser- viceable age hog; Chestnut team of mares, 3200 lbs. Fred Milne, Black- water. Phone Sunderland 3-r-8. FOR SALE--Piano, garden tractor and 5 h.p. Mercury Outboard Motor. Paul Diamond, Phone 346-R. WORK WANTED Carpentry and Cottages also Re- pairs. Phone Blackstock 84-J. May23 WANT ADD What would be a fair price per hour, for a man and tractor that would pull a 2 or 3 furrow plow or a disk or a cultivator. When men unite to give steady em- ployment. ' CROWN 9 § J =) HERVEY: of i ofo 7] .Y A Consult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING AGENT . Port Perry - Ontario JOHN BALLARD Lumber PHONE 280 AT Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 38-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. Aug. 80, 19567 LIFE [SAN AWFUL BATTLE . | Bur we ae Figur ro say INIT. us Jack Pargeter Service Station eee E-------- 'BULLDOZING Residence--Wm. Tripp - EXCAVATING ~ TRENCHING, LOADING, ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATES --by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Phone 392W (Office) -- msm pee DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK 892W and Joe Tripp 892J FOR SALE--18 bus. of Rodney oats, cleaned, also 10 bus, Ajax oats, clean- ed and treated. . Richard E. Steer, R.R. 4, Port Perry, Phone 164-r-28, WANTED--Used small Astral Re- frigerator in good condition. Apply to Box 4, Port Perry Star. FOR SALE--2 wall mirrors, Hear- ing Aid, Violin, Metronme. All rea- sonable. Phone 483-r-18, May 16 Port Perry Painting and Decorating 20 Years Experience * WE ARE OPENING UP A NEW BUSINESS GIVE US A TRY FOR THE NEATEST and BEST PAINTING and RECORATING Job in Town * Walls Washed by Machine Faster and cheaper * Phone 475 FOR SALE -- 260 New Hamp & Rock Cross Pullets, ready to lay; also two Holstein calves for vealing. Geo. Beare, R.R. 8, Uxbridge, Phone Port Perry 126-r-22, v FOR SALE--2-storey frame house, 7 rooms, 8-pe, bath, full basement, ofl furnace, Phone 620.-W, AUCTION SALES SATURDAY, MAY 18th, 1957-- Auction sale of Household furniture, the property of the late Mrs, Willlam R. Smith, Brooklin, Ontario, the cor- her of Queen and George Sts. Terms cash, sale at 1 p.m, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. THURS., MAY 16 -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of 40 High Grade Short- horn Cattle, Matched Team Horses, 30 Hogs, W4 Tractor, Implements, Hay, Grain and Furniture, the pro- perty of Gordon Finney; Lot 6, Con. 11, Cavan, 2 miles west of Ida. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Harry Ken. nedy, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, JUNE 1st, 1957-- Important auction sale of 50 head of registered and high grade Holstein Cattle, with a few purebreds without registration papers, dairy equipment, farm machinery, lumber, late model Lincoln sedan, and miscellaneous farm articles. Property of D. A. Houston & Son, Lot 27, West % Concession 3, Vaughan Twp., 1% miles North of Maple, and 3 miles South of King City, on Keele St. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms Cash, . KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, May 9 - 30 "Auctioneers. Buy Better Hybrids for better yield. Plant Pfter Hybrids for 1957. Dealer MASTER FEEDS, Port Perry, Ont. Scugog News The evening service of worship at the. Head Church last Sunday was well attended and was as usual, a very beautiful service. We all en- joyed hearing Mr. Kenneth Braham sing again, Week-end ghests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman on AWil 27th and 28th, were Mr, and Mrs. Qwen Cliff of Tor- onto, Mr. Forest Cliff, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grumbley, all of whom at- tended a birthday celebration for Mr, Bert Cliff in Port Perry on April 28, The Head W.A. met at the home of Ruth Heayn on the evening of May Ist, with nineteen members present. After opening with our theme hymn, the hymn "Take time to be Holy" was sung, After the theme prayer Mari- on Carter read tne Scripture lesson. Ruth read the story of Abigail from our Study Book. Following minutes of our last 'meeting the roll was an- swered by "a kindness appreciated". Thanks to the W.A. were expressed by Mrs. Arnold and Helen Redman. Rita Rodman reported for the Hos- pital and we decided to again donate $10 for the Auxiliary Penny Draw. The Collections for the Cancer Fund have been completed. A discussion on more teaspoons for our tea room ended with a motion that we purchase another dozen. The program opened with a humor- ous reading by Marion Carter entitled "Johnnie reads the news". Rita and Ethel sang a lovely duet "In the Sey vice of our King." A contest o flower names was won by Dorothy Martyn. The hymn "I love to tell the Story" was sung. Joyce gave an in- teresting contest on song titles which was won by Doreen Ashbridge. The meeting closed with the benediction. Lunch was served by Ruth Heayn's group. Mr. and Mrs. John Davey of Whitby, were guests Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Gerrow, where-a family party was held in hon- our of the birthday of Mrs, F, Ger- réw. Her many friends on the Island wish her many happy returns. Mrs. A. Ashton is spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. S. Rodman, and we are always glad to have Mrs, Ashton at our community gatherings. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Beeeh and family, Mr. and Mrs. I. Travell of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs, C. Gra- ham were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman, 1 Mrs, J. Costello and son Alan of Toronto were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Alec. Martyn. "Gietat 40,50,607" -- Man, You're Crazy Forget your age! Thousands are peppy at 70. Try "pepping up" with Ostrex. Contains tonic for weak, rundown feeling due solely to body's lack of iron which mapy men and women call "old." Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for pep, younger feeling, this very day, New 45 acquainted" size only 60c. For sale at all drug stores everywheis, LJ THIS SUMMER JOY YOUR OWN | CUSTOM BUILT NOT PREFAB SUMMER COTTAGE AT BEAUTIFUL LAKE SCUGOG Only $3,995.00 Full Price AS LOW AS $495.00 Only $38.00 PER MONTH. Prin. and Int. included DOWN Fa These lovely cottages consist of 3 Bedrooms, Living Room, Kitchen, Bathroom with flush toilet. Running water and Hydro. Safe Sandy Beach, I'ishing, Boating, Warm Water. Follow Highway 7A--See our sign at Port Perry " Causeway--I1 Hour from Toronto. CAUSEWAY INVESTMENTS PL. 90111 . Even if you can only sparé a few minutes out of a busy day, take a \ demonstration ride in a new Plymouth with Torsion-Aire suspension It's downright wonderful . . . what a difference it makes when you get out of the ordinar, Thrill-Power Torsion-Aire suspension. Just take a beautiful Plymouth a few miles down one of those old bumpety-bump side roads and | see what we mean. It is an entirely new ride experience, be- cause of Plymouth's, remarkable you'l and into anew carpet. lymouth with Torsion-Aire suspension. It's like coasting along on a thick, velvety And your turning and braking feel entirely different, too. For Plymouth's Torsion-Aire suspen- sion keeps it from "heeling over" when you round a corner . . . keeps the nose of the car from "diving" when you stop. But why not get' the rest of the ever built? bit of it. story while you're flashing alon in the lowest, sleeckest Plymout ou'll love it--every Just dial for a demonstration in a new Thrill-Power Plymouth! to your Thrill-Power GO and Torque-Flite automatic drive . . . Total-Contact brakes .. . other exciting advances! How about tomorrow? Phone us, and we'll bring a fresh, frisky new Plymouth oor. Try its new -8 or 6 ush-button . and all ite CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED Ten Powss, Plymouth YOU'RE ALWAYS A STEP AHEAD IN CARS OF THE FORWARD LOOK > INNES MOTOR SALES PHONE 168 (R.R. 4 PORT PERRY) -. 4