CONES ERR GE ARV UW Ne BEY is A DE Bp Sa AASHIOT SNR REIS 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 11th, 1057 _ LOCAL ee, TITS Engagement Mr. and Mrs. George Jordan of Ep- som wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter Carol Georg- ina to Francis James Rose, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Rose of Agin- court. The wedding to take place on August 2, 1957 at the United Church Parsonage, Port Perry, Ontario. Births CAWKER--Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Cawker, a baby girl, Wendy Emily, on July 1st at the Oshawa General Hospital. MORROW -- Mr. and Mis. Gordon Morrow are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter, Joan Lynn, at the Community Memorial Hospital on June 27th, 19567. BATEMAN---Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bateman (nee Wendy Elizabeth Brun- "ton) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Elizabeth Irene, on Sunday, July 7, 1967, at Port Perry Community Hospital. Mother and Baby both doing well. i hl | ~~ Cardof Thanks I wish to express my sincere appre- ciation to relatives and friends for cards, flowers and many acts of kind- ness during my stay in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Kandel, nurses and staff. Flora E. Holman. Deaths DODD, Maria Jane--At her home Port Perry, Ontario on Tuesday, July 9th, 1957, Maria Jane Landall, beloved wife of the late Albert E. Dodd and dear mother of Ethel, Alice and Henry and grandmother of Betty, in her 90th year. Resting at the Chapel of Me- Dermott - Panabaker, Port Perry for Service Thursday at 3.30 p.m. Inter- ment Pine Grove Cemetery. ot x A 8 RE hg aL i ss STRONG, Minnnte Maria--At the home of her daughter (Mrs. Oscar Graham) Burketon, Ontario, on Tues- day, July 9th, 1957, Minnie Maria NE Coates, beloved wife of the late 1 . James H. Strong, dear mother of Lulu I id (Mrs. Oscar Graham) Gordon, Esther, Sod (Mrs. Wm. Chapman) in her 78th a . year. (PAID ADVERTISEMENT) LETTER TO THE EDITOR: I want to call attention of the rate- AN payers and citizens of Port Perry to Ral the obstruction of a public street by ad certain individuals. Our reeve, Mr. "Gibson, A. L. McDermott and Mr. J. 2h Raines are building bhoathouses across dep the east end of Beech street thus clos- Xe ing off Beech street for access by the Ai public to the water's edge. - TD Our street should be kept open for public purposes and if private persons wish to build boat houses they should do so on -their own property. By building on the street they do not only deprive the taxpayers and the public of the proper use of the street but they also avoid fair taxation. } I suggest to the citizens of Port Perry that they see the situation for themselves and TI call on the Reeve and Council to do their duty to the people of Port Perry and keep the streets free from private obstructions, If this situation is justified then any of us would be justified in building our boat houses on Queen street. C. H--A Port Perry Taxpayer. . (PAID ADVERTISEMENT) NEWS tt eee CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev, E. W Fuller, B.A., L.Th., Rector. Sunday, July 14th-- 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer L/ ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B. A., D, D. Sunday, July 14th-- 10 a.m.--~Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship Beginning July 7th, the congregat- ions of the United Church and St. Johns Presbyterian Church will hold joint services for the months of July and August, Service during July will be held in St. Johns Church with Dr. Armstrong preaching, at 11 o'clock euch Sabbath morning. The Session and congregation of St. Johns extends a sincere welcome to all who would worship with us during these joint services. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH I'astor: Paul Delaney Sunday, July 14th-- Sunday School at 10 a.m. Morning Service at 11 am, Iivening Service at 7.00 p.m. The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A, B.D. Minister: Sunday, July 14th-- 9.156 a.m.--Prospect Church 10.15 a.m.--Manchester Church 10.156 a.m.--Scugog "Head" S. S. 11.15 a.m.--Scugog "Grace" Church Let worship help you to enjoy your holidays. Come and worship with us. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A., Minister Sunday, July 14th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. £] No Eleven o'clock classes. The congregation will worship with St. John's Presbyterian Church during the, month of July. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. Harold J. Williamson, Pastor Sunday, July 14th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wednesday at 8 p.m.--Prayer meeting Everybody Welcome THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, Oshawa ) 1360 on your Dial Every Sunday Morning at 10.05 "We need our Church-- our Church needs us." Dec. 26-57 Chorus Singing Any men interested in singing in the chorus of the "H.M.S. Pinafore" to be presented by the United Church Choir carly in November please contact Mrs. John Dobson or Mrs. Douglas Hillier. Rehearsals to begin in September. Both basses and tenors will be wel- come.. A total of 2,294 births were attend- ed by Canadian Red Cross nurses at Outpost Hospitals and Nursing Sta- tions in 1956. The Canadian Red Cross reports 165,806 Canadians of all ages partici- pated in Water Safety courses in 1956. Volunteer members of the Canadian ted Cross Corps gave 107,465 hours of their time for community service in 19606. The Enquiry Bureau of the Canadian Red Cross traced 464 missing persons in 19566. Tot The Canadian Junior Red Cross has 37 Branches and 913 members in the Department of National Defence Schools in Europe. | DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE Prince Albert, Ontario NOTICE -- Free Coupons will be discontinued on July 31, 1957. or OPEN EVERY NIGHT until 9 Anyone wishing to redeem their coupons PLEASE DO SO BEFORE AUGUST 15, 1957. CLOSED ON TUESDAY at 1.30 P.M. a For Free Delivery Phone 485 w p.m, LT a 7 | N RELL URN LAN TIRE F ' % oe a) BR BS a A ns ere as Lo ety] AY AE co EVENTS Street Fair and Bingo Friday, July 12 at 8 p.m. street Fair and Bingo in Blackstock Ontario. Montgomery Orchestra. b draw prizes tickets 26¢. each or 6 for $1.00, Spon- sored by the Cartwright Agriculture Society, Doug Mackie, Pres., Wes. Sweet, Sec. Tv July 11 Bake Sale The 'Annual Bake Sale (convened by Mrs. R. O'Neill's group) of the United Church W.A. will be held on Saturday, July 18th at 10 a.m. on the Church lawn. July 11 REBEKAH & ODDFELLOW Family Picnic of the Rebekah and Oddfellow Lodges will be at Stephen- son's Point on Wednesday, July 17th, All cars meet at Lodge Room at 6.15. Ice Cream and Beverages supplied, bring lunch and dishes. b60c. pen car at entrance. Bring an article for the Penny Sale. Bake Sale Sponsored by Rebekah Lodge on Friday, July 12th, afternoon and even- ing at Palmer Memorial Park. An- other sale will be held on August 16. Donations fo Utica Hall Prince Albert Good Neighbour Club 4 Epsom Community Club . Mrs. Wm. Armstrong ....... Soeveners Bruce Bailey .....ccicreereninineininnnne Mrs. T. Anderson . ot John Millman Mervin McConnell Gordon Jeffrey sth Hugh Strong ....cecieninieennenn .. 5.00 Marie Ward ........... SPE Fred Wilkinson Bill Brown sisestetresisesiienaeriserene Ralph Wilbur ....cooniniiniennicinnn - . Corless Ashenhurst ww 20.00 Alfred Fisher niin 10.00 RUSS SONY wereerererererenrrensasseneses 50.00 Harold Kerry .... 43.20 A Friend ........ 26.00 Grant Christie ..... 4.00 Ada Stephenson ...... 1.00 Lorne Thompson .. 10.00 Alex. Sutcliffe ..... 2.00 Harold Archer .. 26.00 Lorne Beare ...... . 2.00 Mrs. J. Crosier ... ener 2,00 Olsen -& Weeden . 800.00 Leslie Smith .. 20.00 Lloyd Smith .. 20.00 Mrs. Gray o.oo. 2.00 Mrs. Jack Holtby .... 2.00 Bruce Holtby ....... . 2.00 Robert Walker .....c.occovnurirevernnn 10.00 Frank Vernon .......ciiirininns 1.00 B. Webster 2.00 C. Vernon 2.00 H. Webster ......... sr 6.00 Frank Ferri - George Harper ......eneieieniinne Cecil Harper .....oovoveeveirennreneinnns John Lawrence .. . H. Ashton ............. Stanley Lynde ..... . Walter Lynde .... 10.00 Joe Parkin ... 1.00 Clarence Gall 2.00 Alice Ross... 25.00 sarl Parrott .. 6.00 Marion Duncan ... 6.00 John McIntyre ............... 6.00 Nelson Ashton & Son ... 10.00 Ross Sandison ............ 10.00 Wm. Parrinder ..... 6.00 Elmer Wilson .. 2.00 Charlie Geer ...... 10.00 David Prentice .. 6.00 Donald Asling .. 1.60 Earl Wilson ........ 2.00 Ray Medd ........ccoovvvveviinneironinnnnne 65.00 Wm, Hill ini 6.00 Donald Taylor .. . 1.00 Gordon Taylor ........... Aisin © 1.00 Malcolm Bailey .......covvnnivnrninnnnne 6.00 Walter Rogers , 4.00 Roland Armstrong ............ . b.00 Lloyd Brain ......cuuimnnniin . Robert Taylor, Jr. .. " Arthur Taylor ein Doris Taylor .......eiiiinnns W. M. Dittrick ..... Jack Diamond ..... Wm. Legg ovens D. C. MacMaster ..... Gordon McDonald ...... Mrs. N. S. McDonald 2.00 Enoch McKnight ........ 2.00 W. L. Wagner ........ 6.00 G. Herman Kerry 10.00 Walter Kerry vive wee 10.00 Jos. W. Laviolette...........ccocnnivnne 2.00 'R. MacDonald ........covinnvnnnirninnns 4.00 Mrs, Thompson ......... 2.00 Murray Geer ... we 26.00 Jack Geer i..cnuviiniminnninn 20,00 Mrs. Robert Taylor ...... wins 5/00 Lloyd Payne ........couvrnns FRPP X11] Edward Oyler ... wie Ed, Mitchell ..ovimmmnnnermissnnis - Aleta aa James Claughton .........couinens wee B00] Cliff Sonley ....coiiininnns LA 10.00 Mr. Joel Claughton .... .. 5.00] Harvey Dobson .., . * 600 Sutherland Bros. .... « 100,00] A, Timms ....... 1,00 Frank Kendall ........c..c.coccovinninnen 26.001 C. Cook .. ...viirreriviiieitinndoine 10.00 ED Larry Kendall .......cccooviriininnnn 10.00 | Bill Stewart .......cummiimin. 10.00 Ww Wm. Philps ww. 0.00] Wm, McCartney ... 1.00 > Sam Howsam .........ccocovrevrinnrnnns 6.00 | Emily Donnelly .......ccoovvvcinnnin 2.00 . Mrs. C. Gambrille .........cooevvinninns 5.00 ni Faring EA TTI 1,00 By the Port Perry Lions Club, a lady or gentleman to teach Frank Knight 00] R. E. Steer swimming to children, 10 years an er Herman Walker .........coovi . 10.00] Max Heidt Ing . yoaTs and under. ' Robert Aird ....cococoevevvvvveeersrennns 10.00 Ted Lamb ; : ; Gras Brg py Satin oiorog Lessons to be given one morning a week during July ¥y Walter Steer cocoon 00] Donald Geer .....evecereeisrnsenens , and August at Birdseye Center Pool. y Howard Franklin... 5.00] Bruce Geer ....c.imimmin hayusts 20.00 ; : ['V) Joe R .Ward Chester Geer ~ 60. In regards to arrangements, etc. please contact Ro Earl Ballard Harold Forder ....... A us 5.00 g i : : £ ' P y Mr. Handel .o..oeeesencnnsinnsenn 00] George Kight ......c.cuuummresmmsseons Cornish, Chairman, girls and boys work. Mrs. R. Banks « 176] George Beverley ... 7 " Renzo Grani ........eomiinin 2.00] Philip Goreski ..ccooniicivinniinsins Phone 126J, or write Box 147, Port Perry. Jack Crosier Russ Harper she SUMMARY Tony Popodynec ........ouiinns 1.00 Receipts Len Saunders .........ccoccevnvninnanne 65.00 | Balance and Insurance ........ $3,126.39 Chris Ruhl ... b.00] Provincial Grant ........ccevnnriinnne 2,285.00 Bert Mitchell ..........ccevnninnis iv... 10.00] Euchres, Bake Sales, Draws, James Philips ....cccovvniviiininnnns 10.00 ELC, wirvirnini i e 850.04 Ken Alderson i" y Donations cessation 2,332.46 Henry Skerratt ......ccoovevvvinenninnnns 6.00 nn J. E. Mitchell ..cccoerrverrnrerrennnens 10.00 | TOTAL ...cooovvrernnne: Rigen $8,693.88 Sealed tenders will be received by the Council of the James Hainsworth wv Expenses aE : MIS. THNKA oovoerreersereerseeresen 00] Labor and Material ............. g7.032.48|[| Village of Port Perry for the present Corporation premises Lakey & MacGregor .............. 100.00 | Credit in bank ......ccoiiinn 661.40 pt. lot 65 on the south side of Queen Street. Innes Motor Sales ..... .. b.00 : Re. . » Ax Grist renee pi uta) ssl IRA Lowest or any offer not necessarily acccepted. Tenders A . : 236x0ansae " -- - 0 1 i. Midgley Mills ... 25.00 | Donated A truck, gravel, etc. Jods i the hands of the Clerk by Monday noon; July 22nd, Harold Dobson .... 6.00 estimated value--$891.60 . J. F. RAINES, Clerk Phoebe's OTHER PERMANENTS at $7.50 and $8.50 Phone 554, Port Perry, for appointment. | ' . D irdressing - (Port Perry) Announces the new COLOUR-TONE PERMANENT SOFT BRILLIANCE, at the special price of $10.00 July 10, 1957 Village of Port Perry Appreciation "The directors of the Port Perry Memorial Gardens wish 'to thank all citizens who cogjributed so generously toward the auction and rummage sale held in the rink on Saturday, June 15th, 1957, and also wish to thank all organizations and individuals for their fine contribution in helping the good .cause along. vy Chevrolet's just one good thing alter another ! = ~~ < Here on this page are seven of those good things -- just to start with. - You can actually find them by the 'score -- all the big features of the best-selling '57 Chevrolet! And every one of them is another clear, convincing reason why Chevrolet is so far ahead of all other cars in value, popularity, sales! more comfortable | SUPER TURBO-FIRE 283 -- The most high-spirited of Chevrolet's velvety high-compression Turbo- Fire V8's, in any of Chevrolet's 19 models. Take your choice In any of Chevrolet's 19 models, Take your choice of Four bril- liant V8's or Chevrolet's famous for-aconomy Six. p F "AIR-INTAKE HEADLIGHT HOODS -- Up to 22% more fresh, filtered air with Chev- rolet's new ventilation air In- takes, set high above road fumes! You feel more alert, @ TURBOGLIDE--You've never felt anything like Turboglide -- ABSOLUTELY NO SEN- SATION OF SHIFTI Five positions, includ- FASHION-CRAFTED INTERIORS -- Rich, lustrous fabrics, beautiful modern color combinations. Chevrolet's spacious, flaw. lessly appointed Interiors would do a much higher-priced car proud! Ing "Park" . . . and new "Hill Retarder" for safer no-braking downhill drivingl FLIGHT PANEL -- A split-second glance at Chevrolet's deep-hood- ed Command Post panel, and you know instruments have never been so elegantly easy to read| BALL RACE STEERING -- Mirror. smooth ball bearings do you a good turn . , , ease away friction, effort. Feels almost like power steering! - GLIDE-RIDE FRONT SUSPENSION -- Highly perfected knee action lets each wheel "step" over the rough spots. Take any road--all YOU feel is the superbly smooth, Chevy ridel QE MOST MODERN EFFICIENT ENGINES IN TIE WORLD Month after month since the '57 Chevrolet was introduced. Cana- dians have bought more Chevrolets than any other car . . . positive proof of public preference. CIC MOTORS PORT PERRY