oo. O - mem---- Sram da od Snip il ER aap i WE ig wore a TCE Ea 4 San = be SE 3 bap D Rk Ns ARH BILGE BAL RT or a «E3ExT TH "PORT PERRY STAR Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. / PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1957 $2.00 per year. Single Copy bc. Standard Time CHANGE YOUR CLOCKS AT MIDNIGHT ON SAT., OCT. 26 CHAPMAN -- LOWN A very pretty wedding took place 'in Port Perry United Church Satur- day, September 28th when Ora Ann Chapman, daughter of Mr. and Mr William Chapman, Port Perry, -- united in marriage with Charles Vie- tor Lown, son of Mrs. Clara Lown ot Angus Ontario and the late Victor Lown of South Gate London England. Pink and white gladiolus formed the setting for the ceremony which was performed by Rev. R. H. Wylie. Mus. John Dobson played the wedding mu- sic and accompanied the soloist Mr. Kenneth Hallett, who sang the "I.o Prayer" and "Bless this House." The bride who was given in marri- age by her father wore a full length gown of Nylon net with gathered skirt | and shirred back panel, fitted bodice and scoop neckline, Bertha collar with applique petal trim and cap sleeves, elbow length nylon mitts edged with | A crown of pearls | and sequins held her shoulder length : appliqued petals. veil of French Illusion and she car- ried a cascade of pink Roses and white chrysanthemums, Mrs. Ted Siverns, cousin of the bride was matron of honour wearing blue Organza sweeping into bouffant skirt. Miss Phyllis Strong, cousin of the bride and Mrs. Fred DeNure were bridesmaids wearing identical gowns of pink silk Organza made with fitted bodice, short 'sleeves, scoop necklines, with princess waistlines sweeping in- to bouffant skirt, matching feather headdresses adornéd with Rhinestones and elbow length mitts and' carried identical cascades of yellow chrysan- themums. Susanne MacMaster was junior bridesmaid - wearing pink Organza over Taffeta with headdress of Rose- buds. Little Mary Lynn MacMaster as flower girl wore pink Organza over taffeta, headdress of Rose buds and carried a basket of Mauve and white chrysanthemums, Mr. Murray Gibson of Port Perry performed the duties of best. man and the ushers were Jack Chapman, bro- ther of the bride and Harry Morris. The reception was held in the church parlour where the Bride's mother re- ceived wearing French Blue Lace with Antique Rose accessories and wore a corsage of yellow carnations. The sbridegroom's mother, who assisted, chose pink taffeta with Beige acces- sories and wore a corsage of pink and white carnations, - For travelling the bride chose a blue tweed suit with matching acces- sories and a corsage of pink and white carnations. The bride and groom left amid showers of confetti for a honey- +4 *moon trip to Cincinnati and points south. On their return they will re- side in Port Perry. Prior to her marrigae the bride was entertained at two miscellaneous show- ers... One by Mrs. Clarence Graham and a second by Mrs, Day. Two pre- sentations, a clock by Honeydale wo- men's Institute and a blanket from the staff of Canadian Bank of Com- bing Ann Chapman Bride of Charles Lown Scugog Chapter began the autumn T. Harrjs presiding. Following the opening ceremonies Mrs, Harris greet- ed the ladies after the summer recess a guest of the afternoon, Mrs, Harold Jackson of Union, N.J. i During the business session, Miss E. Harris reported for the Education Sec. "that the picture of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness the Prince Philip are ready to be pre- sented to the High School. The pic- tures were on display. Miss L. M. Harris Sec. of Empire and Commonwealth Affairs gave an excellent study of the 10th member to the Commonwealth - Malaga. i Our Regent graciously welcomed four new members into Scugog Chap- ter--Mrs. Smith and Miss Spence of Prince Albert and Mesdames Harry Carnegie and Campbell MacMaster, Port Perry. We hope these ladies will enjoy the interests of the Order' and we look forward to meeting and working with these new members. During the tea hour at the close of the meeting Miss Donna Sammels was our guest and this talented young mu- sician played an appropriate selection "Autumn Leaves". 'Phe music was much appreciated and we hope she will vigit us again. | Lawn Bowling Club The Annual Meeting of the Port 'Perry Lawn Bowling Club was held in the Library Rooms on Wednesday, | October 16th and despite the many delays and postponments of toutna- ments during the year, the officers were able to report a successful sea- son. for even more competitive tourna-, ments among the local members, and also the Club will be able to offer, 6 open Tournaments to members. of various Clubs in Dstrict No. 41. With the Treasurer reporting a small surplus on the year, the . Club decided to withhold the increasing of annual meeting, also to continue ad- mitting new members in 1958 for the sum of $3.00. This small fee enables new bowlers to try out the game of lawn bowls at a nominal fee, so trust | many new members will be on hand for '68. The officers elected for the new year are as follows: Roy Buckley--President. Bob Carnegie--Vice-President Art Cox--Secretary merce, where the bride is employed. and extended a particular welcome to -meeting so | amount with the furnishing of the Roy Honey--Treasurer, Chamber of Commerce Aid Minor Hockey Fund At their dinnér meeting held in the Scout Hall on Wednesday night the Chamber of Commerce voted one hun- dred dollars ($100.00) to the support of the Minor Hockey Club for the 1957-68 season. The Chamber of Commerce who have only been organized for two years are taking a keen interest in the youth of our town. The Minor Hockey Executive who are desperately in need of funds to be able to operate this winter are deeply grateful to the Chamber of Commerce and wish to thank them for their generous donation. Honour H. G. Hutcheson With Life Membership At the regular meeting of the Lions Club on Monday, October 21st, Dis- trict Deputy Governor Art Brunton had the honour of installing Lion "Bert" (H.G.) Hutcheson as the first life member of the Port Perry Lions. Lion "Bert" was instrumental in bringing Lionism to Port Périy 20 years ago. He is one of the only three charter members left, the two being i Lion Bill Carnegie and Lion Roy Corn- ish. October 21st was also Lion "Bert's" eighty-sixth birthday and the occasion was marked by a birth- day cake in his honour. Following is the address read by District Deputy Governor Lion Art. activities at the regular meeting Mon. ' Dear Lion Bert: day, October 7th, the Regent Mrs. W.' Your fellow members of the Port Perry Lions Club wish to take this op- portunity at this time of honouring you, their founder. We wish to express our profound thanks for the great labour of love you extended on our behalf, in bring- ing Lionism to Port Perry, and also for your contributions of material value in seeing our Club through its formative years. Your action in refusing to accept the honour of being our President on three occasions so that you might re- | main in the more ardious, but less glamourous office of Secrétary-Treas., ! will always be remembered and under- | stood by your fellow members. This personal sacrifice for the better- ment of your Club did not go unheed- ed however, as, District A3 Region 10 Lions International selected you as their Deputy District Governor in 1941-42. This is known to have been an action unprecedented in Lionism in your District. ke Joel Aldred to Speak at H. S. {Commencement G. MacDonald, principal of Port Perry High School, reports that on Novémber 22, at the Port Perry High School Commencement, one of Cana- dian Television's best known figures, Joel Aldred, will be guest speaker. Joel is a former Port Perry High | School Student whose parents still re- side in town. He will address the students when they receive their di- plomas and graduation certificates. Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary of the Unit- ed Church met at the home of Mrs. Murray Williams on October 8th at 8.00 o'clock, The president, Miss Gladys Joblin opened the meeting and Mrs. Bruce Beare read a poem entitled "Come Let us Count our Blessings". A (hymn was sung in keeping with this {season of Thanksgiving, "Come Ye Thankful People Come". The Scrip- ture was read by Mrs. E. Fowler. Another hymn was sung, followed by prayer. The Study Book was taken by Mrs. Frank Godly "Cross and Crisis in Japan". This chapter was made more | vivid by interesting coloured slides on Christian work in Japan, shown by Mrs. Price. Following a brief business period we enjoyed a social half hour. On behalf of the Courtesy Committee Mrs. Burnett thanked Mrs. Williams for her hospitality. : We wish to thank those who sup- ported the Apple Day canvass finan- cially and also those who organized a ------_--™_', Donations to Minor Hockey Fund Canadian Legion, Branch 419 ..$100.00 Lions Club ......... SI. C.W.L. Make Plans For Bazaar The C.W.L. held their regular mon- thly meeting on Oct. 9th. Mrs. G. Bell presided. A number of ladies from Port Perry attended the Ontario County regional meeting held at St. Gregory Auditor- ium. Rev. Walter Kerr, head of the house of Philosophy at St. Augustine's Seminary was guest speaker. Dr. Dwyer introduced Rev. Norbert Gig- nac, who will'be pastor of the bilingual parish of St. Mary's of The People, in Oshawa and who will reside at St. Gregory's. Mrs. Ed. Donnelly and Mrs. V. Le Clare were appointed conveners for the Bazaar to be held Saturday, October 26th, Tickets were given out for the Raf- fle by' Mrs, Amell. Mrs, P. Donnelly was welcomed into the league. A Bowling league was organized, and the ladies will bowl first Tuesday of the month. Lunch was served by Mrs. N. Coyle and Mrs. W. Harper. Recent Bride Fetted At Several Events marriage to Mr, Alfred Richard Kemp the son of Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Kemp of Port Perry, Ontario, took place in Christ Memorial Anglican Church on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 19th, has been feted at several pre nuptial events. Mrs. Gordon Tattersal entertained at a miscellaneous shower at her home {and wag assisted in serving by Mrs. E. J. Ferguson, Mrs. Fred Taylor, Mrs. John Taylor.and Mrs. Ray Smith. Mrs. John Glover Sr. of Kedron, Ontario and Mrs. John Glover Jr. of Toronto were co-hostesses at a mis- cellaneous shower at the former's home. Assisting in serving were Mrs. "Charles Littlefield, Mrs. David Jobb With this expression of 'our afer "and made the necessary prepaitions, ond Miss Margaret Powell. tion to you Lion Bert! we wish to The boys were very co-operative as Mrs. Warner Williams and daugh- install you as an Honorary Life Mem- hey appeared: with nicely decorated ter Miss Viola Williams were host ber of Lions International and of the Paskets and a will to tackle the job. esses at a pantry .shower at their Port Perry Lions Club. We hope you i will wear this special Lions pin with pride, and that wherever you may go it will be recognized for the Honour it is meant to indicate. : _ Yours in Lionism, © The President and the : Board of Directors, | Port Perry Lions Club. Past President S. N. Griffin was | asked to give something of the history of the Port Perry Club. Lion Sam missed being a charter member by.one is well versed in the events of the Club. The Port Perry Lions have made! Boys and Girls Work. During the years they have made one of the largest contributions to the Memorial Arena, have helped in a considerable Hospital, supplied glasses and eye The proceeds were estimated to he slightly above average and will help to meet current operating expenses. Congratulations to the prize win- ners in the basket decorating contest, We know you didn't inconvenience the entire household while decorating, and it was fun wasn't it? Inasmuch as we are quite concerned with our financial problems it might be well to become familiar with me- thods of financing the Group. Each section of the Group must he self supporting as far aw' possible. For Plans for next year provides their project Sight Conservation and | this purpose the main source of reven- ue is weekly dues. The amount of weekly dues to be paid by each member should be set by the section concerned. Funds raised by or allotted to the operations to many children, finan- ced the yearly examination of eyesight other community projects. During the evening perfect attend- ance pins were presented to 10 mem- bers, Heading this list, Lion Cee. King has 13 years perfect attendance followed by A. Brunton 9 years, I Boyd 8 years, I. Haugen 8 years, R. Cook 7 years, S. Bruton 6 years, A. Farmer 8 years, J. Hayes 1 year, F. Honey 1 year, Dr. McNab 1 year, Rew: E. W. Fuller, rector of the Church of the Ascension, was wel- comed as a guest, section must be administered by the section, Regular financial reports Dues from $7.50 to $10.00 till next in the Public School and numerous must be submitted to the Group Com- mittee which must arrange for annual audit, Every encouragement and oppor- 'tunity must be afforded for Scout to earn money for camp fees and the purchase of their 8h uniform and equipment. Help us to train your boy in the way that he should go. Everyone benefits from good Scouting. Your Group Committee, | home in Oshawa, Serving were Misses Lorna Gail, and Marilyn Williams, Miss Gail Barlow and Miss Eleanor Tilling. Friends and neighbors of the pro- spective bride gathered at the home of Mrs. John Powell, Oshawa for a miscellaneous shower, with Mrs. Sid- ney Baldwin, Mrs. Carson Heard and Mrs. Dan MacDonald serving lunch. Friends and neighbors of the fut- ure bridegroom held a miscellaneous shower at the home of the bride- groom's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Kemp, in Port Perry. Lunch was ser- ved by Mrs. Alfred Kemp, Sr., Mrs. Norman Boynton, Mrs. Bert Suddard, Mrs. George Saunders and Mrs. M. Dale and Miss Sandra Taylor. The girls from the Traffic Depart- ment of the Bell Telephone Company, Oshawa office, presented the bride elect with a toaster. Friends of the future bridegroom parents in Port Perry and presented a lamp and ash stand. Following the rehearsal on Friday evening, the bridal party were enter- tained by Mrs. Sidney Baldwin at the home of her parents Mr. and Mra, Reginald Luke, King Street, East, Oshawa. COPIES OF OUR HISTORICAL AND MEMORIAL EDITION ARE STILL I AVAILABLE. © Single Copy 18e. Miss Margaret Ann Taylor whose |- held a stag party at the home of his. With Cheque The Fund being raised by the Min- or Hockey Club of Port Perry was augmented by another generous do- nation. The Port Perry Lions pledged $100.00 in its support at the last meet- ing. The local Lions have always taken an interest in the young people of the district and are happy to give them this help for their program of minor hockey this coming season. The Executive of the Minor Hockey Club would like to thank the Port Perry Lions Club for their generous donation to this fund. Chamber of Commerce Hold Dinner Meeting Members of the local Chamber en- joyed a delicious turkey dinner at the Scout Hall on Tuesday evening, pre- pared and served by the Brownie and Guide Mothers Auxiliary of the local Girl Guide Association. A sports film, outlining the high- lights of the 1956 Stanley Cup hockey series, was enjoyed by the 33 members attending, President Storey Beare reviewed the progress being made on the many projects in hand, outlining the ar- rangements to be made for the Santa Claus Parade, to be held on Saturday, December 7th, 1957. The Honourable Dr. Matthew B. Dymond, M.L.A., minister of Reform Institutions, who is also a member of the Port Perry Chamber of Commerce complimented the Chamber on its past record of projects achieved, and point- ed out the necessity for continuing oi forts being. made to attract suitable industries to this. area. He assured the organization of his continuing sup- port, both officially and personally. The President thanked Dr. Dymond for his kind remarks and brought the meeting to a close at 9.30 p.m. Teen Town By Danny Reesor . The Teenagers that were able to overcome the effects of the flu cn- joyed a very pleasant evening of dan- cing in the Public School auditorium last Friday, The dance was capably convened by Lillian Couves and the chaperones for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Rod Foster of Greenbank. Some of the readers of this column will remember reading a few weeks ago, of the visit Mr. Norman Aldred paid to us and that he left with us some of his samples to 'be used as prizes. Some of these prizes are still left and they were awarded by various | means during the evening. The lucky . : x33 "i | prize winners were: Elimination dance --Gloria Fralick and Bruce Taylor; | Spot Dance Jennifer Edwards and Dave Wilson, lan Beare was able to name one of the voealists played at one point in the evening and received a record. We were sorry to hear of the de- feat suffered by Doug. Brock in the recent elections at O.C.V.I. Doug. joined Port Perry Teen Town this past summer along with other Osha- wa Teenagers. Doug. was rinning | for President of the Student Congress Cabinet of O0.C.V.I. There will NOT be a dance this Friday coming, in the Public School auditorium but instead it is hoped that you will support the High School sponsored dance in the High "School auditorium, Don't forget the Ball Club's Hallowe'en Dance on Hallowe' en night, Thursday, October 31st, when you are required to wear a costume. This dance will be held in the Public School auditorium. Watch for The Minor Hockey Booster Pins fo be on sale . Lions Aid Minor Hockey Fund SI Jo eh Wedding KEMP - TAYLOR White poms on the altar, baskets of bronze, yellow and white chysanthe- mums flanking the chancel steps, for- med the setting in Christ Memorial Anglican Church, Oshawa, for a 3.00 o'clock wedding Saturday afternoon, October 19th, when Margaret Ann Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Taylor, Jr. of Oshawa, Ont., was unit- ed in marriage with Alfred Richard (Bud) Kemp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Kemp of Port Perry, Ontario. The double ring ceremony was per- formed by the Venerable Arch Deacon H. D. Cleverdon, and the wedding mu- sic was played by Mr. W. G. Rapley who accompanied Mr. William Shep- herd who sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Because", Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor length gown of lotus white silk velvet. Long lily point sleeves and a scoop neckline off- set the moulded bodice, and a full length princess panel highlighted the billowing skirt of unpressed pleats. A grecian headdress of pearls held her finger tip veil of embroidered net, and she carried a white prayer book crest- ed with a mauve orchid and white sweetheart roses, which were also caught in the white ribbon streamers. Mrs. Norman Boynton, sister of the bridegroom, was matron of honor wearing avocada green. The other attendants were Mrs. David Jobb, sis- ter of the bride and Miss Sandra Tay- "lor both in copper mist, with Miss Margaret Powell, cousin of the bride, as' junior bridesmaid, also in avocada green. Their waltz length gowns of silk velvet were fashioned on identi- cal lines with short sleeved bodices having portrait necklines with bouf- fant skirts of unpressed pleats. They wore elbow length mittens, swirl fea- ther headdresses and shoes to match their gowns, and cach carried a cas- cade of yellow baby chrysanthemums. Mr. Gerald (Jerry) Bent performed the duties of best man, and the ushers were Mr. David Jobb, brother-in-law of the bride, and Mr. Norman Boynton, the bridegroom's brother-inilaw. The reception was held in Christ Church Parish Hall where the bride's mother received the guests wearing a gown of cocoa beige silk crepe, a feather trimmed mandarin hat of cho- colate brown velvet and brown acces- sories; harvest gold roses comprised her corsage. The bridegroom's mo- ther, who assisted chose a gray and black figured silk ecrystalette dress, a small white velour hat and corsage of pink delight roses. Centering the table for the bridal party was a three tier wedding cake, nested in white tul- le and shasta ¢rysanthemums, flanked on either side with tall white tapers in crystal holders. Baskets of white, bronze and yellow chrysanthemums formed an effective background. Arrangements of the same flowers decorated all the tables for the wed- ding dinner served by the Women's Association of Christ Church, Arch Deacon H. D. Cleverdon offered grace and later as toastmaster proposed a toast to the bridal couple which was responded to by the bridegroom. Mr. Gerald Bent toasted the bridal atten- dants, response being made by Mr. David Jobb. The parents of the bride and bridegroom were also appropriate- ly toasted by Ven Arch Deacon Cle- verdon, which was responded to by the bride's father. The father of the bridegroom also voiced good wishes. Following the reception, the guests were entertained at the home of the bride's parents, in Oshawa, and later at the Masonic Temple, Centre Street, Oshawa, For the honeymoon trip the bride chose a beige suit with rust accesso- ries and a corsage of mauve orchids. On their return the couple will re- side in Port Perry, Ontario. Out of town guests were present from Ro- chester and Buffalo, N.Y., Hamilton, Toronto, Nestleton, Port Perry, Agin. court, Ajax, Whitby and Lindsay, Ont, : | i