A rdf Two p02 | 4--THE FORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 81st, 19567 LOCAL Birth HOLTBY--Bruce and Jean Holtby are happy to announce the birth of " daughter Margaret Janette, on Friday, October 18th, 1957 at the Community Rev. E. W. Fuller, B.A., L.Th., Rector I 0 D.E M ti Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. oe Weld de ee mg The regular meeting of The Scugog Chapter, 1.O.D.E. will be held he Card of Thanks The family, of the late Clarence Les- | lie Hood wish to express their sincere thanks and deep appreciation to rela-! tives, friends and neighbours for their acts of kindness, expressions of sym- pathy and floral tributes extended during their recent bereavement, Holstein Master Breeder Killed The most dangerous animal in the world, the "quite" dairy bull, claimed another victim on October 26, when F. C. (Cliff) Eligh, one of Canada's most prominent diarymen was killed by his three-year-old herdsire. Mr. Eligh lived at Finch, near Cornwall, Ontario. He had apparently entered the bull's pen while alone and had been attached. His badly gored body wag discovered later by the hired man who had been plowing. Mr. Eligh was President of the Hol- stein-Friesian Association of Canada in 1956, and was prominent as a judge and in community life. He was a Mas- ter Breeder. The funeral took place on Tuesday, October 29, at 2.00 p.m. from the United Church at Finch. CANADA SAVINGS BONDS A safe basic investment. R. J. HARPER, PHONE 204 = Authorized Agent -- Paid Advertisement -- EXCERPT FROM ONTARIO LAW; "609 Vote required to permit estah- lishment of Government Qutlet Stores. No further vote may be held for 3 full years on any phase of the liquor question. Another 609, separate vote three years hence would be required to permit establishment of beverage rooms, STATEMENT OF FACT: Every business man supporting the establishment of legal stores now, would be strongly opposed to a bever- age room vote. -- Paid Advertisement -- NEWS THE CHURCHES COMING EVENTS CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican Church of Canada) Sunday, Nov. 3rd-- 11 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. y Sermon, The Rector, } Tuesday, Nov. 5th, 8 p.m..-- Service of Induction, Rev. E. W Rev. F. H, Wilkinson, Bath Towel and Fuller. Bishop of Toronto will officiate. Adults $1.60. Children 75c¢, rooms of the Order on Monday, 4th at 2.30 p.m, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN Minister: CHURCH Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B. A,, D. D. Sunday, Nov, 3rd-- 11 a.m.--Sunday School | 7.00 p.m.--Evening Worship. Face Cloth Shower To be sponsored by Mesdames King and Kerry, at the home of Mrs. Nor- man Kerry, on Wednesday, Oct. 30th, from 2 to b o'clock and in the evening from 7 to 10 o'clock. This is for the linen cupboard at the Hospital and in aid of the work done by the Hospital Auxiliary. Bring your friends, your The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Minister: Rev. J. K. Braham, Sunday, Nov. 3rd-- 10.156 a.m.--SCUGOG 11.00 a.m.--SCUGOG M.A, B.D, CHURCH "Head" S.S. 11.156 aam.--MANCHESTER Church | Home Baking table, Candy, Oppor- 1.16 p.m.--PROSPECT CHURCH 7.30 p.m.--SCUGOG "Head" "Remember the Sabbath Day to Kg it Holy!" Come and worship with us, contributions toward this shower, and enjoy Tea and a social hour, Bazaar The United Church W. A, will hold their Annual Bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 2nd, in the Church Basement. tunity Booth, Christmas Articles, Par- cel Post, etc. are featured. After- P| noon Tea will be served. Time 8 to 6 p.m. Everyone Welcome. Oct.31 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. -E. 8. Linstead, Minister Sunday, Nov. 8rd-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School Qari '11 a.m.--Morning Worship and Jr. Sunday School. Box Social and Dance The Cancer, Polio & Tuberculosis Committee of I.0.0.F, and Rebekah PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rgv. Harold J. Williamson, Pastor "Sunday, Nov. Srd-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wednesday, 8 p.m., Prayer Meeting |H.M.S. Pinafore Friday, 8 p.m.--Young Come and Worship with us. Peoples Lodges will hold a Box Social and Dance, Friday, Nov. 16th, at 8.30 p.m. in Manchester Hall. Admission to Ladies with Boxes free. Men who at- tend Stag .60c. to be refunded on pur. chase of box. dancing. Everyone welcome, Nv14 The Port Perry United Church THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, Oshawa 1360 on your Dial Every Sunday Morning at 10.05 "We need our Church-- Dec. 26-K7 our Church needs us." Choir wll present Gilbert and Sulli- van's H. M. S. Pinafore on Thursday, Nov. 7-and 8 at the Port Perry Pub- le School. Admission 75¢. Time 8.16. C.W.L. Euchre There will be a Euchre on October 81st in the Catholic Church Hall at Autumn Ral the Oshawa | Preshyterial The western section met in Clare- ly of WMS CAUS EWAY BOWLIN LANES Friday Nite Doubles starts at9 p.m. sharp Everyone welcome. Open Bowling 'til 9 o'clock MARTHA SAYS Cow's milk is the most nourishing food for our bodies; and the milk of human kindness is the most nourish- ing for our spirits. And no marketing board nor any union will ever be able to control the distribution of that --The Rural Beene milk. mont United Church with Mrs. C. A. Love in the chair. Mrs. N, Sanderson welcomed the bathering and Miss May Brown read the 1956 minutes. The Eastern Section met in Newcastle United Church in charge of Mrs. I. H Reed. Mrs. -W. F. Rickard welcomed them and Mrs. I. Munday read the minutes. 7 , Courtesy committees were named-- Mrs. F. G.-Joblin, Mrs. M, Pegg, Mrs. W. Harris at Claremont; and Mrs. O Bragg, Mrs. Ernie Bradley and Mrs. W. H. Brown at Newcastle. The program committee for 1968 rallies will be the Presbyterial president, the viec-presidents, recording, press and, literature secretaries and the presi- dents of Newtonville, Greenwood, Ebenazer Afternoon, -- Blackstock, Auxiliaries," The Literature Secretary, Mrs. M. Buttars, Pickering, spoke on the im- portance of reading and introduced a number of helpful leaflets and books. Announcement was made of a spec- ial meeting for women to be held on Wednesday, November 6, at 2.30 p.m in Northminster Church, Oshawa, to be addressed by Dr. Donald O. Soper. Presbyterial President, Mrs. C. Hop- " DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. full line of Groceries - Frozen Food Fresh and Cooked Meats ALWAYS IN STOCK OPEN EVENINGS -- CLOSED TUESDAY AFTERNOONS For Free Delivery Phone 485W In | -- re difficulties faced and the gradual ap- : of the|. Northminsted, Oshawa and Columbus ] 8.30 p.m. Refreshments served. Ad- mission 50c. Ko driers SAA vovpenessinin, J kins, Bowmanville, based her message on the rally theme "Filling the Gap" pointing out the need for more trained workers, officers and money to meet the increased allocations. The guest speaker in the morning was Miss Ruby Wilson who was born at Epsom, later taught school at Greenbank, and went to nigeria as a missionary in 1948. She spoke of the preciation and co-operation villagers as they build schools and homes for teachers. She told of the drugs that cure leprosy if taken in time and long enough and the ambi- tion of the pupils to become teachers and preachers. The worghip service at Claremont was conducted by Mrs. Edgar Leask and Miss Alice Dodd, of Port Perry. I At Newcastle, Orono Evening Auxil- | iary were represented by Mrs. Andrew | McGill and Mrs. Jas. Tamblyn with Mrs. Geo. Carson singing "Have Faith ' in God". At the noon hour at Claremont, Rev. H. H. Lackey and a beloved former president Mrs. Thog. Norton, Mark- ham, brought greetings and at New- castle the Anglican W.A. and Rév. M. C. Fisher, At Claremont, the worship service on the theme "Co Labourers together with God" was presented by Columbus Auxiliaries with-Mrs. Clifford Naylor, Mrs. Roy Scott and Mrs. Donald Watt taking part. At Newcagtle, Mrs. J. Stark, Mrs. Orme Falls, and Mrs. C. Todd, of Shiloh Affiliated Auxilary based their worship on "Blessings." Thé guest speaker for the afternoon rallies was Miss Annie Yeo, a co- worker of Misg Wilson in Nigeria who gave a very sincere witness to the power of prayer in her own life when she was shipwrecked. She deseribed the work being done in Africa in three fields--medicine, education and evan- gelism, Eight denominations have been allocated territories as there is no overlapping of effort and the re- sultg are seen in an increasing number of African teachers and preachers. Splendid reports of the School for Leaders in Whitby, last August were given by Miss Carol James of Picker. ing at Claremont and by Miss Grace - | Hot Turkey Dinner On Wednesday, November 6th in the Seagrave United Church basement. Dinner served from 5 p.m. Admission Oct.31 Modern and oldtime] PORT PERRY COMMUNITY CURLING CLUB Results of play October 30 Wes Lane 6 ............... Ted Griffen 11 Storey Beare 11........ Dr. John Price 6 Jack Hayes 9 ........... Frank Honey 12 Roy Scott 10 ........ Gord. Holdershaw 6 Harold Martyn 9............ Gord Reesor 8 Bob Kenny 5................ Howard Hall 18 Dave Thompson 18....Ivan Parkinson 6 Fred DeNure 10 ........ Oscar Beare 12 Art Cox 13 ....iiiiniiinmiinn Ray Litt 5 Elgin Hutchinson 6 ....Harold Snooks 5 -- Paid Advertisement --_-- 100, 000 Cottage Bound Cars y / An average of 100,000 cottage bound cars pass through the environs of Port Perry every week-end dtiring eight months of the year, If it were known that Port Perry was a modern Progressive town con- taining ALL facilities for week-end shopping a tremendous percentage of these cottagers would make Port Perry their ONE-STOP shopping centre, | Greenbank Sorry that I missed this item in|nual Fall at the International Plowing Match at Simcoe. He also won 3rd and the Esso Special at South Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert St. John at- tended Anniversary Services at Vic- toxia Corners last Sunday afternoon. Mid Joan Chapin of Toronto spent the week-end with her parents Rev, and Mrs. Chapin. Congratulations goes to Mr. and/ Mrs. Bob Snoddon' (nee Norene Me- Millan) of Valentia on the safe ar- rival of their first son. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Howsam and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howsam, attended the recent Ontario County Breeder Associatiod Annual Sale at Hayes Sales Barns at Trafalgar last Tues- day evening. Mr, and Mrs, Tom Allan, Shirley and Carson, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lee. Miss Helen Lee of Peterboro, spent the week-end at the home of her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. James Lee. Don't forget that Sunday is our an- Anniversary. Rev. H. last week's news, but I still would like | Pointen of Woodville, will be guest to send belated congratulations to Jim | speaker at both services with special Lee on winning 8rd, 5th and 6th prizes' | music. The monthly meeting of the Fidelis Class will be held on November 6 at the home of Mrs. Dave Thomson. Ladies! don't forget our Special evening on November 18 when Mrs, M. Rennick, Port Perry will demon- strate her making of Christmas decor- ations, All ladies are invited to at- tend. KEEP WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR FUEL NEEDS WITH GOOD Quality Coal or Oil WARM PRT URRY FTE Sl 0 £.y Hood. 289 ++ PORT PERRY { i Beare Motors Ltd. SET THE PACE FOR 58 THE BUSINESS BUILT ON Storey Béare DEPENDABLE SERVICE Bill Beare 25 YEARS OF SERVICE WITH CHRYSLER OF CANADA | a ~ SEE THE "STEP-AHEAD" CARS FOR 58 THE NEW DODGE on Display in our Showrooms FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NOVEMBER Ist and Ind eh Beare Motori Lipited Storey Beare ~ Bill Beare 9 DODGE and DeSOTO CARS, DODGE TRUCKS r ALLIS-CHALMERS FARM EQUIPMENT £ "ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE" OUR GREATEST ASSET -- YOUR GOODWILL Smith of Tyrone at Newcastle,