ey od ES aE PATTTTIRS 2% SHINE WEY HAE Oe EY SA SVE I SYN Gl BS A RS TT RSS IIR (TR Hii a [[[TITE x) DX HE a TS ED Ts AWB ROCIK Christmas Gift Centre DEPARTMENT STORE NEW LINES EVERY WEEK. --_ [Li LL RS TTT Sn EY RTI . iy : " . : OMINION RUBBERS seni £3 | 2] DOMINION RUBBER pre: Is : " COMPLETE LINE : SO NR » > 3 = z , > WARM TOP-RUBBER with strap and ) vi EN - - = \ * Fleece-Lining S Le 3 ing S MEN'S ....oooooovnmmmmmmriiinnnn $6.95 : Lh a a : BOYS' coivininiiiniii, $5.95 HALLMARK OF COMFORT AND QUALITY INE one g MISSES .......ccvevvennnn. ween $8.75 - FANE ; g Fouts IE avec) Wb THE ASCOT WOR Ard FOR MEN, STOCK SUITS and MADE-TO-MEASURE Bond Street Value *17 bs am TT A light-weight dross oxt d $ b ) 5 0 Fur-trimmed Zipper | Si ( > ® : Rubbers | " Over 100 other styles from $15 to $50 EXTRA PANT FREE CHILDS and MISSES SIZES SEVERAL SUIT PATTERNS IN STOCK-- » u BLUE, GREYS, ETC. J A Clear ng Line $2.98 : ' Duck's A - u 1 MEN'S SUBURBAN COATS La Parisette Slippers. \ DACK'S SHOES GREY or NAVY BLUE -- QUILTED LINING FOR CHILDREN SAN EE A Complete line available at city prices : : ZIPPER and FURLINED..... $2.95, $3.95 | $ Nf $ g $ $18.95 and $22.95 FINE QUALITY--NICE GOODS 15.00, 17.95, 21.00, 24.95 . 4 Rh -- You are assured of a perfect fit here I | New Fall Caps for Men | in 0YS - IN T Boys' Suburban Coats ....... $12.95 $1.95 - $2.50 TOYS - IN A COMPLETE ASSORTMEN Hl i y : ° ° : ] 3 PLAIN or COLOURS--WARM * DOLLS, GAMES, DISHES, ETC. : i ' [] ; x Boys' Lined Blue Jeans ....... $3.69 T & ; 4 PENMA ooke Flannelette Sport Shirts & : N SWEATERS pe : b | | Regular $4.95 line for $3.95 : 2 a WALLPAPER For 1958 | BATA SHOES Lambs Wool Cardigans Tooke No.-Iron Broadcloth Shirts $6.95 | | ay ny | Colours... $950) TOKE TIES .. ...... SLO0, SL50, $2.00 E . CHILDREN'S OXFORDS TR. 1: 3! |] ; r= x AAI Si PAPERS FROM 45¢. ROLL PATENT STRAPS : SARDIuaN, BUTTON .................... je -- ~-- - El SPECIAL BOOKS OF THE FINEST | GIRLS SADDLE OXFORDS renner $4.95 a. RES = end Phone 43 1 A tA =| PAPERS San TWO DAY DELIVERY ON GIRL'S LOAFERS tennrrensrienn seen 34.95 i x = THESE hE : WHITE OXFORDS ....... SAA rliirrins wen $4.95 P ULLOVERS : P 0 rt P rr O nt ri i : i) MEN'S OXFORDS, Black or Brown $7.95 | TWEED EFFECT Crs $00 | c Ys ario =| : E ESS ...... IR PAPE . ; MEAS ZA SZ EZ A AZ ESV ES ES ESE AE TI = IF A a ey Me Me Le » - : ; ; ) y Lis : : OT of 0 0 I OE IR TEYEYRD = YJ Over 200-- Lemons-- | Ins. Guard, Bro. M. Fralick Nh Catenin of ove 4 ¥ . Ae i. Guar a. > y a : 3 4 [| La es Monday Gracie Pargeter--273; Ruby Leask H. Hal-=09; 4: Crolg~78; G. Rodd Russ. Guard, be A Faogiai " y oa WEEK-END SPECIALS 8 1 ht L --251; Ruby Williams--237; Louise --4 f adie ot and support a officers ROXY THEATRE Se i eager 0 OF bia a a Sowa ¥ N eanor Cawker--225; Ordon co ' 8 "PUMPKIN PIE and TARTS" | standing-- --225, 220, 200; Doris Howsam--222; | Be De Uek « NEWS i: ph I II fans a reminder that xbridge n x " 8 Tigers--ar Elephants--18 | Bert Freelon--217; Merle St. John--| Commencing a busy month the ™ $e ca i. " hy ye " po " BCE | "FRUIT SALAD LAYER CAKE Bl Foxes--26. Lions--16 | 214; Effie Luke--212; Doreen Hope-- | D.D.A.M. Bro. D. Andress and staff " hi i; ou u mee ne ny: : hy FRIDAY and SAT, NOV. 1-2 , LIS [| "COFFEE ROLL": Ld Bears--25, Skunks--13 210; Marie Healey--207; Helen Heard ay " etal ee uny a tay iy ari i on yep --_-- oo bE : 1 B| Wol 21, C --12 | --206: 204: officers o arriner Lodge. he % Stary seas Jt | 2 . : pm, aufloni) ak: petty Collins 204; Norene place, Port Perry High School; the bang by winning their first three DALE ROBERTSON A A 5 : GERROW'S BAKERY 0 Racoons--19. -Squirrels-- 7 : ---- date, October 28th. Approximately | games in a decisive manner. IN dys ; : 170 members and friends were on ssw e . LR - 0 High Single-- M I' Th sd hand to witness the ceremony. Dis. M n h fe "D kk : I id t" PHONE 32W : G. M. GERROW L oes Fxczise==081 en S ur ay . trict 41 has always boasted of a good anc esier dKoia NCIC en Ata i : _-- " pr 9 | Hig ple-- . 'installation team, but this year's| In spite of the disagreeable weather TECHNICOLOI : ~ Ve! A ERR Sc ol AR Elma Vernon--b620 Night Bowling ton was generally conceded as be- [there was a very good attendance at H EBLOR Ly Over 200-- ling in the very top bracket. By | the bazaar last Wednesday. About also showing {£7 CO Vesna SH) Gunso Sogn Whiz Bang drawing on -the members of all the [two hundred dollars was realized. 7 - 4 | --210; Teresa Hall--204; Camille Cro- Stars ........... "gp lodges the D.D.G.M. to use baseball] Mr. Wanninkhof Sr. of Holland is ¢ WE BUILD zier--221. Meteors ... oe vernacular was able to field an all-| visiting his son Mr. Jack Wanninkhof Double Jeopardy if AYCHRE : icsnniiriiimrisirsroninon star team. Congratulations were cer- | and family. STARRING lid YY HOMES Large and Small De Luxe ...ccooeovvvvvevvrrinrninns f tainly in order. To those unable to be We are glad to know Mrs. Dolly ROD CAMERON ~~ FARO = I Midtown .......... or present the officers for the'ensuing | Roberts is progressing favorably fol- ) wiki i fii and Buildings of All Kinds ' Ladies Wednesday Black Jacks .... " year are as follows: lowing a major operation in Port Last Complete Show starts at 8:3( 0 <y - - Goofers ............. oe Inr. Past Grand, Bro. C. Butson Perr Hospital. , * A « 1 1 foaier8 " Noble Grand, Bro. E. Geer Mr, and Mrs. Sam Arnold, Scugog,| MONDAY and TUES., NOV. 1-5 hE vr bi epairs dl emo e Ing 19 ow ng a I to Vice-Grand, Bro. C. Srort called on Mrs. Joe Johnston on Sum-| ---- ~~ Ad EA EDNESDAY, OCT. 23 H , EASE, Rec. Sec., Bro. 8. Ploughman lay afternoon. BOB HOPE i (313 Good Materials and Workmanship Guaranteed. i Juniors SRA ETE 10 Fin Sec, Bro. B. Thomas tors Eo here attended the open- ap Ie AN Our HOUSE DESIGNING SERVICE is Standings-- Treasurer, Bro. Fred Crawford ing of the new Hall in Utica on Fri- "B J " Fed \ & ; at Your Disposal. 2 North Stars--34. Hurricanes--20 High Singles {th-- 276: R Warden, Bro. 8. Foster day evening. eau James Li 4 -- 4 Bombors--=ad. Flyers--19 B. Owen--304; G. Smith-- * "| Conductor, Mr. A. Harper Calling on Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Tay- en ' i . ER i ede ss Chaplain, Bro. L. Short lor this week were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shy SOI SCH . : SN, Spitfires--26, Sundetlands--19 Owen--2T71 h VISTA VISION TiC HNICOLOR . Lake Scu 0 Lumber Co Lid Lancasters--25. Helicopters--13 High Triples-- R.S.W.G., Bro. G. Beare Young, Gerald Crosier and friend, To- ADULT ENTERTAINMENT g ) Port P if Jots--23. Mosquitoes--10| D, Freeman--669; T. Eden--660; B. Zag, Bro. R. Webster ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Pypher and Mr. WED 'HURS. NOV. 6.7 Phone 240W : 0 erry -- ) R.8.V.G., Bro. G. Moase Silverthorne and Beverley of Stouff- <D. - THURS. J. 6- Mustangs--21. . Kitiyhawks-- § Owen---052 L.S.N.G., Bro. 8. Rahm ville and Mr. Robert Taglor, Toronto, | "0" > -- TONY CURTIS, in ® CRC R0000 00008000000 80808 I a " " £0 AE i : Mr. Cory . 3 s LJ | C A WK E R B R 0 S. / hill S K A T | N G \/ o LIQUOR IN PORT 2 Vs ¢| CINEMASCOPE ~~ TECHNICOLOR pa 5 ° Cured Corned Beef, .. 1b. 49c : we A Home ured h ' J li Sk . C . M | A In deciding this issue, the majority of the young people in H abe. i Frid % | Boneless Pot Roast Beef 1b. 35 Public ating Community Memorial ; 1 -- Paid Advertisement -- Ne one ess of 0as ee ig EL ° C. i 4 our organization feel that, as Port Perry's future citizens, 4 THESE ARE THE FACTS : | Arena, Port Perry, Sat., Nov. 2nd, | | : : 3 . Don't listen to false and mislead- Wing Steaks EEE EEE EEE EN EEE 1h. bc. . 4 Y: sid 4 ' ! + we would prefer NO liquor outlet In our town. ! ing statements being circulated : 8 10 ; in some quarters. Beverage FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING fo p.m. o UNITED CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLES. Ri rooms: are not on the ballot and UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK 3 i | i they definately cannot come into PHONE 2 abe Yamily Dutcher TORY PERRY oo Bors TTI RN ------_-- TNO Pint. Persl S40 Folie oF Shia von, - ' ¢ Fr! BME staan a cores comin x 5 ©