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Port Perry Star (1907-), 31 Oct 1957, p. 6

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ba $CANE SERS E SR AL SENYES oe at LI Pe ILE STA Hi LR, A de rt at wa NAS GS a S SRA RANA EAR SME BL SEY SERA UE a TR 2 BERANE FARR FT BATHE RR te JAD In 6--~THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 19567 : d BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE Welding Electric and Acetylene Are your policies up-to-date?|porT PERRY FARM EQUIPMENT} Whatever your insurance needs Phone 513 may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON (WIL Wie" Phone 41 Port Perry 7 TAX: OFFICE ROOFING | [7 OF ALL KINDS any Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work, EARL WALLACE Port Perry eh wR Z 9% "rat is rh - vv FY WV ' Paid Advertisement THESE ARE THE FACTS p/] Don't listen to false and mislead- ing statements being circulated . in so quarters. Beverage rooms are not on the ballot and they definately cannot come into Port Perry as a result of this vote. District Churches In spite of the weather lasy week Wednesday, we had a good response at our P.M.S.HiC meeting. Linda Fralick took charge of the worship. with Bonnie Jeffrey at the piano, and Albert Leach reading the Lesson. There were various readings by Ruby Roach, Ericka Benschop, and Linda WANTED---Responsible woman re- quired to take charge of family while | mother is hospitalized. Approximate time of three weeks, week-ends free. ! Phone 247 r 33. | FOR RENT--Apartment with three | . large rooms including modern kitchen. | a v All conveniences, Phone 180-01 after £05. 6 p.m. ki Help Wanted Office clerk for permanent position. Typing preferred, accurady essential. Pleasant working conditions. Com- pany benefits, Apply to Silverwood Dairies Ltd. Phone 1564, Port Perry. T.F. With the return to Standard Time, Viwe begin our new schedule for our Sunday Services. The response during the Summer has been exceptionally good; and now that we are returning for the winter to different hours for each Church, we hope that the new hours will suit all who have attended ; during the Summer; and also we hope to see those who did not like it so well. There won't be any hour that will suit everyone 100%. The Psychologist Henry C. Link in his book "My Return to Religion" has set forth these rea- sons amongst others for going to church: 1. "If I don't go, my children consider that they have a good reason for not going to Sunday School. 2.1 go because some of my best friends, who know the details of my life, con-H sider me a hypocrite. 3. I go because AK Plywood Arhorite Floor Tile Ceiling Tile Doors, Trim Masonite, ec. FE op ¥ D) - WEVER HAVE WE MADE 50 MUCH HONESLNOR IND SOMAKY EYER READY BILLS TOMEET. THE FIRE IN MAN WouLP NEVER BLAZE, BUT FOR THE FUEL OF COMPETITION. n "ATE AR & Fralick. Farm Service Dead Horses, Cattle and Hogs ((nothing under 300 lbs) picked up for disposal. WE BUY OLD HORSES FOR Jack Pargeter Service Station ANY TYPE WINDOW CLEANED Custom Chain Sawing = Phone 206-W, Port Perry. S. Starr. Nov. 7 Our panel discussion went off very well; and we hope that it was helpful to Parents and Teen-agers. Two skits were presented by the younger members of the panel, and they were the basis for discussion. All I hate to go, and because I know that it will do me good". y There are many things which we may prefer to do just as the clock 'comes around to the hour of Service; but "Remember the Sabbath Day, to TERMS ARRANGED ON HOME IMPROVEMENTS HN BALLARD LUMBER PORT PERRY PHONE 280 SPECIAL members of the panel made theiy con- keep it Holy". The tempter prefers if FOR SLAUGHTER URGENTLY WANTED--2 bedroom | tiibution, and the sum total wad good. we do not go, just the same as he pre- SMALL ARBORITE TABLE TOP8--650c., $1.00, $1.50 Phone collect: Uxbridge 541, Woodville 32 r 11 Ed. Peconi july 30, 1968 RANCE COMPAN INSU Consult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING AGENT Port Perry - Ontario = Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. . Aug. 30, 1958 'ROBERT G. ECKEL Florist BROOKLIN, ONTARIO "Phone 190 Grower of cut mums year round. tf. Good Gravel, etc. PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE For your sand, gravel, crushed stone, washed sand and stone, also. good } loam. CALL 322-W Ellsworth Kennedy Port Perry Ontario Dee. 12, 1957. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone 451 Jan, 19, 1058 residential. RELIABLE WINDOW CLEANING Box 21, Port Perry Star Oct. 31 FOR SALE -- DRY HARDWOOD, cheap. C, McGill, Union Ave, Port Perry, Phone 400-W. Oct.31 FOR SALE--Body Hardwood, also Hard and soft wood slabs. 4'.or ve- sawed. Phone Bethany 37-r-33. Geo. Heaslip, Janetville, Oct.31 I'OR SALE--Baby Astral Refriger- ator in good condition. Phone 565-R. g . Oct. 31 STRAYED -- Holstein Heifer, 134 years, mostly white, vaccinated and marked, Strayed from lot 15, Con. 6, Reach Twp. Information please phone 470-r-b. Nov. 7 FOR SALE--Building lot facing on Queen St. Apply I. A. Boyd. RENT---Bed sitting. room, kitchen and bath, opposite High School. Phone 421. Nov. 14 FOR SALE -- Potatoes $1.26 at farm with bag. John Hooyer, Nestle- ton. Oct. 31 Storms put up -- business and apartment or small house. December 1st possession, Port Perry or Prince FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR | Albert. Apply Jack Brain, Prince Al- bert. . Nov. 28 FOR SALE--Findlay Condor Cook Stove, coal or wood, in good condition. Phone 483-r-21. Nov. 7 CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST' | POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST "Voter's Lists 1957, Municipality of Reach, County of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of the Voters' ! Lists Act and that I have posted up iat my office at Manchester on the 23rd {day of October, 1957 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at_;Municipal Elections and that such list remains for their inspection. : And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for mak- {ing appeal being the 6th day of Nov., ( 1967. Dated this 28rd day of October, 1967. GRANT CHRISTIE, Clerk Township of Reach. Oct. 81. FOR SALE--Child's red three piece coat set. Phone 18-W, FOR SALE--Two Wrought Iron Porch turn. Reasonable. Phone 118-r-22. FOR SALE -- Men's Skates, good condition, one pair 8% with tendon i guards, one pair size 7 with ankle straps. Can be seen at Star Office. if " FOR .SALE--Boys Hockey Skates, with tendon guards, size 9; nearly new $10.00. Apply Star Office. T.F. Custom Built Furniture Light furniture and built-in cabinets. Working samples on display at Prince Albert. For information call George Nichols, Prince Albert. Nov. 7 FOR SALE--Pair of ladies White Figure Skates, size 9. Al condition. Phone 371-J after 6 p.m. FOR SALE--Duo Therm Oil Space Heater, used four months, cost $169.00 will sell for $69.00; also Duo Therm 0il Space Heater, used four months, with blower and automatic thermo- stat. Price $89.00. Phone Blackstock 47-r-28. b | FOR SALE--Dutch Sideboard. Ap- ply Mrs. Jonathan Aldred, R.R. Phone Port Perry 112-r-6. | i I) FOR SALE -- Little girl's dresses, coats (2) skirts, sizes 6 and 6. Also Toys, other clothing. All clean, good condition.., Also .man's winter over- coat Size 38 Black, practically new. Phone 500-r-28, Et -' ROOT and ROCK RAKE BULLDOZING - TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATES--by Hour 'or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Phone 392W (Office) Residence--Wm. Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 392J EXCAVATING FOR LAND CLEARING Railings, 4ft., 8 inches with one foot: CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST . Yoters' Lists 1957, Municipality of Scugog, County of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up a my office at Brooklin on the 21st day of October, 1957, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains for their inspection. And I hereby call upon ull voters to take immediate proceeding to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for mak- ing appeal being the 6th day of Nov., 19567. i Dated this 21st day of October, 19567. Oct. 31. RALPH MILNER, Clerk of Township of Scugog. AUCTION SALES SAT., NOV. 9th--Auction Sale of valuable real ®state, apartment dwel- lingsewith store front, all conveniences, "oil heating, at Milliken, Ont., on Kén- "nedy Rd,, also household furniture, new electric refrigerator, near new "television set, good china, dishes, add dishes, glassware, gatage tools and ! equipment, pots, pans, etc, Real es- tate sold subject to reserve bid, House- hold goods and other articles, terms; cash. No reserve. Property belong: ing to the estate of the late Mrs, Wm, A. Timbers. Sale at 2 p.m. ! KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. WED., NOV. 6th--Auction sale of household furniture, piano, sewing ma- chine, one heavy duty bicycle, and another man's bicycle, electric paint sprayer, 2 English-made heavy duty air rifles, electric stove, odd tools, dishes, ete, at Prentice's Auction rooms, Franklin House, Markham, Ont, Property belonging to the estate of the late Harvey Wideman, estate of R. MacPherson, and property of John Sewell, Sale at 1.30 p.m. sharp. Terms cash, No reserve, : KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers, FRI, NOV. 8th---Auction Sale of Real Estate and Furniture, the pro- perty of Mrs, John Hayden, Mary St. Port Perry. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 pm, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, | | Bazaar. Margaret Holtby had the most diffi- fers us to leave undone many of the and getting bogged down in "petting". A.M.; Manchester 11.16 A.M.; Pros- Margaret did this in a very wholesome 'pect 1.15 p.m.; Scugog "Head" 7.30 way, and we aré 'sure that she acs lym We invitd"yéu"all to come and complished all "that we "hoped s 'worship. au BLE would. The general reaction to the ! The following Women's Associations NELAE 1.03 NY T Ye A whole programme by 'many of our ij moot) Kt something similar again. So we say Reader's; Manchester on Thursday "Thank You" to oufr 'Cotinsellors, 'and afternoon at Mrs. Ruby Christie; and all the members of the Panel, and to prospect in the evening at Mrs. Mar- the many fathers and mothers who garet Holtby. Wé are" plahhing "to dame. There was just one error, which have a Sunday School Rally in ALL arbse from a misundérstanding. No oux Churches on Sunday, November one called for one of the members of , 10th... Inyitations are going out to all the Panel, because it was thought up' our children and parents, and we hope hada "way. weré very gratefu to no, Sunday School, and the Sermon are planning for our next meeting to Stories." go bowling, which will be on Tuesday, | Quite a number of adults and chil- November 12th at 8 p.m. © It is a dren have been laid up with the "flu". splendid idea of Mr. Frank Hastings We hope that the epidemic will soon to let various organizations have the \ be past, and that all will. enjoy a sea- alleys once a week. | sonable amount of good health. Once a year the community at the - Paid Advertisement "Head of the Island" have a turkey supper for the community. That event took place lust Friday, and the Mini- | 100 000 Cottage J ster regrets very much that owing to| -- 2] a previous engagement at Gamebridge B d C i he could not attend. oun ars Manchester ladies held a successful; An average of 100,000 cottage hound Bazaar last week Wednesday, and in- cars pass through the environs of Port spite of the rain, there was a goodly Perry every week-end during eight number out. Mrs. Braham opened the m@iths of the year. . AN pair || If it were known that Port Perry was a modern Progressive town con- taining ALL facilities for week-end shopping a tremendous percentage of these cottagers would make Port Perry Jet ONE-STOP shopping centre. Saturday was a most interesting day for your Minister and his family, when their eldest son John Kenneth was ,, united in marriage to Joan Dorothy Windall of Gamebridge. mayl t.f. 2 cult role, and presented the dangers of {uties which we oughttdo. On Syn- young people going off by themselves: gay our Services will be: Scugog 10.16 | week: Scugég' "Head" 'teen-agers, was that we. should do' on Wednesday afternoon at Mrs. Earl RE to the los} moment, that Geo, Edgar. that you will all come. "There will be e Ruby Roach for filling-im for us:--"We "will take the form of "Flahnelgraph know WHAT you want . . Let us show you HOW tq get it! ule You, If it's a new 'Rec room, or needed home repairs, A remodeled Bedroom or only cellar stairs, Drdp in 16 see us or phone for help to-day, / We'll gladly. advise you and even make it pay WITH A PLANNED BUDGET PURCHASE ~ : 'program. Budget Buy For As Low As $ 20.00 Monthly REESOR FUEL & LUMBER Port Perry ae Motfal' Phone 73 ~~ WASHERS 7 RANGES - DRYERS - REFRIGERATORS 5th Anniversary Sale RPT V Hb ENDIX Ph C15 980m FL . EAL | t = MOFFAT RANGE | "AUTOMATIC DRYER | Moffat Refrigerator * ELECTRIC CLOCK * BIG 52 LB. FREEZER ~ Minute Minden sr v Door Racks Syncromatic Oven Butter Keeper 7 Heat Switches" d - 2 Section Chill Drawer Lift Out Elements |. .. Egg Racks © Storage Drawer, Crisper ; Light ~~ --. 2 Ice Cube Trays Poreelain Finish iit 2 Tone Yellow Interior sul Wapphnty C00 5 year Warranty on unit SALE PRICED at ~ 1. 1 | | LOWEST PRICE EVER-- $199.95 odin, oud ATLL Lo ONLY geil 4 eh k wd $109 aaa Monts + orf) hl $249.95 L. A ewan : LL Small Down Payment i 0 Ear --_-- holds . any Appliance, for. 4 ; % EE | ISYXMAS GIVE HER A Xmas Delivery. . Order dur- . pd Be SHE'LL APPRECIATE ing this Great Sale and Save semis------------ EVERY DAY. Give a major $ 35% i , Ta appliance -- and make it -- ; MOFFAT. LOWEST PRICE EVER 2 BRUSH . = | a4 on -- SWIVEL TOP Floor Polishers rs ii Yocum Uleanors '] Capes ' $49.95 TED JACKSON'S - £70.05 with Buffer and Cleaner FOR APPLIANCES. * " ! Pads : PORT PERRY PHONE 88%" ren Hs Attachments : a

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