Abate Bh be hat hs A fA RMEOITLALS Reine Ford 8---PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14th, 1967 LN) Hill H ald games, then delicious lunch of pump- op er kip pie and cider which brought to an end an enjoyable evening, "In Pacem Requiescent" Our annual Remembrance Day Ser- | ¢ises will be held Thursday and Fri- vice was held on Friday in the Gym- day November 21 and 22 with Joel nasium. Because of the large enroll-| Aldred noted Television and Radio ment two half-hour ceremonies were | Personality as guest speaker. On performed. The occasion was solom-| Thursday afternoon will be the Jr. nized by a group of girl and boy ca-| Commencement and on Friday night dets acting as a guard, commanded by will be the Senior Commencement. Cadet Captain Ralph Honey. This is just an early reminder so that After singing O Canada and the "Sis" or "Jr." "Simply haven't a thing to wear" just the day before. reading of the scripture and para- graphs of Remembrancé the assembly sang "0 God Our Help In Ages Past". Girls Volleyball-- Sentences of Thanksgiving and Sen- tences of Dedication, were read by The Honour Roll of the School was read by the president of the Student Council Joe Lukas. Two girls of the guard presented cadet caps before a picture of the Queen on an alfar. The "Last Post" was played on the trumpet by Danny Reesor while the flag was lowered after which two min- utes of silence was acknowledged. Vice President Mary Louise Pickard broke the silence with the reading of a Memorial poem. The Reville was played and the flag was raised. Miss Chrysler's brass section played| * "God Save the Queen" to end our Memorial Service. Refer fo the Reco d On Tuesday November © the L1.S.C. F. was host to the Uxbridge group at a party in the High School Auditorium. The programme consisted of several numbers by the Couves Sisters, col- iq, picjte have been FOR Legal Outlets oured slides of Europe were shown by Miss Chrysler and several active Ptolemy defeated "D" Team, captain various students. Carol Beare with a score of 32-29. Boys Basketball-- with a score of 61-84, by default (They didn't have enough players.) Commencement. And do you realize there are only 26 school days until Christmas? The Annual Commencement Exer- Sports News this week-- Cars Available For Voting Day, November 20th The Businessmen's Committee for promotion of legal Government Stores in Port Perry will be glad to provide a car to anyone calling on them November 20th, 9 a.m. to : Phone 505 S November 8 "E" team, captain Irene November 4, Grade 13 defeated 11A November 6, Grade 10A beat 10C Keep in mind November 21 and 22 --Darlene Christie. -- Paid Advertisement -- 1951 Vote Yes X 529% 1954 Vote Yes X 521; The Majority of Taxpayers each -- Paid Advertisement -- For a Progressive and Prosperous Port Perry, Vole At the Poll you will be given two ballots. Caréfully mark an X opposite Yes on each ballot. Thank you. For a Progressive and Prosperous PORT PERRY. BRIGHT'S FANCY Applesauce 15-0z. tin QIMEN (T'S IDEAS YOURE NEEDING ., FOR THE FAMILY YoURg FEED TODAY + THE RED AND WHITE o. 5 PTR Tg ° oss a IN 14711344 DEPARTMEN QUAKER -- 3c Off Deal 18-0x. pkg. {4 AJR Corn Flakes 2 for 43c ay CROWN BRAND 2-1b. tin : 2 Corn Syrup ~~ 29c Chocolate - White - Spice 16-02. pkg. Pillsbury Cake Mixes = 3 for 89c¢ Royal Instant Puddings 3 eke. 31c Aylmer Tomato Soup "= 3 for 33c a. Fam fresh Famous for Flavor Ontario Northern Full of Juice - Refreshing Florida Oranges 5-1b. mesh bag 39 6-qt. basket 8-1b. poly bag SPY APPLES - 6% 2% Mild, Flavorful-No. 1 Medium sized 24-0z. bag BEETS - Large, Meaty - a ee a 2ver 29 GREEN PEPPERS - - 2r15c Plump, Luscious, California 8-0z. pkg. FRESH DATES - - - - 2c Milk Fed, Boneless 19 i Veal Leg Roast (@) (SS; VINE fad Ia Ib. fc Milk Fed Veal Cutlets 1b. 69¢ Fresh, Genuine Spring Lamb in a Basket ; Three Meals ROAST in One sTEW Ib. 37 Swift's Small Link -- Loose BROOKFIELD SAUSAGE - w. 55¢ Swift's Premium -- "Something New" -- 10-oz, Chub C . Dr, Ballard's Appleford Food Saver Champion Dog Food Wax Paper 15-0z, tin 100 ft. roll 29¢ HAM SALAD SPREAD - . 49 p Del Ey d PARKAY ineapple an Maraari Grapefruit Juice nym 48-02, tin 3 ro 1,00 2 we Bc 6 rr BSc Birds Eye Dowson's Food. Market| r= Grapefruit Julce, 6-0z, tin 2/38¢ Mixed Frult, 15-05, pkg. 490 Baby Lima Beans "} Free Delivery Perry J Orde Marine : ; Ivan Gray Cartage John Orde Ivan Gray rl Taylor's 6c. to $1.00 Robert S. Jeffrey Cartage 3 Jans 2 Taylor Robert S. Jeffrey , eare Motors . Wad ; Storey E. Beare, Wm. T. Beare B ony Sen Rioctrietan ; Mulligan' h : Wigan s Barber 8 ® E. Weeden, Contractor 74 i ~ Edward Weeden Carnegie Hardware R. J. Carnegie, G. D. Carnegie ; Archer Motor Sales D. A Carnegie, H. Carnegie . Robert Archer Brunton Farms : Scugog Cleaners Arthur Brunton ~ : V. Buller Wesign Tire & Auto Supply W. G. Raines Electrician . Howsam ; { ; Joan's Beauty Salon MacGregor's Butcher Shop Joan Cooke tik : W.E. MacGregor, Jack MacGregor Thomas J. Sandiland Jeweller i Causeway Bowling Lanes McDermott-Panabaker Ltd. F. C. Hastings : A. L. McDermott, A..O. Panabaker Cawker Bros. Butchers <4 Grant McDermott A. Cawker 2 Taylor's Restaurant : A ; WS dupir Lo lites Bruton's I. D. A, Store : W. G, Emmerson ; Ben hl, bron Limp, The Elizabeth Shoppe Jackson's Pasteries Mrs. E. Oke B fa a aro Port Perry Chick Hatchery I. R. Bentley, Jeweller Herb Brooks ° ; Levinson's Drygoods Jay J. Gibson & Son Poultry Plant Sam Levinson 7 J. J. Gibson, Bill Gibson ' ; : Glenn Moase Bild ) Flamingo Restaurant v a : : : J Kenneth Jackson Be 8 Reinigerauion Service ; pnd ; . Lowcock Earl Wallace Roofing Supplies Earl Wallace Port Perry Beverages : kK 35, ; a Murell Goode l J. Pargeter White Rose Products : Jack Pargeter i Orde Boat Works i Port Perry Dairy PW, Orde > 0 Tr . - ' -- Send . . : Gordon Prentice Imperial Oil Agt. Donald Pargeter, George Parry Gordon Prentice Ray Birkett Canadian Oil Co. G. Wilson TV. & Radio Ray Birkett Gh G. Wilson i Morrow Farm Equipment Lakeview Orchard . Gordon L Morrow : . Garnet H. Porter ; Hope's Smoke Shop : - Sweetman's Garage 1 Mrs. Jessie Hope . | Stewart Sweetman ; y Charles Brignall Ambulance : T. Raines Cartage < Charles Bri ' Theodore Raines Mot : : Port Perry Fuels ie fa sel Challis i . Heh D. Santer ' Frank Godley, Insurance i dons Shoe Repair : ibs oy : John Ballard Lumber : « Hutchinson's Reliance Service John Ballard. E. J. Hutchinson Tote : gl : Midtown Appliances vo Irwin Tripp Supertest Products A. Craig Irwin Tripp : C. Popert's Pool Room and Hope's 1.G.A, Store Restaurant, C. Popert : Jack Hope Phoebe's Hairdressing 3 Kay Van's Ladies Wear P. A. Edwards Mrs. Kay Vandermark : 2 TD Construction Lo. : . : oe Tripp m. 1ripp Hoteys hather Shop Wm. McLaughlin ; ; Robertson Electric hi Van's Men's Wear J Gord Robertgon L. Vandermark ® Shik Allstate Studios c Chas Bue, Wink J. R. Helm ; ook's Transport - / Harvey Mahaffy Clarence Cook, Prop. Merven DeNure | Franssen Tailor Shop, H Arthur J. Carnegie | J. Franssen, Prop. : W. J. Carnegie dh Kenny Mink Ranch : 4 Dr. G. M, Rennie, M.D. i} Robt. Kenny ; Dr. D. J. Diamond, M.D. ] C. Kight, Masonry Contractor ) Dr. 8. P, Kandell, M.D. Cleve Kight : Dr. R. G. McNab, Dental Surgeon Walsh Electric ; Dr. Austin C, Bathie, D.C, W. Allan Walsh N. P. Aldred ; Cook's Blacksmith Ernie, Bottrell i % Lawrence Cook Archie Farmer : Chas, Coombe, Building Contractor i Irving Boyd 5 W. H. (Bud) Sonley Carpenter Ivan Haugen : if Dawson Wholesole, Gen, Merchandise, Archie Menzies Lloyd Dawson { Lloyd Clark Geo, Stevens, Shoe Repairs Norm Mairs, Construction Hillcrest Orchards, J. R. Wright Don Skinner, Heating Keith Mark Jesse Buxcey, Cartage -- PAID ADVERTISEMENT -- 90% of Businessmen % ay "YES" At a recent meeting of a number of Port Perry business and professional people, Mr. John Orde, a local businessman, was elected chairman of the Citizens' Committee. The purpose of this committee is to present to the citizens of Port Perry His advantage of having properly controlled Government Stores in Port erry. : ~The following business men and wonlen Who tiavé signified their support in this matter by affixing their signatures to this document, feel that Government Stores in Port Perry would increase and generally stimulate business. Chale The time has come, in order for us to compete with larger shopping centres who have these facilities, that we in turn must be in the same com- petitive position. Therefore we affirm the nécessity of having properly con- trolled Government retail stores in Port Perry. A PERSONAL SIGNATURE IS ON FILE FOR EVERY NAME LISTED Phone 91 Port A A + I, rat WL ET OR bg Pm gy eS nd i hi a, og SB MASAI Ws BAN HB Ht. aire