AN Pp 3 A w- -" -- RN x TN 0 : rs pe = i = pr TRA TY PY 4 i | LS 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOMEMBER 14, 1957 LOCAL Coming Events NEWS It was a pleasure to see AC2 James L. Hunter and "hear him" enjoying his motorcycle while home with his parents Mr. and" Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, and Nola, on his first 72 hour leave from R.C.A.F. Station at St. Johns, Quebec, Pleasing reports. of the chosen courses of Grant Raines, Reg Harvey and himself, are good to hear. May they continue to enjoy their busy, active life there, Mr. Grant Real, son of Mrs. Minnie Real, Port Perry will be stationed In Germany with the R.C.A.F. for a few months, Wayne Oke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Oke, slipped on the High School stairs and fell down to the bottom. He was bruised and shaken up and spent the night in the Community Memorial Hospital, SORRY WE HAD TO CUT DOWN ON THE LENGTH OF SOME OF THE REPORTS THAT CAME IN ON WEDNESDAY, DUE TO LACK OF SPACE. Rod & Gun Club A meeting of the Club is being held in the room over Art Brock's store on Monday evening, November 18th. Members please note that there is a change of the day from Thursday-to- Monday. This will be a business -meeting and the making of plans for winter activities. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Buxcey announce the engagement of their eldest daugh- ter"Beryl Ann to Mr. John Thomas Pearce, son of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Pearce, Prince Albert. The marriage will take place in Prince Albert Unit- ed Church on Saturday, November 30, at 2.00 p.m. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heyes of Port Perry announce the. engagement of their eldest daughter, Margaret Irene, to Mr: David Glenn Crews, son of Mrs. Florence Crews, of Trenton, Ontario. The marriage will take place on Sat- urday, December the Seventh at three o'clock in the Port Perry United. In Memoriam BEACOCK -- In loving memory of Harold Beacock who passed away November 14th, 1966. Looking back with memories Upon the path you trod, 'We bless the year we had together And leave the rest to God. Lovingly remembered by Wife. 7 | Minister's V Comments on Legal Outlets (Reprinted from the Toronto Star) Special to The Star Bronte, Dec. 13 -- Bronte voters yesterday decided by a majority of 421 to 151 to permit a brewers' re- tail store in the village. "The vote wasn't drinkers against non-drinkers," said Rev. William Sherwin of Walton United Church, a "dry" spokesman. "I'm sure that many of those who voted in favor of the store wanted it ag in- creased business assessment for the village. "I'm confident it would have been voted down if it had been a vote for a beer parlor." William Mulligan, leader of the "drys," agreed with the minister. " I know two men who would never touch a drop who campaigned for the brewers' store because of the assessment it would bring to the village," he sald. ~-- Paid Advertisement -- THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Rev. E, W. Fuller, B.A., L.Th., Rector Sunday, November 17-- 9 a.m.--Holy Communion 11 a.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evening Prayer Pe Sermon--The Rector r) ST. JOHN'S §' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: vow, B. D. Armstrong, B. A,, D. D. Sunday, November 17-- 11 a.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evening Worship The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Minister: Rev. J. K. Braham M.A. B.D. Sunday, November 17-- 10.16 a.m.--SCUGOG CHURCH 11.16 a.m.--MANCHESTER Church 1.16 p.m.--PROSPECT CHURCH This will be our MISSIONARY SUN- DAY, and the special preacher will be Rev. Elgie Joblin M.A, B.D.. We give you one and all a very cordial invitation to come and Worship with us. x ped PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. S. Linstead, Minister Sunday, November 17-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship and Junior Sunday School. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Members please note. y [ PENTECOSTAL CHURCH - LILLA ST. Sunday, November 17-- Sunday School--10 a.m. Morning Worship--11 a.m., REVIVAL SERVICE--7. p.m« Special Speaker from England: Rev. W. H. Crawford. * YOUNG PEOPLE'S NIGHT Friday--7.156 p.m, * SPECIAL FEATURE--2 Interest- ing and Informative FILMS. You must not miss these. Special' Services - -- All are Welcome -- « ~~ THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. OF THE AIR i Radio Station CKLB, Oshawa 1860 on your Dial Every Sunday Morning at 10.08 "We need our Church-- 'our Church needs us." Dec. 28-R7 . Men's Curling Club Nov. 6th, 1957 John Price--9 vs. Bruce Beare--6 Jack Hayes--14 vs, Wes. Lane--b Roy Scott---6 vs. Pat Mulligan--8 H. Martyn--12 vs. F. Honey--4 - G. Holdershaw--9 vs. G. Reesor--4 D. Thompson--11 vs, Dr. Bathie--4 F. DeNure--b6 vs. H. Hall--12 Art Cox--3 vs. G. MacDonald--8 E. Hutchinson--4 vs. O. Beare--14 CAUSEWAY BOWLING LANES Friday Nite Doubles starts at 9 p.m. sharp Everyone welcome. Open Bowling 'til 9 o'clock DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. full line of Groceries - Frozen Food Fresh and Cooked Meals ALWAYS IN STOCK / OPEN EVENINGS -- CLOSED TUESDAY AFTERNOONS F or Free Delivery Phone 485W Committee of 1.0.0.F. Lodges will hold a Box Social and Dance, Friday, Nov. 16th, at 8.80 p.m. in Manchester Hall. dancing. Everyone welcome. 8 p.m. in-the Red Barn, Oshawa. Box Social and Dance The Cancer, Polio & Tuberculosis and Rebekah Admission to Ladies with Boxes free. Men who at- tend Stag .60c. to be refunded on pur- Modern and oldtime Nvl4 chase of box. Bridge Marathon The final Bridge Party will be held in the Library at 8 p.m. on Thursday, November 21st instead of Friday, the 22nd, as formerely announced, owing to the High School Commencement. Annual Bazaar The Annual Bazaar of the Evening Guild, Church of the Ascension is to be held in the Parish Hall, on Satur- day, November 28, at 2.30 p.m. Home Baking and Afternoon Tea. Every- one welcome. nov2l Bazaar Prince Albert United Church W, A. will hold Bazaar and Tea on Satur- day, November 16th, in Port Perry Library. Home Baking Table, Aprons, ete. Surprise Packets, are featured. Afternoon tea will be served from 8 to 6 pm. Everyone Welcome. novld Monster Bingo Monday Night, November 18th at 20-- $20. games; 5--$30. games; one jack- pot of $160. and two jackpots of $260. Door Prizes. Admission $1.00. Annual Doll Festival Sponsored by the Hospital Auxiliary. Anyone wishing to contribute a doll or donation to this project please con. tact Mrs. S. Rodman, phone 463-r-12 or Mrs. M. B, Dymond, phone 100. Coming Event The Scout Mothers' Auxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Hunter on Monday evening, November 18, at 8B o'clock. Please plan to be present. Card of Thanks We wish to thank the relatives and friends of the late Miss Adams for kindnesses shown to her during her illness and for the beautiful floral tributes. Special thanks to Dr. Kan- del, Rev. Fuller, Mrs. Maude Brown, Miss Mildred Smith and the I1.0.0.F. Lodge. Card of Thanks Anson, Don and Bonnie Gerrow. I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Dymond, Dr. Sturgis and the nurses of Port Perry Hospital (espe- cially Mrs. Mackie) also to friends, neighbours and relatives for cheery cards, treats, flowers, visits and phone calls during my stay in the Port Perry Hospital. ® Dolly Roberts Card of Thanks Mrs. John Tinsley and family wish to express their gratitude to friends .and neighbours for the kindness, sym- pathy and flowers received during their recent bereavement. United Church W.M.S. The November meeting of the Unit- ed Church Afternoon Auxiliary was held in Church basement Tuesday the 12th. The President Mrs. Leask pre- siding. Mrs. Smallman reported on autumn rally at Claremont when Miss Wilson and Miss Yoe from Nigeria were the guest speakers, Mrs. Colbear gave the birthday re- port and Happy Birthday was sung to Mrs. Zula Jackson. For the Christian Stewardship re- port Mrs. Colbear read an appropriate message "Count Your Blessings", At conclusion of business session Mrs. Thomson's group took charge of meeting. Mrs. Thompson opened with 2 minutes of silent prayer. In honor of Rentembrance Day Miss E. Harris opened the devotional pe- PORT PERRY W.J. GILFILLAN, Chairman of the Board. "GRANT MacDO OMMENCEMENT EXERCISES JUNIOR COMMENCEMENT Thursday, November 21, at 2:00 p.m. Friday, November 22, at 8:15 p.m. Mr. Joel Aldred WILL BE THE\GUEST SPEAKER HIGH SCHOOL JOHN McINTYRE, Vice-Chairman. LD, Principal iY riod with hymn "O Valiant Heart who to your glory came", followed by a psalm. An interesting reading "Our Soul has Escaped" and a most appropriate poem "For the Fallen" given by Miss Harris concluded devotional period, "Mrs, Thompson reviewed the 1st chapters of study book "Cross and Crisis in Japan"--giving interesting notes on Japanese Churches and their ways of worship. It takes a year to qualify for christian membership in Japan, Mrs. Thompson closed meeting with '| Mizpah Benediction. Tea was served by Mrs. Thompson's group and a social time enjoyed. PHONE 29 +ZAWKER BROS. Fresh Hamburg ..........3 bs. 89c. Home Cured Bacon 65¢. Home Cured Corned Beef . . .. 1b. 4lc. FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK ~The Family Butcher" PORT PERRY "BANANA LAYER CAKE" 11 0 Fv OP PHONE 32W Sr gr -------- A ---- Gerrow's Baking Made for the People Who Want the Best WEEK-END SPECIALS "PUMPKIN PIE and TARTS" / GERROW'S BAKERY -"JELLIED DOUGHNUTS" EO G. M. GERROW 0 0 0 oY ATING Public Skating Community Memorial Arena, Port Perry, Saturday, Nov. 16 81010 p.m. . ; Introducing PAYOFF PROVED h MERCURY TRUCKS ve 2 They're here Mercury T dealer right away! Williams Motor Sales Phone 576 ney C . the:greatest linenp of migh!v Mereury Trucks in history | Pickups to p i; els, L.nden: these are the trucks tha! «ho Uli nabs, have earncd a nationwide 1] reputation for "pay ring off. They're pavoft pioved -- ih' JF power and performance. in safety and styling, in eontinny and comfort--in cvc ry way that count 431 And now, new iniiity Mercury Trucks are ready to pay off bigger and better than ever witn no load of new i profit-packed features for 58. New handsome styling pays off in prestige; new Six and V-8 engines pay off in extra power and lower fuel costs; headlights pay off in safer night driving- a few! For the full story on new payoff proved mivh'y - 'rucks for 1958, sce your iercury 'Lruck wdri-Beaan thede are jist iit') - Ag »