"everyone for the gift: Cedar Creek Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris visited friends in Bobcaygeon last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare of Ty- rone and Mr. and Mrs, John Lawrie of Oshawa were last Sunday visitors of Mrs. Kilpatrick and George, Mr. Wellie Somerville of Toronto spent last week-end with Ralph Som- erville and Mr, and Mrs. Bruce McCoy and Glen. Mr, and Mrs, Harris spent last Sun. day in Peterborough. Thé newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Kemp, were given a presentation at "the school on Friday evening. Pro- gressive Euchre was played and the winners were: high lady -- Lauretta Collins and high man--Bud Kemp. John Popowich read the address and a box of dishes was presented to Marg and Bud. They both thanked Lunch was served bringing a pleasant evening to a close. } Ronnie Larocque and some other re- latives returned home on Sunday from deer hunting. Mrs. Kilpatrick and George were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin White, Port Perry. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Smith and fa- mily of Oshawa were Sunday visitors at the Larocque home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele of Raglan were Sunday tea guests of the Spen- cer family, -- Paid Advertisement -- 100,000 Bottage Bound Cars An average of 100,000 cottage bound cars pass through the environs of Port Perry every week-end during eight months of the year. If it were known that Port Perry was a modern Progressive town con- taining ALL facilities for weeksgnd shopping a tremendous perceftdge of these cottagers would make Port Perry their ONE-STOP shopping centre. THESE ARE THE FACTS Don't listen to false and mislead- ing statements being circulated in some quarters. Beverage rooms are not on the ballot and they definately cannot come into Port Perry as a result of this vote. Golden Wedding On November 6th, 1907, Edith M. Franklin and Arthur Leith Byers were united in marriage by Rev. 1. Snell, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Franklin, Shirl On Wednesday last, Nov. 6th, 1957, a very pleasant event took place at their home in Blackstock, where Mr. and Mrs. Byers have lived since re- tiring from their farm on the 1st con- cession of Cartwright. Mrs. Byers wearing an Elizabeth blue dress with corsage of yellow and while baby 'mums and Mr. Byers with yellow buttonpiece were congratulated in the living room by some 140 guests during the day. In the afternoon their only daughter Jean (Mrs. Herb) Swain and daughter-in:law Eileen (Mrs. Murray) Byers, received the guests at the door, and in the evening Murray Byers, and Herb Swain re- ceived. The guest book was in charge of the grand children, A three tier wedding cake and yel- low candles in silver candleabria graced the dining room table where, in the afternoon, Mrs. Rupert Byers of Bowmanville and Mrs. Adam Shape, of Enniskillen,» poured tea while Mesdames Harold Swain, Earl Brad- burn and Bruce Ashton served the guests. In the evening, Mrs. Harold Hockin of Port Perry, and Mrs. Austin Frank- lin of Oshawa, poured tea, Jean and Aileen assisting the other three ladies in serving, Yellow and white chry- anthemums and yellow candlgs deco- rated the buffet and coffee table. Mr. and Mrs. Byers were the re- cipients of two beautiful platform rockers, from the family, a floor lamp from their brothers and sisters, a step table from their neighbours, a table lamp and flowers from the grand children as well as several other gifts and numerous cards and messages of congratulations which were very much appreciated. Guests were present from Oshawa, Toronto, Columbus, Port Perry. Ux- bridge, Seagrave, Bowmanville, Ennis- killen, Shirley and surrounding area. 3 - y TT Prince Albert A larger attendance than usual at- tended recently at Sunday School to see and hear Miss R. Wilson (former- Fo) ly of Epsom)a missionary on furlough from Nigeria, Africa. Her address proved most instructive, combined with illustrated colored pictures. She | emphasized her work in Africa since 1948 on three different fields; evan- gelism, medicine, and education as a result" general co-operation is grow- ing. S.S. Supt. Mr, Vickery expressed Re Supplement to the Port Perry Star, Thursday, November 14th., 1067 Winnacot (nee Bonnell) who were married in our church recently, Mr, James Davidson, Jr., and fain- ily, were visited by her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. St. Martin, of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Bradley of Brooklin. Mrs, G. Groupe has flitted from our midst to again return to her winter appreciation to Miss Wilson in shar- | home in Philadelphia. ing her faithful spirit and courage she Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock and Sots | is undertaking in her valuable daily were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. living. and Mrs.<C. Hill, Blackstock, also en- Last Tuesday night an outstanding joved the Church anniversary service. achievement was realized when mem- | Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Newnham and bers of the Y.P.U. sponsored a tasty baby spent a few days with her par- turkey dinner.in the church parlours. The members, consisting of more than twenty, were as busy as bees, whether -it be table service or the kitchen staff. A big compliment is extended to leader Mrs. C. Newnham and her group, who in turn wish to thank outsiders who assisted in the background; and the publi¢c* who pat- ronized this their first attempt in serving food. The proceeds amounted after expenses were paid; to over one hundred dollars which gave the teen-agers a lift. A happy life to Mr. and Mrs. M, A NEW KIN GAR IS BORN This is the Golden Jubilee Car-- a revolution on wheels--boldly planned from the very beginning as a Golden Anniversaryshowpiece for Pontiac and General Motors. ye Today at Vow, Fortiae Dealre! ) This one you really must see--here is a 4 car unlike any you have ever known! The Golden Jubilee Pontiac is an all-new breed ~. of cars--in eight brilliant series and 30 sleek models covering every possible price bracket. / In all of them you'll find engineering ad- vances so daringly different yet so basically - sound that they will trigger the next big 4 change. You'll find a few of these ideas here, but there's much, much more: new jéweled-action power; a new transmission; - new handling; new comfort; new styling. Be among the first to discover the newest. Make it a point to see your Pontiac dealer + soon and prove to yourself that no car in history ever left yesterday so far behind. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE bs ! < vA fH Quadra-polse ROADABILITY Only the wheels know where the bumps are! Pontiac's new suspension geometry ends dive, sway and bounce to bring you the smoothest ride, easiest handling you've ever known! Circles of: Steel sArery Pontiac's completely new body construction surrounds you with girder steel protection-- above, below; fore and aft. "Now you can drive with wonderful new peace of mind! a HEHE EE EE VRE HH HE \ EE HE EHR hi Aero-Frame STABILITY Here is the biggest basic construction change since the early days of motoring. * Pontiac's revolutionary new frame design is lighter, stronger, more stable than the conventional box type used on other cars. LAURENTIAN 4-Door Sport Coupe R-- Se Ever-Level Air Ride" The most perfent suspension system ever designed -- and Pontiac's revolutionary Aero-Franie is specifically designed for it! Air cushions on all four wheels literally float you over the bumps . . . keep the car perfectly level regardless A of load or road! *An extra-cost option. New Direction sTyYLNG Here's a fresh new look in automobile styling--and only Pontiac has it! From classic grille to bold rear end, Pontiac makes a decisive break with the fads and frills! And despite its silhouette that's inches v NS beanie . than ever! I lower, there's more room inside - Astro-Flame PERFORMANCE Mn Try Pontiac's new jeweled-action response! Scores of exclusive engineering innovations make Pontiac's hefty power plants miracles of smoothness . and the finest of them all is the new Astro-Flame V8. ul i P-158C r ARCHER MOTORS : PHONE 57W "PORT PERRY | ents Mr. and Mrs. R. Whitaker of Shirley. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vance were Sun- day guests of their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and- Mrs. J. Simons of Pickering. Birthday greeting to Mr. W. Marion for November 20th, and to Rickey Doyle for November 22, PRINCE ALBERT W. A. The Women's Association met in the afternoon of October 30, at the home of Mrs. B. Snelgrove with a good at- " tendance. 'Mrs. McKerihen presided. . During the business period a motion was passed that the prices for wed- dings, etc, to be $1.60 per plate for 'ROXY THEATRE Uxbridge THURS. to SAT, NOV 14-16 The True Story of Col. Dean Hess, Clergyman, turned Fighter Pilot! ROCK HUDSON, in i "n "Battle Hymn Cinemascope Technicolor 'MON.-TUES., NOV 18-19 RITA HAYWORTH JACK LEMMON ROBERT MITCHUM, in "Fire Down Below" Cinemascope Technicolor WED.-THURS. NOV. 20-21 WATCH FOR OUR GIGANTIC OUTER SPACE SHOW! hot meal; $1.26 for salad, and $1.00 for sandwich or buffet lunch. Plans were made and committees arranged for our bazaar an Nov. 16. A mofion carried that we donate $6.00 for a doll to the Women's Hospital Auxiliary. Six visits were reported. Ladies' Curling Well, the girls are jy those 40 pounders again--and 1 mean HURL- ING. : : First game took place Nov. 6th with six teams in the fight. The Result? You've guessed it. © Snooks--8 -- Hayes--17 Stouffer--8 -- Grey--4 Martin--11 -- Cox--6 But watch us next week! UB es ll al -- Paid Adertisement -- Down with these licensed distribut- ing centrés of crime, misery and drunkenness! What is this traffic liquor, 'The Devil in solution," said Sir Wilfred Lawson, "Distilled damnation", said Robert Hall, "An artist in human slaughter," said Lord Chesterfield, Q T-- "Prisoners' General" driving men to, Hell," said Wesley, "More destructive than war, pestilence and famine," said Gladstone, "A cancer in human society, eating out its vitals and threatening its destruction," said Abraham Lin. coln. "The most Pinole and degrading of all human pursuits," said William Me- Kinley; "The most criminal and artis- tic method of assassination ever in- vented by the bravos of any age or nation," said Ruskin; "The most pro- lific hotbeds of anarchy, vile politics, profane ribaldry and unspeakable sen- suality", said Charles "Parkhurst; "A public, permanent agency of degrada- tion," said Cardinal Manning. "A business that tends to lawless- ness on the part of those who conduct it and criminality on the part of.those that patronize," said Theodore Roose- velt; "A business that tends to pro- duce idleness, disease, pauperism and crime," said United States Supreme Court; "That damned stuff called al- cohol," said Bob Ingersoll. Lord Chief Justice Alverstone, at the International Congress on Alcoho- #1] lism, said, "After forty years at the bar and ten years as a judge, I have no hesitancy in saying that ninety per cent of the crime is caused by strong drink." "159% of our Idiots came from in- temperate parents. 909% of our adult criminals are drinking men. If ever there was a Jubilee in Hell it was when Lager Beer was invented."--The Great Billy Sunday. --Mr. Fred Brown, The Citizens League 'DON'T BE COLOR-BLIND WHEN YOU BUY COAL It can.cost you money! Insist on the coal that's col- ored blue. It's your guarantee you're getting top-quality hard coal. 'blue coal' burns clean and hot with far less waste, It's thrifty --it's safe! Buy 'blue coal' today! 'blue i coal Clean, Safe, Low-Cost Heat REESOR FUEL & LUMBER - PORT PERRY PHONE 73 'blue g coal (of N7:Y) BR. VV of LOW- COST HEAT - ' true. store. any other store. # ofit From Taxes. Some people believe that Port Perry would profit from taxes received from beer and liquor sales. The fact is there is NO gallonage tax from a retail There is only the regular Property and Business tax on the building--exactly the same as if it were a grocery or THE CITIZENS' WELFARE LEAGUE [menor dg or i 1 Tp i Sp 7 1 | That is NOT