fons SHAE RA rn HBR ih Se i eR [ i : > . : : = " : . : W THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 19678 x ~ - : - 2 3 . | RTTTITTVITIITRSS 25 TTT ATT TR TITTR PITT sy ( roc PTT 4 A . . i ay A . ! . 4 LATTE 2111] eS RS RS a ARS TRS) ESS SS a se Toe ST RAT LL LL pul (0 PALE | t LE edt (HL ed 1 p * 4 ' 4 y » df WEROCK C ristmas Gift Centre ms $1.00 $1.50 HALLMARK OF COMFORT AND QUALITY THE PEGASO $2.00 : ene | / Dack Canon Grate $3()O0 TIMELY SUGGESTIONS A dubia Migs y in ricoh FOR THE LADIES ©" imported oalfakin Over 100 other styles from $15 to $50 DOLL CARRIAGES ....... raining S05 | DOLL HIGH CHAIRS ooo iooooseeoosessionsssessssssssessanes nn$2.98 | SHORTY PYJAMAS; Arnell, Pink and Blue .......... $3.75 3 ies SHORTY GOWNS, Arnell, Pink and Blue ven $4.75 5 - CHILDREN'S TABLE and CHAIR SETS ...........eee...... $14.95 ARNELL SEIPS, 34 £0 38 voovvvoooooooo oso TY FARM and ANIMAL SETS ...o.ooooromrmmrsssiern $5.95 | RAYON SLIPS, 32 10 44 ooo soe $2.95 ere nn $1.98 WHITE and BLACK WOOL STOLES $4.25, $4.95, $5.95 57-25 SIE KITCHEN SETS ..... TR WO co ERS | Li METAL ROCKING CHAIR oo ogo | SILK HEAD SQUARES .....89c, $1.98, $2.98, $3.75 |. ; y | TP Wi CRSA ey wm | DACK SHOES | BILTMORE HATS : <- : ..98¢c. | BROPHY UMBRELLAS, ste seistiasta stipe sss GI -- RE SM- ; : i " E LT % al FEDER STYLE me | ie agro ow cutmmeares toss sido [§ : AEA i iA Aa A : } .00, .95, $21.00 | CERTIFIC ] $10. 00 g TEEN AGE SAVAGE SHOES © | Men's Leather Gloves MEN'S SUITS in Stock PATENT of BL ACK RATHER POMPE CHILDREN'S WHITE ro nnn $295 LINED, BLACK, GREY, BROWN, TAN THREE SHADES OF GREY °° | VERY DRESSY ....oo ress rtee si ér.95 OXFORDS fives $4.98 SIZES 910 11 cooovvrsrrrrrrrron. RR TX 1 - : PATENTS STRAPS . AAT eit 81 95 and $5.95 $99. 95 ' R y | TWO PANT $69.95 oo MEN'S SUBURBAN oo Wool Lines COATS $1.00, $200, $3.00... ETC. $18.95 and $22.95 ~~ Brown Leather Gloves FUR BACK, VERY 'WARM ..........$7.95 LADIES PUMPS | PATENT, BLACK, BEIGE," BLUE, BROWN, $7.95 DRESSY, HIGH HEEL LINE LADIES' PURSES $4.95, $5.25, $7.25, $15.00 NIA SRS SA ZS TR oo oo Phone 43 ZS EVENING PURSES ..... crmispsmgisrent $3.50, $4.50, $4.95 P P . BEADED SATIN, ETC ort erry, 0 ntario / ZS ZA ZS: ZAZA TASTES MEE A ACT 4 CU 3 i Fi January 23--7 p.m. March 6--7 pm. 1, di = Ww d d 210, Audrey. Mark 206, Mabel Cook . . : "ges po * £ i Men S Thursday 1-2--Juniors - Whiz Bangs 1-2--Whiz Bangs -Stars adies eanes ay fs Ame Lown 203.203, Dowlhy : EE B i 3-4--Archers - Black Jacks 1 3-4--Black Jacks - Carnegies Ni ht B li a. a i Oe Ro Myrtle : =k = Nigh i ow ing 5-6--Midtown - Carnegies 5-6--Goofers - Lagionaires or 1g ow ing entice or Haon nooks 201, Joan : NG oo 9 pan: oo } 9 pitty om . ne Goode 200, Audrey DeNure 200. ATE Standings-- 1-2_Goofers - DeLuxe 1-2---DeLuxe - -- ; Bombers .....ccinnninenns 58 over op Bites during 1st Section. I i Vhiz B 53 3.4--Legionaires - Howards Motors | 3-4--Howard Motors - Juniors Spitfires . ere Jom Lo) So: Louise I Whiz Bang .......... er S5.6--Metors - Stars 6-6-- Archers . Metors - Hurricanes Carnegie 716, 611, 604, G02, G17, 630, ---- FB Stars ee. v.00 . : North Stars & } 632; Glenda Taylor 678, Ruby Wil- LR _ De Luxe .. ~AT | January 30----7 pm. March 13--7 pm. FIFETS nooo liams 677, 601; Kacey Harper 666, In "Archer... ts 1.2--Metors - Legionaires 1-2 Archers - Midtown Sunderlands ........coeiniienins 42 045, £05; . Dozeey Hope 643, 'Myrtle S ¥ 7 Or ul rr "a5 3-4--Howard Motors - Goofers 3-4-- DeLuxe - Juniors Mustangs re Prattice a5, Onl; Bas Golling ity py cori Lica iii : 2 ancasters J ' ' a Meteors .: 35 6-6--DeLuxe - Stars 6-6--Howard Motors - Metors Hetleoniors Mabel Cook 624, Marion Healey 622, | 0 Howard rests ss 29- 9 pm. Wi A STi Bae . Yrs oS 615, 605; Joan Venning 610, Mary vy Carnegie ... i 1-2--Carnegies - Juniors ; - o Mosquitoes .. Sweetman 603. a 3-4--Carnegies - Stars { Midtown ... 3-4--Midtown - Black Jacks %.0--Black Jacke « oGofers Kittyhawks bo Juniors ......... 5-6--Whiz Bangs - Archers . Over 200-- 1 ionaires .... 20-- ky Legionaires | serve © | February 6--7 pan. March 20--17 p.m. Joan Venning 288, Louise Carnegie . n 3 High Singles-- : : 1-2--Goofers - . 285, 250; Marilyn Hutchinson 282, yi > ers - Carnegies n M. Gerrow---306 .* 1-2--Stars - Archers . 3.4--Stars - Legionaires Norma Crozier 261, Amy Miller 267,| : [= - SN te R. Owen--299 3-4--Carnegies - Metors ~~ 5-6--Black Jacks - Whiz Bangs Grace Paigeter 244, Ruby Leask 243, The Cubs will conduct a Calendar Fr : a Mark--209. ' 5-6--Whiz Bangs - Howard Motors 9 p.m. Mary Sweetman 240, 202; Barbara | Blitz of Port Perry in order to raise , : é 9 p.m. 1-2--Archers - Howard Motors | Griffen 237, Marion Healey 236, Ruby [ money. for their building fund. The hy High Triples-- "| 1-2.--Midtown -.Legionaires 3.4--Metors - DeLuxe Williams 2382, Glenda Taylor 224,|lads will be calling on. you on Satur- brad LL i 5-6--Midtown - Juniors Merle St. John 219, Ruth Short 218, | day, weather permitting. Please buy \ fn R. Owén--~686 3-4--Juniors --Goofers . WW EE \ : Mary MacGregor '214, Joan McNab | a calendar and help the building fund. i J. Read--679 \ 5-6--DeLuxe - Black Jacks lo _ B. Miller--665. 7" Feiry. thdt pitt." 3 La [mien Ladies Monday Lemons--A. Denon: , 1-2--Black Jacks - Juniors d ies' on a SRE SE Bg : : ' p fri tracons 3-4--Midtown - Whiz Bangs - M I N 0 R H 0 C K ; Y ng pa' of al i ; M eo. B Ii '5-6--Legionaire - DeLuxe Night League : x Ry Fae The Ma he ens t ow mg 9 pm. TILOIS woeeversiivreieiren 53 ' | : y th "ad Wir' \ Ast y F / " 1-2--Metors - Goofers = Bears. = ; = . ec 49 ap i Schedule 3-4--Archers - Carneiges WOIVES weenie eenere 41 oy proche Te Sb mh Ba 9 teas} ie ari het omen . 3 ' fd ¢ i Ls €as n 5-6--Stars - Howard Motors | Foxes ...iriiirinns RPA 40° : Enjoy yourself and still be able Hpbi "Dah of Fotis -- January 9--17 pm. 2 - a substantial late-night supper. When | 14 cup grated sharp cheeset A ; February 20--7 p.m. . oe . excitement is high, anpetitea will be Light] mine Hirk Meo Lanes : 5 1 2._Midtown Goofeérs Eleph : : stimulated. ton rth ont other ingre Ho Dagon / \ | i * . ephants .......... Farin in TS 32 . Lt, . : Your gucsts Will alt a that 4 5 $ : / \ 1-2--Legionaires - Black Jacks ~| 8-4--Legionaires - Archers Camels -..... . 3 ha "Party Right i al agree bog reo wart autre orig PAR. 3-4--Goofers - Stars | b-6--Stars - Juniors 8 ) ~ Squirrels .... na : . and satisfying dish. Combine diced | oven (350° F.) for 20 minutes; thew 5-6--Cafnegies - Whiz Bangs . R } cooked turkey or chicken with spaghetti sprinkle with cheese and bake 10 - 9 p.m. ] acoons ..., T d D b 10th 1957 in tomato sauce and top with grated minutes longer. (If refrigerated ' 9 pm. 4 . ' fad Skunks on ues ay ecem er [ cheese. It is a dish so good, everyone | before baking, increase cooking time 1-2--Juniors - Metors 1-2--~Howard Motors 7 Black Jacks Lion ) s J * ! will think you spent hours preparing it.| to 45 minutes). Makes 6 Jy 3 4-- DeLuxe Archers 3-4--Whiz Bangs - Métors AORS civnsmrsmmpmmsssermmsmsrrscrmsminivions N - - . Yo most of the ingredients rs peady Geer ical . eh . # , < . y . L . i der | 11 be n eir and waiting on your pantry she wer likely ingredients might be 5.6--Howard Motors -. Midtown 5-6--Carnegies - DeLuxe High Single-- The Port Perry Minor Hockey Club will holding th A Creel ry fron % . January 16--17 p.m February 27--7 p.m. Lorraine Raines .........ccvvvvnne 217 BOOSTER' PIN BLITZ NIGHT. One of the young play- yally 3 the day and refrigerate it until fan tail rly roaedaalud, pining bin " : Bp 9c y Anne Faleoner mn 217 ¥ " t ls'time to bake . Pies. ' 1-2--Howard Motors - DeLuxe Se Howard: Majors | High Triple--Anne Falconer .......... 691 ers will be calling on you. The Booster Pins will be sold for. 2 ead cored Hor gekenky To make the pies, Just feat Jou 2 5 Kai = Most Strikes--Anne Falconer ....... ) : cups diced cooked turkey or chicken | favorite froz s (apple, -ch TAR 3-4-~Metors . Midtown a ost Strikes--Anne Falconer ......11{[ $2.00, If you do not wish to buy a Pin any DONATION will S03 rs coed twhes oy lichen | lavorkes, frozen pies Capit" di "A s6--Juniors - Are 8 ia Over 200--, I tl jated " tomato sauce with cheese package. While warn, top with scoops & ; . "opm 9 p.m. . L ing. Raines 217, 315; : " be greatly appreciated. u Laajesiaats Bhi fini) pimiento | of ice cream and stand an animal 5) "i : : Orraine, Ka nne ' oH yc green pepper coukie on top. / . Stars 1.8--Goofers - Archers i i : } A Er Restlish Jaks - 8 : 5 4 Btays « Arcliors Falconer 217, Marj. Burnett 215, Joan .... THESE YOUNGSTERS NEED YOUR SUPPORT ) : AR ofers - z bang onal Lane 207, Miriam Price 207, Edna De- ; : Ea ; - - . ; a ! 6- 6--Legionaires : Carnegies 6-6--Juniors -. Legionaires Shane 206 Marg. Sweetman 201, A