eo CoG Cm i Lh Branch emphasizes the Impos tance of the ing the manufa turer's' directions - implicit} when applying chemical weg killers. | n The U.S.A. | oo, e| the Craig Family, gardening hints and elevigion's "Country Calendar." fire (left to right): George i Norn: Garrick, Jim Ross and ony; for which bridal musi' c oi Mrs. Elsie Dobson, « A {Ken Hallett sang: "The Lord's Praye] Vere Sunday ig Wedding Prayer" and "The Walter Wright Wedding Hymn" during the écremany, hl Many AR ferns mad Y | in' marriage by "{length gown o : i Bl 'neckline covered Sleeves tapered points over her ; hands. | The skirt was gathered at the. Mr. George: H | waist into a fitted bodice and fell in] of the Ontario Si tiers of 'pleated nylon at: the front;| ces the .appointmen with an apron of French chantilly lace | Ellis as General Manager, . Mr, Ell at the back, - The bride's' double veil Was. previously Director of Commiers of nylon net was full length'and fasts] cial Vehicle Safety for the, League.' RL a Ch | ened ta a coronet of seed pearls. Shel "The menace of accidents ¢ carried a white bible with an orchid types 'calls for specialist preve corsage, 'and. streamers. of ribbon |effor onl! Mi; Shintosnart] "knotted. with yellow rosebuds. Ne [well q alitied _ Attending the bride 'was her sister, [will be a sharp Miss Barbara Heyes as Maid of Hon-| ty bring a" greater our.. 'The bridesmaids were Miss Lins to Ontarlo--on 1da Heyes of Toronto, cousin of the I play and recreat hn des | bride, Mrs. Carol Southwell of Osh- [ihe water, Senior adn awa, and Miss Evelyn Ianson of perience in the Arm Greenbank. ~All were dressed alike | of getive work in ace in velvet waltz "length gowns in a programs equip Mr, deep mauye shade." They wore petite |i; 5 vital and ch: feather headbands, and carried mateh- [jp yn said Mr, Jiel Gi ing 'white fur muffs with a corsage| 'My. Riis succeeds Mr, W, of mauve mums, ~~ | 2. |Reynolds who recently. relin Mr, Peter Hooker, cousin 'of the | his position as, General Ma groom was best man. Ushers were the Ontario Safety League Mr, William Crates of Toronto, cou- the newly-created position ; | 8in of the bride, Mr. Douglas -South- |, icqioner of Highway Safe sell of Oshawa and Mr, Robert Heayn | Ontario Departmént' of Tra A Fof-Prince 'Albert, GE 7 1 The . reception was held in the | church .parlor,: where the bride's mo ther received, wearing a' beige lace | SAUSAGE a _| dress with a small blue hat and mat: Sy J a *i.| ching accessories." 'The groom's mo-| K'. > on TA i Lon "| ther was gowned in a shell pink lace Rit : i cee) ted with A sheath with white hat and accessories. | - - . yr Je Te xs inate Gh OR . ® es [land conde 13 Connery gre_in. vay TR ls Sie and' seco law J 11 : 4 Rens | -- ------ moved by eg or A th Sle ' t and presented Drill--Dance--Gr. V and VI Toby--Meg's little puppy. be ; | DIFFERENT TYPES - BEAUTY | bv Councillor Trewin. thi.d Ha ding of their special offering as a birthday Play--Bringing Up Junior--Gr, VII Woman--Dorothy Forder ation will meet ey of ite oe I : )F "BE PAN fd hi Rigey 2 : gift for' Jesus, 'then sang "Father and VIIL Man--Stuart Dorrell at Mrs. 0. Croxall's on Thursday, on to the new rate| We need it around us, that which | Reeve Green as acting Reeve CPULY | Bless the gifts we bring Thee", Lorna| ~Pageant--The Sweetest Story--Gr. Woman and child--Gwenith Thomp. | January. 9th, A ; t Wilson, of Canning. | delights the eye, the ear and other , Foti ty : Wright read the minutes and roll call} V, VI, VII, son and Elizabeth Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Crosier. visited ; Vion village, who will not bg a member! senses. Yet, to define it, to pin it seconded ? oe ig hos bigs with program as follows: Helen Swain Recitation -- A Workin' On hel Nurse and 2 children--Kathlecn Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ronald, Ajax. on "of next year's couneil, = - would arouse varying degrees of op- > ot hig > Te or right that | piano solo; "Home on the Range" by |Farm--Paul Rahm. Dorrell, Donna McLaughlin Sunday, Ho claimed that although council | Position, What constitutes beauty for | X¢¥¢ Ashton chair the balance of the audy Swain; Solo "Away fn a Manger" |" Songs--The Angels Message. Floyd Kyte. 1 Mrs, Hannah Johnston 'with Mys, members from the south end of the|one would be something else for an. Teswing aiter passing of the By-law, |and Lorna did' the actions as Judy | Westminster: Carol--Gr, V, VI, VII| Madonna--Jean Kyte ; F. B. Johnston and. Hache ddod ~~ ens £8, county did not receive the mileage al. | other, so different a ) our tastes. Renn fro ove Green then asked the | sang; Glen Bonnetta read "Christmas [and VIII. The National Anthem, Angel--Elaine. Mountjoy the Perkine.e !ivdding in Tor. ; they sel tomers ftom the north did, Fo some beauty Sk exemplified in a | +c. L© PUL his reasons for refusing Day; Gail Bonnetta: read "Its Christ: | Owing to the large mimber of Hild. Three Wise Men--Blake Gunter, /fONtd"on Saturday, they still took home a sizeable chequ elt ower, a painting 'the physt cal Hin to At in Selting which was done and |mas"; John Larmer recited "The (ren now attending our public schoal, ~ Jim Marlow, Neil Malcolm, ee ---- : after council meeting, ~~. ties of young womanhood, For al Tens on follows: i First Christmas";. Bill Thompson read and-no place: in the village large Herod--Richard Bowles : Ri, i beauty is the passing fashion Whether of C anh . oe : n, Reeve of the Twp. | "A Negro Carol"; Cheryl and Michael enough to accomodate the crowd who Shepherds--Roy McLaughlin, Ralph| Cedar Creek iD REVIVE FOX BOUNTY | in dress, household furnishings o tho 1 retused to sign ths said Bylaw | HCCOmIck sald Its Jesus Bisthday; | woul Stiend; the school couneil de. Larmer, Harold McLaughlin. = ~ IN COUNTY bis HE newest. model automobile, ' Those she : S03, Se on the sal Bylaw. Russel Carnaghan recited "I want my | cided to have three entertainments. Voices off stage-- On Thursday evening the Christma The payment of fox bounties, almost | tind delight in a Mozart on bg itdon in contact with the Munieipal Engle| nis' pre Butt sang "Silent | The above montioned "ihe Christmas. | Inn Keeper--Merrill VanCamp | Concert was held at the school, A a perennial topic of discussion af the | are offended by certain types of mod- | néet in Port H > ; 1 Bat hep Night"; Doris 'and Dennis Ashton one to be presented by the Intermedi- Joseph--Stuart Dorrell former student, Joan Wilson. Ontario County: Couneil, may 'again ern music that others enjoy and who me as far as be oot > Wi sang "Santa Claus fs Coming"; Lois | ate and Junior grades in February arid Bob Caretaker---Harold Kyte Chairlady. In her openin nl re get on the agenda at a meeting. in [dislike classical numbers. was in first class shape in Castor he| | Tght recited "Overheard in an Or-| the third by the Primary groups near | Ruth, his wife--Edith McLaughlin she mentioned that this lias x ald Whitby. Last: week Reeve John J: Some hold mountain wilderness js|as-far as our R d Sur i t , ard'; Judy Mountjoy read "Squir- Easter. re Mr. Melville and Miss Doris Griffin, | be the last Christmas Cone t to 1 MacFayden of Mara Twp. told the the highest type of beauty; then concerned. Bo ops tendent iot1, Ho liday"; Bobby McLaughlin re. . Each room of the public school ds Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Griffin, Mr. and held in our school. - She drew atten. council that Victoria county officials want forests transformed into builds} My second reason is that bei Sted "Ghristman. is a cappy Time"; | well 85 the high selwiol had 'a; Clhiylst. MrsA. Getrard attended the wedding | tion to the three beautiful coloured were calling for the payment of such | ing materfals and pulp plants. Some] Reeve here for th t A Ih "81 Brian Mountjoy recited "Oh Little | mas party in their own room one af- of Mr. Clem Rahm and Miss Ruth Christmas sceites that a former st a bounty, look to nature as the finest "form of Fhad but minor complet Roud Vine" All sang "The Firat Nowell ternoon. And the afternoon previous Wilson at Young's Point, Saturday, dent Ronnie: Laroeque had draw y Under 'county matters', Reeve Mac- | are; others believe that man improves | Superintendent P oor Roadland repeated the Band Benediction. | to the Senior's program all the youn- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston return. [the black boardl, Joan then announ Fayden reported that he had been | nature by changing it into something| \ My third reason fs that 1 do not| e"" ROMeril dropped in to say Hello | ger pupils were tation to the auditorl-| ed home from Belleville Sunday. [ced the program which consisted of qd talking to officials of Eldon Twp, and else. - z lik at this time of bons d 4 hi and wish all a Merry Christmas, The |am to see and hear the dress re. Mr, and Mrs, Roy Turner left Mon- | songs, recitations plays, = drills " wl) Victoria County Council recently and| Nature, of course, has both ugliness | meéting that we should shar . Rod Chae dang We wish.yoii a Merry | hearsal ; fay to spend a fow days with the |square* dance by the junior piipils, a "had = been : told that = they were | and humor as well as beauty, Per. Superintendent, as' this new > tat: ancien ot. tor Mr. Romer] and the| Sunday afternoon en enBlican Turner. relatives at Winchester. black faced minstrel show" ending hours oui he teturn of the, 0x | haps oven ugliness seems Deastitur sl oy bis tender that he had no ex. |1cocr? Of the Band. The leaders | Churely was fille santa yed the | Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Graham of | with the sod om. quiz show. An add bounty to Ontario County, The boun- some. - Thete as eh variety peria Po. x a y a To = treated to candy. Next meeting: will | Nativity Pageant presented by the port Perry, Mr. and Mrs, Rupt. Byers, | ed attraction was three" tap dande : + ty was abolished two years ago. Prior | enough to please ary -cospololitan| 1 definitely think that this mateer| pot: Teh) 1068. | Sunday School children, iptare. cana. | Bowmanville, were Sunday guests of numbers by two young lady visitors - to that, the county paid a bounty of | taste, Certain rimitive tribes adorn | 8 ond be left for next ear's Council," oon esday evening, Dee, 18, twenty by nro) Singing and seripture réed. Md Mea, Ossar Graham, Santa arrived. and the. pareels on $3.00 por fox. i Bla 0 ® thompelves with rings in their noses,| Aecdunts were ordersd aid nd | | ron and Sonne. eolorets, O.G.IT, Ty: lings, Thin was directed by Meds.| Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Ashton and fa- the tree were soon distributed, The Reeve MacFayden stated that they | a en their heads in fnfaney, Journ 411 the call of thi pat tar A ros and Sigma C's met in the Sunday MeArthur, Fred Hanfilton and Mil} mily entertained her parents Mr. and children received 'a treat of jee "ream Wanted the bounty back again in an |p 3 pefitance may be repulsive to et 24. Bn. School room far thelr Christmas | dred Colley,' (Mrs, Walter Oke of Enniskilen and from Mr. and Mes. Alfred Kem effort to reduce the fox US as | our practices would bef -------- party. They had planned Carol sing- | went to the Parish Hall, viewed the | they family Saturday evening on the | from the Ridge View Snack Bar P heco to them. Satara, pat i ing for the Shut-ns-of the village, beautiful Christmas tree and each occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Oke's 45th Several visitors were present. A There is 10 one type of beauty, Wa | WIN BL y Things bd to Be orton Pouring rain, that | child lcolved a gift from the Sun. | wagon anniversary, to. {4 former Loachor and his wite, Mr, and ean only take our ehojee aei.coth ! SAUTE © [had to be omitted. But a very plea: |day School, : Miss' Gertrude Henry, Toronto, a Merlin Slute of Bowmanville. bh sian vg : sant evening of games and refresh-| THe United Church was filled for home from Saturday until Thursday, : 'g 2 by Ambrose Hills ments was spent, ending with a Can- the service at 10 a.m, Sunday. Rev.| Mr, and Ms, Rosh Duff, Graham al his Slime fat sch ON FOR 58 dle Light Worship service fn the |P, Romeril delivered a fine sermon on and Marilyn joined the Yeit of the | gears ago. Mra. Clothiers mother ; church; Fi ; "The: Royal Entry", The choir ren-| puss families at the home of hig par- Mrs, Saunders, of Pickering, ) WL. LOL, 188 held. hielr Annual meet- | dered two fine Christmas Anthems. | ents Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Duff, Shir-' pop Fitze of Oshawa, Mr. Atul ou ing and elected follo - The Sunday School room was jam. ley, on Sunday, ~ "'MacCrea, Linda a a Oar af 3 ; 4 r--Ca : 4 ¥ a Wor, » ter--Carl med for their Christmas open sessfon' My and Mores Shortrid Tr. M rl Mol b : ; ! ge and Mrs. Ro Blain at bt. Master--Stanf 7 | when each class presented a mum iy") GH ests of | oy : on the program; at the close of Which M each child was given a gift from .>" Sanday School. Asgenerous off was received to} - rill Ferguson work on th' paar an way Ee A a a Bah i rE FR ' HET TRO