ahiactalued "shippers and in the Re- evening. Bee, the chemist and Mrs. Bee; Mr. Cosborne, -secretary; and another gentleman from Toronto who enter- tained with piano accordian muse. pe] RO CS A A LE RR A EA AR IR ROR RRR IRR OR Aplications for' 'Garbage Collector AND DOG CONTROLLER 4 Applications, separately or folntly, for the positions of Garbage Collector and Dog Controller, for the Village of Port Perry, for the. yeriod of 12 months, starting February 1, 1958, will be received by ~ Council; Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by noon, SATUR- * DAY, JANUARY 26th, 1968. Particulars of duties may be obtained at the Clerk's Otfice. . Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ines : : JOHN F, RAINES, Clerk. Let these help Jou to | . Planned Saving =] i 1 PERSONAL. CHEQUING ACCOUNT Pay all bills: by cheque on a Personal ~ Chequing Account. A quarterly statement i will help you keep your records straight. The low service charges are pre-paid. Your cancelled cheques are on file if you ge need them. 2 SAVINGS ACCOUNT Keep your Savings Account for saving. Add . to it every pay. As your balance grows ! you'll- -gain peace of mind. - ent Planned Saving at our hair branch. now. ° THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 770 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY TO SERVE YOU N-108C - oA J. R. Helm, Mgr. Port Perry Branch You can have a newer, fuller, oatleok lifo-with a real . fatare ,', , in the Canadian Army. { N you want a steady job... a career with a future... and can meet the high standards set by the Canadian . is a world of opportunities open to you, Hore isa challenging career . . one with a purpose... good companions . . , opportunities for advancement ond adventure... good pay. : . The yours when you are young are - THE GREATEST YEARS OF YOUR LIFE Bkesthp jot o ras sa.4 proud smb of she Army, - @8T THE FACTS FOR YOURSELF TODAY Phone, or send this coupon tor ARMY RECRUITING STATION 807 College Bt., Toronto, Ont. bole 21 Tel. EM-6-8841. Racal 278 "= Please send me; without obligation, details on career. eppors tunities in the Canadian Army. 4 Ape Name ey 4 Address... - © §----Clty/Town........ Phone i and approved. 'Glowing ts oll committees' showed a year | splendid accomplishments. It was decided that memorial flow- Jers would be placed on the altar by| the W.A. in memory of. deceased ; members, The flowers to be placed in the altar on the Sunday nearest to St. Andrew's Day. ) 'Members were rem of the yond Day of Prayer Service which being 'held on February 21, in the Nestleton Presbyterian Church. There 'was a discussion on the possibility of § | erecting a small building attached to the hall, to house the furnace so' that more space would be: available in the kitchen where the furnace is situated at present, 'fs the membership is quite small it was decided to hold a membership drive and a visiting committee was appointed, consisting of Mrs, Langfelt, Mrs, F. Stanfland, Mrs. H, McLaugh- lin and Mrs. John Hamilton, an anonymous ¢ donor was gratefully aecepted. - Canon Chaperlin 'congratulated the WA. menibers on: 'its great achieve- ment in 'the:past year and asked that all: 'the 'executive be present at' the Sunday niorning service on' January 26th for 'a 'service of 'dedication and Installation: 'of * officers, 'The "Canon then: closed 'the "meeting with prayer. A short proggam followed in the form of & reading from the 'bulletin by Miss Parr and some: fiteresting facts 'about "a donation of two quilt tops from | A soclal ; | Present from I Dairy, To- Mr Ford lod 8 dacuseion on, gen, " '| ronto, were: Mr, - general man- feral pros and cons, Mr. | bait hour followed with lunch served | ager of the dairy and Mrs. Ford, Mr, f Cosborne brought a record player Japan by Mrs. McArthur, d by group 2 convened by Mrs Bailey, A goodly number are pleased to welcome colder weather and at least a little snow so that the rink was able to get going this past week, an | Skating was enjoyed Wednesday and )| Saturday nights and Saturday after- noon. Curling got going Thursday Hight and hockey Friday night and it is hoped to also have' curling each 'Monday and Tuesday nights making » du schedule. A midget hockey team of Girt Shi boys has been' organized and jdined the O.M.H.A. under the man- agement of Mr. Chas. Clark, Williams Point. The boys are busy practising and expect to put on some exhibition games here soon, They are soliciting the support of the local citizens, iA couple of rinks of Cartwright curlers "competed in the Fee Motors Bonspeil at Lindsay. on Saturday but this time were not successful in win. ning prizes. The two previous Satur- days a tink from here had played in jitneys there and 'brought home the bacon". Eight tables of euchre were played at the party sponsored by the LOBA in the Lodge room Wednesday night. Winners were--high lady, Mrs. Frank Bailey; ' high gent, Osmond Wright, who won the draw from a tie with Mrs, Elgin Gray. Door prize went to Mrs, Stanford VanCamp. The men's club of St. John's church sponsored an euchre party Thursday night when seven tables were played. Prize winners--high lady, Miss Eva Parr, 2nd Mrs. Arthur Leighton; high gent, Don Greén and 2nd Chas Smith. 'Door prize Mr. F. Hodgson, Port Perry. - Several friends and relatives at- 'tended the following funerals this week-- Thureday, Mr. Lorne Knapp, Oshawa; Friday, Mrs, John Argue, at Bowmanville; © Saturday, Mr. Percy 'Philp, West Hill. Sympathy is ex- PANY SH SL EP SV - tended the families of the deceased. __ Sunday visitors of Mrs. Ed. Darcy were Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay and Mrs, Ed. Fice, Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs, Roy Ferguson, West Bank, B.C. are visiting his sisters Mr, and Mrs, Earl Dorrell and Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Johns. ton and other relatives Mrs. Geo. Fowler, Oshawa, spent a couple of days with Mrs. Céell Ham-. ilton. Miss Leta Thomas and Mr, Ross Hughes of Burgessville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Larmer yisited 'Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Hoar, of Orono, Sunday, and attended church 'service there, Misses Joyce Venning, Irene Em. merson and Aleta Steele, of Oshawa, visited the Chas. Vennings on Sunday. Cherl Rahm, Port Perry, spent last week with her grandparents Mr, and Mrs. Jack Rahm, She and Mrs, Jack Rahm are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rahm and new son at Fort Perry. Misses Pearl Wright and Gertrude Henry, Toronto, spent the week-end at their respective homes. Mr, and Mrs, Theodore Watson and Lynn, Norland, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Bradburn, Janetville, were Saturday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Earl Bradburn, Donald and Ivan, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Martyn and boys visited the Al Martyn's, Oshawa, on Sunday. Mrs. Ewart Leask and baby Mar- garet Jean, of Solina, are spending a while with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow. Ewart also spent the week-end with them. Mr." snd Mrs. Neil Bailey, Mrs. Howard,*Miss Catherine and Mrs. F. Bailey; and Mrs, Wm. McLaughlin were Sunday guests of the Sandy Dawson's of Oshawa, in honour of Catherine Bailey and Kathryn Daw- son's birthdays.. i Harper, Mr, and Murs. Jan pons PEERY STAR, Savaghad JANUARY 28rd, or The congregational diner of the Utica and Epsom churches was held Saturday at 12,80, The Rev, Mr, Pick of Markham was chairman and the following were elected for Utica-- Elders, Ralph Wilbur, Mrs, H. Walker, | Stewards (2 years) Mrs. O. Harper, Mrs. Randall; (8 yrs) Mrs. J. Crosier, Mervin Storie. Trustees--Chester Geer, Ralph Wilbur, Henry Skerratt, Parsonage Board--Mr. and Mrs, @. H. Walker. Recording. Steward + Don Asling. Auditors--Mrs. 'F, Kendall, Mrs. R. Wilbur. Missionary Convener--Mrs. Jim_ Mitchell. The following reports. were read: Church, Mrs, J. Crosier; W. A. Marion Harper, Sunday School, Ken Skerratt. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Wilbur, Glen and Hillis, and Miss Carol Beare, of Greenbank, visited Mr. and Mrs. E, E. King, of Orillia, on Sunday. - Mr. Jack Crosier left Thursday for a two week's visit with his daughter in' California, - 'Mrs. Frank Kendall visited Mrs, G. Nelson in Port Perry Welnsslay © even- | ing. Mrs. J. Mitchell visited Mr. and Mrs. Gray Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilkinson visited Mrs, George Bagshaw and Mrs. D. Ballard in Sunderland on Sunday. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Mitchell on Sumday were Mr. and Mrs. George Judd of Chalk Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Hess of Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs, Keith Wilson of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Gray and Bill Mitchell had- Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. Storie, on Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. E, Holmes and family of Oshawa. Rr "How to achieve YOU can do it | { with Rez -- because Rez go brings out . R20: wood's natural texture ria Uk {13 You can add professional fini- ishes with Rez--natural haid- . wood colors, fashionable ~~ -bleached effects, expensive = hand-rubbed appearance . . . bringing out the hidden beauty and distinctive texture. of the natural wood grain, "And Rez Wood Finishes just sm-0-0-0-0-th- on. You apply them simply and easily with brush or rag, adding a glowing, lustrous beauty to any wood. Ask us for free illustrated folder. REESOR FUEL ~ &LUMBER Phone 73 Port Perry L- 0 ", 4 : Vy 3 lectricity oe little reall COSt ? up in price --an average of 80% between 1940 and 1956 according to the Consumer Price Index. But in Ontario during these same years, the average price of The average cost of a day's cooking for a o€s things in your daily life. Your home ELECTRICITY DOES SO MUCH... gone down 4%. ever betore. tamily of four is only clean, modern way. , COSTS SO LITTLE Most things you buy today have gone ELECTRICITY used in the home and on the farm has actually . 5.3 cents. Electricity is one of the most important is safer... easier to keep clean... brighter... more comfortable than Household tasks, and farm tasks too, are done more quickly, more casily, more economically and the world of entertainment is yours at the flick of a switch...all for only a few cents a day. ~ Live Better Electrically... the sate, \ . 90A SR v ~ ~ > fe . Ly £2 z ll a p + Y " » ! F ' 2; 4 I ETT