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Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Jan 1958, p. 1

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a rr - Attorney, Alex. Hall, Authorid us Sond las Mal Post Otica Departmen, Oba. --- PORT PERRY) ONT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30th, 1958 $2.00 per year, Single Copy be. Report of Police Dept. as Presented Tothe Town Conneil € Commissioners, Port Perry. * Gentlemen: It is with great pleasure 'that I. present' to you my {fifth annual report' dealing with the activities of the Port Perry Police Department, to- géther with the statistical data for the year ending December 31st, 1957. | - During the year Port Perry proper has been free of any major crime for which I' commend the citizens highly. I should like to pay special tribute ta Reeve J, J. Gibson and Councillor WwW. T. Harris, my police committee for their €0-0 ration to: this Department during 19567. I would also thank the rest of the douncil for their co-opera- "tion extended to me during 1957. ~~ It has been'a year of long hours and hard work, but on completion of this report it is with a great deal of pride 1 point out to council we. have one of the cleanest Towns in Ontario. with a great deal of pleasure' F also point out through long hours and en- forcement of Highway Traffic Act the safety of our streets have been great- ly increased." : I wish to thank, on behalf of the Police Department our worthy Crown Q.C., for 'dis loyal support, advice and kind co- operation during year 1957, I would alst like to thank our worthy magistrate, His Worship, F. 8S. Ebbs for his kindness and .considera- _ tion: shown this - Department during the past year. . I also wish to 'thank the staff and officers of Ontario Provincial Police, Whitby, for their wonderful co-opera- tion"throughout the year, In conclusion I wish to take this | opportunity of thanking Your Hon- ourable Board, for your capable and . kind consideration which has been so generously given at all times. Trusting such relations may remain in the year to come, I remain: Your obedient servant, A. C. Menzies, Chief Constable. Recommendations 1. That 1958 - Bicycle licenses be purchased as enclosed.. These Lic. will do for life of bicycle at a Lic. Fee of $1.00. 2. That a Hydro pension fund be set up. I believe we were promised this pension last year to take effect the first of 1958, 8. That a man be hired to assist me. With two liquor: outlets coming into effect this year I believe this will in- crease traffic conditions a great deal. I don't feel I can carry on another year without a man, 4. That meters be installed on main street also around park. 6. That $1600 be set aside for Police Cruiser to be paid to me in 24 pay- ments on 16th and 80th of each month. Also that mileage log be discontinued, I feel information of this log is for Police Dept. only. If my Police Com- mittee wish to take up with me any questions pertaining to Police Cruiser they can have this information at their pleasure. That a sum of money be set aside to allow Mrs, Menzies and myself to at- tend Chief Constables Association. 7. That a new Police Station and Court Room be built. 8. That the Villagé of Port- Perry pay half of my P.S.I. This is usual in all Police Dept. 'Hockey games $40, Pick pockets 1 It is: Summary for 1957 Cages In Court ...oiivmmerivnmnd12 Complaints y 782 'Telephone Calls vps 1296 Total Charges Break and Enter 1, Theft 2, House- breaking 3, Knifing 1, Careless driv- ing 6, Drynk drivers L,C.A. 8, Drunks L.C.A. 13, LC.A, 43(1), 9, Registration of Revolvers 21, Finger prints taken 3, Warrents to apprehend 4, Summons for 'out-of town police 32, Search 'Warrants executed 3, Assisted O.P.P. arrest 12, False pretences 1, Inspect meat plants 6, Car thefts recovered, Port Perry and O.P.P. 8, Lost chil- dren 14, Stolen bicycles recovered: 6, Property damage, Hallowe'en $25.00, Arrest for out of town police 9, For- gery. 3, Reference" given 14, Warrants of Commitment 6, Assualt 8, House 'calls 86, Vacant House Inspected 14, R.C.M.P. Security Checks 7, Childrens Aid 2, Signed Lic. 415., Stolen tires recovered 5, Stolen Fadica recovered 8, Seized drivers Lic. 8 Hit and run charges 4. Interviewed in charges of their par- ents 18 young men for small infrac- tions of L.C.A., small thefts, ete. - I 'have, always felt it is better Police Procedure to keep a boy or girl out of jail for a first offence rather than to prosecute. 7 Property Stolen and Recovered Property 'and money lost' $121.87, Property recovered $200.87, Property and money stolen $482, Property and money recovered $182. "Traffic Total accidents for year 1957, 21 Total. Damage $3876.16 DO LP TTT TITY Accidents with Persons injured 6 Death from accident ..iiiinniinnnl Bicycle Licenses Bicycle Licenses sold ....4 ini. «144 rd Hilltop Herald by Darlene Christie _ Hi again everyone! Well, sport seems to dominate our news this week. Inter-school basket- ball on Friday. the girls played host to Brock girls and the boys went to Brock. The Senior girls-won 48 - 11, and the Senior boyg won 68 - 47. Both Junior teams lost by small mar- gins. More luck to you all next time. One Wednesday while the Grade eleven and twelve boys will be in Ham- ilton' touring the Steel Co. factory and Oakville at the Ford Plant, the 'girls teams will go to Brock to play basketball. This is because of Brock's "At Home" on Friday. Brock boys will play regularly here on Friday. Inter-mural basketball on Thurs, January 23, team five (A. Read) de- feated team four (M. Harris) by de- fault. Monday, January 27, team six (D, Christie) defeated team three (E. Benschop) 7 - 8. On Friday, Pat Asling and Dave Langille- won over Miriam Harris and Grant Menzies at. badminton. Also, Mary Lou Robertson was defeated by Irene Ptolemy and John Croxall. That seems to be all for this week. 2 Narrowly Escapes | Serious Injury Mr. Rey Cook, employed at the J J. Gibson Poultry Plant, narrowly es- | caped serious injury when he was working on a discarded refrigerator unit. In working on, pne of the valves the ammonia gas exploded in his face 'causing burns te the facé and nostrils; It is reported that only his glasses saved his eyes from damage. Mr, Cook managed to crawl out of the building and was taken to the Community Memorial Hospital where he spent some time in an oxygen tent, Our last report is that Mr. Cook is recovering nicely, ~The escaping fumes drove. all other employees from the Poultry Plant into the open air. Fortunately none other !| suffered injury and no extensive dam- age resulted to the plant. Police De partment Expenses 7 Salary ine $4,300.00 Holiday. pay Car... Phone ...counivivnenin PE, 62. F Uniform, ete. cima 261.68 Brake tester .......... wenn = 8276 Extra Police, and gas ........ 109.25 Flashlight batteries .........c..... 21.66 Stationery. -psupplies SAPO 90:76 Postage cine, 10.00 Miscellaneous .......... IMEI ARG 122.82 $6,867.53 Fines for 1957 ....cc.conevnnenyenen... $2,920.70 Fines for 19566 .......cc.cvivvvenee $6,739.98 Maybelle Rebekah Lodge On Friday evening January 17th, Maybelle Rebekah Lodge were hosts to members and friends at Port Perry Public School. « - Noble Grand Sister Grace Love wel- comed all present and introduced Miss Lill and Mr. Bert Phippen of Toronto and Port Sydney who delighted and entertained everyone with pictures of their trip to Alaska, commentations made by Miss Phippen. During a short intermission, Sister Joan Aldred and Sister Florence Fralick accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Braham sang a lovely duet. The Phippens then brou- 'ght us by picture back from Alaska. Vice Grand Sister Myrtle Snelgrove thanked the Phippens for coming to show us their beautiful pictures. Some of the members then put vn & comic hat fashion show which brou- ght much laughter from the audience. Comentator was Ruth Foster.accom- panied at the piano by Lillian Harper. Models were Joan Aldred, Nettie Ald- red, Lolo Bruce and Ruth Short. The evening then closed with the Queen. ALL-CANADIAN AGED HOLSTEIN BULL AND COW ALL-CANADIAN AGED BULL 1 Both "won Grand {Championships 'at = _AND COW . - 'the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, last Ea ~Climaxing the current show-season | November, ~. Preceptor is owned by Rosafe Precéptor (left) has been se- | Dunrobin & Elmeroft Farms, Beaver- lected as the All-Canadian Aged Hol- | ton, Ontario, and Silvia by Pickard and stein bull and Silvia Pabst Texal as | Clark, Carstairs, Alta. These top _ the All Canadian Aged Holstein Gow, Jahiwing honors were "awarded by the Yolges at the leading Canadion shows, Preceptor waa alsp Grand Champlon at Peterboro Championship Show while Silvia took the Grand Champ- fonship at Calgary, Saskatoon and Regina, . '| No. 1. [Port Perry Council © Méeting held on Saturday, January 26th, at 10 am. All members pre- sent, $5 Business 'Arlaing. out of Minutes: Reeve J. J. Gibson reported on hav- ing contacted Mr. F. C. Hasting re building inpector, Mr. Hastings felt he hadn't the qualifications. but felt that Mr. Weeden might carry on. Councillor Cox reported on the re- commendation from Mr .Third as to this disposal of hot water heaters and thought it advisable to send out only one letter. A proposed new policy for the sale of the HW. tanks was also explained, The recommendation of the Hydro chairman was confirmed, Correspondence and New Business Tenders for garbage collection and dog control was considered. Lloyd Fawns, Garbage Collection $2750 and and Dog Control $15.00 per Mon, plus $5.00 for each dog picked up and $2 where owners claim their own dog. Mr. Frank Hackett -- Garbage col- lection and Dog Control $10 per mon. Thos. Slute -- Garbage collection $2850 and Dog Control $12.60 per month, Mr. Slute's ténder was Sess et at $2860 for garbage collection and $1560 per annum for dog control, duties to commence Feb. 1,:1958. © Mr. Glenn Miller reported on knock- ing" over a stop' sign at corner of Lilla and Clark streets. Mr. Miller to be billed for repairs. Letter from. Liquor Control Board acknowledging application for a liquor outlet in Port Perry. Letter filed. Letter. from Railway and Power En: gineering Corp. with Tecommendations and price on reconditioning of well Held over, .. Letter from C: E. Crease of Ontario Hydro re "Living Better Electrically" during 1958. Ontario Hydro will be ac- tively engaged in carrying out an ex- tensive and continuing promotional campaign, An invitation was received re Hydro meeting at the Albion Hotel in Bracebridge on. January 28 at 2.00 p.m. Councillor Cox was authorized to attend with expenses allowed. Request from the Township of Cart- wright and Scugog for renewal of Fire Agreement for 1958. Reeve and clerk to sign agreement at same terms l-as last year. -. P Letter from Bell Telephone re bur- ial of cable on Scugog street for 77 ft. East of Queen street (Hwy.) Letter from Mr. Ludgate, Municipal Engineer of Dept. of Highways re County Road connecting links. Mat- ter left with Reeve Gibson. Letter from the Ontario Fuel Board re granting of franchise for distribu- tion of natural gas. Board recom- mended frachise be granted and by- law passed permitting the Consumers Gas the franchise. Matter left with Councillor Cox to investigate and report. Letter from The Ontario School Trustees' and Ratepayers re conven- tion and membership. Referred to Public School Board, ' Court of Revision-- Following taxes to be written off-- Philip I. Lawrence business tax 93.60 Chas. Popert, 34.20 bus. tax unearned. J. B. Lundy, 21.60 bus, tax unearned. J. Franssen, 28.26 prop. tax unearned jord. Seiffert, 12.60 bus, tax unearned P."Saunders, prop tax re fire 92.95 J. Pierce, bus. tax uncarned 82.40 Robt. Boyer of Muskoka will pre- sent Private Bill re Waterworks De- benture in Legislature. Councillor Harris to attend Legislature with ex- pensés paid. : Report of Port Perry Police Dept.-- Present system of bicycle licenses to be retained, No action taken re Hydro Pension Fund. Request for assistant for Chief of Police was asked by Mr, Menzies, No action taken, That meters be fristalled on main street, also around park. No. Request: made by Chief of Police $1600 be set aside for police cruiser. This was approved-by Council. - $100 was granted Chief Menzies for he and Mrs, Menzies. to attend Chief Constables Association. = That a new Police Station and Court House be built. Under consid- eration. . That the village of Port Perry pay half of my P.S.1, as this is usual in all Police Departs, No action, NOTE--Sce Police Dept .Report for details. Obituaries REV. W. J. H, SMYTH A well-known and beloved former minister of Orono and Port Perry United Churches, Rev. W. J. H, Smyth passed away suddenly at Vistoraa, B.C. on January 16th. He wus western secretary of the Missionary and Maintenance Fand of the United Church of Canada and ser- ved in the United Church office in Saskatoon, Mr. Smyth was born 'in Belfast, educated in Ireland and Omemee, Ont. and received his MA, degree in philos- ophy from the Univéysity of Toronto and his BD degree from Victoria College. He was specially ordained at Oak- wood, Ont:, while on probation at the Gooderham Mission, His first charge was at Bobcaygeon, Ontario. Mr. Smyth's student work was ser- ved at Elm St. Toronto, and Trewdale, Sask. He served at 'Sebright, Wellington, Orono, Port Perry, Blenhiem, Park Hill and Highland Road. (Kitchener) He was a member of the Lions Club, Rotary Club and a Mason. At one time he was convenor of Oshawa and Guel- ph Missionary and Maintenance Com- mittee as well as in London and Ham- ilton conferences, - He had travelled widely in Canada, the U.S. and the British Isles and lec- tured on the "Emerald Isle" as well as promoting United Church work. A sister, Miss Jane Smyth, of Bell- eville, survives. Funeral services was held Monday in Omemee United Church with inter- ment in Emily Cemetary, Omemee. ARCHIE HERBERT HAMMOND * Mr. Archie Herbert Hammond, be- loved husbond of Susan Kezar, died in Port Perry Community Hospital on Saturday, January 18th, 1968. Mr. Hammond, son of the late War- ren Richard Hammond, whs born May 17, 1887 in Stewartstown, New Hamp- shire, He spent his early years with his grandmother and" aunt 'in Coati- cooke, Quebec. Later he lived in Winnipeg, Man., where he joined the 51st Pioneer Regiment in 1916 and saw service in World War I. In 1921 he married Susan Kezar of Katevale, Que. They moved to the Seagrave district settling on a farm near Lake Scugog, where he lived un. til his death. He was a member of Port Perry Legion No. 419 for many . Left to mourn his loss are his wife Susan, and two sons, Arthur of Osha- wa, and Howard of Seagrave. He also left five grandsons. Funeral service was conducted by Rev. E. McNeill at the McDermott- Panabaker funeral parlour." Members of the legion acted as pallbearers, as- sisted by Mr. F, Watson, Seagrave, and Mr. Allan Brown, Oshawa. Interment was in Pine Grove Ceme- tery. THOMAS RICHARD BOWMAN The death occurred in Newcastle, on January 20, 1958, of Thomas Richard Bowman, beloved husband of Emblyn Norris Bowman. Mr. Bowman was borin in Egrement Township, Grey County on November 26, 1870. In September of 1957 he and his wife celebrated their diamond wedding at the home of their son Wilfred in}. Darlington Township. He was mar- ried at Mount Forest, Ont., and farm- ed in that vicinity also near Guelph, and later bought the farm now owned by his son Wilfred. After Wilfred's marriage he bought a small farm at Port Perry, where the Brunton Chick Hatchery is now operated. Eleven 'years ago he retired and moved to Blackstock. In July, 1957 he sold their 'home in the village and he and Mrs. Bowman have spent most of the time since then with their family. He retained all his senses and had an exceptionally bright mind until he suffered a stroke five days before his passing. Funeral service was held in Morris Chapel, Bowmanville, January 22nd, conducted by Rev. Mr. Green, Eniis- killen who paid a fitting tribute to his character by referring to exem- plary lives of his family. Interment was in the family plot at Mount Forest. 'Allan Besides his wife he is survived by two daughters (Irene) Mrs. Harold Weir, London; (Elsa) Mrs. Howard Grass, Columbus, and four sons, Earl of California; Robson, Barrie, God- frey and 'Wilfred, Darlington Town- ship, ' All were present at the final ex- cept Erle who spent a month with his parents in the fall. Mrs. Bowman is an invalid. MRS. FREDERICK A, HYLAND ~ In failing health for several years, Bernice Luella Hyland, entered into rest in Whitby Hospital, January Tth, 1968. - Deceased was born on the 6th con- cession of Cartwright, on October 8, 1889, the daughter of Abram and Elizabeth Bradley Beacock. In 1904 she was married to Frederick Hyland and they took up farming on Con. 6, Cartwright (one mile West of South Nestleton) where they lived as long as health permitted. ;Before her marriage she was a member of the Blackstock Methodist church and choir. After her mar- riage she joined the Anglican Church where her husband was a member. She was a member of the W.A. She was also past Mistress and loyal worker of Pride of Cartwright LOBA. Mr. Hyland March 8th, 1966. She is survived by three sons, Byron of Omemee; Clifford of Toronto; and Arthur on the homestead and nine grandchildren Also surviving are four sisters, Mrs. Viscars Beatty {Eazel), Dunsford; Mrs. A. Moffatt (Vera) Toronto; Mrs. Steinmetz, (Rhoda), Arizona; Mrs. W. Hahden (Edith) - Boston, - and one brother Austin, Blackstock. Four brothers, Herman, Roger, Fred and Harold pre- deceased her. Funeral service was held January 9 at McDermott-Panabaker Chapel, con. ducted by Rev. E. 'W. Fuller of the Church of the Ascension, Port Perry, with interment jn St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Blackstock. The pallbearers were Gardham Tre- win, Blackstock; John Beacock and Beacock, Nestleton; Harold Beatty, Dunsford; Ross Hyland and Azolton Biglin, of Oshawa. Friends attended the funeral from Toronto, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Lind- say, Dunsford and Omemee. Among the floral offerings were tokens from Toronto General Trusts Co., Cartwright LOBA, and Civil Ser- vice, Millbrook. predeceased her on Brooklin Players Dominate Scoring Race The Brookline Combines are curr- ently heading their eight team Junior "C" loop and the individual scoring statistics. Six of the players in the top sixteen are members of Cliff John- ston's high-flying squad. Vern Fer- guson and Jackie Germond are tied for the runners-up position éach with 86 points. Wayne Redshaw, Bill Cor- nish, Neil Pascoe Bob Carnegie are well up on the list. Newmarket's Mar- cel Hessier, one of the neatest puck- jugglers in the group, leads the parade with 28 goals and sixteen assists for 39 points. Unionville's Stan Thornington fs the Jet's top marksman with 11 goals and 11 assists for 22 points, Centre star "Nebbie" Gayman is close behind with ten goal and 11 assists for 21 points. Linemate John Darbyson has collected 9 goals and 7 assists. The list to date is as follows: Woman Killed Near Columbus An Orillia mother was killed and six others were sent to the Oshawa Gén- eral Hospital as the result of a head- on collision near Columbus on Satur- day afternoon, The accident occured just north of the sixth concession of East: Whitby Twp.,. on the Oshawa- Port Perry highway, Killed instantly in the crash was Mrs. Edna Mae Henderson, 45, of For- est Ave., Orillia. Taken to the Oshawa Hospital were her husband, William Lawrence Hen- derson, 48, suffering head injures.; Their daughter, Linda, 5, with a broken left arm and head injures; Their son Larry, 7, who was releas- ed following treatment; Mrs. Florence Edith Cory, 34, of 47 Cromwell Ave. Oshawa with a frac- ured wrist. She has since been releas- ed; her husband, Roy Thomas Cory, 46 with an injured left leg. He has been released, Mrs, Mary Nichols, 58, Mrs. Cory's mother, with a fractured left arm and fractured left leg. The Hendersons were coming from Orillia to Oshawa to visit some friends and meeting the northbound Cory car, driven by Mr. Cory, The Cory family were on their way to Columbus, Just as the cars approached each other, say police, Cory attempted to pull his car farther to the right to leave more space on the road for the Henderson vehicle. His car skidded and before it could be brought back under control, the two vehicles collided head-on. 1 Mrs. Nichols was thrown out of the the Cory car by the impact. Both vehicles- were completely de- molished in the crash. Cpl. Ted Grubb and PC David Kern ohan of the Whitby Detachment of the OPP, investigated. The former Edna Mae Sadler, the deceased was a daughter of the late George and Mary Sadler, She was bo'n in Toronto on July 8, 1912 and wes married in Whitby on Jan. 27, 1932. Mrs. Henderson had lived in Orllia since July 1, 1957. Previously she hed resided in Pickering and Oshawa. Besides her husband she leaves tvo daughters, Mrs. Ray Wrenn (Evelyn) of Port Perry and Miss Linda Hender- son of Orillia and two sons, Ivan of Kirkland Lake and Thomas of Oshawa, Also surviving are a brother, Will- iam Sadler of Oshawa and two grand- children, Patsy and Michael Wrenn. and a brother Clarence. The memorial service was held at the Armstrong Funeral Chapel at 1.30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 29, en by Interment in Groveside Cemetary, Brooklin. Rev. George Tel- ford, minister of St. Andrews United Church, conducted the services. No Raise for Uxbridge Police Chief The Chief of Police in Uxbridge hed requested a raise in salary which wes denied by Council. At last night's 32s sion of the Uxbridge Council the Night Constable was granted a slight incre1- se in salary and unlimited mileage n connection with night patrolling of Uxbridge Town. Jr. Farmers Enter T.V. Competition The Junior farmers 1h Ontay o, York, North Simcoe and So¥th Simc e 18 is the Junior Farmers' Motto, Counties have entered an Inter-(»o. Junior Farmers T.V. Competition. T e four entries will appear separately on Channel .3, Barrie, at 6530 pm. n Tuesdays of February 11th, 18th, 26:h and March 4th. The theme of the. Ontario Cou ly entry on Tuesday, February 11, 1° 3; '" i 4 She was predeceased by a sister, Helen J 7 Por G A Pts Tessier, Newmarket 28 16 39 Ferguson, Brooklin 17 18 3b Germond, Brooklin 16 20 386 Million, Newmarket 11 16 27 Redshaw, Brooklin 13 11 24 Cornish, Brooklin 4 10 14 2 St. Pierre, Alliston, 13 9 22! Thornington, Unionville "11-11 22 Cain, Newmarket 9 12 21 V Gaythan, Unionville 10 11 21 Carnegie, Brooklin 11 7 Peyne, Bowmanville 7 10 Pascoe, Bowmanville 9 8 Massoneuve, Newmarket 9 7 Darbyson, Unionville 9 1 H, Tran, Whitby 2 14 17| Help and Community Bettermer ". 17; The Committee in charge is Marily n 16. Smith, Lois Tregunna, Wesley Jol 16} son, Ron Werry and Bert Pearscn, 16, chairman. vs. BROOKLIN - Sat, February MEA RL oT

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