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Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Feb 1958, p. 4

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a a , Lt a i He Rg Dn 2 Fea pe A Seas nga nl, 5 (Le) Sot a Vin yo H « 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, 10568 LOCAL NEWS Birth HOUGHLAND--To Bruce and Jean (nee Taylor) a daughter, Esther Irene, at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry on Thurs. Feb. 6th, 1968. Death GREENAN -- At the General and Marine Hospital, Collingwood, on Fe- bruary 7th, 1068, Péter Greenan, be- loved husband of June Baldwin and dear father of Judith, brother of Mrs, Bob Dunn (Margaret), Mrs. John Lynch (Nell) and Mrs. Clifford Reid: (Catherine) in his 43rd year. Funeral conducted from the Chatterson Fun- | eral Home, Collingwood, Mon,, Feb, 10, Temporary ihterment at Presbyterian Vaults, Collingwood. Death RUDDY, James--Entered into Rest at Fairview Lodge Whitby, Ont., on Thursday, February 6, 1958, James Ruddy, beloved husband of the late Hazel Parr and brother of Mrs. John Roach, of Windsor. Funeral was held on Monday at 2 p.m. from Chapel of McDermott - Panabaker, Port Perry. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. Card of Thanks CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Rev. E. W. Fuller, B.A., L.Th., Rector Sunday, February 16th-- / 7.00 p.m.--Evening Prayer. 2 ¢ ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. B. Simpson Black, B.A, B.D. Interim Moderater Sunday, February 16th-- 11 a.m. Sunday School" 7 pm. Evening Worship REV. J. Y. GARRETT, Preacher & PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. 8. Linstead, Minister Sunday, February 16th-- 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. ~ Morning Whorship and Jr. Sunday School Le "The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE" I wish to thank my friends and neighbours for the kindness shown me while in hospital, also for the flowers,' cards and gifts. A special thanks to Drs. nurses and staff of the Community . Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. * Grace Bassant. Announcement Mr. and Mrs, Ross Wallace wish to announce the recent marriage of their daughter Muriel Ailene to William George Graham, sn of Mr. and Mrs. Orr Graham of 'Balsam, Manchester Mrs. Alex Hewitt, Carnarvon, 'Miss Carrie Cowan, Toronto, Mrs. John Roach and daughter 'Mrs. Wil- son and Mr. Ross -Roach, Detroit were with. Mr. and Mrs. A. Roach over the week-end. Deepest sympathy is extended to Mr. Gordon Flewell, Isobel and Douglas and the Johns family their bereavement. Mrs. A. Fielding and Elaine were with relatives in Midland for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crosier visited Mr. and Mrs. Vyrtle Crosier, in To- ronto on Sunday. The Women's Association met at the home of Mrs. Theo Stevens last Thursday afterncon- with an attend- ance of twenty-seven. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Crosier with hymn and prayer. Mrs. Stevens read the lesson. Mrs. Allan Jackson gave a most interesting talk on the 23rd Psalm as a basket of sweet peas. Following prayer by Mrs. Jackson a hymn was sung. Mrs. Cawker pre-|: sided for a business session. The minutes of January meeting were read and approved and roll was an. swered by twenty-four members. Many sick calls were mgde. Thank you notes were read also. a letter of appreciation from Mr. Lynn Fair for lunch served by the W.A.for annual Holstein meeting for which we re- ceived $60.00. Rev. Mr. Braham has secured the alleys for Manchester to bowl on the evening of March 11th, Committees were arranged for the year's meetings, The meeting closed with theme and Ode. Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Crosier served lunch. Collection $6.20. Mr. Gerald Crosier, Toronto, spent the week end with his grandparents here, M. B. Dymond & Kandel, the om in, MINISTER: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A., B.D, Sunday, February 16th-- 10.16 a.m.--Scugog Church 11.16 a.m.--Scugog "Head" S.S. 11.16 a.m.--Manchester Church 1.16 p-m.--Prospect Church ~- I> "Now is the judgement of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. And], if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me." said Jesus. Come and worship with us. United Church WMS Mrs. Clifford Love presided at the February meeting of the afternoon Auxiliary Tuesday, Feb, 11th, Members were reminded of the World Day of Prayer service, Febru- ary 21st in United Church. Mrs. Love gave a brief report on Oshawa Presbyterial executive meet- ing regarding Presbyterial meeting in King St. United Church Oshawa, Feb. 20th. Ladies were urged to attend the meeting, At conclusion of business session Mrs. Reesor opened worship service, The theme of service-- "Looking to Christ and not to Ourselves". - Mrs. Linstead read the scripture lesson from Philippians and led in prayer. Mrs. Cornish reviewed the 3rd chap- ter of study book--*"Cross and Crisis in Japan". The meeting closed with Mizpah benediction. Tea was served by Mrs. Reesor's group. 8.00 p.m.--Scugog Church CAUSEWAY BOWLING LANES Friday Nite Doubles starts at 9 p.m. sharp Open Bowling til 9 oclock Everyone welcome. AUNT JEMINA Raisin Pie Filling, Bath Size Lux Soap ee © Monarch Pie Crust Mix .... Ho Buttermilk Pancake Mix Ap Red Rose Tea, 60 bag size ..... OPEN EVENINGS -- ap TUESDAY AFTERNOONS For Free Delivery Phone 485W Jle. Le. .. 1%. sey 20 0z. 39¢. oi... 2 for 29. { Coming Evenis Monster Bingo Monday Night, February 17th, 1958 at 8 pan. in the Red Barn, Oshawa, 20-- $20, games; §--$30, games; one jack- pot of $160. and two Jackpots of $260. Door Prizes. Admission' § 00. Notice * 'Lake notice'that the Municipal Cor- poration of the Village of Port Perry has petitioned to the Lieutenant- Gov- ernor of Untario and the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Untario for a Private Bill to authorize the is- sue of debentures for the amount of $50,000.00 to cover an expenditure of $49,000.00 incurred in exploration for a well site, well development and test- ing to provide an additional watér supply to the Village of tort Perry and incidental expense thereto, 'The entire debenture debt of the municipal Corporation of the Village of Port Perry as of December 81st, 1907 was $404,000.00. The amount of the rateable proper- ty of the Municipality according to the last revised assessment roll of the Corporation is $1,639,189.00, J. J. Gibson, Reeve. John F, Raines, Clerk-Treas. Feb. 20, 1968, nt | Lions Spring Ball The Port Perry Lions Club will hold their Annual Spring Ball some time during April. The date will probably be announced in two weeks. Euchre 1 'Utica Hall, on Saturday, Feb. 16th at 8.830 pm. Lunch provided. Ad- mission 60c, * Valentine Dance The 0.N.O. Valentine Dance will be Recreational Centre Blackstock. Mont- gomery Orchestra in attendance, Dan- cing 9 to 1. Admission $1.00 per per- son. Refreshments and Prizes. Feb. 13 Guide Mothers Meet MEETING OF GUIDE AND BROWNIE MOTHERS January 28th, 1958 id The January meeting was held on the regular day (the fourth Tuesday Witherspoon, with 18 members pre- sent. standing and repeating the Guide pro- mise. Mrs. Lane was then requested to give the Nomination Committee report. The following officers were elected for the year 1958: President--Mrs. D. Milne Vice-president--Mrs. J. K. h Witherspoon ' Secretary--Mrs, Anne Spears Treasurer--Mrs. N. Heayn Badge secretary--Mrs, F. Crawford The treasurer's report was read and after all bills were paid a bank bal- ance of $73.65 remains. The advisability of securing Christ- mas cards to sell in the Fall was dis- cussed. It was moved by Mrs. Roach and seconded by Mrs. Baker thay we get cards again. Mrs. Lane ed we also get every-day car Hill offered to secure the name of a compnay who sell attractive cards and let us know at the next meeting. Mrs. Lane was also to secure infor- mation. y The president asked that we save our Betty Crocker box tops, in- case there is another offer next year. Since the canvass for the Building Fund fs to be carried out in the month of February, it was thought bést not to plan a Guide Mothers project for that month. However the Mothers thers' rag collection. The expenses of the Scout Hall were. discussed, followed by ideas for mak- ing money. It was moved by Mrs. Witherspoon, and seconded by Mrs. St. John, that we have a bazaar in May on a Saturday afternoon at the Scout Hall, -conveneérs were suggested: Aprons--Mrs, Lane Bake table--Mrs, Baker and Mrs, Jefford Candy table--Mra." Spears Sewing table--Mrs, St. John and Mrs. L. McDonald Tea table=Mrs, H, Carnegie Parcel post--Mrs. Len, Clarke Salad ete. ~Convener to be arranged It was unanimously agreed we add held on Friday, February 21st in the}. of the month) at the home of Mrs. The meeting opened by everyone were urged to support the Scout Mo- ; The following tables and | the evening's collection'to the $6.00 donated by Mrs, Dy. Dymond to buy material for the bazaar. In this way we were able to give $16.26 to Mrs. Lane who agreed to look after the purchaging of material, It was moved by Mrs. Jefford and seconded by Mrs. Baker that owing to the Guide Mothers financial situa- tion, no offer be made to the Scout Mothers to assist with the purchase 'jof the new stove. The Guide Mothers agreed to cater for the Father and Son Banquet to be held at the Scout Hall on Tuesday, Feb, 18 at 6.830 p.m, 'It was decided Mrs, Clarke would. phone the Group Leaders and they in turn phone the Mothers and see if enough food and donations can be given in order that we not charge the Group Committee, enabling them to add the price of the tickets sold for this banquet to the Building Fund. Results to be given at the next meeting. For our March effort it was moved by Mrs, Witherspoon and seconded by: Mrs. St. John that each of the four groups have a candy sale, The first sale, conducted by Group one, to be held the first Saturday in March. The town will be divided into four parts. and the girls sell in a different sec- tion of town each of the four weeks. For our April project it was moved by Mrs. Baker and seconded by Mrs. Lane that we have a box social. Ad- ditional entertainment (possibly col- oured travel slides) to be decided la- ter, for this evening. The meeting closed by all voles ing the mizpah benediction. A social hour was then enjoyed by all and a delicious lunch served by Mrs. Adder- ley's group. Blackstock Chu Vestry Me On Monday, Feb, 3rd the Annual Vestry Meeting was held in the Parish Hall, It was a wild, windy bk Hall with snow drifting up all around, but hive nevertheless there was a reasonable attendance of faithful Church-mem- bers, and those who attended were well rewarded for their éffort to be! present. x Canon Chaperlin was the chairman, and the religious exercises included a remembrance before God of those who had "passed on" since the last annual meeting, namely, Mrs. Lydia Mary Hall, William Lamb, Henry Thomp: gon and John Smith. = . Mr. George Wolfe was re- lasted as Vestry Clerk, and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Canon Chaperlin present- ed his verbal report of the state and progress of the- Church during 1957, after which the Churchwardens pre- sented the financial report, which was: adopted after some explanations were $ asked for and made, was. noted By: that the finances were in a good con- LR dition, and the Synod assessment and'|$ the allotment -for the Diocesan Mis. |§ sion Board ware adopted for the cur- | Mr. J. Hamilton presented |% rent year, the report of the Advisory Council, of which he is the Chairman, andf3 Miss Eva Parr presented her repoft | All these |& and the | thanks of the meeting were offerad |} to all those responsible for much solid | $s as Envelope Secretary. reports were well received, work and for their very keen interest. Canon Chaperlin re-appointed Mr. Frank Staniland as his warden for the year, while the Theeting re-elected Mr, Gunes Walle so 80 Pope Warden. / The selewing were oppoluted and |e or elected as Sidesmen:--Messrs. H, McLaughlin, J. Hamilton, Neil Bailey | and Harold Orawford, and Mr, Harry | ed 85 Delegate at the Synod. Parr was re-elected as is Ba retary; after which the, Advisory |* Council was appointed, namely, Mes- | B18, J. Hamilton, A, Bailey and Mrs. j I Smith, and the following for the organisations .of the Church: -- For the Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. J. Hae ilton; for the Junior Auxiliary, Mrs. J. A. McArthur; for the Church Boy's League, Mrs. F. Hamilton; for the Sunday School, Mr. George Saunders; for the Anglican Young People's As- sociation, Mr, Lawrence McLaughlin; for the Men's Club, Mr. Hénry She- milt; and for the Cemetery Board, Mr, Fred Hamilton, ; 'w kan lssted to be. the Lay was R. Nesbitt, L Hamilton and H. Me. Laughlin, A letter from \ the 'Pihiop o Tok onto was read with regard to the Hall. These matters were fully dis- cussed, and it is hoped that appro- priate action will be taken in due course. 3 After the closing prayers and the Blessing the meeting adjourned. 00070, 80% 370, 90, 0 00 #0 10,40, P10, 50 40 20 ANNUAL OPO SOPOEOPOPOROROFOROPORIROPOPOPORD Liberal Association of the Federal ~~ Riding of Ontario NOMINATING CONVENTION AND Whitby Town Hall fhe | Weinesiay, Feb. 19, 1855, Spm. RC sate ; ' ER MEETING | CROP SCETBOPOEOEOIOPOPOFOPOPOPOIIIOPOPOSOPOSOPOPO MOS RC OO RRs oR ed BOPP AADBOIIAD ROSAS BBIBDOPOBOSD Music in the air-- Coffee dancing in the percolator . --=still dreaming? No-- - just the joys of waking up, electrically. --electrically. Tigo The vacuuming Is soon done while the clothes swish themselves clean The magic of electricity enriches the leisure hours - it has helped to create. . Refrigerator-frash boron 'n eggs look good--cook 'good in an electric frying pan. Toast, too, in a jiffy electrically. ' The clothes are no'sooner washed than they're fluffily, spotlessly -- elec- drically dried. With a host of power td tools "to help -- father § proves how electricity saves time, effort, and money. Shaving or showering -- hot-water is plentiful - and cheép, heated elec- trically. Li AA The freezer keeps eox- citing food variety to hand. Clean, cool, electric cooking cuts out the Hocrriclty has made the record player a focal point of teenage enjoy. ment -- and relaxation for all. - : ey a ' we all belie ve in il Let the dishwasher face ' ~ the day's dreariest task. ' Enjoy fiving--slectrically. ~The average family can: . enjoy magical, electrical living for less than-25 'cents a day, Elettricity makes more of playtime. Electric toys re "great fun -- when "Junior .can get a look inl --dy 'magical living 'Like most of her oodempomsias Cinderella had a tough tines until her Fairy Godmother came along to grant her wishes. Fairy Godmothers are still scarce, but miracles are commonplace. 'Remem- ber this--every time you flick a switch, a wish is granted, another heartbreaking chore. vanishes--stress, strain' and anxiety disappear. ; What's more, electricity goes all the way and enriches each neWa'N > found leisure hour with true relaxation, : PORT PERRY HYDRO ELECTRIC SYSTEM "When Buying Electric: Appliances Patronize Your Local Dealers" LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY = THE Sars, CLEAN, MODERN way a new addition proposed to the Parish -

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