8-THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 20th, 1088 Blackstock Mesds, J. Rahm, M. Byers, D, Dor- rell, E. Larmer, J. McKee, P. Van- Camp, L. Byers, W. Archer, 8S. Van- Camp and A. Bailey attended the W. . I, District Annual at Newtonville on Wednesday and all felt it was a day well spent. The provincial board member enlightened the members dn duties and privileges of W. I. mem- bers. Miss Frances Lampman, Home Economist gave an interesting talk on Junior Girls Work and extension ser- vices. Blackstock W.I. members had worked very faithfully on the Quilt Block Book, which was to be entered and judged at the District Annual. However the other W.I.'s had decided the time was too short to prepare it 80 our local was the only one entered. After this book of blocks and its handsome binding had been displayed a unanimous vote by the over a hun- dred women present decided at Blackstock should receive the prize." In the United Church Sunday morn- ing a beautiful painting of "The Good Shepherd" by the Dutch Artist C. Reyn was dedicated by Rev. P. Romeril. This picture was presented by their family in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy who pas- sed away in the autumn of 1956, af- ter a life time of service in church and Sunday School. Two grand- daughters Elain Mountjoy and Janice Byers unveiled the picture. The choir rendered the Anthem "The Lost Sheep" with Mrs. Lorne Thompson and Glenn Larmer taking the solo parts. Rev. Romeril delivered a fine sermon on "The Good Shepherd". Donna McLaughlin on behalf of the C.G.I.T. presented a Cradle Roll en- rolment form with the thirty mem- bers names thereon to the Sunday School on Sunday morning. Superin- tendent Ralph Larmer thanked the C.G. LT. -* Sixteen Scouts and their two lead- ers, thirty-six Cubs and their six lea- ders attended Divine Service in the Presbyterian Church, Nestleton, on Sunday morning. Rev. Campbell de- livered a fine address to them. Sympathy is extended Mr. Norman Green on the passing of his brother, John in Peterboro Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Green, Jack and Don attend the funeral service at Omemee and in- terment at Port Cunnington Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Belyea and Nancy of Brondo; Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Wannon and Carol, St. Mr. and Mrs. E. McNeil and Dougie, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mount- joy and family; Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hoskin and family; Mr, and Mrs. Murray Byers and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy and family, en- joyed a family get-to-gether at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gra- ham on Sunday, after attending the morning service. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Milt Hanlan on the birth of a daugh- ter ir" Lindsay hospital Friday; and to Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Larmer on the birth of a son in Oshawa hospital, Saturday; also to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Lawrence on the birth of a son in Oshawa last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawrence are very happy to be grandparents. Mr, J. A. Scott had. the misfortune of having his car catch on fire while on the road to Oshawa last week and was completely ruined. Mrs. Foster Ferguson and Mrs. H. Trewin, Ottawa called on several friends in the community last week. Mrs. John Scott spent a week in Ottawa. Mr. Bruce Ferguson, Mr, and Mrs. Jim Hannah and Rose Ellen, Hamp- ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dorrell Wednesday evening. Catharines; | Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kyte; Mr, and Mrs. Howard Forder spent Wednes- day in Buffalo, Mrs. Lewis Henry spent Last week with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Webb and Donald, Cooksville. - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes accom- panied Mr, and Mrs, Malcolm Elford, Port Perry on a trip to Ottawa, Que- bec and the St. Lawrence Seaway, over the week-end. Lorraine Dayes and Joan Elford spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Sutton, Orono and Jim Dayes,' visited David Gray, Cadmus, Mrs. H. Hawkin, Port Perry, visited Mr. and Mrs, Leith Byers "for the week-end. Rev, and Mrs. Campbell, Nestleton were Sunday Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn and boys. Mrs. Wesley Bradburn spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Carter, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs, Merrill Henry and family, Bowmanville visited his par- ents Mr, and Mrs. L. Henry, Satur- day. oir. Roy and Miss Sandra Fergu- son attended the wedding of Mr, Ron- 'ald McNaught and Miss Barbara Spencer in St. Paul's Presbyterion Church, Oshawa, Saturday. Miss Ethel Thompson is spending this week with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Swain and fa- mily visited her parents Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wheeler, Hastings, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. G. Marlow attended the General Motors banquet in con- nection with the Golden Milestone Contest, which was held in the Cafe- teria of the New Plant, Saturday evening. _ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Forder and family attended the wedding of her sister Miss Vera Howsam and Mr. David Richardson in Queen's Way, United Church, Toronto, on May 8th. PR a NN 18 Going on 19 Birdseye Center Pool will start on its 19th year this August -- with a clean record--no fatalities ; no serious injuries in all these years. BIRDSEYE CENTER SWIMMING POOL Will Open - May 31st at 10 a.m. 1958 SEASON TICKETS $5.00 -- ym ADMISSION 25c¢. each Where else can you have so much pleasure for $5.00? > for use of playground equipment and picnic facilities. Don't Forget- Saturday, May 31st, at 10.00 a.m. No extra charge - A New BREWERS' RETAIL © WILL OPEN AT Queen St. & Highway 1A PORT PERRY on JUNE 2nd. OOOO OOOO OOO OOP ORONO, DOOD DOO Rev. Wylie, formerly of Port Perry, officiated, i Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mountjoy, Warkworth, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain, attended the funeral of Mrs. Robt. Mountjoy in Toronto, Monday. Mr, and Mrs. N, Henry, Janetville, and Mrs. F. Bailey visited Mr. and Mrs. 8. Dawson, Oshawa, Sunday, A large number from here atten: . ded the funeral of Mrs, Frank Stin- son from Bowmanville with -inter- ment in Cadmus cémetery, Thursday. Sharon and John -Larmer are visit- ing their grandparents Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Larmer and Dayid Larmer the other grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowden, Maple Grove. » SEAGRAVE The May meeting of the W.A, was held in the Sunday School room on the evening of May 14th with north group in charge of worship service. Under the leadership of Mrs. MacNeil the meeting opened -with hymn, "0 Word of God Incarnate" and Mrs. B. Dowson leading in prayer, Scripture verses were read by Mrs. King and a -vocgl duet "Sweet Hour of Prayer" rendered by Mrs. Abraham and Mrs. Tobin, The May topic on Meditation was read from the topic card by Mrs, Boe. Mrs. MacNeil gave a paper on Distractions,' taking as an example the story of Mary and Martha, how easy to be distracted away from the finer things of life. A poem, entitled "The Perfect Guest" was read by Mrs, Dow- son. Hymn "Lord Speak to me" closed the devotional period. MacNeil 'asked each one present to offer a word of silent prayer for one of our members, Mrs. Gladys Stone who is at present in Lockwood clinic, Toronto, having undergone a major operation, Mrs. Keen then took charge of the meeting for the business reading a verse on Success. Roll call taken, showing 26 members. Two new mem- bers were welcomed to our association and one paying their annual fee. Col- lection of $6.46 and penny offering of $1.30 was received,. Minutes were read and approved. The W.A. con- vention was announced for Thursday, May 22nd in Cannington, Mrs, | Mrs, Tait | read several thank you notes and re- ported $4.00 in donations received. It was reported that the church plates had arrived and decided that 10 dos. hangers be ordered, It was decided to have the baking sales during the summer to begin on June 27 with north group in charge. Plans were made for the anniversary Supper on May 27. Hymn and bene- diction closed the meeting." A sale of plants and bulbs by north group was held and lunch with a friendly chat brought the evening to a close. Mrs, Keen, Mrs. L. Tait, Mrs, Eagle- son, Mrs. MacNeil, Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs, "B. Wanamaker attended the W. A. convention at Cannington on » Thurs- day. Mrs, and Mrs. S. Reynolds of Port Perry, Mr, and Mrs. G. Cherrie and Mr and Mrs. T. Hodgins, of Scugog, Mr, and Mra. A. Nichols, of Pleasant Point, visited with Mr, and Mrs, R. Reynolds on Surday and attended the anniversary services. Mrs. A. Boe, of Bowmanville, visited | ney Mr. and Mrs, O. Boe for a few days last week and on Sunday Mrs, Couch 'of Prince Albert, Mr, and Mrd, Wilson Boe, of Beaverton, Mr, and Mrs, Don. Boe of Bowmanville, were visitors at the Boe home, Mr, and Mrs, W. Tristram and boys, Mrs. Tristram, Sr.,, Toronto, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Eagleson on Sunday; Mr. Eagleson returned home with them for'a few days. Manchester : On Thursday evening, June bth, the Women's Association will enter- tain. Seugog and Prospect Associa- tions in the Churéh. Miss Wesley of Uxbridge will be the guest speaker, . Mr. Martyn De Haaf and family have moved into the farm lately pur- chased by him from Mr. Wm, MeCart. ine C. Cowan, Toronto, was With: the Roach family for the week-end. * Congratulations are in order to Mrs. Sandison and Mrs, Samells and pupils for the fine performance of their pupils at the music festival. * Mr. and Mrs, Hedges and Paren of Whitevale called on Mr. and "Mrs. Ww. F. Crosier on Saturday. - Mrs, Lawrence Midgley y entertained ten little friends of her sister Vicky McCartney on Saturday, on the oc- casion of her tenth' birthday. Next Sunday Rev, Mr, Braham will be back from his vacation and will be the speaker, : Mr. and Mrs, Frank Way, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Way, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Campbell, all of Toronto, were Sun- day guests of Mrs, Dolly Roberts and children, 'Good Reading for the Whole Family News Facts « Fanily Features The Chelstion Sclence Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Mass. checked. "Enclosed find my check or , money order. | year $18 [J 6 months $9 0 3 months $4.50 O Name ® State Zone ~Cily Send your newspaper for the time - i LET YOUR brn PHONE 32W YOUR MENU MAKER [] CHOORE SOMETHING TEMPTING FOR EACH MEAL From Our FRESH ASSORTMENT of Goodies : a WEEK-END SPECIALS \ "Chocolate Date Layer Cake" "Lemon Pie and Tarts" GERROW' S BAKERY OO 1 OA I BAKER BE "Pecan Roll" . G. M. GERROW Wing Steak . Layer Bacon .... PHONE 29 i 7c. RRR | Wieners ....................Ih 45c. | y FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK " "The amily: Butcher" - PORT PERRY PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 7! hat nen pickups offer full-width tailgate, more loadspace, more load protection? CHEVROLET PICKUPS with hoxes up to 9 ft. in length and GVW's from 5 to 1 thousand pounds! With two body styles, three body lengths and fen handy, hand- some models, Chev- 'rolet pickups are way ahead in meet. ing your requires - ments, = oa | Name the model with the biggest panel body size of all! CHEVROLET Model 3805 with 10- - foot body built for bulkler loads oo than any other made! It's the only one-toa panel in the industry == ten feet long by almost six feet wide -- off => fully 213 cublo foet @p load-space! And it's only one of six Chevrolet _ panels! Which all-new forward control delivery vais offer Jull-n 1dth rear doors? 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