SR WA Lin 4 Te NEA Na a RR HL ERY Rat EAE PEP i HET RRP INR 6---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 17th, 1068 BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE | "oe, acces. Ba Are your Policies up-to-date? wishes to announce the opening| HOUSE FOR SBALB-- Port Posy bi Whatever your insurance needs °f & 18W office at his home on{ conventional modern styling. 'Double ---- Painting {| "mu py Chickens $149 | Coming Freshly Cooked off the Electric Spits every hour-- Caleb St., Port Perry, from 9.00 rage. Forced conditioning may be consult am. to 12 noon on Saturday iy 4 plece dais ouliitig hn lL" $ ; EMMERSON INSURANCE. | Mornings. Tr cluding frig. & stove. Deep 'base- =o YUkon 6-2421 PORT PERRY | _ Mortgage loans arranged, |ment. All 'conveniences. Close to h : school, bus, business section. Rea- Evenings by appointment. |gonable. Frank McCammond. Phone YUkon 65-2127 YU gus Port Perry TF R 0 0 F I N G Associated with 2 / . -- '#11 Noon to 11 pm. Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. : Manning F. Swartz, AERP Have Your Painting Done ~~ §|| Phonevour reservations lo BRUNTON FARMS, YU. 62473 OF ALL KINDS 26% King St, East Oshawa | phone Yukon 56-7858 tf : a Bavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, | july17 : by Experienced Painters AEH ! Estimates given on all kinds WANTED -- Live Poultry. Best of work, Hi hest Pp : prices paid. M, Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL - EARL WALLACE 10 Ir 1CeS Telephone 7-r-18 collect, Aug.28 : ! : Workmanship and Material Guaranteed Satisfactory. Port Perry PAID FOR LIVE POULTRY ; L T FOR SALE -- 'Ponies, male and 3 . ® Swat female. 'Riding 'and 'driving. Phone arm »ervice OSHAWA, ONTARID FOR SALE--First litter Sows, due AL ELLIS Dead Horses, Cattle and Hogs Cull Collect RA yin 27/68 Soon; Wes MVE IRN TN : ' Vv. Milne, Blackwater. Ph - ; picked up for disposal. land Py ' "ng i PHONE BLACKSTOUK BW we BU nies oR | Sand, Gravel FOR SALE -- $2600.00 down. 7 | Excavating, Backfilling, Top Soll, ete. | room' 1% storey frame house, 4 piece | Phone collect: Uxbridge 541, bath, hot water heating with oil, 2 ae 8 ree ROSS BANDISON hardwood snd fnlaid 'linoleum floors, - Woadvilly 33-1) R.R. 4, Port Perry . screens and storms. 'New gars; > Fd P ec oni Phone Yukoii 56-7759 Sept. 25/68 centrally located. YU 6-7981. Fb : HOMES -- L arge and Small BERRY PICKERS WANTED -- WHOSE NUMBER IS THIS AFTER JULY 6th* July 30, 1955, que, : ! from 12 years and up, Phone YU 6- and buildings of all kinds ) ! 2749 or YU 5:7704. © July 24 vd YUk Be 1 Dead Farm Stock Gardens Ploughed on 5:258 APARTMENT FOR RENT--cent- Repairs and Remodelling No Garden Too Small [rally located. Separate entrance. WHY IT IS THE ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Trees and Shrubs Pruned. | Heated. Phone YU 6-265. Julyl? NEW DIAL NUMBER : S00 Mutorsals and Workmanep arated. Picked up Promptly General Garden Work : ' : 5 . - - » For fastest service Phone collect H T M [] FOR SALE--Standing Mixed Hay, Our House Designing Service ' Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 o 40340 ris about 20 acres. Demera Bros. Phone | il Sg MO WN PORT PERRY FUELS "2 MARGWILL FUR FARM Phone YUkon 65-2324, Port Perry YU. 56-2797. Hai 7 Tyrone, Ont. August 28/68 : AL EADINGY bf Coal. Ad (PL. - Iho o oh 1S at your disposal. Aug. 80, 1958 | "DEE" | FOR SALE--Bay. and whife pony (J " Ny A : : -- i: ; : ; gelding, has been ridden by children. 2 i Lib : : sss | SEPTIC TANKS | oo te toe YO. 0100 'LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER € : HOLIDAY SPECIAL--386 MM Ko: yo : Singer Sewing ! cleaned by dak Camera and access. Like new. Port Perry, Ontario Phone YUkon 5-7391 d PUMP EQUIPMENT Phone YU, 56-7976. : 2 Machine Co Have your tank checked now before ° : trouble starts. 24 hour service FOR SALE--One of each, all Mas- [a - \ sey-Harris, 8 furrow plow, 6°ft. tiller, | ---- tt mn tt pt so ie mt St mt So mt an ot om 7 rn fn mt So mt mm om on Ho St oe oe Sot on. Sa Sm So 2mm Son Sm OSHAWA SERVICE DEPT. Port a, ARMSTRONG 226 No. 26 cultivator, No. 50 pick-up for | : ' 1 for ' Oct. 2/68] ®™Y self propelled Massey-Harris | : | ® © Combine, No. 44 Diesel Tractor. Ap- " ! % Sales, Service, Rentals, Repairs, - oly Merlin "Suggitt, "Nestleton R. R. ! from the peo ple beh I nd the | Needles, Oil, Bulbs (in stock) | MORTGAGE LOANS AVAILABLE |2, phone Blackstock 17-r-11. July2d I : | Call IN THIS AREA : : ; : on ! . 'FOR RENT--Four rooms in coun- ¥ ] h , go APP : : Cr i Hl d omens HOLDINGS LIM try home east of Blackstock. Write N : ei ep one sce ne in | es daraware Cust 2 8 LIMITED | po. No, 6, Port Perry Star, July24 : | PORT PERRY . YUkon 5-2211 5 JONES ds Lrrcar, a ; ; ters : S litters FOR SALE -- Spotted pony mare, P [1] R T P E R R Y ] tf1 bE: eo on ar ia) suitable for child. YU. 5-2726. | BR 1] (] - | " AE |r RA C5 tt | on ReNT--Rowme, 8 mile north p : C d G ] Ei of Port Perry. Phone YU. 5-2609. a 00a Gravel, Lic. Fr eepor i Silos FOR SALE--1000 bales mixed hay. | PROMPT and EFFICIENT | «Better by years of experience" Phone Blackstock 98-x-22. SERVICE y ¢ For your sand, gravel, crushed stone, Pe The exclusive Cor- FOR SALE--Electric Rangette in .rugated Wet Cast, | good condition. Sell reasonable, Ap- Vibrated Stave end |ply to Geo. Roberts, one mile south matched and steam |of Port Perry on Oshawa 'Road. washed sand and stone, also good loam. Call YUkon 5-7982 curved gives even : July 24 hoop bearing. Con- cave convex sides LOST--Black cat, 'male, part Per- Ellsworth Kennedy equalizes stave |s8ian, vicinity of Hwy 12 & 7th con. Port Perry, Ontario pressure at any silo | Children's pet. 'YU. 56-7575. a op san strength, | FOR SALE Yorkshire Boars, ser- | : just ask the man viceable /age; also calf 'for vealing. / : TELEPH ONE REAL ESTATE Who owns one. Larmer . Nestleton R. R, 2, SERVICE ! : INSTALLERS WILFRED WANTED--Fan blade assembly for | : \ FOR SALE OR WANTED "EVANS Toronto windmill. Phone YU. 65-2606 i REPRESENTATIVES Ranch land, Farms, Homes, Port Perry. : Commercial, Summer Properties. Diyilse © R. 3 13. BAL MRS. MARGARET BALLARD Phone Uxbridge 160-r- TF| FOR SBALE--Used Massey Harris -- | Self-Propelled Combine No. 80, 10 ft. Righs 104, Sunderland, On COTTAGES FOR RENT -- lake | cut, used 8 seasons, perfect condition. Sept. 4, 1058 Scugog, new modern summer cottages | Phone 87, Little Britain, Megacy Har- ! with 8 bedrooms, bath, shower, flush . ris dealer. TF GILLSON, SLEEP & McPHADEN toilets. Large living room, kitchen, FOR SALE--Used Allls Chalmers built-in cupboards, double sink, : Victor F Saas Tei alse McPhaden | "eV refrigerator, heavy duty ranges, Combine No, £5 og Seen: ed Mrs. Evelyn E. P. Allen hot and cold water, screéned|®8 new, comple recleaner i indrower. Phone 87 Little Britain in patios, lake front lots. Robert J.|¥ ) YUkon 5-2341 Rost Povey Parkin, R.R. 1, Little Britain, phone Massey Harris dealer. TF 26-r-14. ~, Julydl| ROR SALE--'49 Chev: Coach, ra- * dio, heater, good condition. $200.00| or best offer. Esso Station, Caesarea. Vigor Oil : Co. itd. || SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5, 10, 16 lbs; new pep. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. For body skinny because of New Reduced Prices-in Effect i yf ow) : little. Or'bu {ze and PREMIUM QUALITY he. Al drogeise, yo ® fe STOVE OIL .....covinvnriinnnnnnnnnnnn20¢. Per Gallon : FUEL OIL cocoon venir nns veer NOW 16% ¢. gallon Auction Sales 3 ; FOR DELIVERY PHONE SAT. JULY '26th--Adction Bale of : Modern 'and "Antique 'Furniture; the - ' ; property of the Estate of Mrs. M. ® § J Oshawa RA. 51109 Johnston, Manchester, Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 p'm. OC. Heayn, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. 2 . » 8 . 5 AER g % AIR : 3 - a Ad La Ch yd - Soe ht lp A i 3 ] ' OE She ANAS $ . 8 { 8 3 -- ay an ss ~ ER SAEs tA Sys ss