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Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Aug 1958, p. 1

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Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Ottics Department, Orava 4 PORT FERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1968 $2.00 per year. Single Copy bec. 4 Summer Wedding - Mr, Douglas; Howard Farndale and his bride, the former Miss Patricia Gerrow, are" pictured following their marriage, this summer in Port Perry United Church, The bride is the «*- daughter id Mr, and Mrs. Grant M. Gerrow of Port Perry and the bride- groom; the son of Mr.-and Mrs, Howard Farndale, of North Oshawa. The couple will reside in Burlington, Ontario. ® Golden Wedding A 'happy reyhion of around two hundred relatives, old friends and neighbours took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Reazin of Wick on Tuesday, July 29, 1958, on- the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary, Mr, and Mrs. Reazin were married by Rev. C. H. Hainer, the Little Brit- ain Christian Church minister in 1908. For two years they resided in the township of Mariposa, and then in 1912 moved to Saintfield, Ontario, where they farmed -for seven years, and thence. to their, present farm home at Wick where they have enjoy- ed thirty-nine years of théir married life. Mr. Reazin has always been an ar- dent lover of horses, and keenly in- terested and adept in the training and showing of such animals. Also being very fond of music in his eay- ier days he. was a member. of the ittle aian quartet, and took var- fous orchestral parts, violin, piano and cello with the Sonya orchestra. Mrs, Reazin has been actively en- gaged and associated with the Wo- men's Activities of the Church with __both Mr. and Mrs. Reazin following closely all community events and in- terests. The happy couple have one son, Glenn of Brooklin, Ontario, one daughter Irene at home oné daught- and one great granddaughter. For this happy event a colourful and lovely formation of gold and white ~strefimers flanked with roses, yellow, white and pink gladiolus and' other summer flowers was the setting in the livingroom where the honoured pair received assisted by Miss Irene Reazin and Mrs. Glenn [Reazin. Guests were invited into the dining-' room later in afternoon and evening where again sthe colour scheme| Wf this occasion was carried out in gold and white, A yellow and white chrysarithemum floral arrangement centred the attractively decorated table. In the afternoon Mrs, Stanley Aldred of Saintfield poured tea, and serving 'were .two granddaughters 'Mrs. Stirling Rice, Oshawa and Miss Ruth Reazin, Brooklin. In the evening Mrs. R. Harnidge of Lindsay poured tea with one granddaughter Miss Margaret Jeanne Reazin, Brooklin and a family friend, Miss' Gladys Me- Kee of Oshawa serving. Continued on Page 6. oF predecsstel, tive. grandehilicon | similiarly designed gowns of ballerina , blue veil completed their costumes. Anniver ary i 5 " Weddin lding LEASK : | Greenbank United Church decorated with baskets of blue delpiniums and white gladiolus and baby's breath, was the scene of a pretty summer wedding on Saturday afternoon, August 2nd, when Elaine Ruby Leask, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Leask, became the bride of Ralph Everett Dusty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rae Dusty, Beagrave, Ontario, * _The Rev. R. T. Chapin. performed the double ring ceremony and Mrs, E, Phair presided at the organ. Mrs. Douglas Williams, cousin of the bride, sang "O Perfect Love" pre- ceeding the céeremony, and "Walk Hand in Hand" during the signing of the register. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a waltz length gown of white nylon over satin with insets of point d'esprit lace. The bateau neck- line formed a net yoke edged with se- quins and pearls. Here finger-tip veil was secured by a tiara of stiffen- ed net in bandeau style encrusted with tiny shell beads. Mrs. Keith Sweetman, Port Perry, was the matron of honour for her sister, The bridesmaids were Mrs. Ross Snoddon, Valentia; and Miss Fayne Hooper, of Wick. They wore length white coin dot nylon organza, Short puffed sleeves, full skirts with wide cummberbund waist lines added to. their charm. Matching headpieces with blue forget-me:nots and small The bride carried a cascade bouquet of white roses.and the attendants nose gays of blue and white baby mums. John Leask was best man, The ushers" were Keith Sweetman and Lloyd Dawson. A reception was held in the church parlors. The bride's mother chose a cinnamon brown lace dress with beige and brown aggeasories, = The groom's mother who also received wore Tur- quoise with charcoal aqcessories: Both wore corsage of Sweetheart Roses. The«happy couple left on a trip to Chicago and points west. For travel- ling the bride wore a two-piece beige duster costume with tangerine ac- cessories with corsage of Better-time roses. On their return they will re- side at Greenbank, Out-of-town guests webe present '| from: Toronto, Whitby, Oshawa, Wick and Valentia. | School shows an overall percentage | Eng. Lit. 60, Alg. 62, Geom. 85, Trig The Cartwright Agricultural Soc- ety have added a new attraction to their fair in Blackstock this year, There will be a beauty contest for "Cartwright Summer Queen", All girls "of 16. years and over will be eligible and a queen and five prin- césses will be chosen, - The attraction will be presented in front of the grandstand and will run along with the horse show, This The examination results as releas- ed by the Department of Education, are listed. The Port Perry High of successful papers as 85.49% with approximately 179, being of first class honour standing, saventy- five and over. ASLING, Patricia: Eng. Comp. 69, Eng, 'Lit. 78, Alg. 53, Geom. 8b, Trig & Statics 66, Phys. 61, Chem. 71, Fr, Auth, 78, Fr. Comp, 60 BENSCHOP, Ericka: Germ. Auth, 65, Germ. Comp. B58. : BOULANGER, Claudette: Eng. Com. 56, Erg. Lit. 61, Geom, 50, Chem. 60 Bot. 5b, Zool. 60. BRAHAM, Terry: Geom. 91, Phys, 64 Chem. 80, Zool, 70. CARNEGIE, Robert: Eng. Comp. 76, & Statics 68, Phys. 74," Chem, 69, Fr. Auth. 60, Fr. Comp. 50, FISHER, Delton: Alg. 50, Geom. 81; Trig. & 'Statics 74, Phys. 80. FLETCHER, Bany: Eng. Comp. 60, Alg. 60, Geom. 78, Trig. & Statics 60, Phys. 68, Chem. 52. Cartwright to Choose Summer Queen at Fair Port Perry High School UPPER SEHONL RESULTS a will "provide a choice of entertain. ment. Girls will appear first in bath- ing suits and again later in street clothes, "Both appearances will count in the judging. °° There will be. a substantial cagh prize for the queen and five. addition- al prizes for the princesses. All girls wishing to enter should send their entry 'to the secretary of Blackstock Fair, Blackstock, Ont., before Aug. 18. 'FRALICK, Stephen: Eng, Comp.b1 GRAY, James: Eng. Comp. 50, Eng. Lit. 60, Geom. 60, Trig. & Static. 70 Phys 68, Chem. 83, Zool. 71, Fr. Auth, 62. HALLETT, Ken.: Eng, Comp. 61. HASTINGS, Gloria: Eng. Comp. 62, Alg. 60, Trig. & Statics 72, HEYES, Barbara: Botany 62. HONEY, Ralph: Botany 56, Zool. 55. JANNACK, Frances: Eng. Comp. 66, Eng. Lit. 52, Bot. 68, Zool. 57, Fr. Auths, bl. LUKAS; Jos.: Eng. Comp. 61, Eng. Lit. 66, Bot. 63, Zool. 67. PICKARD, Mary Louise: Eng, Comp, 66, Eng. Lit. 81, Alg. 70, Geom. 77, Trig. & Statics 64, Phys. 54, Chem. 74, Fr. Auth, 69, Fr. Comp. b8. 'PUGH, Sandra: Botany 66. SAMELLS, Donna: Eng, Comp. 6i, Eng. Lit. 66, Alg. 64, Geom. 70, Trig. & Stat. 77, Phys. 63, Chem. 68, Fr. Auth. 56, Fr. Comp. 50, TRENKA, Charles: Eng. Comp. 68, Eng. Lit. 64, Alg. 77, Geom. 83, Trig. & Stat. 90, Phys. 85, Chem. 84, Fr, Auth. 65, Fr. Comp. 50. white carnations. Wedding Greenbank United Church was the setting for the wedding on Saturday, July 26th, when Mary Jean Dobson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dob- son, was united in marriage to Ern- est Glen Till, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Till of Greenbank. -Rev. R. T. Chapin officiated at the | double ring ceremony. Mrs. Armour Martin of Sunderland was Organist. | Miss Janette Dobson, cousin of the bride, sang "The Lord's Prayer", and during the signing of the register she sang "The Wedding Hymn" by Han. del. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a full length gown of white Chantilly lace, The lace bodice was fashioned with a high petal- shaped V-neckline frosted with duins. The bouffant skirt featured i star 'shaped period headdress shower- ed with sequins and pearls. carried a bouquet of pink roses and On Tueslay night at the Fair- Grounds the Port Perry Merchants won their third game, score 10 to 4. Port dropped the first game of a two out of. three semi- final playoff series 'but they came back to whallop. the Pickering team 12 to 0 on Sat. Chapin, They were in waltz length cover taffeta with floral headdresses | carried bouquets of white carnations. ! cessories. She wore a corsage of Lest- | French lace over satin, with navy ac- se- cessories and pink rose corsage, a front panel of tulle and side tiers to |the east coast. the back alternating in lace and tulle. | bride chose a two-piece ensemble of Her fingér-tip veil was caught into a ' coffee-brown . She Port Perry Merchants Take Third Game From Pickering Mrs. Wilmot Phair, sister of the bride, was matron of honour. The bridesmaids were Mrs. [Ross Real, sister of the groom, and Miss Joan dresses of coral-pink silk organza of white sweetheart rosebuds. They Mr. Ross Real was best man, The ushers were Mr. Hugh Dobson and Mr. Jack Goode of Peterborough. At the reception held in the church parlours, the bride's mother received wearing a dress of dusty rose crepe with lace trimming and matching ac- ra Hibbert roses. She was assisted by the groom's mother in bright blue The happy couple left pn a trip to For travelling the linen, with matching hat and accessories. She wore a cor- sage of cream-orange roses, On their return they will reside in Greenbank. Brooklin team for the League finals soon, Next week the Port Perry team will play Cobourg on Wed. Aug. 20 for the first game of a series in the Intermediate "B"" playoffs for Ontario, - neni Give the home boys your support next week. -- 6.30 p. m. at the Fair The Merchants will be meeting the Some of our summer visitors are concerned because the local dryg stores ard not regularly open on Sun- day. Coming from a locality where the drug store is always open on Sun- day, and where one can buy almost anything from a toothbrush to soft drinks they feel quite 1gst when they find the drug store locked. However, if it is soft drinks or a bromo seltzer for a head ache, (or is it aspirin you take), these can be .pro- which do remain open on Sunday. Jn a conversation with one of the druggists recently. he stated that he had never refused ts obtain medicine IN OUR TOWN ... THE DRUG STORE = things we needéd during our weekend venience. cured from the, restaurants or Dairy |' Grounds. or supplies needed for a real emer- gency. His name is on the store and the phone booth is handy. No one in need has been turned away. Sometimes we are a bit thoughtless, and if we have forgotten to buy sopie- | shopping it is hardly considerate to ex- pect the drugstore _ to remain open so we can make up "the loss at our con- Times are changing, without doubt!, but we might try to see that we give consideration to the rights and priv- eleges of others when we think of our own rights and priveleges. , | chair and Councillors I. A, Boyd, Art '| rehabilition of well No. 1 by July 28, Minutes of Regular Meeting, "Aug. 11 the Council of the Village of Port Perry held in the Municipal Office on Monday, Aug. 11, 1958 at 7 p.m. Present Reeve J. J. Gibson in the Cox, Frank Godley and W. T. Harris. READING OF MINUTES: It was moved by W. T. Harris and seconded by I. A. Boyd that the min- utes be adopted as typed. Carried. BUSINESS RISING OUT OF MIN- UTES: Report on Plans, Specifica- tions and Costs for new Municipal Property reported that the plans are not quite ready and that™a Special Meeting will have to be arranged to deal with same. RAILWAY & .POWER ENGINEER- ING: advised by letter dated July 28, 1968 that they must proceed with the 1958 or that other arrangements will have to be made. Mr. N. Houston confirmed his tele- phone conservation by appearing at Council Meeting and explained that the delay was caused by having trouble with his personnel. He stat- ed that the water has a high iron con- tent but by using cholorine to remove the iron from the screen and by lift- ing the pump for any necessary re- pairs that the well could be put in first class condition, Council was assured that the cost to date would only be for two days work in the a- mount of $60.00 and that he would proceed. with the work this week. Mr. Ed. Weeden attended Council meeting to explain the request for a building permit from Mr. Arthur Every and a reply to his letter. PASSING ACCOUNTS: It was moved by I. A, Boyd and seconded by A. T. Cox that the following state- ment of accounts be and is hereby authorized for payment. . Port Perry Town Council Minutes of a regular meeting of Office. Councillor Boyd, Chairman of | TENDERS FOR OIL SPACE HEAT- ER complete with 200 gallon tank for Fire Hall: Reeve J. J. Gibson open- ed the tenders which are as follows, Pickard Hardware, furnace of 93.500 B. T. U. with one large hot air regis- ter, $696.00 and with four outlets $675. Wes. Lane Plumbing & Heating; 87,- 000 B. T. U. $640.00 } The Clerk was instructed to thank the above parties for their tenders and state that Council has decided not to purchase a furnace this year for the Fire Hall, COUNCIL PROPOSE TO USE RE- SERVE ACCOUNT FOR OFFICE: It was moved by W. Harris and sec- onded by Frank Godley that the Clerk request permission from the Depart- ment of Municipal Affiars to use the Reserve Account to help defray ex- penses on the new municipal office. VACCINATION CLINIC FOR DOGS at Fire Hall, August 18, 1958 from 10 to 12. a.m. and from 6 to 8 p.m. This service is offered free of charge by the Canada Department of Agri- culture and all owners are urged to present their dogs for vaccination. KEYS FOR CORPORATION GAR- AGE STOREROOM: It was moved owner is entitled to be a municipal elector, Court of Revision for the Village of Port Perry to be held Oct. 18, 1958. The above date has been proposed by Council and approved by the County Assessor, Letter from Mr. G. D. Hepditch stat- ing that the hearing of the appeal of the Corporation of the Township of Law No. 1935 will be at the Court House Whitby on Oct. 29 & 30th. at 10.30 respectively. Application for Hospital Care Insur- ance for Municipal Employees, Coun- cil decided on standard ward, PHONE FOR FIRE HALL: It was moved by A. T. Cox and seconded by I. A. Boyd that a phone be installed in the Fire Hall. Carried. It was left with the Clerk to phone J. & J. Taylor Ltd. Toronto re safe for Municipal Office. ADJOURN: It was moved by Frank Godley and seconded by I. A. Boyd that Council adjourn. Carried Wedding BELL-SMITH - STENHOUSE In the chapel of Deer Park United Church Patricia May Stenhouse, by A. T. Cox and seconded by I. A. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyd that a key to dll municipal build- ings be left in charge of the Clerk- Treasurer at all times for the use of the reeve and other town employees. Carried. Mr. Allan Bond requesting Water Service on Scugog St. Council 'de- cided to extend the water main about 500 ft, in that area so as to take care of several new users. Letter from Mr. F. C. Hastings, Weed Inspector stating that it is difficult for a weed inspector to cut weeds un- til our own are-cut. The chairman of Roads reported that he is prepared to look after the weeds on the streets. Letter from Dept. of Municipal Af- fairs re copy of the Assessment Act General Depart. ............... 3,936.78 Street Maint. & Con............ 10,684.52 Property and Parks ......... 299.70 New Municipal Offices ........ 476.06 Truck & Tractor Acct ............ 42.10 Sdewalk Dept. ............ 264.62 Waterworks O.W.R.C. ......... 27.20 Waterworks Dept. ..... 63.79 Hydro-Electric Dept. ........... 902.82 Carried. | According to the above amendments 16,696.59 the husband or wife of a person rated | event on Saturday will be in the after containing the 1958 amendments and also advising that by Proclamation the Honourable the Lieutenant-Gov- ernor has named Friday the 18th day of July as the day on which these a- nfendments shall come into force. Stenhouse of Edinburgh, Scotland, be- came the bride of Pelham Frederic Marlett Bell-Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pelham Bell-Smith. The Rev. Theodore Poulter preformed the cer- Szymanski and the groom was attend- ed by his brother, James Bell-Smith. After a tea at the Granite Club, the couple left by plane for New York City. They will reside in Bermuda. The groom's mother was formerly Frances Mellow of Pore Perry. Bull in Lindsay August 22 and 23 Official word has been received that the six fighting Mexican bulls have been cleared out of Mexico and are now in the state of Texas on their way to Lindsay. It is also announe- ior entitled to be rated for land as 1 ed that the bullfights on Fri, Aug. 22nd will be under flood lights. The 100n as previously announced. First trans-Pacific jet-prop service from North America to the Orient will be inaugurated by Canadian Pacific Airlines this month. Canadian Paci- fic's 400-miles-an-hour, 100 passenger Bristol Britanna jet-props begin twice weékly service between Vancouver and Tokyo, August 24th. With its ability to cruise up to 5,000 miles without re- fuelling, this "long-winded" jet-era transport is ideally matched against the long-stage route pattern,of C.P.A. Another First For Canadian Pacific Flying time to Tokyo will be 12 to 18 hours as the aircraft cruises in the |( smooth sub-stratosphere six mileg above the earth, On arrival, C.P.A.|t aims to ensure that Canadians become | intimately acquainted with the Orient. || built in 1252, (lower left); with the )saka Castle, one of Japan's. most beautiful feudal structures (mext to he Buddha); flower arranging, an ancient and skilled art,. demonstrated iere by a modern Japanese maiden; Vacationers taking advantage of Can-|and (right lower corner) is Hong adian Pacific's 28 day "magic carpet" | Kong. Uninhabited only 100 years tours through Japan, Hong Kong, |ago, Hong Kong is u shopper's para- Manila, Bangkok, and Honolulu will |dise. Today this "free port" offers see such exotic sights as the gigantic | duty-free goods from the markets of bronze Buddha at Kamakura, Japan, | the world. 5 0 HAWA FAIR - 3 Days - Aug. 14 - 15 - 16, starting 5D. RRR St ed MB Bs oy TnI. TPR rn hp \ IN), TO-NIGHT fo Reach against the Equalization By- . emony. The bridesmaid was Miss Lily - NANA I Poi Ch oS AGES, a pe pc 0 2 . Shahar Sh. Ms ST TE va gn w pag! fr A

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