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Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Sep 1958, p. 7

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ob j ® - Port Perry Fair Prize List (Continued from last week) Class 1--Clydesdales Yeld Mare or Gelding--1st Heber Down, 2nd Heber Down. Heavy Draft Téam in Harness-- Heber Down. Light Draft Team in Harness-- i Heber Down. / Class 2--Belgians or Percherons Yeld mare or gelding, Belgian--V, Mark, V. Mark, L. Stephenson, L. Ste- phenson. \ Yeld mare or gelding, Percheron-- W. Shea, L. Evans, L. Evans, K, Hob- | den, a Three year old Filly or Gelding-- S. Nesbitt, L, Stephenson, C. Avery. Brood Mare with Foal--W. Shea, W. Shea, C. Avery. Foal of 1968--W. Shea, C. Avery, W. Shea. . : One year old Filly or Gelding--W. Shea, L. Stephenson, K. Hobden, K. Hubbert. Two year old Filly or Gelding--S. Nesbitt, L. Stephenson, K. Hubbert, C. Avery. Heavy Draft Team in Harness, Pe:- cheron--L. Evans, W. Shea. Percheron Team in Harness, Light Draft--W. Shea, K. Hobden. Belgian Team in Harness, Heavy Draft--S8. Nesbitt, V. Mark, L. Ste- phenson. . Belgian Team in Harness, Light Draft--L. Stephenson. SPECIAL--Four Horse Team--R. Cochrane, H, Down, W. Shea, L. Evans, A. Mark, L. Stephenson. Class 3--Wagoii Horses - Team in Harness -- Alvin Mark, Russell Cochrane, Single Horse, hitched--A. Mark, R. Cochrane, A. Mark, R. Cochrane. - Team hitched to suitable vehicle-- R. Cochrane, Fred Cookson. Single Horse, hitched--A. Mark, R. Cochrane, R. Cochrane, ¥. Cookson. Beat Horse on Grounds---H. Down Best Team on Grounds--H, Down. Class 4--Carriage Horses - Team, Mares or Geldings, hitched --Allan B. Mann, Allan B. Mann Single Mare or Gelding, over 16% Single Mare or Gelding, over 156% bands--I, Cochrane} I. Cochrane, A. Mann, A. Mann, Single Mare or Gelding, 16% hands and under--L. Hoskin, I. Cochrane, A. Mann, G. Cochrane, Half mile race, single--A. Mann, A, Mann, I. Cochrane, I. Cochrane . Gentleman's Turnout--I, Cochrane, L. Hoskin, L. M, Blight, G. Cochrane. Lady Driver--~L. 'M, Blight, Lorne Hoskin: £ Saddle Horse -- Mayrose Farms, Miss Dawn Weddup, L. Hoskin, Ray Cochrane. Half mile 'race under 16 hands--A. Mann, L. M. Blight, I. Cochrane, G. Cochrane. Class 6--Ponies Brood Mare, over 12 hands, with Foal--Ray Cochrane, A. Cawker, G. hands--A. Mann, A. Mann, M, Lacey. Hil Single Mare or Gelding, 16% hands and under--A, Mann, A, Mann. SPECIAL--Best Type Horse, Road- ster or Carriage on line--A. Mann, L. Hoskin, I. Cochrane, G. Cochrane. Class 5--Roadsters Brood Mare with Foal at side--L. M. Blight, Gloria Brent. Foal of 1968--Gloria Brent, L. M, Blight. Two year old Filly or Gelding--I. Cochrane, Garry Hayes Team, Mares or Geldings, hitched --I. Cochrane, A. Mann, A. Mann, I. Cochrane Half mile race, same team as above --A. Mann, A. Mann, I. Cochrane. Foal from mare over 12 hands-- Ray Cochrane, G. Hill, A, Cawker. Brood mare, 12 hands and under, with Foal--Ray Cochrane, G. Hayes, G. Hayes, Eddie Johnson Foal from Mare 12 hands and un- der--G@G. Hayes, G. Hayes, Ray Coch: rane, Eddie Johnson. Brood Mare 11 hands and under, with Foal -- G. Hayes, G. Hill, G. Hayes. Foal from Mare 11 hands and un- der--G. Hayes, G. Hayes, G. Hill Pony Team other than Hackney-- Ray Cochrane, Garry Hayes. Pony in Harness, over 12 hands, mare or gelding, other than Hackney + all around the clock... you live beter... ELECTRICALLY ry rs ve "In dozens of ways, every / day, electricity helpsmakeyour life more pleasant, more comfortable. It lightens your * household tasks--and because so many modern electric appli- ances are automatic, you have more time to devote to your " home and family. You'll find electricity the 'most dependable servant you can have. It does its work safely and efficiently... costs only a few cents a day. live hetter...ELEGIE j Heaafp, chow odo. oy | " FA PORT PERRY Hydro Electric System 1ICALL 5 ~--QGarry Hayes, Lorne Hoskin, Pony 'in Heruess, 12 hands and un- der, mare or Gelding, other than Hackney--Mayrose Farms, G. Hayes, C. Vernon, Ray Cochrane Hackney Pony Team -- Ray Coch- rane Hackney Pony in Harness, open-- Ray Cochrane Johnston's Special--Mayrose Farms . Class 8--Aberdeen Angus Bull, two years & over--M. Bailey, R. Marquis Bull, one year and over--M. Bailey, R. Marquis, M, Bailey, R. Marquis * Bull ealf under one year--M. Bail- ey, R. Marquis, R. Marquis, M. Bailey Cow, three years and over -- M, Bailey, M. Bailey, R, Marquis, R. Marquis : Heifer, two years and under three --M. Bailey, M. Bailey, R. Marquis, R. Marquis Heifer, one year and under two-- Bailey Heifer calf, under one year -- M. Bailey, R, Marquis, M, Bailey, R. Mar- quis Herd of 6 animals--M. Bailey, R. Marquis, M. Bailey, R. Marquis Three Animals, get-of-sire -- M. Bailey, R. Marquis, M. Bailey, R. Marquis Baby Beef, any breed -- M. Bailey, R. Marquis, M, Bailey, R. Marquis The T. Eaton Co. Special Hog Competition 1. Floyd. -Stinson, Janetville 2. Harvey Graham, Nestleton 8. Larmer Bros., Nestleton 4. Terry Malcolm, Janetville 6. Howsam Bros. Uxbridge, R. 3 Champion Carcass-- Howard Malcolm, Janetville Reserve Champion-- - Floyd Stinson. Class 14--Fruits Coll. Apples--Lloyd Smith, D, Mo- slenko, Keith Mark Courtland Apples--Lloyd Smith, D. Mosienko, K. Mark Baldwin Apples--Lloyd Smith, K. Mark, D. Mosienko Northern Spy -- Lloyd Smith, D. Mosienko, K. Mark Greening--Lloyd Smith, D. Mosien- M. Bailey, R. Marquis, R. Marquis, M. | ko, K. Mark Red Spy--Lloyd Smith, K. Mark Snow Apples -- D, Mosienko, K. Mcintosh Apples--D. Mosienko, L. Smith, K. Mark Talmon Sweet--L, Smith, K. Mark Melba Apples--Lloyd Smith D. Mo- sienko, K. Mark St. Lawrence Apples--Lloyd Smith, K. Mark Wealthy--D. Mosienko, K, Mark Delicious--D. Mosienko, L. Smith, K. Mark " Stark--Lloyd Smith, K. Mark Blenheim Pippen--K, "Mark, Lloyd Smith. : Clapp's Favorite Pears -- Lloyd Smith, Bob Snelgrove, Mrs. A. Walsh Bartlett Pears--Lloyd Smith, Mrs. Grainger, D, Mosienko A.0.V. Pears -- K. Mark, Mrs. N. Wilson, Bob Snelgrove Lombard Plums--Irwin Smith Reine Claude Plums--K. Mark Cartwright Twp. Council The regular monthly meeting of Cartwright Municipal Council was held on Tuesday, September 2nd in the Township Hall at 8.30 p.m., with Bruce Ashton presiding. Deputy Reeve and two Councillors were present. A card of appreciation was read from the wife and family of the late Councillor Carl McLaughlin, The Reeve express- ed for himself and the rest of the Council his deep regret and sorrow in the tragic passing of the late Coun- cillor, who was so highly regarded by everyone who knew him and who on first try for public office had toped the poll for Councillor. He had proved himself an energetic worker and a strong supporter of right and fair dealing. After a brief silence in re- spect to the vacant chair the clerk was asked to send a message of sym- pathy to the widow and two small boys. - The Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, and on motion of Councillors VanCamp and THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPT. 11th, 108 -- 1 Gibson, adopted. A delegation of cot- tagers from Scugog Bay were present and requested many minor repairs and some major changes in the present road layout. A deputation from Cad- mus made a complaint about certain matters including illegal signs being posted on the roadway. A request from the Scugog area that the coun- cil do something about low water level in the lake and the terribe condition of same., A letter was instructed to be written to the Minister of Trans- port regarding some possible improve- ments. A request from~8,S, No. 8 for a transfer of Six Hundred Dollars ($600) plus an extra hundred or two to meet immediate school expenses, was moved by Jack Green and Bert Gibson, Mr. Fred Trewin was present and demanded a clean-up job of a certain eye-sore where the road was changed around the corner adjoining his pro- 1 perty and completion of a promise p | wood as visitors. Myrtle Manns op- made and project started some two year ago under a different administra- tion. On motion of Bert Gibson and Jack Green the Road Superintendent was to proceed with the job. Messrs. W. Wright and H. Forder representing the Agricultural Society presented a request for the usual $200 grant and were granted same on mo- tion of Merl VanCamp and Jack Green. Permission was advanced by council for repairs of the sprayer and instruc- tion of a book stand for the office to store old ledgers and roll books. The clerk was asked to enquire into the circumstances concerning a new relief assistance request. Also to make the necessary enquiry re ordering Mem- orial Wreath for the Cenotaph. The business of filling the vacafey in the Council was necessarily discussed be- cause of a new 1858 amendment to Chapter 243 Sec. 169 (1) & (6) which included the word "councillor" into that section, Due to loss of all official records of last election regarding the standing of candidates next in line it was moved by Bert Gibson and sec. by Merl VanCamp and carried unani- mously that the clerk enquire from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs and legal advisers the necessary procedure to follow, It was moved by Jack Green the Road Superintendent petition the Dept. of Highways for the interim subsidy. On motion of Merl. VanCamp and Bert Gibson the following bills and vouchers were inspected and ordered paid. ' Road Voucher No. 8, August $10,005.67 Gen. accounts, August ........ 2,049.20 A motion by councillor B, Gibson for October 6th, was carried. V. MALCOLM, Clerk. Scugoq The Head W.A. met for the Sept. meeting at the home of Helen Red- man on the evening of Sept. 38rd. la Little Child". There were nineteen members pre- sent and we were very pleased to have Mrs. Ashton and Mrs. East- ened the meeting with the theme prayer and all joined in singing "Can Joyce Heayn read the Scripture lesson from the book of Matthew, Helen Redman read our story called "The Praying Hands" to finish our devotional period. The roll call was answered by each member reading a famoos poem. Following the minutes of our last meeting reports from the treasurer and hospital auxiliary were given. It was decided to give ten dollars to the auxiliary to aid in the Penny Draw. New dishes for our church tea room were discussed. It was de- cided to have our menthly supper on Sept. 12th, and to hold our bazaar on Nov. bth. Rita Wilson read a humorous poem "A School Girls' Woe". Bonnie test- ed our powers of observance with a contest. Lunch was then served by Helen Redman's group, - i Ze! ONTARIO HOSPITAL [| INSURANCE pm -- -- = ___ REGISTER NOW -- Application forms for individual 'Pay- Direct' enrolment available at banks and hospitals. In communities without a bank, the forms may be obtained from the post office. Indivi- duals must register by September 30 to have protection effective January 1, 1959. IMPORTANT: Do not register as an individual if you are registered through a Group. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION TORONTO 7 « WA. 4-301 2 The canner must take care of purchases and payroHl before his pack is sold 4 When borrowing is sound business prac. tice, it is a simple, straightforward to arrange a loan from a chartered bank, Bvery day, in every part of Canada, the chartered banks are lending money to farmers, fishermen, producers, manufac. turers, processors and other commercial customers, large and small,,.to meet pay- THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING \Y our COMMUNITY t The farmer needs cash to finance operations until his crop Is delivered ooo so both are borrowing from a bank buy raw materials, market goods Oe of iiitade of Sania) Seen A bank manager {s constantly on the look» out for unities to =that's such loans Job, Bank loans are an essential part of the process that provides the goods and services that make life better for all Canadians, and seconded by Merl VanCamp that an adjournment until ;next meeting, 1

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